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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and alkthroughs of Zelda games

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Underworld Treasure Guide
Version 1.2
Written by Albert Ledbetter


Section 1: Version History         [Vhis]
Section 2: Introduction            [Intr]
Section 3: How to Get There        [Hget]
Section 4: Item Locations          [Iloc]
Section 5: Credits and Thanks      [Cred]
Section 6: Rights                  [Rite]
Section 7: Contact                 [Cont]


4/14/05-  Made the rough draft.

4/16/05-  Realized the chart was half-wrong, started over.

1/25/06-  Stopped being lazy, finished guide.

2/3/06-   Had some map addresses wrong.

10/21/06- After a slew of setbacks, finally got project onto the web.

INTRODUCTION          [Intr]

I know almost nothing about making a web page. Heck, I'll be lucky if this 
actually makes it to GameFAQs. But I'd been tinkering around with this glitch 
for quite awhile, exploring each and every room in the Underworld, and I
decided that if anyone else wanted to know more about it, they shouldn't have 
to spend as much time or effort as I did. Instead, I could use my knowledge of 
the subject to save you time and patience. You can thank me later ;)

Q: "What the heck is an Underworld treasure guide?"

A: I thought it was pretty self-explanatory, but whatever. Aaannyway, this 
guide does not pertain to the dungeons and caves in the game. There are other 
FAQ's and Guides for dungeons, so if you need help on those, you're in the 
wrong place.

Rather, this guide covers an area of the game that, under normal 
circumstances, is not supposed to be reached. This area (hereafter referred to 
as the Underworld) consists of every room of almost every dungeon and cave in 
Koholint Island. And as you already know, many rooms in the game contain 
treasure chests. So, by reaching this area, you will have dozens of treasure 
chests at your disposal.

The catch is that, for some reason or another, the game doesn't recognize 
which treasures are designated to which chests. As a result, the chests give 
random items, weapons, or special items. By making the most of this guide, you 
could potentially have almost every item in the game, even the Magnifying Lens 
and the Level 2 Sword, before you even set foot in a dungeon!

*Side Note: There are actually two Underworlds, but since treasure chests 
can't be opened in the second Underworld, I'll only cover the first.

Q: "What does this place look like?"

A: Here is a link to the map of the Underworld:


[I know the quality is low, but if you’re familiar with the game, you should be
able to recognize most of the rooms by looking at their basic design. Bear with
me, folks. ;)]


I’d like to take a moment to thank Artemis251 for the original maps of the
Underworld. Although your maps didn’t make it to the final project, they were
absolutely integral in the making of this guide. I literally couldn’t have done
it without your help. And if your maps ever become available again, they’ll be
here practically the next day! 

HOW TO GET THERE      [Hget]

Q: "Okay, I've got the map, so now how do I get to this fantasy world?"

A: It's actually surprisingly easy, considering the complexity of understanding
why it happens. Below are instructions for reaching the Underworld.

   1.) Start the game and kill any number of enemies. Depending on how many 
enemies you kill, the nature of the Underworld varies, including the contents 
of treasure chests. Killing 4, 5, 7, or 8 is preferred, as killing 0, 1, 2, 
or 9 do not lead to Underworld #1, and killing 6 will render you stuck inside 
a wall as soon as you enter the Underworld. You could kill 3 enemies, but 
since I've never found any items in the 3rd variation of the Underworld, there 
would be no point. I recommend going to the Mysterious woods to kill enemies, 
in preparation for the next step.

   2.) Go to Madam MeowMeow's house, but do not enter.

   3.) Move to the top right corner of the outside of the dog house, with 
half of Link's body touching the dog house, and the other half in open air.

   4.) Move down. If you were in the correct place, Link should be moved to 
the side a little. If not, go back to step 3.

   5.) Keep moving down until you run into the fence. Then hold Down+Left.

   6.) The screen should brighten as if you were entering a door. 
Congratulations, you're in!

   7.) You won't see yourself at first. That's because you're stuck in the 
top-left corner of the room. Just push Up+Left and you'll be okay.

Now you're free to do some treasure huntin'!

*FYI, once you press Up+Left, you're in room E3. Navigating through each 
variation of the Underworld can be tricky at times, especially walking through
walls. Sometimes if you're stuck in a gray wall, you can bomb your way out,
but most of the time, you can't.

ITEM LOCATIONS        [Iloc]

There are numerous variations of the Underworld. I've heard that there are 
about 255, but there may be even more! I don't have the time or patience to 
research each and every variation, so I've compiled a list of every treasure 
chest in a few of the variations. Almost every collectible is listed below, 
so the unlisted variations couldn't offer much that you can't obtain from the 
listed ones. This was VERY slow and mind-numbing work (especially since I use
the actual game cartridge, and not a ROM), so for your convenience, I'll list
all of the items, weapons, etc. that can be found, and you can simply Copy the
desired item, press Ctrl+F, Paste, and find the next occurrence of that word.
Before you do that, though, you should read the notes for the items with
asterisks next to them.

20 Rupees              Bomb
Bow                    Bird Key
Hookshot               Magic Powder*
Magic Rod              Magnifying Lens**
Ocarina                Pegasus Boots
Power Bracelet***      Roc's Feather
Secret Medicine        Secret Seashell****
Shield*****            Shovel
Tail Key

*Magic Powder: This is kinda weird. This chest doesn't actually give you any 
Magic Powder; it only places it in your Inventory if you don't already have 
it. If you already have some, this chest does nothing. Also, if you have the 
Mushroom found in the Mysterious Woods, nothing happens.

**Magnifying Lens: This chest is needlessly complicated, so I'll try to 
explain it as simply as possible. After you open the chest, pause the game 
twice. After the second time, you should have the next item in the trade 
sequence (for example, if you didn't have anything, then you'll have the 
Yoshi doll; the Yoshi doll becomes the pink bow, etc.). By reopening the 
chest over and over, you'll eventually obtain the Magnifying Lens. However, 
DON'T open the chest if you already have the Magnifying lens, because you'll 
lose the Lens and it will be replaced by some glitchy symbol that is not in 
the trade sequence. 

***Power Bracelet: This chest upgrades your Power Bracelet, if you have one. 
If you don't, you get a Level 1 Bracelet. If you have the Level 2 Bracelet, 
however, nothing happens.

****Secret Seashell: This chest only contains a Secret Seashell if you have 
not yet obtained the Level 2 Sword. If you have, the chest contains 20 Rupees.

*****Shield: This chest works like the chest containing the Power Bracelet. 
However, DO NOT open the chest if you already have the Mirror (Level 2) 
Shield! If you do, your shield gets downgraded, and will not have the abilities
of the Level 2 Shield.

Here is the list of what each treasure chest yields in each variation. Please 
note that any blank spaces are left blank because the chest can't be reached 
in that variation, and spaces with an "X" contain no items, only random 
dialogue from the game. I should mention that on the minus side, a chest can't 
be opened if you have already opened it in the real dungeon/cave, but on the 
plus side, all other chests are reopenable! Just go to a different room, then 
return. You can open chests any number of times this way.

Also, if you have beaten a mini-boss, don't go to their room, or the game will 
freeze. Actually, I'd just avoid all boss and mini-boss rooms and Instrument 
rooms altogether, if at all possible. One final note; NEVER open the chest in 
B-14 in Variation #7! It only freezes the game.

     |  Kill 4 Enemies  |  Kill 5 Enemies  |  Kill 7 Enemies   | Kill 8 Enemies
C-9  |   Blob Monster   |   Blob Monster   |         X         |   Magic Rod
C-11 |  Power Bracelet  |  Power Bracelet  |         X         |     Bomb
C-13 |         X        |       Bow        |         X         |      Bow
C-14 |         X        |     Hookshot     |         X         |       X
C-15 |         X        |     Magic Rod    |         X         |       X
D-4  |         X        |                  |  Magnifying Lens  |       X
E-1  |   Blob Monster   |         X        |     Magic Rod     |     Shield
E-3  |         X        |         X        |         X         |    Bird Key
E-15 |   Pegasus Boots  |       Shield     |         X         |       X
F-7  |         X        |   Magic Powder   |         X         |       X
F-8  |         X        |  Secret Medicine |         X         |       X
F-9  |         X        |  Secret Seashell |         X         |       X
G-7  |         X        |         X        |         X         |Secret Seashell
G-13 |         X        |         X        |  Secret Seashell  |       X
G-16 |         X        |         X        |         X         |     Shield
H-2  |         X        |  Secret Seashell |         X         |       X
I-1  |        Bow       |         X        |  Secret Seashell  |       X
I-6  |   Roc's Feather  |                  |                   |       X
I-9  |  Secret Medicine |         X        |     20 Rupees     |       X
I-11 |  Secret Seashell |     Magic Rod    |         X         |     Shield
I-14 |         X        |        Bow       |         X         |       X
J-2  |         X        |     Magic Rod    |     Magic Rod     |  Magic Powder
J-6  |         X        |         X        |         X         |  Magic Powder
J-10 |         X        |         X        |         X         |     Shield
K-15 |         X        |         X        |         X         |   Magic Rod
K-16 |  Power Bracelet  |         X        |         X         |       X
L-7  |         X        |         X        |         X         |     Shield
L-8  |       Shovel     |     Face Key     |         X         |     Shield
L-12 |         X        |  Secret Medicine |         X         |     Shield
M-1  |         X        |         X        |         X         |     Shield
N-1  |         X        |         X        |      Tail Key     |    Ocarina
N-2  |         X        |         X        |         X         |Magnifying Lens
N-4  |         X        |         X        |     Magic Rod     |       X
N-10 |         X        |         X        |       Shovel      |     Shield
N-15 |   Blob Monster   |                  |                   |Power Bracelet
O-1  |                  |         X        |         X         |Power Bracelet
O-10 |         X        |         X        |         X         |Power Bracelet
O-15 |         X        |         X        |         X         |Power Bracelet
O-16 |         X        |         X        |         X         |Power Bracelet
P-2  |         X        |         X        |         X         |Power Bracelet

When you want to leave the Underworld, just Save & Quit, and the game will 
restart you in the middle of Marin and Tarin's house.

*By the way, there are some other chests not mentioned above, but in Variations
4, 5, 7, and 8, there is nothing in them. If you want to check them out anyway,
here are the addresses:

B-13     B-14     D-5
D-6      D-14     F-10
G-3      G-5      G-8
G-15     H-1      H-4
I-15     J-7      J-9
J-12     K-4      K-7
K-9      K-15     N-7

**One more note (I know, sorry); if you want to obtain an item & you don't see
it on the chart (i.e. the Flippers), all you have to do is find a set of stairs
that is near the place that the item would be normally located, go through the
stairs, & make your way to the item from there (for example, for the Flippers,
you'd find the flight of stairs nearest the actual location of the Flippers &
go through them). The only downside to this is that if you Save & Quit, you'll
end up at the beginning of the Dungeon you were in (which, if you don't have
the right equipment for, or haven't properly accessed the dungeon, can leave
you in a tight spot once you exit). If you want to try to get the rest of the
game's items this way, I strongly suggest that you do your homework on the
entrances of each Dungeon, in order to avoid a catastrophe.


Whew! Finally Done! I'd like to thank:

GameFAQs.com & Neoseeker.com, for accepting my guide;

Nintendo, for making this game (and for not making the Underworld completely 
off limits);

Hugo Janacek, who I'm sure has no idea who I am, but whose guide was extremely

Artemis251, the unsung hero of the project;

The people of GamqFAQs' Link's Awakening DX Message Board, for inspiring me to
keep at it;

And finally, myself, for getting off my duff and finishing this guide.

RIGHTS                [Rite]

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other 
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright. Personally, I wouldn't mind if you printed this and 
showed it to everyone you know, as long as you didn't add to or subtract from 
it and you kept my name on it. But there are laws against that kind of thing, 
so don't try it.

CONTACT               [Cont]

I'm fairly sure that I made at least one or two mistakes in the creation of 
this guide. If you spot anything wrong, or have any other comments, 
suggestions, or complaints, you can reach me at kikaider1985@yahoo.com.

Copyright 2006 Albert Ledbetter

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