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Wellcome to Xsoft Hyrule Field - If you looking for help with Zelda game, then start here.
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All rights reserved. Any stealing, selling for profit or altering of this document without the author's expressed consent is strictly prohibited. You may download this file for personal and private use only. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a registered trademark of Nintendo. The author (Quan Jin) is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way or form. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)----------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: 1.0 - Version History 2.0 - Introduction 3.0 - Items 4.0 - Basic Controls 5.0 - Walkthrough 5.1 - Level 1 5.2 - Level 2 5.3 - Level 3 5.4 - Level 4 5.5 - Level 5 5.6 - Level 6 5.7 - Level 7 5.8 - Level 8 5.9 - Nightmare 6.0 - Mini Bosses 7.0 - Bosses 8.0 - Heart Piece Locations 9.0 - Secret Seashell Locations 10.0 - Easter Eggs and Tricks 11.0 - The Trading Game 12.0 - Monster List 13.0 - FAQ 14.0 - Final Words and Credits :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)-------------------- 1.0 - Version History -----------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: 0.8(release) - This guide is partially finished. The Walkthrough is pretty close to done and the rest of the guide is complete. Submitted to http://www. game-guides.tk.(8.25.03) 1.0 - Finished everything. The guide was submitted to http://www.gamefaqs.com. (8.27.03) 1.1 - A small update. Fixed a few grammar errors. (8.29.03) 2.0 - I changed the walkthrough a bit and nuked all forms of filler. (9.02.03) 2.1 - Changed the beginning format a bit. Add some new secrets and a new FAQ. Expect an Enemy's Guide sometime in the future maybe. (9.19.03) 2.2 - Minor changes. Spell checked document. I'm planning an enemies guide next revision so keep your eyes out. (9.28.03) 2.3 - As promised, I added a Monster List. Partially finished. (10.14.03) 2.4 - Finished Monster List. Expect a french translation of this guide later on by Miss Lufia. (10.16.03) 2.5 - Major format change. Hope you all like it. :) (1.19.04) 2.6 - Added the Mad Batter's lairs thanks to The Edd. Read the Secrets section for more information. (2.25.04) 2.7 - Major format change in the walkthrough. (4.11.04) 2.8 - Added http://www.honestgamers.com to the site listing. (2.02.05) 2.9 - Legal Information updated. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)---------------------- 2.0 - Introduction ------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: Zelda: Link's Awakening is another creation from Nintendo. Every Zelda game is extremely detailed and sometimes, confusing and hard to finish. That's really how all RPGs are. The Zelda series has been a popular one drawing millions of buyers in America, Japan, Europe, etc. This version of Zelda is a very popular one for the GB. Although it's one of the easiest to finish, some may still find it hard and even after five years from it's release, there are still some people that are playing this game. That's what this guide is good for. This guide is designed to help you through the game. Adding to that, I'll list the location of every Heart Piece and Secret Seashell. I hope you find this helpful. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)-------------------------- 3.0 - Items ---------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: Koholint Island is full of weapons and items that you can pick up and use. Some more effective than others. ---WEAPONS--- Sword - After finding it on Toronbo Shores, this will probably become your main weapon. It starts at lvl. 1 but if 20 seashells are collected, can be upgraded to lvl. 2. Shield - Not exactly a weapon but there's really no where else I can put it. This will be the first item you'd receive in the beginning of the game. Like the sword, there are two levels. You can upgrade it at the Level 7 dungeon. Magic Powder - I suppose this can be considered a weapon. Use it to kill or weaken enemies. Made from the Sleepy Toadstool in the Mysterious Forest. Bow and Arrows - You buy the bow at 980 rupees. After that, arrows must be bought separately. Bombs - A very effective weapon. You can either lay it down or throw it. However, it's really only effective against bosses and you probably won't be finding yourself using these a lot. They are also needed to find secret rooms and advance through the dungeons where walls may need bombing to get through. Hookshot - A long range weapon that doesn't run out like the bow and arrow. Boomerang - Probably the best weapon in the game. Taking out any in it's path. It can be acquired in a small, bombable cave in Toronbo Shores AFTER getting the Magnifying Glass. That's right, you can't just take it right away. Magic Rod - Another powerful weapon. Sets anything on fire. But it can only be gotten at a very late time. ---ITEMS--- Roc's Feather - Allows Link to "jump". Useful for small pits and such. When combined with the Pegasus Boots, it can jump larger pits. Ocarina - Found in the Dream Shrine. You'll need it and you'll have to learn a few songs to advance through the game. Pegasus Boots - A great charging weapon when used with the sword. It can clear crystals that are indestructable otherwise and can boost Link's jumping height and distance. Power Bracelet - A great tool for lifting rocks and pots. You get lvl. 1 in Bottle Grotto and you get lvl. 2 in Face Shrine. Sleepy Mushroom - Makes Magic Powder. Give it to the witch and she'll convert it. Shovel - Useful for finding rupees and hearts but it's needed to find one dungeon key and a few Seashells. Flippers - Allows Link to swim and dive. Found at Angler's Tunnel. ---POWER-UPS--- Guardian Acorn - Takes away half the damage every time Link gets hit. It wears away over time. It looks like a small oval and enemies will drop it occasionally. Piece of Power - Used only with the sword, the Piece of Power allows Link to dish more damage. It will wear away over time as well. It looks like a flashing triangle and enemies will drop it occasionally. Secret Medicine - You can buy this at Crazy Tracy's house. What it does is when all your hearts are gone, the medicine replenishes them so you don't die. Great for the final nightmare and later bosses that do some damage. ---DUNGEON ITEMS--- Compass - The compass allows you to see every unopened chest on your map. A tone will also tell you if a key(Small or Nightmare's)is hidden in a room. Map - Allows you to see the entire dungeon. The dark squares are rooms you haven't been to. The lighter squares you have. Nightmare's Key - Every dungeon has a boss. But before you can get to it, you have to find this key to open the door to their lair. Small Key - Required to open locked doors or keyhole blocks. Fragment of a Stone Slab - Allows you to read the various Stone Slab on each of the dungeon's walls ---OTHER ITEMS--- Secret Seashell - 26 in all, collecting 20 and heading to Seashell Mansion will get you the lvl. 2 sword. Very powerful! I'll list the locations of them in this guide so don't worry. Heart Pieces - 12 in all, collecting four will get you a new heart container. So that means you can get three new hearts in all. I'll list the locations of these in the guide as well. ;) :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)--------------------- 4.0 - Basic Controls -----------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: _________________ | _______________ | || || || |--------Screen || || || || || || ||_______________|| | _ | | _| |_ _ | Directional-----|_ O _| _ |_|--------A Button Pad | |_| |_|--------B Button | _ _ | Select Button--------'-''-'--------Start Button | | '._____________.' ============================================================================== >> IN GAME << ============================================================================== Movement: - Use the directional Pad to turn Link and move him around the map. World Map: - Use the Select button to bring up the world map which shows every landmark of Koholint Island that you have walked on. Inventory Menu: - Use the Start button to bring up the inventory menu where you select different tools to arm. Select Item for Button: - To arm an item to the A Button, put the cursor over it and press the A button. - To arm an item to the B Button, put the cursor over it and press the B button. - To deselect an item, pick another item to place in the occupied spot and click either the A button or B button. Talk or Interact: - Use the A button to talk or interact with a character or item. - Use the B button to automatically stop minor conversations. Back to the Start Menu: - Press Start, Select, A, and B to be warped to a screen asking if you want to save and quit or return to the game. Clicking on save and quit will bring you back to the start menu where you can choose another option. ============================================================================== >> MAIN MENU << ============================================================================== Choose an option: - Use the Directional Pad to choose an option and use the A button to select it. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)----------------------- 5.0 - Walkthrough ------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: I'll try to be as detailed as possible in this walkthrough. I played through the game twice using these strategies so I'm pretty sure they'll work for you. If not, ask me by email. If at anytime you wish to exit and save, press Start, Select, A, and B all at once. I won't describe Heart Pieces or Secret Seashells. Go to the other sections to find them. I will tell you to save every time we complete a major objective but you can save anytime if you have to leave. Keep in mind that after you save, you come to the last door or entrance you entered or exited. There are a few things to understand before reading this walkthrough. Instead of referring to up, down, left, right, I'll use north, south, west, and east. N ^ | | | W<----------|---------->E | | | V S When I use the terms one screen, two screens, etc. I'm talking about how many times the screen shifts to the next area. Get it? I'll take you through the dungeons the fastest way possible. Each level starts after the end of the last level dungeon by the way. I will list important phrases from certain characters like the owl and Marin so if you don't want any spoilers, DON'T read them. Note: There are lots of places to explore and find rupees, treasures, stuff like that. This walkthrough is for the sole purpose of completing the game so don't expect every little secret in this guide. -- THE STORY -- After months of travel and journey, Link sails back to his homeland Hyrule breathing a deep sigh of relief. Our young champion is exhausted although his worst was yet to come. At first, it started a small drizzle, barely something youd call a storm. However, as the day slowly turns to night, the diminutive drizzle immediately transforms into a raging storm. While Link frantically tries to bring down the mast and hold his boat together, a stray bolt of lightning strikes directly in the hub of our heros ship. Links boat, although sturdy and quite durable, was utterly no match for the raging bolt that effortlessly reduces it to splinters. Has Links crisis ended him forever? Washed up on the sandy beach of an uncharted island, Link lies unconscious and quite wounded. A young girl walks slowly, but excitedly towards Link. Finally getting the courage to investigate, the young maiden takes him for healing and reviving. Back at her dwelling, Link awakens seeing Zelda stationed right above him? But no, the young girl goes by the name Marin. "Whats going on?" Link wonders. Little does Link know that his plight is far from over. As Link gets out of bed, he figures he must retrieve his belongings and sort things out. That however, may prove a bit difficult. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.1 - Level 1 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ____________ ----{MABE VILLAGE}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You wake up in Marin and Tarin's house. Who are they. You'll soon find out. Now hop out of bed with the right D-Pad button. Talk to the old man in the right hand side of the room. You'll meet Tarin and receive your trusty shield. Your shield is now equipped. Now exit the room and you're outside...finally. Now you just need to find your sword. Head west until you are blocked and go down to two kids playing catch. Continue going south by falling down those gaps in the wall until you reach the shore. Remember to use your shield to block enemies. Now go to the east until you see a sea urchin like creature. Push it forward with your shield and you can now pick up your sword. However, before you get a chance to actually pick it up, an owl comes: "Hoot! Hoot! So you are the lad who owns the sword... Now I understand why the monsters are starting to act so violently... A courageous lad has come to wake the Wind Fish... It is said that you cannot leave the island unless you wake the Wind Fish... You should now go north, to the Mysterious Forest. I will wait for you there! Hoot!" Well, that was interesting. Now you can pick up your sword. Now, where is the Mysterious Forest? Well, first of all, make your way back to the two kids playing ball. I'll list the direction from that location. Actually, you don't really need any directions at all. Just head north until you reach a single bush. Slash it with your sword and the abnormally large owl again. You're going to have to get used to him as he appears a lot throughout the game. He says: "Hoot! Ho, brave lad, on your quest to wake the dreamer! Welcome to the Mysterious Wood! Much of mystery you will find on this uncharted Koholint island! I'm afraid you may find it a trifle difficult to leave the island while the Wind Fish naps... By the by, have you ever visited the Tail Cave, which is south of the village? Go there with the key you find in this forest... The Wind Fish is watching...Hoot!" ___________________ ----{ MYSTERIOUS FOREST }------------------------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? You're going to need to find the key. Don't worry, it's pretty easy even though you have some oppositions and a riddle to solve. Remember to use your sword to kill some of the enemies around. Go north and you'll meet two enemies. Kill them and continue north to meet another two enemies. Kill them as well. Head to the east to find another "two" enemies. Kill them and continue east through the little path. You'll find a lone enemy guarding a cave entrance. After taking care of him, enter the cave. You'll be in a room in a room with holes, crystals, two boulders, a chest, and a few Keeses. Take care of the enemies and break the crystals. Careful, the ground with cracks in them will break if you step on them for too long so be quick. Break all the crystals and push the boulder that isn't in front of the chest into the hole. Push the boulder in front of the chest either east or west and pick up your prize. 50 rupees! Now continue north and you'll meet two gels. They won't pop up until you near them. Kill them and continue to the path to the west. You'll now be in a room with lots of movable boulders and a heart piece. You can't get the heart piece yet so just move the boulders. The group of boulders closest to you are the ones you'll need to move. They're arranged in this fashion: [][] [] [] [] [] - 1 boulder [] You need to change that into this(note: if you want a more detailed way, email me.) [][] [] [] [] [] - 1 boulder [] Now exit the cave and pick up the mushroom to the left. Now head back into the cave. You can go north but there's nothing special there. Now you'll be stuck again with the rocks. [][] [] [] [] [] - 1 boulder [] Change that into:(note: if you want a more detailed way, email me.) [] [] [] [] [] [] - 1 boulder [] Go through the cave again and exit. Keep in mind that the enemies you killed before will be back. As soon as you're outside, go north one screen. There's a sword and shield enemy here so be careful. Continue going north until you reach a cave entrance blocked off by boulders. You can't access it yet but take out the enemies in the area and go east two screens or until you reach the heart piece surrounded by holes. Kill the enemies and go south. Don't attack the creature here as it will hurt you. Continue south until you reach the end. Go east one screen and you'll reach the Witch's hut. Oooooh! As soon as you're inside. Equip the mushroom to whatever slot and use it on the witch. She'll make something for you. It's magic powder. Take it as you need it to advance in the game. Now head back to the cave blocked off by boulders. I assume you know where it is. From there, head south two screens to the cave you went in before. Head west one screen and north one screen and you should see a raccoon. Talk to it and sprinkle some magic powder on it. Okay, now it's doing some crazy things and "BOOM," look who it is. If it wouldn't be Tarin. After a little explanation from Tarin, you can go north one screen to pick up the Tail Key. Hooray. Now the owl comes and says: "Hoot! Take the key and go to the Tail Cave. Retrieve the Instrument that is hidden there! Go now! The Wind Fish is waiting! Hooot!" Save now and head back to town. If you have 10 rupees,(I would hope so) head to the Trendy Game in the lower right hand corner of the town. Get the Yoshi Doll there and exit. Now, head to one of the houses in the northern area of town where there is a mother with a lot of babies. Give her the Yoshi Doll and she will give you a bow. Do you remember that big black thing that was chained to one of the houses in the eastern area of town? It's name is Bow Wow? Go there and head into the doghouse. Inside, you'll find a mini version of the one outside. Give her the bow and she'll give you a can of dog food. Now, head down to the two kids playing catch. From there go south three screens and then east three screens. Go inside the hut and talk to the crocodile like character. He'll plead for your dog food. Give it to him and receive bananas. Head all the way back to the two kids playing ball. We're going to Tail Cave now. From where the two kids are, go south one screen. Now go east until you reach the end. Cross over the barrier and continue west until you can't anymore. Go south one screen and then east. You're now at Tail Cave. _________ ----{TAIL CAVE}---------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Put the key in the slot by walking up to the keyhole and watch the door open. Since this is only the first dungeon, it should be pretty easy. As you enter head west one screen and push the monsters here into the pits. There no other way to defeat them but to push them off. Now, pick up the small key that falls from the ceiling. continue west another screen and you'll see a chest in the middle of the room. Be cautious, four gels will pop up and try to attack. Take care of them and pick up the compass. Head east two screens back to the entrance. Head north now and you'll be in a room with two small gels and another Hardhat Beetle. Step on the button thing to make a chest appear. Pick up the small key. Go east now and defeat the enemies in this room. A chest should appear. Open it to get a Map. Go through the one way door north and go west one screen. Defeat the enemy while avoiding the sparks. Open the chest to get another small key. Go west one screen once again and slash the enemy here. Pick up the 20 rupees. Go north now one screen and defeat the flying Keese. Walk up to the Blade Trap and immediately step back while it attacks. As it recoils, walk through and unlock the door with one of your keys. Now, in this next room, head east all the way to the end and go around the wall while avoiding the Sparks and Gels. Head west a few screens until you reach a closed door. Seems like a dead end except you can easily open it. The closest block to the closed door must be pushed. So push it in any direction by walking into it and the door magically opens. Go through the newly opened door and use your shield to flip the enemies on their back and then kill them. A staircase should appear now. Go down and kill the various Goombas. Continue forward and climb the ladder. Now that you're out, continue north until you reach a chest and two Blade Traps. Do what you did before to get past them. Open the chest to pick up the Roc's Feather. Now, head back and simply jump over the Blade Traps with the Roc's Feather. Continue back through the basement and head back to the room with the two spiked enemies that you had to flip with your shield. Head east and using your Roc's Feather, jump over the little pit to take a quick shortcut. Continue south while avoiding the various enemies until you reach the Mini Moldorm. Head east and take the path above the wall of blocks and go through the opening. You should not need to open a locked door. The opening is already opened. Head north that way and take out the Hardhat Beetle. Open the locked block and go right through. Continue down the path to reach the chest holding the Nightmare Key! Now, head all the way back to the room with a keyhole door. Open it with your last small key and and you'll find yourself in a room with a Mini Moldorm and a few sparks. Jump over the pit and go east. We're not going north because there's nothing there that interests us except a Fragment of a Stone Slab. You can get it if you want but there's really no point. Now, you fight Rolling Bones: ============= ROLLING BONES --- Difficulty: 2/10 ============= To defeat this annoying idiot, jump over the thing he rolls at you and attack him as much as you can with your sword. Repeat by jumping over it again and attacking once again. Continue until it's defeated. Now that you've got that taken care of, pick up the faerie that it leaves and continue north. Don't walk in yet as Blade Traps will attack you. Avoid them and open the Nightmare Door to the final boss. It's really quite easy: ======= MOLDORM --- Difficulty: 5/10 ======= The only way to defeat this hazard is to attack it's tail a few times. It will speed up occasionally and make you stress. Eventually, it will fall and die. Also, if it pushes you down the pits, you'll land in a basement and you'll have to fight him over again. Pick up the heart container. Walk north and pick up the Full Moon Cello. Congratulations, you've gotten your first instrument. It'll get way harder, believe me. Save now. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.2 - Level 2 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ____________________________ ----{BOWWOW AND THE GOPONGA SWAMP}---------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head west to meet the owl once again: "Hoooot! That is an 'Instrument of the Sirens!' I have to admit, at first I did not believe you were real... That Instrument, along with the seven others in the set, has the power to wake the Wind Fish! You must collect them all! I was instructed to give you directions... Your next goal is north, in Goponga Swamp!! Hoot, indeed!" Now head north and hop over the pit. From here, head west two screens and then north to meet two kids: "Hey buddy! It's serious! Yeah, really serious!! Yeah, it is! The Moblins came to the village! Yeah, that's right! A whole gang of Moblins! Then... It's for real! They all went to the house... Yeah, that house, and then they did something at Bow Wow's house!! It was a really bad scene, with the M-m-moblins! So, I mean, ahh! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... It might be faster to find out for yourself what happened!" Well, that was a bit strange. Now head to town and go to Bow Wow's house. It's the top most left hand corner house. Madam Meow Meow tells you that her precious Bow Wow was kidnapped. Time to head off to Goponga Swamp. Head to the Heart Piece in the Mysterious Forest surrounded by pits. I'll list the directions from Madam MeowMeow's house. Exit the house and head west one screen, north four screens, east one screen, north two screens, jump over the pit to the east and continue in that direction until you reach the Heart Piece. Jump over the pits, collect the Heart Piece if you'd like and continue north one screen. You're now in the Swamp. Continue east a screen and enter the cavelike entrance thingy. You have now entered the lair of the Moblins. Continue through it defeating every enemy until you reach the boss. =========== KING MOBLIN --- Difficulty: 3/10 =========== First avoid the arrows it shoots at you or just block them with your shield. After it does that, it'll dash at you, immediately get out of the way and hit him as many times as you can with your sword. Repeat until he is finished. Continue east to find Bow Wow. Free him and take him with you. Don't head down to Madam MeowMeow as she'll just ask you to take him for a walk. You're going to need him to finish the game of course. Take him back outside and head all the way back to place where the Heart Piece inside the pits were. From that screen go west until you reach the area where the Tail Key used to be. Cut the bushes and continue west one screen, north one screen, and east a few screens to reach the actual swamp itself. From the sign that says: "DANGER! Keep out!(Except BowWow) head north and let BowWow eat the various flowers and then head south one screen. East one screen, and north one screen. Let BowWow take care of the big flower and cross over the barrier. Head south and east. Open the chest to get 50 Rupees. Backtrack all the way to the area where you crossed the barrier and head east instead of south. Let Bow Wow eat the flowers around the cave so you can enter. Now you're leaving Bow Wow behind. You can't take him into the dungeon. Save now. _____________ ----{BOTTLE GROTTO}------------------------------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Here we are, the dungeon of level 2. Start by ignoring the chest and heading north into a darkened room. Equip the Magic Powder and sprinkle some on the lanterns to light up the room. A door should open to the east. Slash the enemies in this room and pick up the small key. You can open the locked door with your newly acquired key and head that way to pick up the compass. You don't have to as there's nothing else in that room. The enemy in this room is called a Mask Mimic. It will mirror your moves. It may seem hard to defeat this guy but it's not. Simply walk up to it, charge up your sword, and release it to defeat it. A chest should appear. You can pick up the compass if you want. You don't have to pick up the compass, if you don't want to, skip to the next paragraph. After picking up the compass, head back north and go east to find a Spark and a crystal switch. Hit the switch and head south. Defeat the enemy here and hit the switch again to get the small key. Hit the switch again to raise the blocks but make sure you can get out. Head east from your current location to a room with a lot of pits, some floating magic powder, a crystal switch, and a button. Stand on the button and get the Magic Powder if you wish. A chest should appear after stepping on the button. Open it to get another small key. Head north from your location to another room with two Mask Mimics. Use your Charged Spinning Sword Attack to defeat them and make another small key appear. However, it's in the other room so you're going to have to backtrack again. Hit the crystal switches to cause the blocks to go down and pick up the key at the other side of the wall. Head all the way back to the room with the two defeated Mask Mimics. Remember you have to hit a switch to bring down the blocks so you could advance. From the room with the two Masked Mimics, head east and defeat the two enemies if you'd like and open the door to the next room. Now, avoiding the Spark, push the two blocks in to make a staircase appear. Head down... Jump on the platform as it rides across the spikes and advance to the next screen. Here, jump on the platform when it's low to get to the ladder. Go up the ladder to come up in a darkened room. You should be able to see the floor and the pits if your using the GBC. If not, tough. Jump on the middle platform if you need some health. Go through the door to the north and fight Hinox! ===== HINOX --- Difficulty: 4/10 ===== The easiest way to defeat this cyclops is to simply use a long range weapon. If you have any, great. If not, use hit and run tactics to strike at him and then retreat while avoiding his bombs and his throw. Careful, if he throws you on a weak piece of ground, you're going to fall through and lose health. After he's dead, take the faerie if you need it and head east to the next room. Avoid the Keeses and take the path north to find a Vacuum Mouth and a few Keeses. Let the Vacuum Mouth suck up the Keeses and try to pick up the Stone Slab if you want it. Continue north to a room containing a chest, floating magic powder, and a pair of Keeses. Take out the Keeses and take the Magic Powder if you're in need. Open the chest to get 20 rupees. Use a key on the door to the west and light the lanterns with Magic Powder to kill the ghosts. A chest should appear now holding the Power Bracelet! Now, leave the room and lift up the pots behind the chest to get to the next room, then continue. In this room, go and hit the Crystal Switch, then stand on the lowered block in the middle, then hit the switch again to lower the other ones. Open the chest to get yet another small key. Stand on the lowered blocks and hit the switch so that the blocks get raised while you're still standing on them. Continue east until you reach another crystal switch. Ignore it and take the path south. Now, you should've solved this riddle yourself with the Stone Slab but to get the Nightmare's Key, you must kill these enemies in the exact order. The skeleton with a cloak is a Shrouded Stalfos, the Keese we already know of, and the rabbit like creature is a Pols Voice. First kill the Pols Voice by pushing the blocks around so it can get out. Use a pot to kill it. Then, defeat the bat-like Keese and finally, the Shrouded Stalfos. If you followed my directions, you should've made a chest appear containing the Nightmare's Key. Head back north and open the door to the east with a key. Enter and defeat the two Pols Voice with pots and the gel with your sword to make a staircase appear. Boy, this is getting tedious don't you think? Head down the stairs into the lower levels. Step on the first moving elevator to make it go down. The next elevator however is kind of stubborn. How do you make him move? Pick up one of the pots and step on the elevator with it. The stubborn elevator will be forced to move down. Head up the room with the Nightmare's Door and the Genie. ===== GENIE - 7/10 ===== After the Genie taunts you, he'll come out of his bottle and throw various fireballs at you. Avoid them by running and dodging them. The fireballs are slow. After about eight fireballs, genie will head into his bottle. Attack it with your sword and once it's immobilized, throw it against the wall with the power bracelet. Do this three times and you'll break his bottle. Now our genie friend will be "hopping mad." He'll start attacking you. Hit him with your sword and he'll start spiralling around and try to get you confused. He'll throw a fireball quickly. Get out of the way and hit him. He'll spiral around again and throw another fireball. Continue until he's dead. Now you can pick up the heart container and head north to the Conch Horn! Your second instrument. After you're teleported outside, there are a few things still inside the dungeon. If you're interested in rupees that is. Remember the first room with the chest surrounded by pots? Well now you can get it. Pick up the pots and break them. Open the chest to get 50 rupees. Now you can save and quit. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.3 - Level 3 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ____________ ----{MABE VILLAGE}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You should have more than 200 rupees to get a shovel and a few bombs by now. Head to the store and purchase them while emptying your wallet. You still have Bow Wow with you so now would be a good time to return him. Madam MeowMeow will give you a kiss that'll replenish all your hearts, lucky... Now, head east from the Tool Shop where you bought your items and cut the bushes and lift up the rocks. There are a few things to remember before stepping out into the vast world of Koholint Island. There are more monsters now and many of them are more difficult to beat. _________________________________ ----{UKUKU PRAIRIES AND KANALET CASTLE}---------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? After leaving the village, you'll notice the music change. You're now in Ukuku Prairies. Continue east one screen and then head south. Along the way, you'll probably notice another dungeon. This is the Level 3 dungeon and you'll need to enter it at some time. Continue heading south until you reach the end. However, continue following the path by going one screen east and then continue south again. You've reached Richard's Villa. Head inside and you'll see a few strange things. Frogs jumping around. Well, this Richard must really like them. Anyway, talk to Richard: "Salutations! You wouldn't know by the look of me, but I used to live in the castle! My servants went berserk and I was forced to flee to my villa... So, you want the key to Ukuku Praires, do you? I may be able to help you... Let's make... a deal, shall we? I want you to retrieve the Golden Leaf I left behind in the castle when I fled..." Say okay and he'll blabber some more: "Smashing! To tell you the truth, there are five leaves, and I want them all! Oh, you'll need to do some digging, so buy a shovel! Are you off, then? Good luck!" Oh now he tells us. Well, time to head off towards Kanalet Castle. Now leave the villa and head east some more. Follow the winding path north, east, and north again. When you a fork in the path, continue north while avoiding the monsters and following the path once again. It will bend east and you'll meet yourself at another fork. Continue north and you'll be at Kanalet Castle. But... the gates locked so you can't enter just yet. However, head east two screen and you'll meet Kiki. If you've gotten the bananas yet(if you've read this walkthrough, you should've)give them to him. He'll build a bridge for you. Walk across and you'll pick up a stick that the monkey's left. You can't miss it. Continue north until you reach the telephone booth. Then head west and you'll see a lone bush surrounded by flowers. Seems suspicious? Well, cut it down and a staircase will magically appear! The obvious thing to do would be to head down no matter what dangers below. Dun Dun Duh Dun! Jump on top of the Goombas and the two spike pits and climb the ladder. You're now inside the walls of Kanalet Castle. You can get the leaves in any order. I'll just list every leaf below and you can retrieve them. 1 - From the staircase, go east, defeat the soldier there and head south. There will be six holes in the ground that a guy pops out of. He will throw bombs at you so be careful. Avoid his bombs and use hit and run tactics to make him give up the leaf. 2 - From the staircase, go west, defeat the soldier there and head south. You'll notice a crow, a soldier, and a few rocks. Defeat the soldier and find some way to kill the crow. Throw a rock at the tree it's perched on to make it alert and then kill it with your sword to get the second golden leaf. 3 - You'll have to go inside the castle now. From the second golden leaf, head south one screen and east one screen. Cut the bushes and enter. Head west one screen to come into a room with one gels and two soldier. Kill them all to make the third golden leaf appear. 4 - Bombs are needed for the fourth so I hope you have them. From the third leaf, head north one screen, and east one screen. Step on the button in the floor to open the main door. Go up the small steps and then head west to find a staircase in the wall. Walk up the stairs to come up in a room with a single spark. Do you see the two soldier imprints on the wall of that room? Place a bomb on the west most imprint to make a soldier appear. Kill it to get the fourth golden leaf. 5 - From the room with the fourth golden leaf, head east and you should see a soldier swinging a mace. Well continue south and west and exit the castle. You'll come out of a door next to a larger door. Enter it and you'll notice they closed the door on you. Grrr, no one closes the door on me! Pick up a pot and throw it at the door to open it. Now you can fight the mace soldier to get the final golden leaf. Use the sword and shield to defeat it easily without taking any damage. Now that you've completed your objective, it's time to head back to Richard. I shouldn't have to list the directions myself. Get back there and talk to him: "Ah, tres bien. I see you have recovered all of the leaves! Now, move this box and you will find your reward." Richard will then move and you can push the box over. Head down the stairs into Richard's basement. There is a Secret Seashell here as well as the key. Refer to the section 6.0 - Secret Seashell Locations. Take the right fork and head north to reach another staircase. Continue through the basement and exit into Richard's overgrown garden? Now, this is like a giant maze but it isn't hard. Before walking, cut the bushes in front of you and if it's clear, continue on it. If there's a pit, there's nothing we can do. It's really quite easy but it'll take some time. Your attempting to get to the owl statue up north by the way. When you reach it, cut the bush in front of it and use the shovel to dig where the bush used to be to find the Slime Key! Save now so you automatically teleport to the exit to Richard's basement. Exit his house and head north to the dungeon you saw before. Place the Slime Key in the keyhole and watch the door open. However, you can't access the door yet! Talk about a situation. Don't panic just yet as you can get to it if you follow my directions. From Richard's Villa, head east one screen, and north three screens. You should be at a water's edge. Cross over the tree barrier and head south one screen. Equip the Roc's Feather and "jump" the various islands to reach the area where the dungeon is. Head inside. __________ ----{KEY CAVERN}--------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As you enter, the door in front of you should close. Have no fear, pick up a pot and throw it at the door to make it open. Head through while ignoring the path to the east. In this next room, defeat the enemies to make a chest appear. Open it and get a Small Key. Beware the bombers though. Now, the room you're in is really a messed up fork in the path. Take the eastern path up north. You'll see a chest. Walk up to it to make four gels appear. Defeat them. You can safely ignore the chest as a gel is hiding in it. Continue north and kill the enemies here. You can't reach the small gel yet so don't be annoyed if the chest won't appear. Continue north and walk towards the staircase. Four gels should pop up. Defeat them if you wish and head downstairs. You'll be in a room with four doors and a few gels. The doors can be opened in any order but I think this is the fastest. Open the western door and you'll find a pair of birdlike enemies. These are called Pairodds and are capable of teleporting. Defeat them both and pick up the Small Key that's dropped. If the key's not dropped, remember to kill all the gels as well. Exit the room and enter the southern door with your key. Take out the various enemies in this room and receive yet another Small Key. Head back to the central room and open the north door now. Defeat the enemies again and receive another Small Key. Hit the crystal switch and go back upstairs and open the chest to get 50 rupees. Now head back once again to the central room and unlock the final door to the east. You can ignore the enemies in this room as defeating them won't get you anything. Instead, head to the stairs at the end. Walk around this room defeating every gel that pops out and get a Small Key. Go north now. Defeat the enemies and head west. Defeat the gels here to open the doors. Take the north door and defeat the Dodongo Snakes: ============== DODONGO SNAKES --- Difficulty: 5/10 ============== These will always come in pairs. To kill them, drop bombs in front of them to make them eat them. Each takes about three to kill. They won't attack you but just stay out of their way. After they're dead, head east and you'll see a chest. There are blocks around that you'll have to move. Here's how they start: []C[] [] [] [] C - Chest [] [] [] - 1 boulder [][][][] [] Rearrange them into:(for a more detailed analysis, email me) []C[][] [] [] [] [] [][][][] [] Open the chest now to receive the Pegasus Boots! YAY! Now, you can take a shortcut by ramming through the crystal like objects at the bottom of screen. Simply dash using the Pegasus Boots and push the block aside so you can head south. You'll now be in the room you pretty much came from. Kill the enemies here if you want to. Now look at the eastern wall. Use your sword to find a hollow spot to bomb. Enter the next room. Kill the enemies here and take a good look at the large pit. By using your Pegasus Boots in unison with your Roc's Feather, you can make that jump. Start by stepping back a bit. Dash and just before you fall, jump and you should make it. Continue north and reach another hole. Use the Dash+Jump thing again to reach the chest. Open it to find the Nightmare's Key. Jump off the ledge that you're on rather than go around and defeat the enemies here. Head north through the little hole to find yourself in a room with three bombites. Set them off and kill the various gels to open the door. Go through and kill the Stalfos. The chest contains a compass if you want it. This room may seem like a dead end but inspect the western wall with your sword. Find a hollow clank and bomb it to open another passageway. Defeat the bombites here and pick up the key. Head back to the room where you jumped off the ledge by the Nightmare's Key. Head west from that room and then south to come to the room you came from before. Head west again and defeat the gels but this time, go through the western door. Defeat the enemies in here to make another Small Key appear. Go up through the one way door and defeat the enemies in here to make a chest appear. You can't reach it yet so be patient. Continue north through the one way door again and defeat the next set of enemies. Head around and go down the small steps. Continue south and you'll reach the chest you made appear before. Open it to get a Map. Now, head back to the entrance either by saving or using the warp. Once back at the entrance, and head east. There is a vacuum mouth in this room and a chest. Use the Pegasus Boots to get past it and open the chest for a Small Key. You should now have four Small Keys. Continue north by throwing another pot at the door and you'll come to the room with the fork again. Kill the enemies and take the left fork this time. Break through the obstacles and take out the small gel. Backtrack and take out the Stalfos that were in the same room as the gels. A chest should appear. Open it to get a Stone Slab if you want it. If you want 200 rupees, head south one screen from the room that you were currently in and head to the room to the east. The blocks should be down, if not, hit the crystal switch. Open the chest here to get your prize. Head to the room with the gels that you had to kill to open those doors. In that room, there is a keyhole block. Open it and continue. Using up all your small keys, open the four blocks at the corners. Now go downstairs to find a large thwomp in your way. Let's shatter it shall we? Use the Pegasus Boots to ram it and make it fall. Continue and use the Pegasus Boots with the Roc's Feather to jump the spike gap and land on the ladder. Continue down the ladder and exit. Continue through the rooms of enemies until you reach the door to the boss. Open it with your key and fight Slime Eyes! ========== SLIME EYES --- Difficulty: 6/10 ========== At first, you won't be able to see the boss. It'll taunt you. Ram the wall with your Boots to make it fall. Start using your Pegasus Boot's with your sword to ram into it. It'll start splitting in two. When you get it into two separate pieces, hit one piece while avoiding the other. It will fly high into air. When you see the shadow, prepare to jump as it'll stun you. Continue hitting them and avoiding them until both pieces are destroyed. Pick up the Heart Container and go through the door to the north to pick up the Sea Lily's Bell. Save as soon as you're out of the dungeon. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.4 - Level 4 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ____________ ----{MABE VILLAGE}-------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As you head back east, the owl will once again, fly down: "Hoot! How may Instruments have you gotten so far? When you play the Instruments in front of the Egg, the Wind Fish will wake and you will leave this island. Now, you must hasten to the Yarna Desert! The dark, monstrous inhabitants of the sand will show you the way! Hoot Hoot!" Now, you'll be wondering, why is this section titled Mabe Village when we're supposed to go to Yarna Desert? Well, we do have a few things to take care. Now that you have the Pegasus Boots, we can take care of some business. And also, by now, you should have around 500 rupees. If not, go find some. So we head back to the village. This should be second nature by now. Do I really need to list the directions!? Once you get back, head to the cave in the northern area of town a screen east of the Quadruplet's house. Lift up one of the rocks so you could get in. You'll notice the music change a bit. You'll be in a room with a bed in the middle. Well, jump into bed and you'll be teleported to a strange place. ____________ ----{DREAM SHRINE}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The enemies here are easiest to destroy with the Pegasus Boots and the Sword. Be careful, the enemies here can really hurt you. Now continue until you reach a part of the path blocked off by a lone crystal. Head up the small steps by it and pick up 100 rupees. Break through the crystal now with your Pegasus Boots and head up the small steps on this next screen. Continue and pick up the Ocarina. A round shaped flute that we may have seen in other Zelda games. Exit out of this dank place now. ____________ ----{MABE VILLAGE}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When you exit, you'll be sealed off by rocks so pick them up. Do you remember where Marin is? She's by the rooster statue one screen south of the Quadruplet's house. Talk to her and she'll teach you a new song. The Ballad of the Wind Fish! Then she'll ask you if you remember it. Say yes and you'd learn your first song, finally. Now, head back off to Ukuku Prairies and journey on to the Yarna Desert. _________________________________ ----{UKUKU PRAIRIES AND ANIMAL VILLAGE}---------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? The obvious thing to do for anyone would be to use the teleporter but we can't use it just yet. From the teleporter, head east, north, and east to find Tarin by a Honeycomb. Talk to him and he'll ask to use your stick. Let him and watch him get chased by bees. Quite funny really. Pick up the honeycomb. Head to the screen where Richard's Villa is on and I'll list the directions from there. First off go east one screen, north three screens, east one screen, north two screens, east one screen, south two screens, and finally, east one screen. If you followed my directions without falling asleep, you should see a lone bush to the right of a tree. Cut it down to reveal a staircase like countless times before. Continue through the little underground cavern breaking the crystals with your Pegasus Boots. Don't go into the deep water yet as you can't swim. Go up the steps to other side of the river. Head south two screens from there while ignoring the enemies here and go east. You are now in Animal Village. First, head to the teleporter in the shallow lake by going down the small steps by the southernmost house. You can now teleport back and forth to Animal Village. You'll be using it later. Talk to the bear in the southern most house and give him the honeycomb. He'll give you a pineapple plus tell you about a walrus blocking the way to Yarna Desert. Boy, that sure sucks doesn't it. But he also mentions something about Marin and her little song. Time to head back to Mabe Village. Head to the teleporter and teleport back. ______________ ----{TORONBO SHORES}----------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You won't be finding Marin at town in Toronbo Shores. From the two kids playing catch, head south all the way to the shore and head east until you can't anymore. Then head north one screen, east one screen, and south to find Marin. Time to have a little peaceful talk with Marin by the shore: "I wonder where these conconuts trees come from? ... Tarin says there is nothing beyond the sea, but I believe there must be something over there... When I discovered you, [your name here], my heart skipped a beat! I thought, this person has come to give us a message... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... If I was a sea gull, I would fly as far as I could! I would fly to far away places and sing for many people!... If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true... ... ... Hey! Are you listening? [your name here], are you listening to me? Yeah or no..." Select yeah and she'll continue for you. "I want to know everything about you...Err...uhh, Ha ha ha ha! Hunh? The walrus wants me to go to him? It doesn't matter, I will go with you to him..." Strangely after that, you'll hold Marin above your head? Oh well, we can continue now. Head north one screen and be sure to open the chest for 50 rupees. I would strongly suggest going to the Trendy Game and letting Marin play for a bit of laugh but you don't have to. This is the only opportunity you'd get to though so you're missing out. Get out of Mabe Village by cutting the bushes and lifting up the boulders and head one screen east to the teleporter. ____________ ----{YARNA DESERT}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head through the teleporter with Marin and take her to the lazy walrus. Wake him up and Marin will ask if it would be nice to do this. Say yes and she'll start singing. The walrus will immediately wake up and you can now head off towards Yarna Desert. In the first room, there are two skulls. Continue north until you reach the area with two cacti and three Leevers that pop out of the ground. Kill them and continue north and you'll reach the Sand boss. ======= LANMOLA - Difficulty: 2/10 ======= There is an easy way to kill it. The actual mini boss won't attack you so simply avoid getting in it's path. Slash it's head with your sword when it pops up and down. Try to avoid falling through the hole in the middle of the quicksand or else you'll have to start the fight all over again. After about roughly 9 hits, he'll fall and drop the Angler Key. Fall through the hole in the middle and exit the cave by heading east and back up the steps. Once you emerge, a few more Leevers will attack you. Sigh. Kill them and head all the way back to Animal Village. If you can't find it, I'll give you directions from your current location. Head west to the room where you fought Lanmola. Continue south a screen to meet the owl once again: "Hoot! The shape of the key shows a fish, swimming up a cascade of water! Go now to the mountain waterfall! leap from the top and you will reach your goal." Funny, the key doesn't look like a fish swimming up a cascade of water. Anyway, head south a few more screens and at the end should be the all familiar, two skulls. Head west and up and you should reach Marin and some animals grouped around her.(How come she gets all the attention?) Anyway, if you haven't learned the Ballad of the Wind Fish,(Which you should've if you read the guide) here's another chance. Head down to the warp back to Ukuku Prairies. You need to head to the Tal Tal Heights to get to this so called waterfall. There are many ways but the shortest I know of is this. I'll list the directions from the warp in Ukuku Prairies. Head north and lift up the rock blocking your path. Take the east fork and continue north two screens into the next area. Well what do you know, it's the Witch's Hut. Don't jump over the pits but lift up the rock blocking your path north. Lift up the rocks in front of you as well when you get to the next screen. You'll now be at a lone house by a small pond. This is Crazy Tracy's house. Try to remember it's location as you'll probably want to come back later. Now, lift up the rocks blocking your path left and head to the next screen. You'll be at the former location of the Heart Piece surrounded by pits. Head north and lift up the boulders blocking your path north. Once again, head north and lift up the rocks on the northern most path.(It doesn't matter which path you take but the top one is slightly faster.) Continue east two screens. Notice the stairs here. You should ignore it now but remember it's location. Keep heading east until you reach two enemies with a boulder blocking the path to the east. Kill them and pick up the boulder. Head to the next screen. _______________ ----{TAL TAL HEIGHTS}---------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Welcome to the mountains. Anyway, head down the stairs and continue north. Walking along the northern wall, you should soon reach a keyhole. Place the Angler Key inside and the waterfall should transform plus give you a spectacular water show. After the fish head comes, you should know that you have absolutely no means of getting there from your current location. Dang! Head back to the stairs to the west and pick up the boulder that's blocking your path again. Head back east one screen and go up the stairs. Lift up one of the three rocks blocking the cave entrance and enter. Take out the initial enemies and continue to the east. You'll reach yet another rock puzzle. [] PPPP C [] P - Pit [] [][]S S - Staircase P[]C []C [] - Boulder PPPP[] [] C - Crystal C[] Push the first rock into the pit. Destroy the northernmost crystal and push the rock in front of you forward. Then the rock below you south. [] PPPP [] P - Pit [] S S - Staircase P[]C [][]C [] - Boulder PPPP[] [] C - Crystal C[] Go through the staircase and you'll emerge in a passageway. Kill the enemies here and continue east to reach a staircase. In the next room, there is a heart piece. You can't get it yet. Instead, head east and exit the cave to emmerge by a chest. Another 50 rupees for us! By now, we should have 750+ rupees. Get back into the cave and dash through the obstruction blocking your way east. Continue through east and exit through the next opening. ______________________ ----{TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE}---------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head east one screen and you should see a man stranded on the cliff. You guessed it, it's Papahl and he's lost like he said. Anyway, you can't get to him yet. Enter the cave on that same screen and head north up the stairs. Ignore the chest and head south until you reach the opening. You are now back outside and on the same cliff as Papahl. He appears to be starving so give him the Pineapple,(he refers to them as Vittles) and he'll give you a Hibiscus. Continue back through the cave and backtrack all the way back outside. Continue east now ignoring the various caves that you can't access until you reach a large ledge that you can fall down from. It's all too obvious. Fall down and you'll finally reach Angler's Tunnel. Joy! _______________ ----{ANGLER'S TUNNEL}----------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? When you get inside, go(obviously)north. Oh no, it's these annoying guys again. Take out your shield, flip them and slash at them until they die. Go through the door that was opened when you defeated the three enemies. Defeat the annoying enemies in this room and open the chest for a Compass. If you killed all the enemies, the door to the south should be open. Head through and kill the various enemies while avoiding the spark. Also avoid running into the darker water as you can't swim yet. You won't lose any health but it's pretty annoying. Break the crystals blocking the way and open the chest for a Small Key. Head back north and open the door to the east but DON'T GO THROUGH yet. Head back to the room north of the entrance. From there go up the small steps and continue east two screens if you wish to get the Stone Slab. From the Stone Slab, head west one screen, north two screens, and east one screen. Go one screen north for the Map if you wish. Anyway, you should be at a + shaped pit. Use your Pegasus Boots-Roc's Feather combo to make the jump. You should be going horizontal. Continue in that direction east and kill the initial enemy that appears. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked block and push the other block east into the water. Open the chest for a Small Key. Continue north for about two screens and you should reach yet another chest. Kill the enemies attacking you and bomb the cracked rock. Open the chest for another Small Key. Now, head south two screens and west one screen. Jump over the pit again with the Pegasus Boots-Roc's Feather combo and head up the small steps. Continue west one screen, south two screens, and west one screen. Flip the spiked guys with a shield and stab at them to open the door to the east. Well, what do you know, it's the door from before. Kill the enemies once again and enter the door you unlocked before. Continue east to reach a room with two Water Tektites. Kill them while jumping over the deep water with the Roc's Feather. Open the door to the north and continue. Defeat the enemies here or just bypass them and keep heading north. You'll find yourself at the + pit again. Jump the pit with the Pegasus Boots- Roc's Feather and advance north. Put the key in the keyhole block and push the block blocking you up. Well, what do you know, you just blocked the staircase. Anyway, kill the star and the gel that will soon pop up and head west. Kill the two gels and a key will fall from the heavens straight into the basement. Dang! Continue south and ignore the enemies here if you wish. Continue south again and wait for the flower to move out of the way and jump over the deep water. Head west two screens, north two screen,(open the chest here to fight a gel) and east one screen. Open the chest to get a Small Key. Now, it's time to get to that room with the two gels that you killed and the key that fell down the pit. Remember the locked door on the north wall? Open it and meet Cue Ball. ======== CUE BALL --- Difficulty: 4/10 ======== This strange looking boss has an abnormally large backside. That should be your target. Use the Pegasus Boots and Sword to chase it around. Run into it's giant butt and it'll turn around. Jump over it when it comes at you and keep chasing it. After a few strikes, it should be gone. Pick up the faerie and continue north into a room with moving blocks. The blocks should close and you won't be able to get out. Don't worry, notice the lever on the right side of the room. Use the Power Bracelet to pull it. Pull it back all the way and quickly head west before the blocks block you again. Defeat the two gels in this room and walk up the steps. You are about to open a treasure so great, so perfect, so useful, so important, so cool, so... I'll stop now. Anyway, open the chest for the flippers! Go south and defeat the Peahats by hitting the part not protected by their mask. Now, watch the tiles and step on the flashing ones. Remember that pattern. Write it down if you have to. Now, continue south one screen and "swim" east through the water. This is the room with the two gels and the key that fell through the hole again. Ignore the gels and continue east. It's the staircase that we couldn't get to before. It appeared the block magically went down. Anyway, head downstairs and jump on the platform above the spikes to avoid getting poked. Climb up the ladder if you fell and continue into the next room. The key drops and falls into the water. If you didn't have the flippers, you wouldn't have been able to get it. Dive in and retrieve it. Now, head all the way to the room two screens south of the flippers. The room one screen west of the two gels and the fallen key. Swim back. Now push the block by the bottom on the other side forward so you can get through. Continue west and you'll reach a similar pattern to the thing I told you to remember. If you forgot the pattern, I listed it for you. 1. [ ] [ ] 2. [ ] [.] 3. [ ] [ ] 4. [ ] [ ] 5. [.] [ ] [.] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [.] [.] [ ] [ ] [ ] You're going to have to do it without stopping or else you'll have to start over. After getting it, a staircase should appear. Now, as you go down the ladder, you'll notice a large thwomp is right there waiting for you. Now, you can either use the Pegasus Boots to get past it or walk up and walk back so the the Thwomp has to recoil back up. Then you can walk through. Pegasus Boots are faster. Head into the next room and you'll notice another Thwomp and a ladder. Make sure you have the Roc's Feather with you. Dash past it and make it fall. Quickly climb the ladder and jump on top of the Thwomp and jump to the platform we were targeting. Go up the ladder and head one screen south to a chest. Open it for the Nightmare's Key. Now, head north one screen and jump off the ledge. Continue east one screen and swim to the button by a door. Step on it and the door will open. Go north and take the winged hearts. Put your last Small Key in the keyhole block and continue down the stairs. Jump off the ladder and start swimming while avoiding the Cheep Cheeps. Go up the ladder at the end and you'll find yourself in a narrow passageway. Head west one screen to get to the Nightmare's Door. Push the block in front of you forward and enter the boss's room... wait, where's the boss. Oh yeah, go down the stairs. =========== ANGLER FISH --- Difficulty: 6/10 =========== You can easily defeat this ugly fish before it can even attack. Aim for it's little lantern hanging on it's forehead and slash at it rapidly. It shouldn't attack and will be easily defeated. If you couldn't kill it that quickly, use the Roc's Feather to dodge it whenever it charges. Watch out for the smaller fish and bricks coming from the ceiling. Just aim for it's little lantern thing to kill it quickly. Pick up the heart container and head back up the ladder. When you reach the top, go to the room north of you and pick up your 4th instrument. The Surf Harp... whew. That was tiring. Save when you exit. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.5 - Level 5 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ______________________ ----{TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE}---------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now that you're back outside, you'd probably want to get moving. The obvious thing to do would be to head down the stairs back outside but we got to do some other thing first, head west one screen and enter the cave with two fishes engraved above it. This is Manbo's Cave. Go inside and swim up to the fish. Apparently, you should have the Ocarina by now. If not, that's really, really sad. Anyway, Manbo will teach you his creation. You'll probably want it as it's a major shortcut later on. After learning "Manbo's Mambo," swim back outside and head east one screen and head down the stairs to exit. Walk through the small cave and push the rock blocking your way into the pit. Walk up the stairs back outside. Now, you can either go to Animal Village the long way, or the short way. Whatever, just take the shorter way. From the staircase, head west one screen and get in the warp to get back to Animal Village. Get in the warp again to teleport to Ukuku Prairies. Head to Toronbo Shores one screen north of where you got Marin. _______________________________ ----{TORONBO SHORES AND MARTHA'S BAY}------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Hopefully, by the time you get there, a ghost should start following you. At first, he appears to serve no purpose whatsoever. However, he'll start talking eventually. Even what he says however, seems to serve no purpose whatsoever either. Anyway, once you're on that screen, lift up the rocks and continue east one screen and south one screen to get to the House by the Bay. Walk to it and the ghost will tell you to enter. Creepy... Now, the ghost will start moving around and start getting nostalgic. If the tune of the house doesn't get you sad, the plight of the ghost will. I almost cried. Okay, now he wants to be taken all the way to the cemetery. Hmmm... Anyway, head to the Witch's Hut and I'll list the directions from there. Hope- fully, you know where it is. From there, head west one screen and you should see a single grave. You can't get there yet so pick up the boulder and head down the stairs to the screen south of yours. It's just a quick jog up the small steps to his grave. After getting him back, he'll thank you and tell you to look in a jar in his home. You can go but it's just a Secret Seashell. Anyway, the mysterious owl shall land again after the ghost goes: "Hoot! It has been some time since our paths crossed, lad. You must dive into the waters of Martha's Bay to enter the Catfish's Maw...The closer you get to the Wind Fish, the more restless he sleeps. Carry onward! Hoot!" By now, I had 900 rupees. But, I got a bow now. You can get it later but since you're already in Mabe Village, why not buy it now? So, I had to get 80 more rupees plus a tip so I could buy arrows and bombs(You'll see why you need them later)... or, you can steal it. (look in section Easter Eggs and Tricks.) Kill lots of monsters to get your rupee supply. After buying the Bow, Arrows, and Bombs, you'll probably be flat broke. Anyway, head to the warp in Ukuku Prairies to be first warped to Tal Tal Heights. Then get in the warp again to be transported to Animal Village. Now, since you're already there, head into the goat's house next to the northeastern most house. It's the one on the left. Give her the Hibiscus Papahl gave you and she'll give you a letter that you have to deliver to Mr. Write. We'll do that later but we have to venture to Catfish's Maw first. From the goat's house, head west three screens and go down the small steps into the water. Start swimming south two screens and then west one screen to reach Catfish's Maw. Now, it would appear that the entrance on the left side has been blocked by a lone boulder. Luckily, we have our own tricks up our sleeve. Dive under that rock and swim under it and above again to get past. Enter the mouth. _____________ ----{CATFISH'S MAW}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? NOTE: There are various treasure chests containing rupees in this level. I'm not going to walk you through every one so you're going to have to find a few yourself. Follow west for now and kill the enemies. Continue west one screen and kill the Iron Mask and the 4 Keeses to make the door west open. The chest contains a Compass if you want it. Head down the stairs and use the rocks feather to jump across the platforms. Stand on the first one so it falls all the way down. Then climb up the ladder and jump to the second platform and quickly jump to the platform you're targeting for. Anyway, in the next screen, there are four of them. Touching one will effect another. Experiment to get past. Climb up the ladder and exit. Now, in this room, destroy the crystals and kill the Stalfos. Now, look at the four blocks in the center. As of now, it's not a perfect square. Well, we're going to have to make it a square. Push the top two together to get a Small Key. The obvious thing to do would be to go west but do you remember that locked door in one of the rooms? It doesn't matter, head back down the stairs into the basement. You won't need to mess with the platforms so don't bother. Just walk on the ground through them. Climb back up the ladder and defeat the Iron Masks here by hitting their back not protected by their armor. Killing them will cause the door to open to the east. Continue through and notice the locked door leading north. Go north two screens and the door north should shut on you. How rude! Anyway, kill the three enemies here to make it open again. Continue north and Master Stalfos. Make your aquaintance because you're going to be fighting this coward FOUR times. ================ MASTER STALFOS 1 --- Difficulty: 4/10 ================ Okay, this guy is as easy even if he looks a bit intimidating. A bit of a coward if you ask me. Avoid his swipe. Anyway, hit him anywhere but his shield. That may be a bit tough because he'll move to block. When he falls, drop a bomb. Continue doing this three times to make him run to his mommy. Don't worry, you'll be seeing him again. Now, head through the door that opens east. Kill the various gels and open the treasure chest to find a note: "'I've got what was inside this box. Come and get it, if you can!' Master [insert skull picture here]" Well, it looks like that guy back there has your precious hookshot. Anyway, head north and push the block in your way north so you can walk to the west and east. You need to get to that button but not yet. Head west and then come back. The block you pushed should be back. So now, push it east and press the button. Well, you got the door open but you can't get to it yet so go north and come back. Push the block south and get into the door. Time to face Master Stalfos again! ================ MASTER STALFOS 2 --- Difficulty: 4/10 ================ Okay, this guy is as easy even if he looks a bit intimidating. A bit of a coward if you ask me. Avoid his swipe. Anyway, hit him anywhere but his shield. That may be a bit tough because he'll move to block. When he falls, drop a bomb. Continue doing this two times to make him run to his mommy. Don't worry, you'll be seeing him again. Notice that he only took two bombs this time to run. Now, go back and push the block the west and head north. Jump over the pit and continue north again. Kill the enemies and head west. Now, you can't open the door without killing the gels first. You automatically kill the two that pop up. Now, there are a few more on the other side of the barrier. Now, pick up the pot directly across from the entrance and throw it. Now push the block aside and kill the gels on that side to open the door. Enter and fight the all and annoying, Master Stalfos. ================ MASTER STALFOS 3 --- Difficulty: 4/10 ================ Okay, this guy is as easy even if he looks a bit intimidating. A bit of a coward if you ask me. Avoid his swipe. Anyway, hit him anywhere but his shield. That may be a bit tough because he'll move to block. When he falls, drop a bomb. Continue doing this two times to make him run to his mommy. Don't worry, you'll be seeing him again. Continue west if you want the Stone Slab and a Floating Heart. Play Manbo's Mambo or just save the game to be warped back to the entrance. Now, we need to get to the fourth appearance of Master Stalfos(aka Coward). From the entrance room, head west two screens and kill the the enemies here like before to make the door open. Head west and head down the stairs. It's the basement again and you'll need to jump like last time. When you go up the ladder at the end, you'll be in the same room where you got the Small Key from the block. Continue west from here to finally fight Master Stalfos number 4. ================ MASTER STALFOS 4 --- Difficulty: 4/10 ================ Okay, this guy is as easy even if he looks a bit intimidating. A bit of a coward if you ask me. Avoid his swipe. Anyway, hit him anywhere but his shield. That may be a bit tough because he'll move to block. When he falls, drop a bomb. Continue doing this three times and he'll die finally and drop the Hook shot. Finally, we have what we're looking for. And it only took us an hour. Anyway, head back to the room where you opened the door by killing the Iron Mask and the 4 Keeses. Try using the Hook shot as a weapon now. If you want 200 rupees, go east on the upper fork. Use the Hook shot on the chest and pick up your prize. Now you're facing another dilemna. How will you get back? But don't worry, the great Irving always has an answer. Use the Hook shot on the block that's on the other side. It's really the only block you can get onto. Now, get back to the previous room and go north one screen and west one screen. But before you venture in, step back as the Blades will get you. Anyway, kill the enemies here to open the door north. Notice the retracted path to the right. Use your hookshot to open it up. Pick up the pot for a faerie by the way. Continue north that way and go south on the other exit. Now, this is the room you were in before. Kill the gels and head west. In this room, target the single block on the other side and target it with the Hook shot. Attach it to get past the various Blade traps. On the other side, kill the gels there and take the top path west into the following room. To get to the chest, use the Hook shot to grab onto it. The chest contains a Small Key. Exit through the southern exit and get back by grappling the block on the other side. Exit the room. Now, remember that bridge where you got the faerie? Open it again and head north that way. Open the keyhole block and head that way west. Time to fight the Gohmas. ====== GOHMAS --- Difficulty: 5/10 ====== These spider guys were taken straight from the original Zelda. If you have arrows, great. If not, use the Hook shot to hit them in the eye. Might I remind you that arrows are more effective. Only shoot whatever when their eyes are open. Be careful as they'll shoot a fireball at you when they open their eyes. They also may charge you but that's usually easy to see because they shake before they do. Focus on the bottom one before attacking the first. Each one gives one heart. After killing both continue east through the southern path. We are NOT taking the upper path. In this room, obviously take the west path south. Kill the gels and pick up the arrows if needed. Continue south one screen, east one screen, and north one screen. Kill the three enemies to make the door open and continue north one screen to the first Stalfos room. Go east one screen and north one screen. Push the block north and head west. Stop to avoid the Blades. Head north again and defeat the enemies. Note the deep water in the center. Dive around until you get a secret room. You can kill the two Bloobers but continue forward and head up the ladder. You should see a single chest plus a retractable path. Use the Hook shot and collect your prize. The Nightmare's Key. Now you have to get back to the entrance by saving or playing Manbo's Mambo. We have to get the last Small Key. From the entrance, head west two screens and north two screens. Like countless times before, kill the enemies and continue north one screen, east one screen, and north one screen. We're at the five blocks again. Push the middle block north and head west. Come back and push the middle block west and head north. Jump over the pit in front of you. You should be in this position: L - Link BB L # # - Pit #### BW B - Block WWWWWWW WWWW W - Wall Use the Roc's Feather to jump diagonally to the single piece of ground next to the block: L - Link BB # # - Pit ####LBW B - Block WWWWWWW WWWW W - Wall Now notice the chest directly in front of you. Hook shot to it: C L # # L - Link BB # # - Pit #### BW B - Block WWWWWWW WWWW W - Wall You can open it to get 50 rupees if you wish. Head east and Hook shot to the other side. Grapple the block and open the chest for a Small Key. Now, play Manbo's Mambo or save and quit to get back to the entrance. Once you're back, get in the warp. Take the north path east. Kill the single gel and head downstairs. Now, this basement is like a puzzle. You can't get through without the Hook shot by the way. Anyway, notice that little head coming out of the wall on the first screen. Get straight below it and launch the Hook shot towards the Bowser like head to pull yourself on top of the ladder. Kill the Goombas and continue. Guess what, the same thing! Hook shot up and you're at the ladder. Once you get out, use the last key you have on the keyhole block and walk around the block. Use your Hook shot on the block resting on the other side to get there. Continue west and you'll see the door to the boss. Time to enter... ========= SLIME EEL --- Difficulty: 8/10 ========= Before anything else, arm the Hook shot and sword. Now, continue. The eel will mock you first so that gives you a chance to get ready. Get away from the center and stay in a corner. His tail will come up soon so avoid it. Start chasing the tail wherever it goes. Follow it to avoid being hit. Now, every time the Eel sticks his ugly head out of one of the four heads, pull it out with the Hook shot and if there is a heart, slash at it as much as you can. If not, get away, quickly as it will explode. Continue doing this until it's defeated. Collect the Heart Container and head north to pick up your 5th instrument, the Wind Marimba. Save when you're teleported out. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.6 - Level 6 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ________________________________ ----{MABE VILLAGE AND MYSTERIOUS WOOD}----------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now, since we have Level 5 taken care of, we can start doing stuff. First of all, swim under the rock you entered from and exit again. Continue west and go up the stairs avoiding the bomber here. Continue north and go through the cave avoiding the fake skulls and the gels. Continue through and exit. Now you can just walk to Mabe Village. Head east one screen, north three screens, west one screen, south two screens, west one screen, south three screen(the east path obviously), and west one screen. You're at the familiar, Richard's Villa again. Anyway, you should know how to get back to Mabe Village, if not, continue along the path until you reach the teleporter and head west. Pick up the stones and cut the bushes and you're back. Now, do you remember that letter that the goat gave you? Well, we are going to deliver it today. Yay! Anyway, this Mr. Write lives along the northern edge of the Mysterious Wood but luckily, I'll list the directions for you. First, head to the lone bush that you have to cut to get inside the Wood and I'll list the directions from there. Cut the bush and continue north three screens, west two screens, and enter the cave that we went through before a long time ago. Anyway, continue through and when you emmerge, advance north and jump over the pit. Head north one screen again and you'll be at Mr. Write's cottage. Jump over the pits and go inside. Give the famous Mr. Write the letter. Apparently, the goat seemed to have given him a photo that was supposed to be her. Er, they don't look alike... Anyway, you'll get a free broom from Mr. Write. The broom shall go to Ulrira's wife. Now, there are two places Ulrira's wife might be. One is right outside her house in the southwestern corner of Mabe Village. Another is at Animal Village, outside the Goat's house. Anyway, if she's not in Mabe Village, use the teleporter to get to Animal Village. She appears to be frantic. She lost her broom and needs another one. Give the one you have to her and she'll give you something else. Either way, she'll give you a fishing hook. Now, who do you give this Fishing Hook too? ____________ ----{MARTHA'S BAY}-------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head to the screen west out of Animal Village and then head north. Continue west to a set of stairs into the water. Time to swim again. Anyway, continue all the way south until you reach the end and dive under the wooden bridge here. Jump onto the fisherman's boat and talk to him. Give him your fish hook and he'll catch a necklace. Hmmmm... Now, the necklace will belong to a mermaid that supposedly lost it. Swim back and continue two screens ignoring whatever enemies attack you. Head west one screen and talk to the mermaid. Give her the necklace and take one of her scales. Don't worry, we're getting the Magnifying Glass very soon. The mermaid will start jumping with joy while you go east one screen and head north and up the small steps back onto dry land. Anyway, from there, head east one screen, south three screens, west one screen, and south one screen. Use the Hook shot to get the other rock on the opposite side to get yourself over there. Continue north and west to the mermaid statue. Now that you have the scale, walk up to it and it'll move out of the way reveiling a staircase. Continue as quickly as you can through the first room to the room with the Magnifying Lens. Pick it up and continue south again and you'll see the enemies that were there before but just too small to see. Kill them if you wish and continue back up the stairs. Now, if you didn't get the Bow, you have to now! You must have enough rupees by now. After that, head to the screen west of Animal Village. From there, continue north three screens and east two screens meeting the owl again: "Hoot! There are two shrines, one to the north, the other to the south. First, head south, where ancient ruins speak of the Wind Fish... You will learn much there..." Anyway, continue east and lift up the rocks and cut the bushes blocking your way east. Stay on the bottom wall to get through. Head to the next screen and head south two screens. Notice the strange looking robots in the area. If you are playing Links Awakening(not Deluxe version)on the GB Color, the ones that can be activated are green. Avoid touching them all together and continue around and west. Touch the Armos Knight blocking your path west and wait for it to move. Don't let it touch you. When you can safely go, head west along the upper path. Continue north and touch the westernmost Armos Knight. It'll move out of the way and you can continue that way and south. Continue west on the next screen and touch the two Armos Knights on this screen. Head north up the steps. There is an opening in front of you. Enter and pick up the arrows under the pots here if you need it. Continue north and prepare to fight Armos Knight for the Face Key. ============ ARMOS KNIGHT --- Difficulty: 3/10 ============ This guy is really quite easy if you just know what weapons to use and what to avoid. Anyway, arm your arrows and your Roc's Feather. Walk up to him and his forehead will start acting freaky. He will then move towards you. Jump away and fire as many arrows are you can into him. Don't allow him to touch you or lose a health. When he hops in the air, jump before he lands. After around roughly 13 arrows, he should be destroyed. Pick up the Face Key and head north. There is a slab on the wall that you can read but you need to light up the lanterns with Magic Powder first. Reading the slab is not required but it's pretty interesting: "TO THE FINDER... THE ISLE OF KOHOLINT, IS BUT AN ILLUSION... HUMAN, MONSTER, SEA, SKY... A SCENE ON THE LID OF A SLEEPER'S EYE... AWAKE THE DREAMER, AND KOHOLINT WILL VANISH MUCH LIKE A BUBBLE ON A NEEDLE... CASTAWAY, YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH!... ... ... ... What? Illusion?" Anyway, exit back outside and if you read the slab, the owl shall touch down once again: "Hoot! I see you have read the relief... While it does say the island is but a dream of the Wind Fish, no one is really sure... Just as you cannot know if a chest holds treasure until you open it, so you cannot tell if this is a dream until you awaken... The only one who knows for sure is the Wind Fish... Trust your feelings... Someday you will know for sure..." Now, exiting is basically reading the directions from before backwards. In fact, this maze is so linear and easy to remember that I doubt you would need any directions at all. Just be careful of the Armos Knights. When you're back outside, I might remind you of a few things before heading off towards Face Shrine. Since we have already acquired the Magnifying Lens, we can obtain the Boomerang in a bombable cave in the southern portion of Toronbo Shores. I strongly suggest taking this weapon as it's extremely powerful and will make your final boss fight much, MUCH easier. Also, make sure you have a full arrows and bombs supply before venturing to the next dungeon. The closest teleporter is in Animal Village. I assume you know where it is. Anyway, after everything's ready, we can get to Level 6. Do you remember that small island with the two Armos Knights on it? If I recall correctly, the owl greeted you there and gave you a message while perched on it. That's the entrance to the Face Shrine. First of all, you're going to have to find some way into the water. The closest place you can jump off into the water is one screen west of Animal Village and two screens north. Jump off the ledge here and swim north one screen and east two screens. Activate the Armos Knight on the left and wait for him to step into the water and drown. Under the former Armos was a staircase. Continue under it and go past the water to the other end. The Hook shot is required to get to the other side. Grapple the rock on the other side and get pulled across. Next, head up the stairs to emmerge back outside. Take the easternmost path north and place the key in the keyhole to make the entrance appear in a well deserved, special effects show. Go back around and head up the steps to the entrance. ___________ ----{FACE SHRINE}--------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Welcome to the Level 6 dungeon. Start by taking the path going west. Meet a new enemy, the Wizzrobes. They each take about four arrows but using the bomb+ arrows combo(read Secrets section), you can take them down quickly. Killing them will give you access to a 50 rupees chest. Head back and head north through the western path. Kill the Mini Moldorm here and avoid the Spark(or use your Boomerang to kill it). Continue north and west. Defeat the Mask Mimic with your charged sword attack and place a bomb by the Crystal Switch. Before it goes off, run behind the northeasternmost block and wait for the bomb to go off setting the block up. If you were too slow, hit the switch again and place another bomb. From your current location, head north and tap the east wall until you find a suitable location for a bomb. Place one and continue through. This room is dark so light up the lanterns with Magic Powder if you need to. Walk around the room killing the various Gels that pop up. Kill every one of them and a staircase should appear. Continue down. Avoid the glowing face and kill the Goomba if nesseccary. Continue through. Avoid the glowing face in this room too and climb up the ladder. As you emmerge, the blocks around you should go down because you placed a bomb by the last one. Kill the Mini Moldorm and a few Wizzrobes should appear. Use the bomb+arrows to kill them and open the door. Continue north and head up the westernmost steps to get the Level 2 Power Bracelet! If you wish, lift up the other pot and pick up the faerie. You see those elephant statues blocking your way north? Pick them up with your new Power Bracelet and continue through the one way door to get to a familiar room. Kill the Mask Mimic like before and hit the Crystal Switch so the blocks go down. Place a bomb by the switch but this time, run to the northwestern block before it goes up. Continue north and pick up the pot in the northwestern corner to reveal a button. Step on it and open the door west. Continue through. Killing the Wizzrobes are optional here only if you want the map. Careful not to touch the crystal switch in the corner. Anyway, continue north and pick up a pot. Like before, throw it at the door to make it open. Continue north once again. Since you can't access the door ahead, head east and kill the Star. Open the chest for the compass if you want it. Hit the crystal switch and continue around and south in the direction of the floating bombs. Get them if you want them and continue south one screen, east two screens, and north one screen. The blocks should be lowered here. If not, head back and hit the switch and get back. Kill the various Wizzrobes that appear and pick up the key that falls from the ceiling. Now, backtrack all the way to the room where you turned east because the blocks were blocking the door north. The blocks here will be lowered because you hit the switch. Pick up one of the elephant statues and throw it at the closed door to open it. Advance north and open the chest here for 100 rupees if you need it. Now, we need to head back to the entrance. Play Manbo's Mambo or save the game to get back to the entrance. When you're back at the entrance, head east and watch out for the annoying Blade Traps and get past the moving floor. Continue east and stand in a corner with your shield raised. The tiles on the floor will start rising and fling themselves at you but if you have a shield up, they won't hurt you. After the tiles are exhausted, continue north and ignore the keyhole door. Instead, take an elephant statue and throw it at the door leading east. Advance in that direction and kill the Wizzrobes here. Take the arrows if needed and take the door north. Kill the star and avoid the spark. Get into the shallow waters and continue north until you reach the chest. Open it for a Small Key. Head back south now and head up the steps again out of the shallow water. Head back all the way to the room where we ignored that locked door not too long ago. Open the locked door and continue. Defeat the enemies in this room and check the north wall for a bombable piece. As soon as you find it, bomb it and enter... ======= SMASHER --- Difficulty: 6/10 ======= Equip the Power Bracelet and the Roc's Feather and jump when he throws the ball at you. Get to the ball before Smasher does and pick it up. Aim and throw it at him to damage him. If you can, pick it up again. If he picks it up, wait for him to throw it and jump when he does. Pick it up again and throw it. Repeat this for about four times and he should be defeated. Pick up the faerie. Continue north through the door that opened and lift up the elephant statue to the west to reveal a staircase leading down. The obvious thing to do would be to head down so let's go. Now, wait for the spark to move and jump on the platform it's on. Avoid it as it makes it's second pass and get on to the next skinnier platform with the spark. Now, just jump to the ground ahead. Continue to the next screen. In this room, jump from ladder to ladder to avoid the spikes and get to the ladder leading out of here. This room is similar to the last room. Like before, get into a corner and use your shield to block their annoying attacks. After taking them out, a key should fall from the ceiling. Pick it up by jumping across the various pits and unlock the keyhole block. Head north and avoid the sparks. Pick up the elephant statue and hurl it at the door to cause it to open. Pick up the pots to give you access to the chess like horse pieces in the middle. It works as a riddle. Keep throwing them until both are erect and continue through the door that opens west. Head down the stairs in this room and go down the steps. Use the Pegasus Boots to run past the mini thwomps and advance to the next screen. In this next screen, do the same as before and head up the ladder. Kill the Pols Voice with pots or arrows and continue through the door that opens north. Pick up the various pots while avoiding the Sparks by jumping over them when they make their pass. Take the bombs if needed and continue north and pick up the 200 rupees. Keep throwing the horse heads until they stand and the door south will open. Continue south until you reach the room where you fought the three Pols Voices and take the path south this time to fight the Dodongo Snakes... ============== DODONGO SNAKES --- Difficulty: 5/10 ============== These will always come in pairs. To kill them, drop bombs in front of them to make them eat them. Each takes about three to kill. They won't attack you but just stay out of their way. Head west and use your Hookshot to cross the shallow water. Be careful not to fall in or else you will have to come back and around again. Unlock the keyhole block and continue north. Kill the star and continue. The chest is locked and won't budge without some sort of resistance. Instead, throw a pot at the chest to force it. Inside is the Nightmare's Key! Ignore the crystal switch and play Manbo's Mambo or save the game to get back to the entrance. Step through the warp to immediately get to the room where you fought Smasher. Continue north until you reach the room where you lifted the elephant statue to reveal a staircase. Go through. This is the room with the flying tiles. Instead of waiting for them, immediately head south to the next screen. There's a Vacuum Mouth in this room that will suck up a lot of stuff. Walk around the room to cause the gels to come up and let them get sucked. After the gels are gone, head east through the opened door. Avoid the laser by hiding behind the blocks when it shoots. Kill the single Wizzrobe to open the door. Continue north by pushing the block blocking you into the pit to reach the room with the Nightmare's Door. If you need health, sprinkle Magic Powder into the unlit lanterns to kill the sparks and turn them into faeries. Open the Nightmare's Door and continue to fight Facade. ====== FACADE --- Difficulty: 1/10 ====== This has got to be the easiest boss in Link's Awakening. Defeating him is so simple. You just need a few bombs. First of all, pick up the four pots around the room and throw them so Facade can't use them against you. Then, get into one of the corners and use your shield to block every tile. After he wastes them, stand on his face. Random holes will start appearing and going but they won't get you. Place a bomb and watch the face disappear for a few seconds. Repeat this until it's defeated. Really easy, right? Kill the boss and he'll give you a slightly chilling message. Continue north and pick up the Coral Triangle. Our sixth instrument. When you're teleported back outside, remember to save the game. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.7 - Level 7 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ After completing Face Shrine, head down the steps to hear another message from our old friend: "Hoot! The many monsters of this island fear that the Wind Fish is about to awaken! The monsters' power is real! They may conquer the island and their foes! That day may come soon! Now, go to the mountain tower! Fly like a bird! Hoot! Hoot! There's a hint in that paragraph. I won't tell you now but you will soon find out. We still need Ocarina song #3 so we must hasten to the Signpost maze. Jump off the platform and swim west one screen. Head up the small steps and head west two screens, north one screen, west one screen, and south one screen. Head up the steps to the higher piece of land and continue west. Jump off the ledge and head north one screen, west one screen, south one screen, west two screens, and south two screens. To jump the pit, use your Pegasus Boots in conjunction with your Roc's Feather to make the jump like you did at other times in the game. After clearing it, read the sign on the same screen: | GO THIS WAY V Very vague don't you think? Anyway, line yourself up with it and head south. _____________ ----{SIGNPOST MAZE}------------------------------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Before you actually play the maze, keep in mind that if you mess up, you will have to start all over again with the first sign. For a more detailed map, take a look at Devin Morgan's PNG. Now, there are signs in this screen but read the sign directly in your path. (You should have lined yourself up with the last sign.) Read the sign directly in front of you and it tells you to go: --> GO THIS WAY Line yourself up with the sign again and head east. Read the sign directly in front of you to get another message: | V GO THIS WAY Line yourself up and head south. A boulder will be in your way so walk around it and keep in line. Kill the decoy in front of the sign and read it to receive another set of quick directions: <-- GO THIS WAY Line yourself up and head west to the next screen. The sign there can only be reached with a Hook shot. Cut the bush and it will reveal a pit. Grapple the rock on the opposite side to be pulled over and to the next sign. Pick up the boulder you grappled onto to get to the sign: ^ | GO THIS WAY As you can see, there's no way to line yourself up as of now but just remember the rough location of the sign and it's path. Pick up the boulder and Hook shot to the other boulder. Head north and read the northernmost sign on this screen to receive another set of directions. sigh: --> GO THIS WAY Line yourself up like before and head east to the next sign. You don't have to kill or use anything to get to it as it's just sitting there: | V GO THIS WAY Line yourself up and walk south the next sign: --> GO THIS WAY Again, line yourself up and walk to the next sign. It's on the same screen. Be careful, a gel pops up right in front of it: ^ | GO THIS WAY Line yourself up and head north to the next screen. A gel should pop up along the way so remember to take care of it. The next sign reads: <-- GO THIS WAY Hmm. Line yourself up and head west as it says to another sign residing next to a pit: | V GO THIS WAY Luckily, the next sign is really quite close and a short walk to it will be enough: --> GO THIS WAY Walk along and roughly in line with it to another sign next to a rock. Read it: | V GO THIS WAY We should all know what to do now... right? Head south and pick up the rock in front of the next beloved sign: <-- GO THIS WAY Line yourself up.... AGAIN! Head east one screen and read the next ANNOYING sign ready to give you another ANNOYING arrow pointing to the next ANNOYING sign which will give you the same ANNOYING directions again and again. how ANNOYING! GREAT! YOU DID IT! YOUR REWARD IS --> THIS WAY! I swear, IF I SEE ONE MORE FRIGGIN' ARROW, I'LL BE READY TO RIP SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF! Anyway, we got it and you can just walk straight to the staircase. Meet Mamu the Frog. Make sure you have 300 rupees before talking to him. Accept his offer and he'll play you his special jam song. The lights will go dim and prepare yourself for the deepest song of the century played by a Frog I have never, ever met. Oh well, at least we have it on our Ocarina, The Frog's Song of Soul! Exit the cave and head north two screens to the pit. Jump it again and continue north two screen to the entrance to Mabe Village. ____________ ----{MABE VILLAGE}-------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Lift up the rocks and cut the bushes. Head west two screens to the old Flying Rooster statue. Push it north. It won't move in any other direction unless you push it north. Head through the small staircase that appears and through the cave to a raised piece of land a bunch of bones. Stand next to it and play the Frog's Song of Soul to revive it. Now exit and the Flying Rooster will follow you. They don't call this bird the flying Rooster for nothing. Equip the Power Bracelet once you are outside and lift him up. He will fly for you and take you to faraway places. Sadly, you only get to use him from now until Eagle's Tower. Now, head out of Mabe Village by cutting the bushes and lifting up the rocks to get out. From that screen, head north a screen and east a screen. Lift up the boulder in the way and continue north two screens to reach the Witch's Hut. Jump over the pit and head west one screen and north a screen to the pits arranged in a cross pattern where the Heart Piece once lay. Jump over it and continue north to some familiar landscape. Lift up the rocks and continue north staying on the land. Lift the rocks blocking the path north and continue east three screens. Head up the stairs here and the owl shall greet you like countless times before. "The going is much more trying from this point! You have only two more tasks to accomplish! The first is in the east part of the mountain, the second in the west. Go! The Wind Fish grows restless!" Now, before you go, make sure you get the Boomerang as it's needed and will make the game go much faster later on. Pick it up at Toronbo Shores in a bombable cave. ______________________ ----{TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE}---------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hey, he didn't use the word HOOT anymore! W00T! Okay, pick up the rocks blocking the entrance to the cave and continue inside. This cave should be very familiar and you should know how to bypass it. Continue through it and exit at the end. When you exit, head down the small steps and continue east past the ledge where you fell to Angler's Tunnel to the long staircase by a raging waterfall! Start swimming and head up the stairs and to the west. Get on the wooden bridge and head west until you reach the steps to a small cottage. This is the Hen House. Go inside and say hi to the owner. He will compliment you on your flying rooster. Anyway, exit and enter the east cave on the same screen. Go west and use your flying rooster to clear the pits by the jumble of rocks on that screen. After clearing it, head north to meet a large pit. Use the flying rooster again to get past and head west. Jump over the pit blocking your way and pick up the Bird Key! Exit in quite the same way you came and head back down the long staircase by the waterfall and continue east. Be careful not to fall down the waterfall! On the next screen is a cave. Enter it and advance through it. Be careful of the moving skull. As you exit, head east again to reach a staircase leading into a cave. Enter and navigate through it. After exiting, head west and enter the cave on this screen. Notice that this path is on the "inside" of the last cave you entered. Anyway, head down the stairs to emmerge in a platform surrounded by pits. Use your Roc's Feather to jump over it and continue up the small steps and east. Head south and use your Hook shot on the rock on the opposite side. After getting there, jump off the ledge onto the piece of land with the exit on it. Exit please. Notice the northern cave, go through this simple passageway and head up the staircase at the end. Go west and head through the opening to get on a very high piece of land. To the west is Eagle Tower. I wish we could get a better view but sadly, the Gameboy has it's limitations. Anyway, head west and notice the structure. The keyhole is to the left. Lift up the rock blocking it and place your key in it to rotate the structure and show the entrance to the Level 7 dungeon: Eagle's Tower. Say goodbye to the Flying Rooster as you won't be using him again after clearing this dungeon. _____________ ----{EAGLE'S TOWER}------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Head east one screen and jump over the spikes while avoiding the annoying Blade Trap. Continue east to two Like Likes. Kill them quickly to trigger a key to fall from the ceiling. Use it to unlock the locked door on the same screen and continue through the door north. Continue up the stairs the second floor. In this room you see a chest that can't be accessed. The chest contains the Lvl. 2 shield which we will be picking up later on. Head north and notice the ball on the platform plus the annoying blocks that require the lever to move. Use your Power Bracelet and pull the lever to cause the blocks to retract, when it's back all the way, immediately grab the ball with the Power Bracelet and head west to the next room. If you are too slow, start the process over again. If you simply can not make it, pick up the ball and drop it closer to the path so you can pick it up faster. Continue that way west to find the first large pillar. A gel should come at you. Throw the ball at it and kill it. Now, notice the column in the middle of the room. Using the ball, chuck it at the pillar and watch it fall. This pillar is the first of four so don't get cocky just yet. Leave the ball where it is and fall down the pit in the same room. Continue one screen east to the crystal switch. Hit it and head through the path of lowered blocks. Continue south one screen, east one screen, and south one screen. Go through the former keyhole door and continue up the stairs to the second level. Ah yes, what do we find? The blocks blocking the chest are lowered and we can finally pick up the level 2 shield. Now, hit the crystal switch while standing on a lowered block so you can get out. Now, head north and get to the next room quickly so the blocks don't close on you. Now, this the room where you the first pillar once was. Anyway, notice the pit that we dropped down before. Throw the orb over the pit to the other side. Be careful not to get it into the pit. If it falls, it will show up in the room where you picked it up again. Now, jump diagonally and get to the side where you threw the orb at. Pick it up and head south to the next pillar. Throw it over the small pit but be careful not to get it into the spikes as you'll have to retrieve it. Throw it swiftly at the second pillar to break it. Head south and hit the crystal switch. Go back north and take the left path up. You'll be by a block blocking an opening. Push it to the side and continue. Make sure you are still carrying the orb. Anyway, head north and throw the ball over the pits. Then jump over and head north. If you want the compass, hit all of them so they all show the same suit. When you are ready, take the left path south to the third pillar. You can't reach it just yet but you can throw the ball to the other side so it'll be waiting for you later on. Do just that and head back to the room where you knocked down the first pillar. From here, head south to the room with the crystal switch that we hit before. Then, head to the room with the chest containing the Mirror Shield and use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch. You will have to throw it diagonally to hit it. To throw it diagonally, press the bottom and right D Pad button together and it'll sail to it. Now, stand on a raised block and hit it again so the blocks are raised but you are still walking on them. Head south and ignore the keyhole block. Continue west across the lowered blocks. Ignore the enemies and continue west for two screens and fight Hinox again. ===== HINOX --- Difficulty: 4/10 ===== The easiest way to defeat this cyclops is to simply use a long range weapon. If you have any, great. If not, use hit and run tactics to strike at him and then retreat while avoiding his bombs and his throw. Careful, if he throws you on a weak piece of ground, you're going to fall through and lose health. Pick up the key that appears and head north. Go through the one way door and meet the flying tiles again. These should be familiar as you simply need to get into a corner and block them with your shield. After that, head east and you'll be at the pillar again! Pick up the ball and chuck it to make the third pillar dust. Three down, one to go. Pick up the ball again and push the block into the pit so you can go east. Push the block out of the way and continue south as the blocks are blocking your path. Throw the ball over the pit before jumping yourself. Simply backtrack now to the room with the former first pillar and then head to the room where you got the Mirror Shield. Like before, throw the Boomerang diagonally to the switch and walk across. Pick up the ball and keep it on a raised block. Then throw the Boomerang at the crystal switch while standing on the lowered blocks. Continue south as usual. Ignore the keyhole block and continue west until you meet the Three of a Kind. Hit them so they freeze on the same suits to make a chest appear. Notice the pit in the middle of this room. Stand by the edge and throw the ball over the edge to the other side. Continue west to the room where you fought Hinox, then north. Go through the one way door and avoid the tiles. Continue east and inspect the southern wall for a bombable piece. After bombing it, head through and the fourth pillar should be plain in sight. At the opposite end is another bombable wall. Drop another bomb and you should be in the room you left your ball. The chest is also on the opposite side and should pop up. Use your Hook shot on the chest to get grappled across to the other side. The chest contains 20 rupees if you need them. Now, pick up your ball and continue north to the fourth and final pillar. A cinematic will appear showing the process of the floor falling onto the second floor. Now that we have knocked down every pillar, we have no need for the ball anymore so feel free to just drop it. Head south one screen to the screen where we hook shoted to the chest and fall down the hole. Yes, that's right, fall down the hole. Now, that we are back to the entrance, we need to get onto the next floor. First of all, head to the stairs to the east and go up to the second level. Use your Boomerang once again and throw it diagonally towards the crystal switch. Then, stand on a lowered block and throw it at the crystal switch like we did a few times before. Continue south and west. Head up the steps and kill the enemies here. Head north one screen and east one screen. In this room, you will fight a unique mini boss that calls on birds. His name is the Grim Creeper. ============ GRIM CREEPER --- Difficulty: 7/10 ============ This skeleton like mini boss will call on six large Keeses to attack you. He will not attack himself. To defeat him, you must defeat the six Keeses as they dive at you. Be careful, you must defeat every one of them or else they will regroup and dive at you again. The easiest way to defeat them is to get yourself in a corner and swipe your sword like crazy. After killing the six, Grim Creeper will freak out and run away. The warp should appear but there's no need for it now. Instead, head north through the door that opened and notice the two blocks in the center of the room. Yes, it is quite obvious. Push the two blocks together to make the chest appear. Open it for the Nightmare's Key! Ignore the crystal switch and head south one screen and west a few screens until you reach the door to the Nightmare's Lair. Open it and go through. Though the boss isn't here, we can get there. Walk up the small steps and use your Hook shot and target the block on the opposite side. Bring yourself across and head south one screen and east one screen. Go up the flight of stairs and prepare to fight the boss. Once you are outside, climb up the ladder and the Grim Creeper should start mocking you and call upon his eagle. ========== EVIL EAGLE --- Difficulty: 9/10 ========== This boss is one of the hardest in the game so beware. When the eagle takes flight, he'll start flying across the screen. If he is high, use the Hook shot to hit it. If he's at your level, swipe at him with your sword. Soon, he will come by and start flapping his wings. Immediately get in the center of the platform and put up your shield and put as much resistance as possible against the gust. His last form of attack should be strafes. He will strafe at you and use your sword to hit him. He will use a variety of these three moves so be prepared. After what seems like a long time, the eagle should be defeated and you may collect your prize. Pick up the Heart Container and head back down the ladder. Go through the opening and notice the now opened door to the east. Fall off the ledge and go inside. The Level 7 instrument is up ahead so walk up to it and retrieve the Organ of Evening Calm. Now, time to set our sights on the West Tal Tal Mountains and the final dungeon for the final instrument. As you are soon warped outside, save the game. /|=========================================================================|\ |-| 5.8 - Level 8 |-| \|=========================================================================|/ ______________________ ----{TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE}---------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now that we're back outside, the Flying Rooster won't be with us anymore. We are going to take a quick shortcut so just fall down the left of the two ledges ahead and land in a pit. We are in a cave east of Angler's Tunnel. You should be able to find your way back to the Tal Tal Mountains. Head west and go down the stairs in front of the Angler's Tunnel. Continue through this cave like before and push the boulder into the hole and jump over it. Head up the steps. _______________ ----{TAL TAL HEIGHTS}----------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Because we have done it before, we are going to need to navigate back. This may not seem a good shortcut but believe it or not, taking this route is faster than the other route. Continue west and head up the steps. Pick up the rock blocking the way and head east and up the steps to the cave leading to the mountains. Pick up the rocks and continue through. This cave should be quite easy to navigate through. Go up the steps at the end and continue through this passageway. Use your Pegasus Boots to break through and exit. Make your way to the Hens House and we'll see what we will have to do from there. ______________________ ----{TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE}---------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ When you reach the Hen House, go inside and watch the Flying Rooster having some fun with the man. Wow, they must be having some fun! Anyway, exit and head west to the bridge. Use your Hook shot to get across grappling the rocks on the other side. On the next screen, you find Marin trapped on a piece of bridge? Quickly, get out your Hook shot and grapple to opposite rock and you'll rescue Marin quickly. Our young hero has rescued another and Marin starts talking. As we all expected, she is nervous and can barely breathe. We all know what's she is about to admit but before the good part comes, Tarin comes and breaks up the lovefest. Sigh, we were so close. Anyway, Marin is rescued and will go so we are free to continue. The owl will soon come once again after the experience: "Hoot! That girl sang her song in front of the Egg! Her 'Ballad of the Wind Fish' is a song of awakening! Did she actually intend to wake the Wind Fish?! The next Sirens' Instrument is in the west. Play your melodies so the unliving stones might hear! Show your courage! The Wind Fish waits for you! Hoot!" Continue west to walk on the northwestern most piece of land of Koholint. Take a look at the single bush on this screen. Cut it down and continue down the staircase. Continue west through this cave and drop down the ledge to the staircase below. When you are at the lower level, advance west one screen and use your Hook shot to get to the other side quickly. Then, continue as normal. Advance west while avoiding the obstruction and boulders falling down the cliff. Head up the steps and continue east along the cliff and head up the steps again. The Mini Moldorm won't be any trouble because it's trapped behind a few rocks. Continue west and open the chest for 50 rupees. Head west along the bridge and fall down the ledge in front of you. Defeat the enemies and bomb the obstructed cave on the same screen. Enter the cave and advance. Ahead is flamethrower like object. Use your level 2 shield to block it and get past. Continue up the steps and you'll be on the other side of the rock that was blocking our way before. Continue west along the path passing along the Telephone Booth. Ignore any ledges and you should soon reach what appears to be a turtle in a rock. Kill the two birds first and then take out your Ocarina and play the Frog's Song of Soul. The same song that you woke up the Flying Rooster with. Use it and the turtle will wake up and attack! =========== TURTLE ROCK - Difficulty: 5/10 =========== This boss is fairly easy. Arm your Sword and continuously hit it rapidly. The turtle won't actually attack but it can hurt you still. It should fall pretty quickly and we are done. Enter the door that opens and head inside the 8th and final dungeon for the final instrument. ___________ ----{TURTLE ROCK}-------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? Advance north and use your Boomerang to knock down the enemy quickly. Use the west door and continue that way. Kill the Snake Ropes and avoid the laser. Go through the door that opens to the north and fight Hinox. Use the same strategy as before to kill it quickly. ===== HINOX --- Difficulty: 6/10 ===== The easiest way to defeat this cyclops is to simply use a long range weapon. If you have any, great. If not, use hit and run tactics to strike at him and then retreat while avoiding his bombs and his throw. Careful, if he throws you on a weak piece of ground, you're going to fall through and lose health. Collect the faerie and continue west. In the middle of this room is a moving block. Use the D Pad to control it. Push it to get it started and let it go all the way left and then press down to make it go down. Take the newly formed path south and you'll reach a chest with a winged heart. The chest has 50 rupees. Continue west and fight the next mini boss, Rolling Bones. ============= ROLLING BONES --- Difficulty: 2/10 ============= To defeat this annoying idiot, jump over the thing he rolls at you and attack him as much as you can with your sword. Repeat by jumping over it again and attacking once again. Continue until it's defeated. One Boomerang hit will knock it down. Pick up it's faerie and continue north. Now, use the Boomerang to quickly kill the Winged Demon and pick up the key. Save, play Manbo's Mambo, do whatever to get back to the entrance. When you are back, continue north and ignore the enemy. Continue north and east to reach a room with the tile make block again. ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Move the tile up four squares and left one square so you can walk to the other side. B#B# B # - Lava BB# ####B B - Block # #####B L - Link BB# ##### T - Moving Tile # # ## - Land L # Walk across the newly formed platform and advance north from your current location. Continue along and go through the staircase at the end and reach an underground chasm with lots of lava. You are going to have to jump when the fireballs aren't up so you don't get hit. Advance forward and get on the ladder and move sideways so the fireballs won't hit you. Go up the ladder and reach another room. Pick up the pots while killing the Snake Ropes. Kill every one of them and open the chest for a Stone Slab. The path north leads to the next mini boss, Smasher. ======= SMASHER --- Difficulty: 6/10 ======= Equip the Power Bracelet and the Roc's Feather and jump when he throws the ball at you. Get to the ball before Smasher does and pick it up. Aim and throw it at him to damage him. If you can, pick it up again. If he picks it up, wait for him to throw it and jump when he does. Pick it up again and throw it. Repeat this for about four times and he should be defeated. Pick up the faerie. Head west through the door that just opened to come to one of those annoying tiles again. To get the key in this room, you will have to push the tile so it covers every section of the pit. It shouldn't be too hard but if you need a more detailed analysis, email me or something. Pick up the key that appears. Now that we have the Small Key, play Manbo's Mambo or save the game to be warped back to the entrance again. Continue north and to the screen where the tile making block is. We are going to need to push it once again to get to the other sides. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Let the block go upwards two squares, right two squares, and up one square. B B B ##B B# B # - Lava BB# ##B B - Block # #####B L - Link BB# ##### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Walk up the platform and push the east block into the lava so you can take the east path north. Use your Small Key on the keyhole block and head east. Kill the enemy quickly and unlock the locked door. While avoiding the Blade Traps, continue north through the one way door and kill the gels that attack you. To make the door open, you will have to kill every gel in the room. Walk around to make them pop up. Continue north when the door opens and fight the mummies. Constantly move to avoid falling through the floor. Pick up the key and continue west to the Dodongo Snakes. Luckily, we don't need to fight them yet so just bypass them. Continue west and jump over the lava. Use a key to open the door and continue through. This is the Nightmare's Door but we don't have the key yet so just bypass it. Continue west and kill the enemies. I may inform you of the Heart Piece here so pick it up if needed. Continue east and notice the warp. Continue east one more screen and go through the strangely shaped door that will bring you above the Dodongo Snakes. ============================= DODONGO SNAKE(lvl. 8 version) --- Difficulty: 8/10 ============================= This battle is tougher than the other Dodongo Snake encounters because you can't move in front of them and just drop a bomb. This time, you will have to throw it at them in front of the mouth. Try to time your shots properly so they eat it and the same three bombs should kill them. Try not to get frustrated as a harder mini boss is coming up soon enough. Get the key from the chest that just appeared and continue west along the ledge and fall off the end. Continue through the door that you unlocked before to the room with the Nightmare's Key. Continue east to the room where you got outside through the stairs. Continue south and avoid the sparks. Look directly at the cyclops statue here and launch a single arrow directly into it's eye to make a key fall from the ceiling. Pick it up and continue west to find a chest in the middle of the room. C C - Chest BB B - Block Move them: BC B Open the chest for a Small Key. Now, play Manbo's Manbo or save the game to be warped back to the entrance. Again, head to the tile making block up north and we have to push it again. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Push the moving tile up one and then right five squares. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB# T - Moving Tile # # ## - Land L # Advance that way east and inspect the east wall for a bombable piece. Bomb it and hit the crystal switch inside. Get back out and get back to the entrance one way or another. Once you're back, get back to the moving tile and we will move it once again. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Move the tile up two, right two, and then up two. B B B ##B B# B # - Lava BB### ##B B - Block # ###B L - Link BB# ##### T - Moving Tile # # ## - Land L # This time, push the east block into the lava so you can get to the east path. Continue north one screen and east a few screens to the door you unlocked before. Avoid the Blade Traps and go through the one way door at the top. Advance north and inspect the west wall for a bombable piece of wall. Kill the Gels if they get in your way. Go through into the dark room. Light up the lantern in front of you for some dim light and locate the pit plus the keyhole block on the other side. Open it and continue. Luckily, there are no pits in this room so you can just pass through the door at the end after killing the Snake Rope. Light up the lantern in this room if you can and locate the various pits and the keyhole block. Avoid falling and unlock the keyhole and continue along the upper ledge east. If you need to, light up the lanterns but there is really no need this time. Use your Hook shot to get onto the platform with the stairs. Grapple on the blocks and unlock the keyhole block with your last Small Key. Go downstairs. Use the platform above the lava to get through and jump when it reaches the other side. Continue to the next screen and jump on the platforms as they move up and down. If you hit the crystal switch before, the blocks there should be lowered. If they aren't, get back and hit it or else you won't get your prize. Jump off the ledge and move south to fight Blaino. ====== BLAINO --- Difficulty: 10/10 ====== It would be much easier to defeat this boxing penguin if you have a level 2 sword. There is no easy way to defeat it but the only I can say is to avoid it's punches, especially his uppercuts. If you lands an uppercut on you, you will fly all the way back to the entrance. His other punches do quite some damage but to damage him, attack him from the side or the back. Beat him and move up past the lowered blocks to the Magic Rod. Arm it as it's a very powerful weapon. Get back to the entrance through the warp and continue north. Defeat the Winged Demon and take the west door. Defeat the enemies to open the door and head through to fight Hinox once again. ===== HINOX --- Difficulty: 6/10 ===== The easiest way to defeat this cyclops is to simply use a long range weapon. If you have any, great. If not, use hit and run tactics to strike at him and then retreat while avoiding his bombs and his throw. Careful, if he throws you on a weak piece of ground, you're going to fall through and lose health. Move west through the door that opened and push the moving tile forward all the way to the wall and then move it north so you can go that way. Light up the two lanterns with the Magic Rod to make a key appear. Get back to the entrance again and head straight to the tile maker in the area with a lot of lava. It's two screens north and one screen east of the entrance. Move the tile maker again. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Make it go up one and then right all the way so you can reach the small steps to the upper platform with the staircase on it. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # # - Land L # Go up the small steps and go through the staircase. In this room, melt the ice so you could get through quickly. You need to melt the ice so you could get through. For a more detailed analysis, email me. Another ice puzzle resides in the next screen so use a Magic Rod to melt it and you can have access to the ladder. Descend the ladder and unlock the door with your last key. Go inside and fight Cue Ball. The mini boss with an abnormally large backside. ======== CUE BALL --- Difficulty: 4/10 ======== This strange looking boss has an abnormally large backside. That should be your target. Use the Pegasus Boots and Sword to chase it around. Run into it's giant butt and it'll turn around. Jump over it when it comes at you and keep chasing it. After a few strikes, it should be gone. Now, go west and north into a room with another tile making block. What you will have to do is move the tile maker through the room so it covers every section of ground. For a more detailed analysis, email me. After the ground is covered, a chest should appear. Open it for the Nightmare's Key. Now, we have already seen the Nightmare's Door so warp back to the entrance. Head north two screens and east one screen. Use the tile maker once again to get across. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # #T## - Land L # Move it up one square and then right five squares. B B B ##B#B# B # - Lava BB######B B - Block #######B L - Link BB####### T - Moving Tile # # - Land L # Walk along this path into the next room. Notice the staircase in this room, go up to come to another ice puzzle that we will need to solve. Melt it so you can get through. If you are stuck, email me. After landing on the ledge, move to the next screen and melt some more ice. Get to the ladder and descend it to get to staircase directly in front of the Nightmare's Door. Now we can open it and face the boss of Turtle Rock for the Final Instrument. ======== HOT HEAD --- Difficulty: 9/10 ======== This boss is fairly easy as it doesn't attack you. You have to use the Magic Rod to defeat this boss so be careful. When it comes out of the lava, shoot is as much as possible with the Magic Rod before it dives back in. If it's outer casing comes off, you are making good progress. Repeat this until it's defeated. And by the way, avoid the lava spashes that come up when Hot Head lands. They will do some damage. When you're done, pick up the Heart Container and walk along the border of the room and jump to the door leading to the instrument. Resting at the end is the Thunder Drum. That makes a good eight instruments... finally. When you're back outside, save the game. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*|\ 5.9 - Nightmare | | *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*|/ Now that we have every instrument, we can advance to the egg and confront the Nightmare. However, I would suggest picking up a Potion from Crazy Tracy. Use Manbo's Mambo once you're outside to be teleported in front of her house. After collecting her concoction, head to the library by the two kids playing catch and read the southeasternmost book. It will list you a set of directions that are very important. The stair to the wind fish egg is to the west of the stairs leading to the Tal Tal Mountains. The owl will greet you and play the instruments. Walk inside and head north into the next screen and fall down the pit in the middle. Use the directions you got before and use them to get to the correct place. If you followed it correctly, you should come across a large pit. Fall down and fight the nightmare. Read the Bosses section for strategies on defeating them. Watch the ending and congratulations on defeating Zelda: Link's Awakening. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)----------------------- 6.0 - Mini Bosses ------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: This section gives a list of mini bosses and how to beat them. For those of you too lazy to look at the walkthrough. This section also gives strategies that may not be in the walkthrough so take a look. These are dungeon bosses, not side quest bosses by the way. Now, in no particular order: ------------- Rolling Bones ------------- Appearance: This green creature rolls a spiked pillar across the room. Strategy: Jump over the spiked pillar that it rolls at you and start attacking the thing with your hookshot or arrows if you have them. If you're fighting it in the Level 1 dungeon, make use of your sword and slash at it. It will become very vulnerable after rolling the pillar as it will hop away to the other side in an attempt to hit you again. It won't attack you when it has to go across the room but stay out of it's path to avoid losing health. Stay to the side of it and watch out for it's hops. ----- Hinox ----- Appearance: A large cyclops capable of throwing bombs and throwing you. Strategy: If you're using the sword, use hit and run tactics to avoid it's bombs and it's arm. If it picks you up and throws you on a weak ground, you're falling down the pit. If you happen to have arrows or a hookshot, use either one from long range to avoid it's attacks. --------------- Dondongo Snakes --------------- Appearance: Two large worms with a mouth and no other facial features. Strategy: The only way to defeat these is to feed them bombs. Drop it in front of them or something. The easiest way is to wait until they're stuck in a corner and throw a bomb into a corner. The snake will almost always eat it. Feed one three bombs to kill it so you'd need at least six to beat them both. -------- Cue Ball -------- Appearance: A round creature with very weak buttocks Strategy: Using the Pegasus Boots and the Sword. Dash and chase it around whichever direction it's going. Always hit it's buttocks to damage it. After a few strikes, it should be defeated. Remember that it'll change directions occasionally. If that happens, jump over it when it comes at you and resume the chasing. -------------- Master Stalfos -------------- Appearance: A large soldier skeleton with a big sword and shield Strategy: You'll have to fight this mini boss three times so prepare your bombs. Attack it from the side first and try to hit the area not protected by his shield. He should decapitate. Before he gets up, place a bomb by him and make it blow. He should get damaged. After 2-3 bombs, he'll run away to the next area. ------- Smasher ------- Appearance: A strangely shaped creature that throws a large orb at you Strategy: Wait for it to throw the ball at you in an attempt to hurt you. Pick up the ball that it throws with your power bracelet and throw it back at it. Continue this until it's defeated. ----- Gohma ----- Appearance: Two strangely shaped spiders that have one eye that shoots stuff at you. Strategy: Using the arrows for best results,(the hookshot works as well) shoot them in the eye when they open it. Be cautious as they shoot something at you to. I would suggest taking out the Spider closest to you and then the one to the top. ------------ Grim Creeper ------------ Appearance: A flute playing guy with a skull mask. Strategy: It'll send six large Keeses at you. You have to destroy all six at once or else you won't be able to advance. The easiest way would be to get into a corner and attack them like that so you can't move and they have to fly in a tighter pattern. ------ Blaino ------ Appearance: A penguin with boxer gloves. Strategy: Watch out for it's punches. Don't let him hurt. Try to hit him from the side or back when he's winding up for an uppercut. Oh yeah, watch out for his uppercut as well. If he looks like he's winding up, get out of the way. There's no easy way to defeat this mini boss. In my opinion, the mini boss here seems harder than the actual boss. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)------------------------- 7.0 - Bosses ---------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: The eight dungeon bosses plus the nightmare. These are in order: ------- Moldorm ------- Location: Tail Cave Appearance: A worm like creature that has a flashing tail. Strategy: Continuously hit it's tail. Try not to fall off the platform as you'd have to reenter and fight him again. Just stand by the wall and wait for him to come by and smack him in the tail. ----- Genie ----- Location: Bottle Grotto Appearance: A genie that has a bottle. Strategy: Wait for it to finish talking and then attack it's bottle to make it still. Pick it up with the power bracelet and throw it against the wall. The genie will come out and throw eight fireballs at you. Then it will get back into it's bottle. Hit it again. Repeat this three times to destroy the bottle and make the genie come out. After it finishes talking again, attack it before it comes to you and watch it spiral around and around. Be alert as it will stop quickly and throw a single fireball. Hit it with your sword again and repeat until it's dead. --------- Slime Eye --------- Location: Key Cavern Appearance: A giant eye Strategy: When you first enter the room, you won't see it. Ram the wall with your Pegasus Boots to make it come down. Start dashing at it's center with your Pegasus Boots and Sword until it splits in half. Then start attacking one of the eyes while avoiding the other. The eye should fly high into the air. Watch out for it's shadow and avoid it. Repeat until one eye is dead and do the same to the other. ----------- Angler Fish ----------- Location: Angler's Cavern Appearance: A large fish with a glowing growth hanging out of it's forehead. Strategy: You can easily defeat this boss without letting it even attack you. Aim for the growth on it's forhead and attack it as much as you can before it can attack. I easily brought it down before it charged. --------- Slime Eel --------- Location: Catfish's Maw Appearance: An eel with a large dangerous tail. Strategy: Follow the tail that pops up in the middle to avoid it. Watch the four holes begin to form in the wall. Use your hookshot and sword to pull out various heads. If the head has a heart on it's neck, hit it as much as you can before it dives back. If you pull out a fake one, get out of it's way as it will explode. ------ Facade ------ Location: Face Shrine Appearance: A large face in the center of the room. Strategy: As you enter the room, pick up the four pots in the corners and throw them away before the face appears. Avoid the tiles he sends at you and then stand on it's face, you won't get hurt, trust me. Various holes will start appearing in the room. Place a bomb on his face and watch it disappear for a few seconds. Repeat until it's dead. This is probably the easiest boss to beat. ---------- Evil Eagle ---------- Location: Eagle's Tower Appearance: A large eagle ridden by the Grim Creeper Strategy: The biggest thing to remember is to stay in the middle of the platform. As it takes off, it will fly around, if it's low, hit it with your sword, if it's high, hit it with your hookshot. When it comes down and starts flapping it's wings, put up your Mirror Shield in the direction of the bird and push in the opposite direction to stay on the platform. If you fall off, you will have to fight it all over again. Be wary of feather attacks and such. Everytime it flaps it's wings, put up your shield in it's direction while pushing. Everytime it flies by, hit it with either the hookshot or sword. Eventually, it will be defeated. -------- Hot Head -------- Location: Turtle Rock Appearance: A giant fireball like creature Strategy: When it dives out of the lava, hit it as many times as possible with your Magic Rod. You have to hit it enough so it's outer casing cracks off. If it dives back in before that, you'll have to hit it all over again. It's considerably easier with it's covering off so just hit it with your magic rod and it'll be defeated. ------------- The Nightmare ------------- Location: Wind Fish Egg Appearance: Varies Strategy: There are six forms: 1. Giant Gel - The first form. Avoid it's hop and use magic powder on it three times to defeat it. 2. Agahnim's Shadow - If he sends a circular energy ball at you, use your sword to fling it back. Be careful as he sometimes sends other debris at you that'll hurt. 3. Moldorm's Shadow - Almost the same as the first level boss except a bit harder. Hit it's tail once again a few times to defeat it. 4. Ganon's Shadow - From the previous Zelda games, Ganon is back. Use the Boots and sword to ram him. Don't stop and don't worry about how he attacks. He'll be defeated quickly if you don't let up your dashing. 5. Lanmola's Shadow - Similar to the guy you had to beat for the Angler Key, hit it once with your magic rod to defeat it. 6. Dethl - A strangely shaped boss really. Equip your boomerang(if you have it) and jump over the two arms while trying to get a good shot at it's eye. Throw it DIRECTLY in the center. If it's not, it won't die. If you don't have a boomerang, use arrows but it will be a lot HARDER. At least 20 arrows are needed. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)---------------------- 8.0 - Heart Pieces ------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: Heart Pieces are optional. You don't need them to advance in the game. However, it will increase Link's health and allow you to last longer. I would strongly suggest collecting these for obvious reasons. Every four heart pieces will create a new heart container. Link can carry a maximum of 14 hearts container. ______________________ HEART PIECE LOCATIONS: Heart Piece 1 Location: Mabe Village Items Required: Sword Directions: At Mabe Village, towards the bottom left hand corner, there's this well at the bottom of a small cliff. Cut the middle bush and fall through the wall and into the well. The Heart Piece is right there. Pick up the Heart Container and go through the door to the north to pick up the Sea Lily's Bell. Save as soon as you're out of the dungeon. -- Heart Piece 2 Location: Fishing Pond Items Required: 10 rupees Directions: Go to the Fishing Pond north of Mabe Village. Catch the Lunker that is closest to you(the fat one)in that little niche. You'll get 20 rupees and a Heart Piece. -- Heart Piece 3 Location: Mysterious Forest Items Required: Roc's Feather Direction: You should've bypassed this at some time during the game. It's pretty hard to miss. It's surrounded by pits that you have to jump over. -- Heart Piece 4 Location: Mysterious Forest Cave Items Required: Power Bracelet Direction: Like Piece 3, you should've passed this at some time. Go back to that cave with the Power Bracelet and lift up some of the skulls to get to the piece. -- Heart Piece 5 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Sword, Bombs x2, Pegasus Boots Directions: The bombable cave is one screen west of the honeycomb tree. Bomb the wall to open up the cave and use the Pegasus Boots to break the crystals. There are 50 rupees in treasure chest as well as a hidden heart piece. Continue until you reach a dead end. Feel the far east wall with your sword and listen for a hollow sound. Once you find it, bomb the wall and walk in. This was a well hidden one. -- Heart Piece 6 Location: Yarna Desert Items Required: Sword, Bombs Directions: After defeating the mini boss for the Angler Key to the next dungeon. Fall down the hole in the center and feel along the northern wall for a "hollow" sound. Bomb the wall and walk in for another Heart Piece. -- Heart Piece 7 Location: Kanalet Castle Items Required: Flippers Directions: Jump into the moat at Kanalet Castle and search one screen west of the castle's gates. The Piece is somewhere in the middle and you must be submerged to get it. It takes a bit of time. -- Heart Piece 8 Location: Cemetery Items Required: Power Bracelet, Pegasus Boots, Roc's Feather Directions: Go south one screen from the witch's hut to enter the cemetery. Lift up the rocks to get to the staircase. Continue through the cave and use the Pegasus Boots and the Roc's Feather to get to the other side. Jump around with the Roc's Feather to get to this. There's an alternate way but you'll need the hookshot. At the southwesternmost section of the cemetery, there are four tombstones here. Push the southeastern one and enter the staircase that is revealed. Bomb the cracked rock and use your hookshot to get to it. -- Heart Piece 9 Location: Tal Tal Heights Items Required: Flippers Directions: There is this small cave to the east of the Angler Level's entrance. The room may appear to just be a small cavern but start diving around the middle. You'll find it eventually. Remember, you need to be underwater to get it. -- Heart Piece 10 Location: Animal Village Items Required: Hookshot, Bombs x2 Directions: In the northeastern corner of the Animal Village, there is a bombable cave that you have to destroy. Bomb it and you'll be in a cave. Once inside, equip your arrows and bombs to the A and B. Use the "flying bomb" technique to destroy a cracked rock that is across a large pit. You need to clear it up so you can hookshot yourself across and pick up the heart. As of now, I don't know any other way to do this. -- Heart Piece 11 Location: Tal Tal Mountain Range Items Required: Hookshot, Sword, Bomb Directions: There is an unfinished bridge west of the Hen House. Use your hookshot to get Link across. Once you're at the end, cut down the lone bush to reveal a staircase. Continue through the cave while avoiding the moving skulls and the Keese and bomb the little niche in the southernmost piece of wall to open up a hidden passageway. Head in and follow the path to get it. -- Heart Piece 12 Location: Turtle Rock Items Required: any weapon to kill monsters Directions: When you get through Turtle Rock, look for a little hole at the north end of the dungeon. Enter through it to find yourself on a small hill and the Heart Piece is right there. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)---------------- 9.0 - Secret Seashell Locations -----------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: Like the Heart Pieces, Secret Seashells are optional. If you collect 20, you get a special gift. The lvl.2 sword. It's much more effective than the other one plus it shoot's energy beams when your hearts are full. There are 26 seashells in all but you only need 20. I'll list the 20 needed as I can't be pushed to find the rest but if you're willing to give me the last 6, expect full credit. _________________________ SECRET SEASHELL LOCATIONS Seashell 1 Location: Mabe Village Items Required: Sword Directions: Just south of the village Tool Shop is a large cluster of bushes. The seashell is in one of them so cut down every one. -- Seashell 2 Location: Mabe Village(Madam MeowMeow's house) Items Required: Sword, Shovel Directions: Using the shovel, dig in the little doghouse. Dig everywhere until you find it. -- Seashell 3 Location: Tail Cave Items Required: Bomb Directions: There is a room in Tail Cave with a Mini Moldorm and two breakable crystals by the bottom of the screen. On the western wall is a crack that can be bombed to open a passageway. -- Seashell 4 Location: Mysterious Forest Items Required: Power Bracelet Directions: You should be able to remember a chest near the southern area of the Forest. It was blocked by a rock that you couldn't access before. Lift up the rock and open the chest. -- Seashell 5 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Power Bracelet Directions: I'll list the directions from the main gate of Kanalet Castle since that's really the closest landmark to this. Go south for almost five screens and you'll see a lone rock surrounded by three enemies. Kill the enemies, pick up the rock, and take your prize. -- Seashell 6 Location: Ukuku Prairies(Seashell Mansion) Items Required: 5 seashells Directions: walk into the building and past the poles. Wait for the meter to fill up and a present should fall from the sky. It's another Seashell! -- Seashell 7 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Sword Directions: Exit Seashell Mansion and head east one screen to find eight bushes. Cut them down to find yet another one. -- Seashell 8 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Weapon, Bomb, Shovel, Roc's Feather Directions: Do you remember the cave by Seashell 5? It's one screen south and west. Enter it and continue heading west until you reach the end, don't head south but bomb the small niche in the wall. Bomb it and enter. Jump over the pit and go up the steps. You'll arrive at a puzzling rock barrier. Push the north rock into the pit and continue west. Come back around use your brain to move the barrier still blocking you and go through. As soon as you exit, head north and dig on the screen where the owl statue is. It's somewhere in that screen. And for those of you that were wondering, the owl statue reads: AROUND HERE, SECRETS ARE NIGH -- Seashell 9 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Shovel Directions: It on the screen directly above Key Caverns. There are four pieces of grass there arranged in a + sign. Dig in the middle to find the hidden seashell. -- Seashell 10 Location: Richard's Villa Items Required: Roc's Feather Directions: When Richard allows you into his basement, take the west fork when you come to it. Kill the gels and put the rock in the hole. Jump over the pit with the Roc's Feather and retrieve your prize. -- Seashell 11 Location: Seashell Mansion Items Required: 10 seashells Directions: When you're back at Seashell Mansion, walk past the meter and the thing will fill up and reach the second point. Pick up the present that falls from the ceiling. -- Seashell 12 Location: Koholint Prairie Items Required: Sword, Shovel, Power Bracelet From the Witch's Hut, head west one screen and lift up the boulder here. Continue down the stairs and notice the single bush on this screen. Cut it down and use the Shovel to dig where it once layed. -- Seashell 13 Location: Martha's Bay Items Required: Sword, Pegasus Boots, Roc's Feather Directions: It's on the same screen as the mermaid statue but just getting to the statue won't allow you access. Instead, head one screen north of where you had to retrieve Marin with the 50 rupee chest. Now empty. From that screen, lift up the boulders and head east one screen, south one screen, and east one screen again. Use the Pegasus Boots with the Roc's Feather to clear the gap and continue east two screens and north one screen. Cut the lone bush down and pick up the Seashell. -- Seashell 14 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Pegasus Boots Directions: There are two telephone booths in Ukuku Prairies I would believe. There may be more but the one we're looking for is closest to Mabe Village. Right next to it is a tree that you can dash into for a Secret Seashell! -- Seashell 15 Location: South of the Village Items Required: Pegasus Boots Directions: When you get the Pegasus Boots, head back to Tail Cave. Exactly one screen west of Tail Cave is a tree that can be dashed into for another Secret Seashell. -- Seashell 16 Location: House by the Bay Items Required: Power Bracelet Direction: After the nostalgic ghost tells you to look in a jar, head to his house and lift up one of the jars. Duh... this has got to be one of the more easier seashells around. -- Seashell 18 Location: Yarna Desert Items Required: Power Bracelet, Sword Directions: Drop down the hole in the middle of the quicksand where you fought Lanmola and exit the cave. Head south until you reach the two bushes and a few boulders. The bottom one contains a Secret Seashell. -- Seashell 19 Location: Face Shrine Items Required: Arrow or Boomerang to kill Armos Knight Directions: Get into Face Shrine and head south one screen and west two screens. Get the Armos Knight out of the way and continue west, turn north and get the Armos Knight blocking your path east out of the way. Continue east and you should see a group of four Armos Knights ahead of you.(4 more on the other side but they don't matter) Hit the southeastern one to make him move and reveal a staircase. Go down the steps and take the Seashell! -- Seashell 20 Location: Ukuku Prairies Items Required: Flippers, Sword Directions: This seashell is by Key Caverns in case you were wondering. Come back here when you have the Flippers. Do you remember when you "hopped" those platforms across the water? Well, instead of hopping, swim to northernmost piece of land. It has a bush on it that can be cut. Now, I forgot how but try to find some way to stop the seashell from falling into the water. If it does fall into the water, swim off the screen and back on the screen and the bush will be back. -- There you have it, 20 seashells. When you collect them all, head to seashell mansion and they'll drop you your new sword. And it sure is powerful. It's capable of shooting energy beams when your hearts are full. The energy beams have similar damage to that of the arrow by the way. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)----------------- 10.0 - Easter Eggs and Tricks ------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: There are many secrets and easter eggs in this game. I'll just list some of them. Feel free to send in your own. I'll give you credit. The ones with parenthesis were sent in by readers. Their name will be inside the parenthesis and in the credits. The ones without parenthesis were found by me. Enjoy. ~Stealing from the Shop~ This is a well known trick. Basically, what you do is pick up an item from the store that you want and walk north of the store clerk so he looks up at you. Now, immediately run around him and out the door. You'll be outside if you successfully steal it. You will also get a message confirming it. Now, if you walk back into the store however, the clerk will blast you with something and you'll fall. But it's only one death and you got that 980 rupee Bow we always wanted. ~The Boomerang~ There is this little cave in Toronbo Shores that can be blown open with a bomb. It's pretty obvious as the entrance is given away by the rocks covering it. Don't be surprised if there is no one there. I'm pretty sure that you have to complete Level 6 or something before he shows up. Can anyone confirm this? Anyway, he offers to trade you a boomerang for one of your items. I would suggest the shovel. You can trade back at anytime you want. ~Chicken Attacks~ If you hit a chicken for long enough with your sword, a swarm of chickens will come and attack you. They will hurt you and the only way to escape them is to go off the screen and then back on the screen. ~Setting Things on Fire~ You can actually kill chickens and mutts with the Magic Rod. Just shoot at them. ~The Trendy Game~ When you have to get Marin to wake up that animal blocking the path to the Yarna Desert, bring her to the Trendy Game and she'll ask to play. Let her play and she'll pick up the guy. It's really funny. This is also explained in the walkthrough. ~Different Opening Theme~ Create a new account and use the name, Zelda. The opening theme music should change to a more dramatic one. ~The Mad Batter~ Apparently, there are three "Mad Batter Lairs" strown throughout the island. He supposedly allows you to carry more arrows, bombs, or magic powder. These are the locations (with thanks to allhailtheedd@wi.rr.com for locations). When you reach the Mad Batter, you have to sprinkle Magic Powder in the sconce to make him appear. 1. Go to Manbo's Pond and head three screens west. Use the Power Bracelet to pick up every rock and descend the stairs. You're there. 2. For the second one, you need the Bow & Arrows, Bombs, Pegasus Boots, Flippers, and Roc's Feather. 2 screens east of the ghost house in martha's bay you see stairs surrounded by bushes, blocked off by pits. Bomb/Arrow them, and the use the Pegasus Boots in cunjunction with the Roc's Feather to jump over the pit. Continue through the tunnel (need Flippers) and come out other end. Go 1screen west and take the stairs, yahtzee. 3. Go to the Hen House in the Tal Tal Mountains. Head west and use the Hookshot to get across the broken apart bridge. Take the tunnel to the west of the mountain. Then, head one screen west, one screen east, one screen north, and one screen west. Lift the rock to reveal a secret passageway. ~Exploding Arrows~ Make sure you have a few bombs and a few arrows to do this. Arm arrows on one button and bombs on the other. What you do is press the two buttons simaltaneously to cause the bomb to fly with the arrows. These are very useful especially in the Level 6 dungeon. ~Marin the Nag~ When you have Marin with you and you are taking her back to the walrus, try to hit a few chickens or dig in the ground. She'll nag you and say some comical lines. ~Ghost's Grave~ Sprinkle some Magic Powder on the ghost's grave after he returns and he'll say a funny line. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)------------------- 11.0 - The Trading Game ----------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: In Link's Awakening, you will need to trade items for one another to get through the game. The trading game is also implanted in the walkthrough but if you're too lazy to look or you are just making sure you have the correct item, come here. 1. Yoshi Doll - The first item in the trading sequence. You will need the sword and at least 10 rupees. Head to the Trendy Game in the southeastern corner of Mabe Village. Bushes surround it so you'll need to cut them down. Go inside, play the game, and move the crane directly above the Yoshi Doll in the middle to pick it up. 2. Ribbon - Using the Yoshi Doll, head to the Quadruplet's House in the northern section of town. It's one screen west of the Dream Shrine. Anyway, go inside and talk to the mother. She'll ask you for the Yoshi Doll. Trade it for the Ribbon. 3. Dog Food - Go to BowWow's house. It is towards the northwestern section of town. It is quite easy to recognize because our friend, BowWow is by it. Head to the doghouse(the small entrance next to the house)and talk to the mini BowWow there. She will ask you for your Ribbon and trade you Dog Food. 4. Bananas - Around the northern section of Toronbo Shores is a lone hut. The hut is one screen west of the tree monkey that seems to have a fetish for throwing coconuts. Talk to the alligator-like creature and he'll go crazy. Give your dog food to him and he'll swallow it in a second. Of course, he rewards you with bananas. 5. Stick - When you head to Kanalet Castle, you may notice the main entrance is blocked off. Of course, you head one screen west to find a monkey named Tiki. Give him the Bananas and he'll not only build you a bridge BUT, he'll give you one of his quality wooden sticks. Yep, that's right, hand crafted to perfection by the woodsmiths of Monkeyville. 6. Honeycomb - One screen east of the cave where you picked up Heart Piece 5 is Tarin near a honeycomb on a tree. He'll compliment you on your stick and ask if he can use it. Tarin pokes at the beehive to cause the angry bees to chase him around in a comical scene. Although Tarin didn't give you your stick back, you can pick up the honeycomb that fell. 7. Pineapple - When you reach Animal Village, head to southeasternmost house and talk to the Chef Bear inside. He'll trade you a Pineapple for your Honeycomb. 8. Hibiscus - As you trudge along the Tal Tal Mountains, you'll notice Papahl stranded on a cliff. Of course, if you don't get there fast enough, you can expect him to starve to death. Luckily, we have some pineapple on hand so give that to him and take the Hibiscus he gives you. 9. Letter - When you head back to Animal Village, talk to the goat in one of the houses. Give her the Hibiscus and she'll hand you a letter that you must deliver to Mr. Write along the northern edge of the Mysterious Forest. 10. Broom - Around the northern border of the Mysterious Wood is a single hut. Inside the hut is our friend, Mr. Write. Give him the letter and he'll hand you a broom. Oh joy.... 11. Fish Hook - Old Man Ulrira's wife is most likely in Animal Village towards the north- eastern corner. If she is not there, head back to Mabe Village and look for her by her house. She will alternate from these locations occasionally. Wherever she is, give her the Broom(she lost hers)and she'll hand you a nice fish hook. 12. Necklace - Dive into Martha's Bay and swim to the south to find a wooden bridge leading to an owl statue. Dive under the bridge and jump on the fisherman's boat. He'll agree to give you his next catch which ironically, appears to be a necklace. 13. Scale - Get to the mermaid west of Catfish's Maw and talk to her with the necklace. She lost it and wants it back. She will agree to give you one of her scales so dive under and pick a nice big one. 14. Magnifying Lens - The final item in the Trading Cycle. Get it by head towards the south end of Martha's Bay where there is a break in the path with rocks on either side. Get to the other side with a Hook shot and continue towards the mermaid statue by the end. Walk up to it and it'll move out of the way revealing a staircase. Go down and head north towards the next room to find the Magnifying Lens. Now, what do you do after collecting the Magnifying Lens? Well, first I'd suggest picking up the Boomerang in Toronbo Shores but the Magnifying Lens has a more useful feature. Head to the library by the two kids playing catch and take a look at the southeasternmost book to get the directions through the Wind Fish's Egg. I would strongly suggest writing these down as they will tremendously help you out. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)---------------------- 12.0 - Monster List -----------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: ~==============================================================================~ A list of the monsters. A special thanks to nnguyen11490 who allowed me to use information from his enemy list. The actual creatures are alphabetized followed by the traps after them. ~==============================================================================~ _________ ---------------------------------[ A ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ----- Armos ----- These will appear at first immobilized. However, walk up to them and touch them to wake them up. In their activated status, they can do quite a bit of damage. Arrows and the boomerang are both very effective. ---------- Angler Fry ---------- Looks like a mini version of the Angler Fish. Not to hard to defeat as a few swipes could bring it down. --------- Arm-Mimic --------- Found in the Face Shrine and a few other locales, this is quite an annoying enemy invulnerable to some weapons. The best and most effective way to defeat these would be to dash at them quickly with sword out. _________ ---------------------------------[ B ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------ Beetle ------ Actually, these don't really look like beetles but more like spiders. You can find these crawling out of a hole in Ukuku Prairies and they are easy to defeat. A slash with the sword can bring one down quickly. ------ Bomber ------ A strangely shaped creature that flies above and drops bombs on you. Use a ranged weapon like a Hook Shot or a Boomerang and strike it from afar. --------- Buzz Blob --------- Another strange creature. Strike at it with your sword and you will get damaged. Use a Hook Shot to immobilize it and then strike at it. Magic Rod is very effective as it can take it out quickly. --------- Big Keese --------- A large batlike flying creature. An example of these would be the creatures the Grim Creeper(mini boss)sends at you. They are fairly weak and can be taken down pretty quickly. ------- Bloober ------- These squidlike sea creatures are weak and easily killed by sword or other weaponry. ------- Bombite ------- There are two different variations of this bombite. One will start ricocheting off the walls if you strike at it and blow up killing whatever is in it's vicinity. The other works like a 3 second time bomb. Strike at it away when it's about to blow to avoid it's wake. --------- Boo Buddy --------- It's very hard to actually strike at them and killing them that way but light up the room it's in to kill them quickly. _________ ---------------------------------[ C ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ---- Crow ---- A bird that doesn't really hurt you but it rather flies away instead. It is still weak and easily killed. ----------- Cheep-Cheep ----------- Found in water, these fishlike creatures are easy to defeat and quite easy to avoid nevertheless. ------- Cukeman ------- A blob similar to the Buzz Blob. If you strike at it, it will shock you just like the other. _________ ---------------------------------[ D ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ E ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ F ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ---- Fish ---- Pretty easy to defeat. You can only strike at it when it jumps above the water. Their fin is visible above the water so they should be easy to avoid. When they are jumping, use a sword or something to kill them quickly. -------------- Flying Octorok -------------- Winged version of the regular Octorok. Capable of taking quick hops that they avoid your sword with. They will spit rocks that can hurt you as well. A range weapon would be a good idea. _________ ---------------------------------[ G ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ----- Ghost ----- Kind of hard to defeat. These ghosts are found in the cemetery appearing around the tombstones. They can do some damage and will take a lot of blows from your sword. I find it best just to ignore them. --- Gel --- Pretty obvious and easy to notice. The larger versions can hit you. Sometimes after killing a Gel, it'll split up into two smaller pieces. These can not hurt you but if they stick themselves on you, your movement will be slower and you can't attack. ----------- Giant Ghini ----------- There is only one of these in the cemetery. It's a very large ghost that you defeat the same way with a lot of blows from the sword. ----- Gibdo ----- A strange name. Anyway, this is a mummy like creature that is quite hard to defeat. It will require multiple strikes from your sword so beware. ------ Goomba ------ Similar to the Goombas of the Mario games, these Goombas are basically walking mushrooms. You can stomp on their head for a heart. They are quite easy to defeat as they will fall to anything and they are the only enemy that can be defeated by jumping on top of it. -------------------- Giant Goponga Flower -------------------- Found in the Gaponga Swamp, these giant flowers will throw fireballs at you. Can only be defeated if it's eaten by Bow Wow. -------------- Goponga Flower -------------- Smaller version of the Gian Goponga Flower. Doesn't hurl fireballs at you but touching it will hurt you. Only Bow Wow can eat this. _________ ---------------------------------[ H ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? -------------- Hardhat Beetle -------------- You can not defeat this beetle by striking at constantly. It has to be pushed down a pit or something. _________ ---------------------------------[ I ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? --------- Iron Mask --------- These annoying enemies wear an iron mask in front of them so they are invulnerable to the front with a sword. You can still hit their backside however. After you receive the Hook Shot, you can pull off their mask by grappling it off. _________ ---------------------------------[ J ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ K ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ----- Keese ----- They are basically those bat like enemies that fly at you. Easy to defeat and you should no trouble at all. _________ ---------------------------------[ L ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------ Leever ------ Found in Toronbo Shores and the Yarna Desert. These strangely shaped traps come up from the ground and attack you by rotating really fast. If they aren't killed after a while, they will go back underground and come up again. Takes a few slashes with a sword but still shouldn't be too hard to kill anyway. --------- Like Like --------- Kind of looks like a walking marshmallow. Anyway, this weird creature will swallow you up through that hole at the top. Eventually, it will spit you out but it gets really annoying when you're in the middle of a battle. Pretty easy to kill. Also, if you had the shield with you at the time, you will notice that it has disappeared after the Like Like spits you out. Kill it to get your shield back. Otherwise, you'll have to buy another one at the Tool Shop in Mabe Village. _________ ---------------------------------[ M ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ---------- Mad Bomber ---------- Found at Kanalet Castle, you will need to defeat this pest to collect one of the Golden Leaves. He will throw a bomb every time he pops out of the hole. Try to stand next to a single hole and only attack him if he pops up right in front of you and then move back quickly to avoid his bomb. It's kind of hard but you will get it. ------ Monkey ------ One screen east of Sale's(The canned food loving alligator)house is a monkey residing in a tree. To activate it for the first time, you will have to walk on screen and the monkey will pop out. It will throw coconuts mostly but it does chuck the occasional bomb so be careful. ---------- Mask Mimic ---------- Kind of like the Arm Mimic except he's invulnerable to the front. Unlike the Iron Mask, it "mimics" your move so you can't exactly get behind it without it looking at you. A good strategy would be to walk up to the Mask Mimic and charge up your sword. Release and kill it with your spinning sword attack. ------------ Mini Moldorm ------------ A smaller version of the Level 1 boss but it's not hard to defeat at all. A sword is extremely effective. ---- Mutt ---- Only found at Mabe Village. These dogs(look more like cats to me)will only attack if you misuse your sword. If you strike at them, they will lunge at you. Surprisingly, they can do some(not a lot)of damage. _________ ---------------------------------[ N ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ O ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------- Octorok ------- A strange creature that seems to walk like a reptile with it's legs to the side. Basically, they will walk around doing nothing unless you are directly in front of them. Then they'll spit rocks(are they rocks)at you. _________ ---------------------------------[ P ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ----------- Pig Warrior ----------- Easily killed with any weapon. These usually carry arrows but some carry swords and shields. Pretty easy to notice as they are pigs. ------ Pincer ------ In some of the pits of Ukuku Prairies, there is a wormlike creature that lunges itself at you and then goes back in it's hole. Easy to defeat but a good clue the creature gives before it comes out are it's eyes. You'll see them appear for a brief moment. ----- Pokey ----- You may recall a similar creature from Super Mario World. Easy to kill and it doesn't hurt you too badly. Every time you hit it, a part of it will be destroyed. Found only in the Yarna Desert. ------- Pairodd ------- I don't know what this is but it looks most like a duck to me. Anyway, this weird creature will disappear whenever you get close to it and fire something at you. Hard to defeat at first as you'll have to surprise the Pairodd but after collecting the Pegasus Boots, killing these will be much easier as you can just dash into them. ------ Peahat ------ A strange flower that is capable of flying. When you at first walk into a room, the Peahat will be invulnerable to most weapons. It will stay invulnerable as it takes flight into the air as well. The only time you can attack it is after it lands. ------------- Piranha Plant ------------- Another creature from the Super Mario series. This Piranha Plant will jump out of holes and pipes and attempt to get you hurt in midair. Watch out for these as they can be extremely annoying. ---------- Pols Voice ---------- A rabbit like creature with enormous ears. A sword will not kill this creature so you will have to throw objects at it or find some other way. Also, playing the 'Ballad of the Wind Fish' will kill these creatures instantly. _________ ---------------------------------[ Q ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ R ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ----- Raven ----- Similar to the Crow. You can find these birds in the Tal Tal Mountain Ranges area. It flies faster so you may find using the Hook Shot or some other ranged weapon a better choice. _________ ---------------------------------[ S ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? --------- Sand Crab --------- A crab found on the beaches of Toronbo Shores. Not too hard to defeat. These require only one or two strikes from a sword or some other weapon. ---------- Sea Urchin ---------- These urchins are immobile unless you push them with a shield slowly. Easy to kill with any weapon. Just avoid walking into it to avoid taking damage. ---------------- Shrouded Stalfos ---------------- A hooded skeleton that throw bones at you. Not hard to kill and they won't jump and avoid your sword like the other version. ---------- Snake Rope ---------- It's not exactly a rope but it's a snake by the least. A simple enemy. Take caution when you are attacking these as they will sometimes lunge at you when you least expect it. ------------- Spiked Beetle ------------- Kind of a hard enemy to kill. These Spiked Beetles are indestructable from the top. They will constantly slide and attempt to hit you. To kill them, flip them over by touching them with the shield and then attack their vulnerable underside to kill them. ------- Stalfos ------- This skeleton creature is infuriating and most of the time, just getting in your way but it's easy to kill... if you just get a hit on it. This Stalfos has way of avoiding your strikes; they will hop away everytime you swing at them. Some will throw bones as well whenever you attack them. I would suggest swinging at them constantly maybe getting a hit or using a ranged weapon from far. ---- Star ---- This rotating star is pretty easy to defeat. He will ricochet off the walls and seems to have no control on his movement whatsoever. ------- Soldier ------- Found inside the walls of Kanalet Castle, these soldiers are the ones who chased off Richard. They can wield a variety of weapons however, the majority of them carry arrows. They are weak though. The ones that wield a shield are a bit stronger but can still be killed easily. ------------ Spiny Beetle ------------ Occasionally, you may be attacked by moving boulders or bushes. Under them is a little turtle-like enemy that is not very powerful in the least. If they are under a bush, chopping the bush apart will reveal them. If they are under a rock, you will need to pick up the boulder to reveal it. ------------ Sword Moblin ------------ You will be meeting these constantly in the early levels of the game. The Moblins are easy to defeat and also are seen carrying different weapons. The most common are arrows although some carry a sword with or without a shield. ------------- Sword Stalfos ------------- Another version of the skeleton Stalfos. These carry swords and shields and will make themselves hard to kill and annoying. Try to strike at them diagonally from the back to avoid their shield and hit them. _________ ---------------------------------[ T ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------- Tektite ------- Two legged creatures that constantly hop at you. They are easy to defeat and should not give you too much trouble. Found in the mountainous area. --------------- Three-of-a-Kind --------------- Found in some dungeons, these creatures display four suits. The point is to hit them so they stop on a certain suit. If you can match up all three, they will disappear and a treasure will appear. Also, if you stop all three on hearts, the three will drop hearts which makes a great health recharge. _________ ---------------------------------[ U ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ V ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------------ Vacuum Mouth ------------ This strange monster bloats up and sucks in whatever there is. You can get caught in the draft so beware. _________ ---------------------------------[ W ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ------------- Water Tektite ------------- The water version of the tektite. Looks a bit different but still use the same strategy to defeat. ------------ Winged Demon ------------ Found later in the game in dungeons. These winged creatures will hurl fireballs at you whenever you're far away. Get close and they will fly off the screen and appear somewhere else momentarily. After killing the large one, it'll sprout two smaller demons. I suggest using the Hook Shot or Boomerang as it's pretty hard getting to them with a sword on hand. -------- Wizzrobe -------- These annoying enemies are capable of teleporting away and reappearing in the same spot. The only effective weapon are arrows. Because arrows aren't unlimited, you may want to consider the dreaded bomb+arrows (read secrets section) _________ ---------------------------------[ X ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ Y ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? (none) _________ ---------------------------------[ Z ]------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯? ---- Zola ---- Fish found in deep waters. They will emmerge at certain locations and hurl fire- balls at you. ------ Zombie ------ Found in the cemetery area, these lifeless creatures will emmerge from the ground. A bit tough to kill(they are very durable)and it seems their numbers are infinite. They will continually come out of the ground and attack. I find it best to ignore these dead creatures. ~==============================================================================~ Below is a list of traps or other miscellaneous things. Traps aren't creatures but they can still hurt you. They are meant to stop you and get in your way. Most of these are indestructable so don't try. ~==============================================================================~ ---------- Anti-Fairy ---------- Similar to the spark, these moving thingies have a skull in the center so they will be easier to recognize. Unlike other traps, this can be destroyed with a Boomerang. ---------- Blade Trap ---------- Found in almost every dungeon, these Blade Traps are spring based and will jump at you whenever you cross. However, they aren't too smart and if you step and step back quickly, the traps will miss and you can walk through while they recoil. --------- Eye Guard --------- There are these stone statues in some dungeons that will throw fireballs at you. Can't be defeated. --------- Face Lamp --------- Same as the Eye Guard except they are lamps. -------------- Flame Fountain -------------- After defeating Eagle Tower and you are on the way to Turtle Rock, you'll pass a flame spitting machine that can't be deflected with the regular shield. To pass, hold out the Level 2 shield and push forward to get past it. ----------- Flying Tile ----------- In some levels, there are tiles on the ground that will fling themselves at you. They are easy to avoid and simply holding up a shield will be enough to knock them out of the way. ------------ Giant Bubble ------------ A giant, flashing face found in Face Shrine. It will bounce off and around the walls. Just avoid it's gigantic girth and you'll be okay. ----- Laser ----- A rotating turret that fires laser beams at you whenever it catches sight of you. The laser is blocked by blocks and other dungeon obstacles but you can't protect yourself with the shield or jump over the beam. You'll have to make due and avoid it altogether. ----------- Mega Thwomp ----------- This stubborn Thwomp is found in Key Caverns. Ram it with the Pegasus Boots to make it crack and budge. ------- Podoboo ------- From the Mario series, the Podoboo jumps out of the lava and can knock you out of the air if you are jumping. They come out on a fixed basis so time yourself and avoid them. ----- Spark ----- These flashing things bounce around the room and you will have to avoid them. They have a strange, smiling face in the center. You can defeat these with the Boomerang and make them drop a faerie. ------------- Spiked Thwomp ------------- Another version of the Thwomp. These large ones will come crashing down whenever you get below them. Dash past these bulks with the Pegasus Boots. -------------- Stone Elevator -------------- In Bottle Grotto, there are these Stone Elevators in one of the basements. Jump on the first one to make it go down. The second requires you to be holding a pot for it to move. ------ Thwomp ------ A regular Thwomp that will come crashing down on you. Easy to avoid as you can just dash right past it. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)--------------------------- 13.0 - FAQ ---------------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Q] How do you get the Boomerang? [A] After getting the Magnifying Lens, head to Toronbo Shores and look for a bombable cave along the shore. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Q] How do you steal items from the store? I heard you could. [A] Simply pick an item up and walk north of the store cashier. He'll look at you. As fast as you can, run out the door. However, there is a punishment for stealing an item. The next time you walk into the store, the cashier will blast you with some kind of weapon and people will refer to you as Thief. It's really useful for getting the Bow though. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Q] What's the difference between this game and the Deluxe version? [A] I'm not completely sure but I think the Deluxe version has one more dungeon plus a lot of extra puzzles. It's also in color obviously. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Q] I've seen a screenshot of Link firing beams from his sword. How do I do this? [A] You need the Lvl. 2 Sword that can be acquired at Seashell Mansion. After collecting 20 Secret Seashells, go there and walk past the poles to trigger it. Read my listing for the Secret Seashells if you can't find 20. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [Q] How many Heart Pieces are there in all? [A] You can get a total of 12 for three extra hearts. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)-------------------- 14.0 - Gameshark Codes ----------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: Keep in mind that you must own a Gameshark to use these codes. Otherwise, they're useless for obvious reasons. Gameshark was created by InterAct and is around $20-40 at most video game stores. I wouldn't find wasting that much money just to cheat is kind of stupid. For all those cheaters in the crowd, Gameshark codes. Feel free to submit any if I missed any. These are just all the codes I know of. Please practice safe Sharking. Basically, this means: - Don't have the Gameshark switch on when you start - Only have it on for the time needed for the code to take effect - If the desired effect doesn't occur, don't save - Don't save with the GS switch on - Do not throw your Gameboy in frustration with the GS still in I myself, don't use Gameshark anymore. It just can't be trusted. 013045DB - Infinite Arrows 01995EDB - Cannot Lose or Gain Rupees 01705ADB - Infinite Hearts(same as Infinite Health) 01304DDB - Infinite Magic Powder 010739DB - All Songs for Ocarina 01185ADB - Infinite Health(same as Infinite Hearts) 01095DDB - Infinite Rupees 0101D0DB - Infinite Small Keys 010515DB - Have all 5 Golden Leaves 010046C1 - Fly 010045C1 - Invisibility 01xx49C1 - Jump Modifier 00 - Low FF - High 01705BDB - Max Hearts 010111DB - Get Tail Key 010112DB - Get Angler Key 010113DB - Get Face Key 010114DB - Get Bird Key 010115DB - Get Slime Key 01200FDB - Have 20 Seashells 0101CFDB - Get Nightmare's Key Automatically 0101CCDB - Have map for current level 0101CDDB - Have compass for current level 0101CEDB - Have stone slab for current level 010E0EDB - Have Magnifying Glass 010195DB - End Sequence I'm sure there are more. Submit any that I've missed. You'll be given full credit. :-:==========================================================================:-: ~\*\*\ \---------------------------------/ /*/*/~ ~~)*)*)---------------- 14.0 - Final Words and Credits ------------------(*(*(~~ ~/*/*/ /---------------------------------\ \*\*\~ :-:==========================================================================:-: I hope you've enjoyed reading this FAQ. This sure has occupied me for a good two weeks. I'll still be looking for email, suggestions, questions, etc. This is only the first version so expect more to come. Here are the credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devin Morgan - I got this game without a manual so I had no idea what the boss names were. Devin Morgan's guide listed them so I used his boss names. Nintendo - Creating a great network of games CJayC - Administrator of GameFAQs. Thanks for hosting this guide. nnguyen11490 - For allowing me to use some information from his guide. I didn't use too much but thanks for offering! scurty - creator of the ASCII at the top you saw. Great guy! http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ - Figlet Generator that created my signature. The Edd - At allhailtheedd@wi.rr.com. He gave me the locations of the Mad Batter's lairs. Thanks a bunch. A special thanks go's out to Ken Nakao who's Heart Piece's guide I used for reference. Another special thanks go's out to Shinomori Aoshi who's Secret Seashell's guide I used for reference. - All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in some form have been cited in this section. Any sources that have provided any information at all are listed in the credits. I am not taking credit for others hard work and I hope they do the same. Not giving proper credit is plagiarism and it's against the law. =============================================================================== ____ __ _ __ __ / __ \____ ______/ /__ | | / /___ _____/ /____ _ __ / / / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ | | / / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \| |/_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / ,< | |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/> < /_____/\__,_/_/ /_/|_| |___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/|_| -=Game On Forever=- | Zelda walkthrough search:
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