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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

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             This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

              The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Skulltula House Guide
                                 {Fat-Free™ Version}
                        Written by: Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
                                   Version 1.00

                                 Table of Contents:
                              01. Skulltula House Guide
                              02. Copyright Information


01. Skulltula House Guide


                          Southern Swamp Spider House

This Spider House is located in the Southern Swamp, to the left of the Deku
Palace, on a small island. Use a Deku Stick to light a torch, and then use
that flaming Deku Stick to burn away the cobwebs blocking the entrance to
this Spider House.

*NOTE: You need the Hookshot to complete this Spider House, and to collect
       every Skulltula token, and you also need at least 2-3 Magic Beans,
       some bugs in a bottle, and a few bottles of spring water!

#1: This Skulltula is directly to your right as you enter the main area,
    just jump off the platform, and break one of the pots to find this

#2: This Skulltula is in the water near the end of the first ramp, so
    just kill it to get it.

#3: This Skulltula is also near the ramp, and near Skulltula #2, but it's
    on the pillar near it.

#4: This Skulltula is inside one of the soft-soil patches on the west
    wall near the ramp. Release some bugs near the hole in the wall
    to reveal this Skulltula, then kill it.

#5: Just like Skulltula #4, this one is inside of the soft-soil on the
    east side of the room.

#6: Enter the room to the west of the main room, and hit the Skulltula
    on the wall with your Hookshot, and use the Hookshot to retrieve it.
    If you don't have a Hookshot, then just plant a Magic Bean inside
    of the soft-soil in here (it's underneath the rock, so blow it up
    first with a bomb).

#7: Turn into Goron Link, and crush the large crates to find a
    Skulltula inside. Kill it to get the token. Inside of the same
    room as Skulltula #6.

#8: See Skulltula #7, and check another crate as Goron Link to find
    this Skulltula.

#9: Now go into the eastern room that is to the east of the main
    room. In here, hit the large vase as Goron Link to reveal a

#10: See Skulltula #9. This Skulltula is also inside of a different

#11: This Skulltula is inside of one of the pots to the right of the
     door. Inside the same room as Skulltula #9-10.

#12: This Skulltula is hiding inside of a small alcove near the sleeping
     Deku Scrub. Slash away the green vines to reveal the alcove
     containing the Skulltula.

#13: Dash back to the western room, and ride up the Magic Bean Leaf
     once more, and ride up to the roof, and shoot one of the bee-hives
     with an arrow to reveal a hiding Skulltula inside.

#14: Head up to the second floor in the room with Skulltula #13, and
     use the Magic Bean Leaf to reach it. Now run around to the other
     side to find a Skulltula behind a torch near the door.

#15: On the second floor, in the center main room, this Skulltula is
     to the left of the Deku Flower, and on the pillar.

#16: This Skulltula is near Skulltula #15, on the wall. Kill it to
     get the token.

#17: Use the Deku Flowers in the center room to reach the other side,
     and enter the door. Shoot the bee-hives up here to find a
     hiding Skulltula.

#18: See Skulltula #17, because this Skulltula is also within one of
     the bee-hives.

#19: In the same room as Skulltula #17, but on the other side of the
     room, so use the Deku Flower to reach the ledge, and kill the
     Skulltula to get it's token.

#20: Head through the next door where Skulltula #17 is, and start
     off by hitting the crystal switch to lower a ladder. Kill
     the Skulltula that is on the pillar near the switch.

#21: Also in the same room as Skulltula #20, this little guy is on
     the far wall. Use your Hookshot to hit it, then use it again
     to reach it and pull it to you. If you do not have the Hookshot,
     then use a Magic Bean Leaf on the soft-soil spot in here.

#22: Use the ladder that has been created, and climb up it, and locate
     the Skulltula here.

#23: In the same room as Skulltula #21, this one is hiding inside of
     a bee-hive on the roof.

#24: This Skulltula is in the same room as Skulltula #21, on the second
     floor, above the doorway that leads to a red door. Use the Magic
     Bean Leaf to reach it, then hop into the ledge, and head into the

#25: This Skulltula is running around inside of the tall grass surround-
     ing the room, so you might lose some health, but you'll find him.

#26: This Skulltula is in the same area as Skulltula #26, also in the
     tall grass.

#27: This Skulltula is hiding inside of the center tree in the center
     of the room. Turn into Goron Link, and punch the tree with your
     mighty power, and watch this Skulltula, and two others fall down
     to the ground. Kill him to get his token.

#28: See Skulltula #27.

#29: See Skulltula #27, also.

#30: In the same room as Skulltula #27-29, this Skulltula is hiding
     inside one of the bee-hives on the ceiling of the room. Shoot
     it down with an arrow, then kill the Skulltula to get the last
     token in this Spider House.

Now just run back to the entrance of this Spider House, and talk with
the guy with the mask. He'll be so relieved that you saved him and his
house, that he'll give you the Mask of Truth!

                            Oceanside Spider House

This Spider House is located in Great Bay Coast, to the left of the Fisherman's
Hut on the beach.

*NOTE: You need the Hookshot to complete this Spider House, and to collect
       every Skulltula token. Also, if you complete this side-quest on
       the First Day, you will get the Giant's Wallet, which lets Link
       carry up to 500 Rupees at a time. :)

#1: This Skulltula is in the first tunnel as you enter the house itself, and
    is on the wall. Use the Hookshot to take the token.

#2: See Skulltula #1, above.

#3: This Skulltula is behind the first cobweb in the first room beyond
    Skulltula #1-2. Use a Fire Arrow to burn it, then kill the Skulltula
    to get the coin.

#4: In the second room, the large one. It's inside of the large barrel towards
    the northeast part of the room. Turn into Goron Link, and punch the barrel
    to open it, and capture this Skulltula token.

#5: Also in the same room with Skulltula #4, this one is also inside of a
    large barrel, but the barrel is behind some cobwebs near Skulltula #4.

#6: This Skulltula is inside of the same room with Skulltula #4-5, on the
    west wall. Climb the crate here to see it, then use your Hookshot to
    get it.

#7: This Skulltula is also in the same room as Skulltula tokens #4-6, but
    this little guy is on the ceiling. Use your hookshot to get it down.

#8: This Skulltula token is inside the west room to the west of the room
    containing Skulltula tokens #4-7. This guy is behind the painting to
    the west part of the room, across from the doorway you enter in from.

#9: This Skulltula token is on top of the bookshelf near the entrance to
    the room (it's in the same room as Skulltula #8). Climb the bookshelf
    to reach it.

#10: This Skulltula token is behind the bookshelf in the same room as
     Skulltula #9, and behind the shelf is a hole containing the Skulltula
     token. Use your Hookshot to reach it.

#11: Inside the same room as Skulltula #9-10, search the south-west portion
     of the room to locate a large bookshelf. Move it out of the way to find
     this Skulltula token, along with Skulltula token #12.

#12: See Skulltula token #11.

#13: This Skulltula token is to the south of the room with Skulltula tokens
     #8-12, behind yet another painting. Use your Hookshot to reach it.

#14: This Skulltula token is in the south-east corner of the room with
     the Skulltula tokens #8-13, on the top bookshelf.

#15: In the basement area of the Spider House, this Skulltula token is
     inside the stairway that leads down to the basement.

#16: Also in the first room in the basement, this Skulltula token is hidden
     within a pot on a crate.

#17: Towards the north wall of the room with Skulltula #16, there is a cobweb.
     Burn it away with a Fire Arrow to see the Skulltula. Now just use your
     Hookshot to reach it in the hole.

#18: This Skulltula is inside of the large mask in the same room as Skulltula
     #17, so hit it when it comes out of it.

#19: This Skulltula token is inside a large barrel to the east of the room
     with Skulltula token #18. Use Goron Link to smash it, and kill the
     Skulltula to get it's token.

#20: Now enter the room that is to the northwest of the room with Skulltula
     tokens #16-19, and check out the large crate to the right of the
     door to find the Skulltula token.

#21: Shoot the wooden beam above the canoes in the same room that has
     Skulltula #20, with a Fire Arrow to reveal this Skulltula.

#22: Check out the area behind the canoes here to find another Skulltula

#23: Check out the southern crate in this room, and smash it with Goron Link,
     then use normal Link to crawl through the hole, and then use your
     Hookshot to reach the Skulltula on the ceiling in this room.

#24: Also in the same room as Skulltula #23, this one is on a rafter near
     Skulltula #22. Head up the crate and hookshot your way by using the
     hookshot target to reach the rafter. Smash the pot containing the
     Skulltula to find it and take it's token.

#25: Now go back to the center basement room, then enter the room to the
     east now. In this next room, check out the large barrel to the
     north of the entrance, and smash the barrel as Goron Link to reveal
     a Skulltula.

#26: Run to the center of the room as Goron Link, and do a Goron Stomp on
     the table here, and three Skulltulas will come falling down from the
     chandelier above the table.

#27: See Skulltula token #26.

#28: See Skulltula token #26.

#29: Find the painting near Skulltula #25, and knock it down with your
     Hookshot to reveal a hiding Skulltula.

#30: This Skulltula is lurking behind some cobwebs on the ceiling to the
     west part of this room, to the left of the door where you entered
     this room from (left if you are walking into the room, but it's
     to your right if you are facing the door).

If you manage to collect all 30 Skulltula tokens from this house, you will
receive the Giant's Wallet!


02. Copyright Infomation


©  Copyright  2000  Brett  "Nemesis"  Franklin. This FAQ and everything
included  within  this  file  cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or
form  (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being placed on
a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited
and  unaltered  format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes
(even  if  no  money  would  be  made  from  selling it) or promotional
purposes.  It  cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It
cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase
as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited.

                                                      Copyright © 2000 Nemesis

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