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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and alkthroughs of Zelda games

SPOILER ALERT: Mostly gameplay spoilers. However some things
mentioned, may indeed spoil parts of the plot...BE WARNED!

  T   H  H E      L    E    G     E    NN  N D  D
  T   HHHH EEE    L    EEE  G GGG EEE  N N N D  D
  T   H  H E      L    E    G  G  E    N  NN D  D

O  O F         Z  E    L    D  D A  A ::     T   H  H E
O  O FFF      Z   EEE  L    D  D AAAA        T   HHHH EEE
O  O F       Z    E    L    D  D A  A ::     T   H  H E
 OO  F      ZZZZZ EEEE LLLL DDD  A  A        T   H  H EEEE

M   M I N   N I  SSS H  H    CCC  AA  PPP
MM MM I NN  N I S    H  H   C    A  A P  P      /\
M M M I N N N I  SS  HHHH   C    AAAA PPP      /__\
M   M I N  NN I    S H  H   C    A  A P       /\  /\
M   M I N   N I SSS  H  H    CCC A  A P      /__\/__\

K I N S T O N E  F U S I O N  G U I D E

-------- Version 1.15 --------
----- Made by Jamie Caie -----
"Silktail" on GameFAQs' Boards



This is a guide for the Kinstone fusions in the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap,
made using the European version.

It lists all the Kinstone Fusions and their results, so you can work out
which you have and haven't done yet.

Also information on other aspects of Fusing Kinstones. Such as problems and
alternate rewards.
Plus a Checklist to help you keep track.
Finishing with a list of the Fusers left at the end of the game.


> 19th January 2005 = Version 1.15
Added a "Fusion Checklist", which might help more people.
A little more details on Shared Fusions descriptions. Heard some more of the
American version and minor corrections to a few errors.



. --
. --
. --
. --
....... How to use this guide
....... Kinstone Basics

. --
. --
....... MT. CRENEL
....... WIND RUINS
....... VEIL FALLS
....... CLOUD TOPS
....... LAKE HYLIA
. --
. --

. --
. --
. --

. --
. --

. --
. --
. --
. --



Hello, I'm Jamie Caie and this is my guide about finding all the Kinstone
fusions in "The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap".

For now this guide is for the European version and probably won't change much
when the American version comes out. (Since I live in Europe and won't be
getting a copy of the American version.)

I apologize in advance if there are many changes to Kinstone fusions and
this guide is useless for it.

This guide aims to help people find all the remain Kinstone fusions, but
since most aren't available at the end of the game and that some fusers
disappear as part of the plot.

As such, I've only listed all the Fusers and Kinstone fusions available at
the end of the game.

If you are not at the end of the game, you can still use this guide. But
since I haven't said when each Kinstone fusion becomes available, beware
that you may end up trying for Fusions, which you just can't do yet.

You may find it helpful to use the seach function, when given a code of a
Fusion/Fuser I've mentioned elsewhere. (USE Edit>Find OR Ctrl+F)

If you haven't guessed already, a "Fuser" is any person, Minish, animal,
object, or other thing, which will make a Kinstone fusion.


How to use this guide:-

Using the "List of Kinstone Fusions" section, you should be able to work
out most of the Kinstone fusions you still have to do.
As well as how and who you need to make the Fusion with.

(Make sure you have looked at the "Key" if you don't understand what
information being listed.)

Then I have put some other useful information, in case you wanted to know
more about them. Shared Fusions and Fusers, Fickle Fusers, Mysterious shells
note, other rewards and Fusions to be wary of.

If needed there is also a "list of Fusers" section, which gives some more
details on the Fusers.

> Check List:
I've now made a brief check list for you to print out if you want it.
Use it to mark off the fusions you have done. Then compare with the rest of
this guide.


Kinstone Fusion basics:-

In case you didn't know or had forgotten.

How do you fuse Kinstones pieces?

First make sure you have some Kinstone pieces. You won't find any until you
obtain your Kinstone bag. (That is forced upon you as part of the plot!)

Walk up to a Person(/Minish/animal/object/etc) close enough to talk to them.
If a Daydream bubble appears over their head, then they want to fuse
Kinstones. If not, then you will have to try someone else.

To start the Kinstone fusion itself. Press the "L" button to go to the
Kinstone fusion screen. Choose the matching Kinstone piece, using "UP" and
"DOWN" on the control pad, then select it with the "A" button.

Assuming they do match, the Kinstone pieces will join and you'll see the
lucky effect that the Kinstone causes.

If you want to quit halfway through the fusion. Just press the "B" button
and you will return to the normal game screen.

How Do you find Kinstone pieces?

Green Kinstone pieces are easiest found by:
-Cutting down bushes and grass.
-Defeating certain monsters. (For example Moblins.)
-Digging up soil with the Mole Mitts.

Blue and Red Kinstones are easiest found in Treasure chests. Often those
obtained from a Green Kinstone fusion.

Otherwise all types can also be obtained from:-
-Shops and Mini-game shops.
-Treasure in dungeons and caves.
-Hidden in suspicious spots.

Also you can buy White Picolyte from Beedle.
-Clean the rug in the centre of Hyrule town and later on Beedle will appear
there, to sell various Picolyte to put into your bottle.

-The White Picolyte will help you find Kinstone pieces. Follow a method for
finding Green Kinstone pieces and you will find lots (while the Picolyte
lasts). You may even find a few Blue, or Red Kinstone pieces!



GP = A green Kinstone piece. Shape is similar a P, with a rounded back.
G< = A green Kinstone piece. A semi circle, with a triangle shape cut out.
G[ = A green Kinstone piece. A semi circle, with a square shape cut out.
B6 = A blue Kinstone piece. Looks like half a Yin Yang symbol, or an odd 6.
BL = A blue Kinstone piece. Shape is similar to an L.
RE = A red Kinstone piece. Has 3 prongs, like an E has.
R> = A red Kinstone piece. Looks like a slice of pie. (>
R3 = A red Kinstone piece. Has two spikes pointing right, so the lines of the
      cut is shaped like a 3, with triangular corners.

MC  = Mt. Crenel
MCB = Mt. Crenel's Base
CW  = Castor Wilds
WR  = Wind Ruins
RV  = Royal Valley
TH  = Trilby Highlands
WW  = Western Woods
HCG = Hyrule Castle Garden
NHF = North Hyrule Field
HT  = Hyrule Town
SHF = South Hyrule Field
VF  = Veil Falls
LLR = Lon Lon Ranch
EH  = Eastern Hills
CT  = Cloud Tops
LH  = Lake Hylia
MW  = Minish Woods

ARROW     = An icon with an arrow pointing north.
BEANSTALK = An icon of a plant.
BIGGORON  = A picture of Biggoron on the map.
DOOR      = An icon with an open door picture.
PERSON    = An icon with a picture of a person.
TELEPORT  = An icon which looks like a joined Kinstone.
CHEST     = A temporary icon with a picture of a scroll.
CREATURE  = A temporary icon with a pair of eyes in a cracked egg-shell.

Loc   = Location of icon on the map.
Desc  = Other descriptions of the fusion.
Prize = The rewards for doing the fusion.
Who   = The person that you need to fuse with.
Dream = The day-dream of the fuser.
Stone = The Kinstone piece needed to make this fusion.
Note  = Any other notes.

~SHARED~ A shared fuser/fusion, discussed later on in this guide.
~FICKLE~ A fickle fuser, discussed later on in this guide.



There are 100 fusions to be made in this game and 10 of those are forced
upon you as part of the plot. (You can't get to the end of the game without
making them!)

So this list is of all 90 fusions that you need to find yourself and the
fusers who will make that fusion with you, from those ones left at the end
of the game.

NOTE: Some fusions are NOT possible until right near the game's end. Maybe
only available after you have restored your Four Sword.

In order to try work out which ones you've already done, I've listed the
icons that are left on the map and the locations of chests, for each area.
(I.e. Use the map to count the icons and wander around to find the empty
treasure chests in each area.)

Unfortunately no trace of the creature-type-fusions, will be left once you
deal with them. You'll have to go by memory, or check with all those fusers.

> Check List:
I've now made a brief check list for you to print out if you want it.
Use it to mark off the fusions you have done. Then compare with the rest of
this guide.

For the record there are, in total:

-49 Permanent map icons. (These are obviously quick to test!)
-25 Treasure chests. (Have to wander around checking.)
-12 Creatures. (Hard to check, or go from memory.)
-And 5 other Gorons, whose Person-icon gets replace by the 6th Goron's.
 (Check by either having Biggoron, or by visiting the Goron cave.)

(Note: One of the permanent map icons I counted is from a Plot-fusion and
another one counted as such, is Biggoron's head. Which isn't an icon.)


> American version:

Apparently a lot more of the icons are temporary, you may have to check
most of them like you would chests.

(Credits to "f3rd1", for this infomation.)



1 permanent map icon, 3 chests and 2 creatures.

Loc:   N.W. Corner.
Prize: 8 red rupees (total = 160) and a Piece of Heart.
Who:   Melari [06mc] The Minish blacksmith.
Dream: ?
Stone: R>

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  Halfway up Crenel Wall. (Grip-Ring climb.)
Prize: Kinstone piece BL
Who:   Meenie [03eh] One of the two Farmers. (S.W. one.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   N.E. Corner.
Desc:  On the Minish-road with the falling rain drops.
Prize: Kinstone piece BL
Who:   Mountain Minish [04mc] Outside bedroom door.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  On the Minish-road used as the N. entrance to Melari's Mines.
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells
Who:   David Jr. [03lh] Requires Boomerang upgrade to fuse.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Golden Tektite. 
Prize: A giant red rupee. (Worth 200.)
Who:   Tingle [03shf] Requires Boomerang upgrade to fuse.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: R3

Loc:   South side.
Desc:  Golden Tektite.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   Mountain Minish [05mc] In the kitchen room.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<



2 chests.

Loc:   N.W. Corner.
Prize: 200 rupees.
Who:   Forest Minish [01mcb] Living in a Minish-crack.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[

Loc:   East side.
Desc:  On the Minish-road to the  Crenel Hot-Spring Water.
Prize: Kinstone piece B6
Who:   Mountain Minish [03mc] The west miner.
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP



5 permanent map icons and 2 creatures.

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Minish-crack next to the one which held the Bow.
Prize: Kinstone piece R3
Who:   Business Scrub [10mw] Requires fusion "MW02" to reach.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP

Loc:   N.W. Corner.
Desc:  Leaf in smaller patch of swamp.
Prize: Kinstone piece B6
Who:   Town Minish [03ht] in Mushroom/New-house, OR Zill [29ht] in the Inn,
       OR Forest Minish [04mw] in Vase-house.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Leaf in bigger patch of swamp.
Prize: Kinstone piece R3 and entrance to the cave in water (requires
        flippers), which has Kinstone piece R> and a Piece of Heart.
Who:   Town Minish [03ht] in Mushroom/New-house, OR Zill [29ht] in the Inn,
       OR Forest Minish [04mw] in Vase-house.
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP

Loc:   S.W.
Desc:  Leaf in the swamp.
Prize: Kinstone piece R>
Who:   Town Minish [03ht] in Mushroom/New-house, OR Zill [29ht] in the Inn,
       OR Forest Minish [04mw] in Vase-house.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<
Note:  Ride "CW3"'s leaf, to reach this leaf.

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Desc:  A gap in the waterfall
Prize: Scarblade = a quicker charging Spin-attack.
Who:   Greyblade [08mc] Blade brother.
Dream: ?
Stone: R3

Loc:   North on a platform.
Desc:  Golden Rope.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   Flurris [03ct] Plump Wind Tribe woman.
Dream: Rupee 
Stone: G[

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Joy Butterfly.
Prize: Faster digging.
Who:   Farore [27ht] In the Inn, or her rented house.
Dream: Heart
Stone: R3



2 permanent map icons, 2 chests and 2 creatures.

Loc:   North side.
Prize: Quiver upgrade.
Who:   Forest Minish [01wr] Living in  a Minish-crack.
Dream: ?
Stone: RE

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Minish-crack
Prize: Kinstone piece RE
Who:   Dampe [02rv] Gravekeeper.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   South side.
Desc:  In the middle of 4 pillars (with faces).
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells
Who:   Forest Minish [01nhf] Living in a Minish-crack.
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Desc:  Area below the Fortress of Winds dungeon.
Prize: Bomb bag upgrade
Who:   Belari [02mw] Living in a Mushroom-house, just outside village.
Dream: Vase
Stone: R3

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Joy Butterfly
Prize: Shoot arrows faster.
Who:   Din [25ht] In the Inn, or her rented house.
Dream: Heart
Stone: RE

Loc:   South side, east half.
Desc:  Golden Octorok
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   Librari [07lh] Town elder, moved from Library to a Mushroom-house.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP
Note:  Requires Fusion "LH2", to reach that Mushroom-house.



1 permanent map icon, 2 chests and 1 creature.

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Desc:  Opens Gravestone.
Prize: Gina [03rv] and 100 Mysterious Shells
Who:   Dampe [02rv] Gravekeeper.
Dream: ?
Stone: G<

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  By a gravestone.
Prize: Kinstone piece RE
Who:   Siroc [01ct] Wind Tribe Wise Woman.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Desc:  By a gravestone.
Prize: Kinstone piece R> 
Who:   Siroc [01ct] Wind Tribe Wise Woman.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[

Loc:   N.W. area.
Desc:  Joy Butterfly.
Prize: Faster swimming.
Who:   Nayru [26j] In the Inn, or her rented house.
Dream: Heart
Stone: R>



2 permanent map icons and 2 chests.

Loc:   Mid north area.
Desc:  A platform in the lake to reach the Mole-cave.
Prize: Kinstone piece R> and a fairy grotto.
Who:   Candy [33ht] Downstairs in the Inn.
Dream: Heart
Stone: BL

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  Under the puddle of water.
Prize: 15 blue rupees. (Total of 75.)
Who:   Forest Minish [01th] Living in the Mushroom-house.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Prize: Kinstone piece R>
Who:   Smith [02shf]
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Amongst the rocks.
Prize: Kinstone piece R3
Who:   Tina [23ht] The purple teacher. ~FICKLE~
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP



6 permanent map icons and 1 creature.

Loc:   North side.
Desc:  Fallen tree.
Prize: Dig for 6 giant green rupees. (Worth 50 each. Total 300.)
Who:   Flurris [03ct] Plump Wind Tribe woman.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   Mid north area.
Desc:  Fallen tree.
Prize: 100 Mysterious Shells.
Who:   Gina [03rv] Pink Ghini. (Requires fusion "RV1")
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the round tree.
Prize: A Piece of Heart
Who:   Forest Minish [04lh] Mushroom-house by Wind crest.
Dream: Heart
Stone: R3

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  Fallen tree.
Prize: Percy's house, Percy [02ww] and the Monster Lady side-quest = 50
       rupees and 100 Mysterious Shells. (Requires Torch to complete.)
Who:   Percy [04th] In the tree.
Dream: ?
Stone: RE

Loc:   East side.
Desc:  Fallen tree.
Prize: Dig for 2 giant red rupees. (Worth 200 each. Total 400.)
Who:   Forest Minish [01hcg] Living in a Minish-crack.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[

Loc:   S.W. corner.
Prize: 16 red rupees (total = 320) and Kinstone piece R>
Who:   Forest Minish [01ww] Living in the Mushroom-house.
Dream: ?
Stone: BL

Loc:   Mid South area.
Desc:  Golden Octorok.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   Business Scrub [10mw] Requires fusion "MW02" to reach.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<



2 permanent map icons and 1 creature.

Loc:   N.W. area.
Desc:  Under the water fountain.
Prize: A fairy fountain and while minish, 50 Mysterious Shells.
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Heart
Stone: G<

Loc:   N.E area.
Desc:  Under the water fountain.
Prize: A Piece of Heart and while minish, 50 Mysterious Shells. 
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Heart
Stone: R>

Loc:   East side.
Desc:  Golden Rope.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<



6 permanent map icons and 1 chest.

Loc:   Mid west area.
Desc:  A gap in the waterfall.
Prize: Greatblade = longer lasting Great Spin Attack.
Who:   Waveblade [05lh] Blade Brother.
Dream: ?
Stone: R>

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the N.W. tree.
Prize: Kinstone piece R3 and one quarter of the Boomerang upgrade torches.
Who:   Tingle [03shf]
Dream: ?
Stone: GP

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the S.W. tree.
Prize: Kinstone piece RE and one quarter of the Boomerang upgrade torches.
Who:   Knuckle [02th] Tingle sibling.
Dream: ?
Stone: G[

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the N.E. tree.
Prize: Kinstone piece R> and one quarter of the Boomerang upgrade torches.
Who:   Ankle [01llr] Tingle sibling.
Dream: ?
Stone: G<

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the S.E. tree.
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells and a quarter of the Boomerang upgrade torches.
Who:   David Jr. [03lh] Tingle sibling?!
Dream: ?
Stone: GP

Loc:   Mid east area.
Desc:  Door in the round tree.
Prize: Fairy grotto.
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Heart
Stone: B6

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  By the entrance to the Royal Valley.
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<



7 permanent map icons and 1 chest.

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Post office.
Prize: Marcy and the Swordman Newsletter side-quest.
Who:   Postman [01ht] Moves through random locations.
Dream: ?
Stone: BL

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  New House.
Prize: Part of the House renting side-quest = access a third of the Charms.
Who:   Bremor [28ht] By post office, after the first house is rented.
Dream: Heart
Stone: R3

Loc:   Mid west area.
Desc:  A gap in the waterfall.
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells
Who:   Gina [03rv] Pink Ghini. (Requires fusion "RV1")
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  N.E. stall.
Prize: Goron Merchant, who sells Kinstone pieces.
Who:   Goron [04llr] The 1st Goron, the one on the far west.
Dream: ?
Stone: B6

Loc:   Mid east area.
Desc:  Chest Mini-Game Shop.
Prize: Level 2 Hard game. More risk, more reward!
Who:   Spookter [01rv]
Dream: Vase
Stone: B6

Loc:   South side, east half.
Desc:  An empty house is for rent.
Prize: Part of the House renting side-quest = access a third of the Charms.
Who:   Din [25ht] OR Nayru [26ht] OR Farore [27ht] All are in the Inn.
Dream: Heart
Stone: RE

Loc:   S.E. area.
Desc:  Blue cap wearing ghost.
Prize: Entrance to Anju's house. (Could of reached the Cucoo on the roof,
       in order to fuse with  it, but by now it's gone.)
Who:   Spookter [01rv]
Dream: ?
Stone: BL

Loc:   N.E. corner.
Desc:  On the Minish-road in the playground.
Prize: Kinstone piece R3
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<



3 permanent map icons and 1 chest.
(Note that one of the permanent map icons was a plot fusion.)

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  Under the puddle of water.
Prize: 15 blue rupees. (Total 75.)
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Teleports you into a house.
Prize: Get some chests/Kinstone pieces earlier. Gregal & the Ghost side-quest
       = 100 Mysterious Shells and later on, the Light Arrow upgrade.
Who:   Stranger [02ht] Inside a N.W. house.
Dream: ?
Stone: R3
Note:  You can miss that side-quest, if it is left too late.

Loc:   S.E. corner.
Desc:  Door in the round tree.
Prize: A Piece of Heart.
Who:   Hurdy-Gurdy man. ~PLOT FUSION~
Stone: BL
Note:  Can't be missed, but does leave an Icon on the map.

Loc:   Mid east area.
Desc:  In the bushes, east of Smith's house.
Prize: 200 Mysterious Shells
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP



4 permanent map icons, 1 chest and 1 creature.
(Note: That's counting Biggoron's head as a "permanent map icon".)

Loc:   North side.
Desc:  Doesn't have an Icon, but his head is shown on the map.
Prize: After beating game once and saving, Biggoron will "take" your shield
       for a long time and return it upgraded.
Who:   Goron [05llr] The 6th Goron, the one on the far east.
Dream: ?
Stone: R3
Note:  Requires all 6 "LLR2" fusions, to reach this 6th Goron.

Loc:   N.W. corner
Desc:  A gap in the waterfall.
Prize: A Piece of Heart.
Who:   Gale [05ct] Wind Tribe woman with a short bun of hair.
Dream: Heart
Stone: R>

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  A platform in the lake to reach the Mole-cave.
Prize: A Piece of Heart and 50 Mysterious Shells.
Who:   Forest Minish [09mw] In the Village's lake-side Mushroom-house.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: RE

Loc:   Mid south area.
Desc:  A gap in the waterfall.
Prize: Splitblade = Split Gauge charging is sped up.
Who:   Grimblade [02hcg] Blade brother.
Dream: ?
Stone: RE

Loc:   Mid N.E. area.
Desc:  Amongst the rocks and Spiny Beetles.
Prize: Kinstone piece B6
Who:   Caprice [04ct] Wind Tribe woman in the bedroom.
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP

Loc:   Mid N.E. area.
Desc:  Golden Tektite.
Prize: A large blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   Hailey [02ct] Small Wind Tribe girl.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[



2 permanent map icons, 5 other Gorons and 2 chests.

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Under the puddle of water.
Prize: A Wallet upgrade.
Who:   Hagen [24ht] Town mayor.
Dream: Vase
Stone: RE

Loc:   S.W. corner.
Desc:  Icon appears in the same place for 6 fusions.
Prize: 4 fusions = 200 rupees. All 6 fusions = An empty bottle.
Who:   -Mysterious Wall [01mc] N.E. corner of Crenel Wall Mole-cave.
       -Mysterious Wall [03th] East of the ladder in west Mole-cave. 
       -Mysterious Wall [01eh] N.E. Corner of the Mole-cave
       -Eenie [02eh] One of the two Farmers. (N.E. one.) ~WARNING~
       -Mysterious Wall [01lh] At end of S.W. passage in Mole-cave
       -Mysterious Wall [01mw] N.E. corner of the Mole-cave to Lake Hylia.
Dream: ? (for all 6 fusions.)
Stone: BL, B6 , BL , B6 , BL and B6 (will always be in that order.)

Note:  There is an issue with Eenie, where you can do something to stop him
       fusing with you. Discussed later in this guide.

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Go north into Veil Falls, then go round and south to reach it.
Prize: 200 rupees.
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[

Loc:   Mid N.E. area.
Desc:  On the Minish-road.
Prize: Kinstone piece RE
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: GP



1 permanent map icon, 1 chest and 1 creature.

Loc:   West side.
Prize: A Piece of Heart, 200 Mysterious Shells and 200 rupees.
Who:   Forest Minish [04eh] Living in the Mushroom-house.
Dream: ?
Stone: B6

Loc:   Mid north area.
Desc:  Just south of the farm.
Prize: An empty bottle.
Who:   Smith [02shf]
Dream: Vase
Stone: R>

Loc:   Mid N.W. area.
Desc:  Golden Rope.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP



No Kinstone fusions, aside from the (forced) Plot Fusions.



3 permanent map icons and 1 chest.

Loc:   North side.
Desc:  Use the Roc's Cape and the Mole-cave to reach it.
Prize: A Piece of Heart, 200 rupees and 200 Mysterious Shells.
Who:   Forest Minish [06lh] Living in the Minish-crack.
Dream: ?
Stone: BL

Loc:   Mid west area.
Desc:  Minish-crack next to Wind Crest.
Prize: Librari [07lh], a full Heart Container and hints about the Great
       Fairy locations.
Who:   Forest Minish [09mw] In the Village's lake-side Mushroom-house.
Dream: ?
Stone: RE

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Platform to reach island's Mole-cave.
Prize: 50 rupees.
Who:   Mama [17ht] The blonde woman inside Mama's cafe.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   S.E. area.
Desc:  On the Minish-road, that leads into the mayor's lakeside cabin.
Prize: Kinstone piece BL
Who:   Broken [02lh] Stockwell's dog.
Dream: ?
Stone: GP



4 permanent map icons, 6 chests and 1 creature.

Loc:   North side.
Desc:  Syrup's Hut.
Prize: Red Potion for sale. (Cost 150 per bottle, heals all hearts.)
Who:   Forest Minish [01shf] Living in the Mushroom-house.
Dream: Vase
Stone: R>
Note:  The Red Potion is also needed for the Picolyte quest, which could
       count as part of the prize.

Loc:   Centre area.
Desc:  Door in the round tree.
Prize: Business Scrub [10mw] who sells random Kinstone pieces for 100 rupees
Who:   Business Scrub [01cw] in a north side cave.
Dream: ?
Stone: BL

Loc:   Mid S.W. area.
Desc:  In the Mushroom-house, just outside the Village.
Prize: Trade Bombs for Remote Bombs. Or back again. (Doing so also refills
       your bomb-bag to full.)
Who:   Gentari [03mw] Village  elder.
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP

Loc:   South side.
Desc:  Minish-crack by pond with leaves.
Prize: Kinstone piece BL
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   N.W. corner.
Desc:  Just below the Great Fairy pond.
Prize: Kinstone piece B6
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   Mid west area.
Desc:  Beside a small pool of water.
Prize: 200 rupees.
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G[

Loc:   West side.
Desc:  Across the bridge from the Wind Crest.
Prize: Kinstone piece B6
Who:   Mountain Minish [07mc] Standing next to the west exit door.
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<

Loc:   Mid south area.
Desc:  On the Minish-road into the Village.
Prize: 200 rupees.
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: G<

Loc:   Mid S.E. area.
Desc:  Amongst bushes, east of Deepwood Shrine's entrance.
Prize: Kinstone piece RE
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G<

Loc:   East side.
Desc:  In the misty part of the woods with green Chuchu.
Prize: Kinstone piece RE
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Vase
Stone: G[

Loc:   Mid west area.
Desc:  Golden Octorok.
Prize: A giant blue rupee. (Worth 100.)
Who:   ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers below.)
Dream: Rupee
Stone: GP



There seems to be a list of 18 Fusions, which can be done by a list of
different Fusers. It's fairly random who has which ones.

Likewise the list of Fusers can have any Shared fusion still on it's list.

If you complete a fusion that someone else was sharing, then that second
person will take a new fusion out of the remaining list.
(Note: Once someone has done their fusions, they won't take more new ones.)

-When you get down to 1 Shared fusion left (of the 18). Then all of the
Shared fusers who you haven't fused with yet, will want to make this same
last fusion.
-And when there are none left, they all stop giving any fusions.

In any case it makes it impossible for me to tell you, who has which
Shared fusion at any one time.
You will have to make a guess and search around a few of Shared fusers.

Making the matter worse. Most of these Shared fusers are FICKLE.
So it's harder to tell if you have fused, with those ones.

Luckily 18 of them aren't fickle. So eventually you'll find all 18 fusions.

(That's 18 Shared fusers from those available, at the end of the game!)


List of the SHARED FUSIONS:-

These can be done, by any fuser on the List of Shared Fusers.

"HCG1" G< DOOR     Under the N.W. water fountain.
"HCG2" R> DOOR     Under the N.E. water fountain.
"HCG3" G< CREATURE Golden Rope.
"NHF6" B6 DOOR     Opens the mid-eastern tree.
"NHF7" G< CHEST    N.W. corner, by Royal Valley.
"HT8"  G< CHEST    Minish-road in school's playground.
"SHF1" GP DOOR     Under the west puddle.
"SHF4" GP CHEST    Amongst bushes, east of Smith's house.
"LLR3" G[ CHEST    N.W. corner, from Veil Falls.
"LLR4" GP CHEST    On the ranch's Minish-road.
"EH3"  GP CREATURE Golden Rope.
"MW04" G[ DOOR     Minish-crack by the pond with leaves.
"MW05" G[ CHEST    N.W. area, below ledge with a Great Fairy.
"MW06" G[ CHEST    West area, by a small pool.
"MW08" G< CHEST    THe Minish-road into the Village.
"MW09" G< CHEST    East of Deepwood Shrine's entrance.
"MW10" G[ CHEST    East side. In the misty woods with Green Chuchu.
"MW11" GP CREATURE Golden Octorok.


List of the SHARED FUSERS:-

At least one of their Kinstone fusions, is on the list of Shared Fusions.
(For most of them however, it is their only fusion.)

-Crenel Hermit . [02mc] Does a total of 5 SHARED fusions. ......... (*5)
-Business Scrub [02mcb] S.W. cave.
-Gina .......... [03rv] The pink Ghini.
-Percy ......... [02ww] By or inside his house.
-Potho ........ [03hcg] In the Dungeon with the King.
-Town Minish ... [04ht] In the carpenters' house.
-Mutoh ......... [05ht] The carpenter boss. ....................... ~FICKLE~
-Mack .......... [06ht] Left sawing carpenter. .................... ~FICKLE~
-Doyle ......... [07ht] Right sawing carpenter. ................... ~FICKLE~
-Brent ......... [08ht] Plank holding carpenter. .................. ~FICKLE~
-Malon ......... [09ht] Ranch girl. ............................... ~FICKLE~
-Epona ......... [10ht] Malon's horse.
-Leila ......... [11ht] Girl in Simon's Simulations. .............. ~FICKLE~
-Herb .......... [12ht] Rich man outside cafe. .................... ~FICKLE~
-Town Minish ... [13ht] Above cafe, is hungry. .................... ~FICKLE~
-Town Minish ... [14ht] Above cafe, wants a red hat. .............. ~FICKLE~
-Forest Minish . [15ht] Above Cafe, is getting more refined. ...... ~FICKLE~
-Hurdy-Gurdy man [16ht] Inside the cafe.
-Baris ......... [18ht] Man in cafe, sitting down. ................ ~FICKLE~
-Chai .......... [19ht] Lady in Cafe drinking milk. ............... ~FICKLE~
-Breve ......... [20ht] Old woman in cafe. ........................ ~FICKLE~
-Harrison ...... [21ht] Kid in school, who doesn't want to go home. ~FICKLE~
-Erik .......... [22ht] Kid in school, who loves school. .......... ~FICKLE~
-Joel .......... [30ht] Blue shirt kid, upstairs in Inn. .......... ~FICKLE~
-Satchel ....... [31ht] Man sitting down, upstairs in Inn. ........ ~FICKLE~
-Lolly ......... [32ht] Brown haired kid, downstairs in Inn.
-Bindle ........ [34ht] Man downstairs in Inn. ...................  ~FICKLE~
-Romio ......... [35ht] One of the lovers. ........................ ~FICKLE~
-Berry ......... [36ht] Romio's sister. ........................... ~FICKLE~
-Rolf .......... [37ht] Romio's dog.
-Julietta ...... [38ht] One of the lovers. ........................ ~FICKLE~
-Verona ........ [39ht] Julietta's mother. ........................ ~FICKLE~
-Jim ........... [40ht] Julietta's brother. ....................... ~FICKLE~
-Scratcher ..... [41ht] Julietta's cat.
-Anju .......... [42ht] The cucco lady. ........................... ~FICKLE~
-Talon ........ [02llr] Ranch owner. .............................. ~FICKLE~
-Elsie ........ [03llr] Cow inside the ranch building.
-Forest Minish . [05mw] In the village's green Mushroom-house. .... ~FICKLE~
-Festari ....... [06mw] Village priest.
-Forest Minish . [07mw] Researcher in barrel house. ............... ~FICKLE~
-Forest Minish . [08mw] Inside barrel house. ...................... ~FICKLE~
-Forest Minish . [09mw] In the village's lake-side Mushroom-house.

Note: Only fusers available at the end of the game are listed.
       (I.e. King Daltus isn't listed, nor town folk who disappear.)



Sometimes they want to fuse with you, other times they won't!

A lot of Fusers are fickle and you may have to visit the area, several times
before they want to fuse.

-Generally you should walk up to them, (close enough for the talk action to
appear,) to see if they will fuse.
-If not leave the area, then re-enter and try again.
(Normally they gave me a chance to fuse, long before my 8th attempt.)

A good example of a fickle fuser is Tina, the purple teacher. She seems to
be the only fuser of the "TH4" fusion, (A chest in Trilby Highlands,) but
will rarely want to do it.
Once I had to go out & inside 7 times, before she let me fuse.

Basically they are a real pain, especially if you can't remember whether
you have made a fusion with them already.

But there's nothing you can do, except from being persistent!



If you get the medal for collecting figurines, you will no longer be able to
collect any more Mysterious Shells. (You won't need any more anyway!)

What this means, is that you will no longer receive any Mysterious Shells as
prizes for a Kinstone fusion.


-All the chests which had Mysterious Shells inside, will now have 50 Rupees
in them instead.

-Also Percy will give you 100 Rupees, when he give you the 100 "smelly blue
shells" from his chimney. (Instead of 100 Mysterious Shells.)

-(Note: The Gregal & the Ghost side-quest, will have disappeared by the time
you get the medal. If you still hadn't gotten the Mysterious Shell reward.)



Some of Carlov's figurines are only available after making certain fusions.
You can't get these figurines, if you never make those fusions.

(So you could even claim they are an extra reward, which you get for doing
those fusions. Likewise with the prizes for obtaining every figurine!)

Here is a list of those figurines and what need to be done for Carlov to
make the figurine in question.

Note: Unless said otherwise, you don't need to do anything besides the
fusion. (Not even visit the subject of the fusion!)


Figurine type: ......... What need to be done for Carlov to make it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 10. Marcy: ............ Requires fusion "HT1".
 36. Joy Butterfly: .... Requires fusion "CW7", "WR5",or "RV4".
 37. Gina: ............. Requires fusion "RV1".
 45. Goron: ............ Requires you to enter the main part of the Goron
                          cave, which requires one of the "LLR2" fusions.
 66. Goron Merchant: ... Requires fusion "HT4".
 67. Spookter & Spekter: Requires fusion "HT7".
111. Golden Octorok: ... Requires fusion "WR6", "WW7", or "MW11".
112. Golden Tektite: ... Requires fusion "MC5", "MC6", or "VF6".
113. Golden Rope: ...... Requires fusion "CW6", "HCG3", or "EH3".


Lastly if you manage to do all 100 Kinstone fusions, talk to one of the
Tingle Siblings, twice.

They will give you a Tingle Trophy as a reward. (Which appear to be able to
hold Kinstone pieces. Not that you need any more of them!)



Some things which may cause problems if you are unlucky.


-Gregal & the Ghost side-quest

If you go through the Cloud Tops and visit the Wind Tribe House, BEFORE you
do this side-quest. You will find that it's too late and the Ghost has
already taken its toll on Gregal.

To be precise, it happens when Ezlo makes a comment outside the house. Before
that you can still go back and do this side-quest.

This obviously means you miss out on the 100 Mysterious Shells, the Light
Arrow upgrade and makes fusion "SHF2" useless.

So do try to do fusion "SHF2" before then, so you can go and do this
side-quest while you have the chance.

(I'll leave you to figure out how to solve the side-quest itself!)


-Eenie and the last Goron

> For European Version:

If you start to fuse with Eenie, but quit halfway through and then leave the
You will find that Eenie will no longer want to fuse, whenever you visit him.

This means that you can not make all 6 Goron fusions ("LLR2") and thus not
get the bottle, nor make fusion "VF1" for Biggoron and the shield upgrade.

Note: If you quit halfway through fusing with Eenie and stay in the area,
then you can still fuse with him.
But that is little comfort, if you stopped because you didn't have the blue
Kinstone piece that he wanted.

This needs more testing still, so I've avoided calling it a bug, or from
saying that there is no hope if you've done this.

The only advice I can give, is that you make sure you have both types of
the blue Kinstone pieces, before you start a fusion with him.

> For American Version:

I've heard from 2 people, who claim that this "issue" isn't present in the
American version of the game.

(Which add weight to the idea of it being a bug, which was later fixed for
the American version.)

Credits to "Joshua Speelman" and "ackackatk" for this information.

No idea for any other versions. (If you have one of those.)



A checklist for marking which fusions you have completed.

I suggest you highlight the text, Goto "File>Print" and print the Selection,
or copy to a new file and print that.

Otherwise it has less data and is less well explained. So check with the
main selection of the guide if, or when you can't find the fusion.
(I.e. For who the list of Shared Fusers are.)

NOTE: As before you can walk around looking for the results of these. Except
that Creatures will leave no real proof behind. Although you could check with
the Fuser instead.

----- MT. CRENEL -----------------------------------------------------
(_)"MC1" BEANSTALK N.W. Corner: Melari [06mc] Minish blacksmith.
(_)"MC2" CHEST     West side. Halfway up Crenel Wall: Meenie [03eh] Farmer.
(_)"MC3" CHEST     Minish-road with falling rain: Mountain Minish [04mc]
(_)"MC4" CHEST     Minish-road, to enter Melari's Mines: David Jr. [03lh]
(_)"MC5" CREATURE  Golden Tektite: Tingle [03shf]
(_)"MC6" CREATURE  Golden Tektite: Mountain Minish [05mc] In kitchen room.

----- MT. CRENEL'S BASE ----------------------------------------------
(_)"MCB1" CHEST  N.W. Corner: Forest Minish [01mcb] Nearby Minish-crack.
(_)"MCB2" CHEST  Minish-road to Hot-Spring Water: Mountain Minish [03mc]

----- CASTER WILDS ---------------------------------------------------
(_)"CW1" DOOR   2nd Minish-crack above N.E. Min-road: Business Scrub [10mw]
(_)"CW2" ARROW  Leaf in small N.W. swamp: Town Minish [03ht] Mushroom/New-
 -               house, OR Zill [29ht], OR Forest Minish [04mw] Vase-house.
(_)"CW3" ARROW  Leaf in big N.W. swamp: Town Minish [03ht] in Mushroom/New-
 -               house, OR Zill [29ht], OR Forest Minish [04mw] Vase-house.
(_)"CW4" ARROW  Leaf in the S.W. swamp: Town Minish [03ht] Mushroom/New-
 -               house, OR Zill [29ht], OR Forest Minish [04mw] Vase-house.
(_)"CW5" DOOR   In N.E. waterfall: Greyblade [08mc] Blade brother.
(_)"CW6" CREATURE  Golden Rope: Flurris [03ct] Plump Wind Tribe woman.
(_)"CW7" CREATURE  Joy Butterfly: Farore [27ht] Green Oracle.

----- WIND RUINS -----------------------------------------------------
(_)"WR1" BEANSTALK  North side: Forest Minish [01wr] Nearby Minish-crack.
(_)"WR2" DOOR     Centre area's Minish-crack: Dampe [02rv] Gravekeeper.
(_)"WR3" CHEST    South side. In middle of 4 pillars: Forest Minish [01nhf]
(_)"WR4" CHEST    N.E. below dungeon: Belari [02mw] 1st-Bomb-bag Minish.
(_)"WR5" CREATURE Joy Butterfly: Din [25ht] Red Oracle.
(_)"WR6" CREATURE Golden Octorok: Librari [07lh] Town elder.

----- ROYAL VALLEY ---------------------------------------------------
(_)"RV1" DOOR     N.E Gravestone: Dampe [02rv] Gravekeeper.
(_)"RV2" CHEST    N.W. corner: Siroc [01ct] Wind Tribe Wise Woman.
(_)"RV3" CHEST    N.E. corner: Siroc [01ct] Wind Tribe Wise Woman.
(_)"RV4" CREATURE Joy Butterfly: Nayru [26j] Blue Oracle.

----- TRILBY HIGHLANDS -----------------------------------------------
(_)"TH1" ARROW Platform to reach Mole-cave: Candy [33ht] Inn, downstairs.
(_)"TH2" DOOR  West side puddle: Forest Minish [01th] Mushroom-house.
(_)"TH3" CHEST N.E. corner: Smith [02shf]
(_)"TH4" CHEST Amongst rocks near town entrance: Tina [23ht] Purple teacher.

----- WESTERN WOODS --------------------------------------------------
(_)"WW1" ARROW     North Fallen tree: Flurris [03ct] Plump Wind Tribe woman.
(_)"WW2" ARROW     Mid north Fallen tree: Gina [03rv] Pink Ghini.
(_)"WW3" DOOR      Centre round tree: Forest Minish [04lh] Mushroom-house.
(_)"WW4" ARROW     West Fallen tree: Percy [04th] In the tree.
(_)"WW5" ARROW     East Fallen tree: Forest Minish [01hcg] Minish-crack.
(_)"WW6" BEANSTALK S.W. corner: Forest Minish [01ww] Nearby Mushroom-house.
(_)"WW7" CREATURE  Golden Octorok: Business Scrub [10mw] In tree.

----- HYRULE CASTLE GARDEN -------------------------------------------
(_)"HCG1" DOOR     N.W. fountain: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"HCG2" DOOR     N.E. fountain: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"HCG3" CREATURE Golden Rope: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)

----- NORTH HYRULE FIELD ---------------------------------------------
(_)"NHF1" DOOR  West waterfall: Waveblade [05lh] Blade Brother.
(_)"NHF2" DOOR  Centre area, N.W. tree: Tingle [03shf]
(_)"NHF3" DOOR  Centre area, S.W. tree: Knuckle [02th] Tingle sibling.
(_)"NHF4" DOOR  Centre area, N.E. tree: Ankle [01llr] Tingle sibling.
(_)"NHF5" DOOR  Centre area. S.E. tree: David Jr. [03lh] Tingle sibling?!
(_)"NHF6" DOOR  Mid east tree: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"NHF7" CHEST N.W. corner: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)

----- HYRULE TOWN ----------------------------------------------------
(_)"HT1" PERSON Post office: Postman [01ht]
(_)"HT2" PERSON New House: Bremor [28ht] after the first house is rented.
(_)"HT3" DOOR   Mid west waterfall: Gina [03rv] Pink Ghini.
(_)"HT4" PERSON Goron Merchant: Goron [04llr] The 1st Goron.
(_)"HT5" PERSON Chest Mini-Game Shop: Spookter [01rv] in graveyard.
(_)"HT6" PERSON 1st house for rent: Din [25ht], Nayru [26ht] OR Farore [27ht]
(_)"HT7" DOOR   Ghost by Anju, goes: Spookter [01rv] In graveyard.
(_)"HT8" CHEST  Minish-road in playground: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)

----- SOUTH HYRULE FIELD ---------------------------------------------
(_)"SHF1" DOOR     West puddle: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"SHF2" TELEPORT Centre area: Stranger [02ht] Inside a N.W. house.
(_)"SHF3" DOOR     S.E. round tree: Hurdy-Gurdy man. ~PLOT FUSION~
(_)"SHF4" CHEST    East of Smith's house: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)

----- VEIL FALLS -----------------------------------------------------
(_)"VF1" BIGGORON He wakes up: Goron [05llr] The 6th Goron.
(_)"VF2" DOOR     N.W. waterfall: Gale [05ct] Wind Tribe woman.
(_)"VF3" ARROW    Platform to reach Mole-cave: Forest Minish [09mw] by lake.
(_)"VF4" DOOR     South waterfall: Grimblade [02hcg] Blade brother.
(_)"VF5" CHEST    Mid N.E. amongst rocks: Caprice [04ct] Wind Tribe woman.
(_)"VF6" CREATURE Golden Tektite: Hailey [02ct] Small Wind Tribe girl.

----- LON LON RANCH --------------------------------------------------
(_)"LLR1" DOOR   Centre puddle: Hagen [24ht] Town mayor.
 - "LLR2" PERSON Goron Cave/Quest:
(_)           -Mysterious Wall [01mc] N.E. corner of Crenel Wall Mole-cave.
(_)           -Mysterious Wall [03th] East of the ladder in west Mole-cave.
(_)           -Mysterious Wall [01eh] N.E. Corner of the Mole-cave
(_)           -Eenie [02eh] One of the two Farmers. (N.E. one.)
(_)           -Mysterious Wall [01lh] At end of S.W. passage in Mole-cave
(_)           -Mysterious Wall [01mw] N.E. corner of Mole-cave to Lake Hylia.
(_)"LLR3" CHEST  N.W. corner: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"LLR4" CHEST  Minish-road: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)

----- EASTERN HILLS --------------------------------------------------
(_)"EH1" BEANSTALK West side: Forest Minish [04eh] nearby Mushroom-house.
(_)"EH2" CHEST     Just south of the farm: Smith [02shf]
(_)"EH3" CREATURE  Golden Rope: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)

----- CLOUD TOPS = NONE ----------------------------------------------

----- LAKE HYLIA -----------------------------------------------------
(_)"LH1" BEANSTALK North side: Forest Minish [06lh] Nearby Minish-crack.
(_)"LH2" DOOR      Minish-crack by Wind Crest: Forest Minish [09mw] by lake.
(_)"LH3" ARROW     Platform to reach island's Mole-cave: Mama [17ht] In cafe.
(_)"LH4" CHEST     Minish-road to mayor's cabin: Stockwell's dog [02lh]

----- MINISH WOODS ---------------------------------------------------
(_)"MW01" PERSON   Syrup's Hut: Forest Minish [01shf] Mushroom-house.
(_)"MW02" DOOR     Centre round tree: Business Scrub [01cw] In north cave.
(_)"MW03" PERSON   Mushroom-house by Village: Gentari [03mw] Village elder.
(_)"MW04" DOOR     Mini-crack by pond with leaves: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)
(_)"MW05" CHEST    N.W. area, below Great Fairy: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)
(_)"MW06" CHEST    West area, by a small pool: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)
(_)"MW07" CHEST    Across bridge from Wind Crest: Mountain Minish [07mc]
(_)"MW08" CHEST    Minish-road to Village: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)
(_)"MW09" CHEST    East of Dungeon's entrance: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)
(_)"MW10" CHEST    East side: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusers above.)
(_)"MW11" CREATURE Golden Octorok: ~SHARED~ (See list above.)



This section, has a list of the various fusers who are still around at the
end of the game. With slightly better descriptions.

It also has quick details on the fusions they will do. (These are in order,
so the first line will be the first fusion, the second line second, etc.)

Some fusers will only talk and/or fuse with you while you are in minish-form.
For example: all the animals. It's fairly obvious, so I haven't said which
are which.

Note: After making a fusion, you will have to leave the area before the
Fuser will be ready to make the next Kinstone fusion. (Those that have more
fusions to make.)

(I may have missed some of the fusers who are fickle. But I found enough
for you to get all the Kinstone fusions done!)



01mc:   Mysterious Wall
Loc:    N.W. area.
Desc:   In the Mole-cave up Crenel wall, which is next to the Hermit's cave.
        A Kinstone shape in the N.E. corner, behind some dirt-walls.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6

02mc:   Crenel Hermit
Loc:    N.W. area.
Desc:   A cave above Crenel wall.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)  \  That's 
        ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)  |  a total
        ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)   > of 5 
        ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)  |  SHARED
        ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)  /  fusions.

03mc:   Mountain Minish
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   In Melari's mines. The N.W Minish that is mining.
Fusion: CHEST - "MCB2" - GP

04mc:   Mountain Minish
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   In Melari's mines. The eastern Minish outside the bedroom door.
Fusion: CHEST - "MC3" - G[

05mc:   Mountain Minish
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   In Melari's mines. Inside the kitchen. I.e. S.E. room.
Fusion: CREATURE - "MC6" - G<

06mc:   Melari
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   In Melari's mines. The main blacksmith. (In S.W. room.)
Fusion: BEANSTALK - "MC1" - R>

07mc:   Mountain Minish
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   In Melari's mines. The western Minish, in front of the exit.
Fusion: CHEST - "MW07" - G<

08mc:   Greyblade
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Blade brother. Use the grip ring to climb all the walls on the east
        side, his cave is at the top.
Fusion: DOOR - "CW5" - R3



01mcb:  Forest Minish
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Lives in a Minish-crack, may need to suck up the webs with the
        "Gust Jar", in order to find this.
Fusion: CHEST - "MCB1" - G[

02mcb:  Business Scrub
Loc:    S.E. area.
Desc:   In a cave along the south side.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)



01cw:   Business Scrub
Loc:    North side.
Desc:   In a cave slightly east of the centre. (along the north side.)
Fusion: DOOR - "MW02" - BL



01wr:   Forest Minish
Loc:    West side.
Desc:   Living in a Minish-crack, near the first tree stump.
Fusion: BEANSTALK - "WR1" - RE



01rv:   Spookter
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   In the royal graveyard itself.
Fusion: PERSON - "HT5" - B6
        DOOR - "HT7" - BL
Note:   In the figurine his brother is Spookter while he is named Spekter.
        (I'm not sure which is right.)

02rv:   Dampe
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   In his house on the west side, outside the graveyard gates.
Fusion: DOOR - "RV1" - B6
        DOOR - "WR2" - G<
Note:   I couldn't put the / accent over the e, in his name.

03rv:   Gina
Loc:    N.E. corner.
Desc:   Pink Ghini in the N.E. grave. Requires fusion "RV1" to enter.
Fusion: DOOR - "HT3" - G<
        ARROW - "WW2" - G<
        ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)



01th:   Forest Minish
Loc:    N.W. corner.
Desc:   Lives in the Mushroom-house. Go through the mole-cave to reach it.
Fusion: DOOR - "TH2" - G<

02th:   Knuckle
Loc:    N.W. corner.
Desc:   Tingle Sibling. Go through mole-cave to reach him.
Fusion: DOOR - "NHF3" - G[

03th:   Mysterious Wall
Loc:    N.W. area
Desc:   Inside the west Mole-cave. A Kinstone shape, behind some dirt-walls
        in the N.E. section.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6

04th:   Percy
Loc:    S.E corner.
Desc:   Inside the S.E. tree.
Fusion: ARROW - "WW4" - RE
Note:   Moves away after you make his fusion.



01ww:   Forest Minish
Loc:    S.W. corner.
Desc:   Lives in the Mushroom-house. May need to run into the tree to make
Fusion: BEANSTALK - "WW6" - BL

02ww:   Percy
Loc:    West side.
Desc:   Outside, or inside, Percy's house. Requires fusion "WW4" to reach.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)



01hcg:  Forest Minish
Loc:    N.E. corner.
Desc:   Living in the Minish-crack, behind a hedge. (May need to run into
        the nearby tree, to turn it into a tree-stump.)
Fusion: ARROW - "WW5" - G[

02hcg:  Grimblade
Loc:    S.E. Corner.
Desc:   Blade brother. The ladder may be underneath the bushes.
Fusion: DOOR - "VF4" - RE

03hcg:  Potho
Loc:    Dark Hyrule Castle.
Desc:   Royal Minister. Found in the King's prison cell.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)



01nhf:  Forest Minish
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Living in that Mushroom-house. May need to run into a tree below it
        to get the tree-stump.
Fusion: CHEST - "WR3" - GP



01ht:   Postman
Loc:    Moves randomly about the town.
Desc:   Starts just outside Rem's Shoe Shop, enter-leave a house near that,
        then try to catch up.
Fusion: PERSON - "HT1" - BL

02ht:   Stranger
Loc:    N.E. area.
Desc:   Inside a house next to the post-office.
Fusion: TELEPORT - "SHF2" - R3

03ht:   Town Minish
Loc:    West side.
Desc:   Inside the Mushroom-house, or the new house built atop it.
Fusion: ARROW - "CW2" - G[
        ARROW - "CW3" - GP
        ARROW - "CW4" - G<

04ht:   Town Minish
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Inside the carpenter's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

05ht:   Mutoh ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   The carpenter boss.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

06ht:   Mack ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Left sawing carpenter.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

07ht:   Doyle ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Right sawing carpenter.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

08ht:   Brent ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Plank holding carpenter.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

09ht:   Malon ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   Ranch girl, who sells Lon Lon milk.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

10ht:   Epona
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   Malon's horse. Who pulls the milk cart.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

11ht:   Leila ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   Blonde girl inside "Simon's Simulations".
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

12ht:   Herb ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area.
Desc:   Man sitting outside Mama's cafe.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

13ht:   Town Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Above Mama's Cafe. The one who is feeling hungry.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

14ht:   Town Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Above Mama's Cafe. The one who wants a red hat.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

15ht:   Forest Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Above Mama's Cafe. The one who is getting more refined.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

16ht:   Hurdy-Gurdy Man
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Inside Mama's Cafe.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)
Note:   This is his 2nd fusion. The 1st was a forced plot-fusion.

17ht:   Mama
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Blonde woman inside Mama's Cafe.
Fusion: ARROW - "LH3" - G<

18ht:   Baris ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Man sitting at a table, inside Mama's Cafe.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

19ht:   Chai ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Woman sitting at a table and drinking milk, inside Mama's Cafe.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

20ht:   Breve ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Old woman inside Mama's Cafe.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

21ht:   Harrison ~FICKLE~
Loc:    N.E. area.
Desc:   Kid inside school, who doesn't want to go home.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

22ht:   Erik ~FICKLE~
Loc:    N.E. area.
Desc:   Kid inside school, who loves school.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

23ht:   Tina ~FICKLE~
Loc:    N.E. area.
Desc:   The teacher dressed in purple.
Fusion: CHEST - "TH4" - GP
Note:   Yes, she is the only person to make this fusion. And no, you don't
        need to be purple yourself.

24ht:   Hagen
Loc:    Mid N.E. area. 
Desc:   Mayor of the town.
Fusion: DOOR - "LLR1" - RE

25ht:   Din
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Red oracle, inside the Inn. (Or in her rented house.)
Fusion: PERSON - "HT6" - RE
        CREATURE - "WR5" - RE

26ht:   Nayru
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Blue oracle, inside the Inn. (Or in her rented house.)
Fusion: PERSON - "HT6" - RE
        CREATURE - "RV4" - R>

27ht:   Farore
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Green oracle, inside the Inn. (Or in her rented house.)
Fusion: PERSON - "HT6" - RE
        CREATURE - "CW7" - R3

28ht:   Bremor
Loc:    N.W. corner.
Desc:   A plank holding carpenter, standing by the post office. Appears
        after someone rents Gorman's house. (Which requires fusion "HT6".)
Fusion: PERSON - "HT2" - R3

29ht:   Zill
Loc:    East side. 
Desc:   Upstairs in the Inn. The kid with a runny nose.
Fusion: ARROW - "CW2" - G[
        ARROW - "CW3" - GP
        ARROW - "CW4" - G<

30ht:   Joel ~FICKLE~
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Upstairs in the Inn. The kid with a blue shirt.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

31ht:   Satchel ~FICKLE~
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Upstairs in the Inn. The man sitting in a chair.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

32ht:   Lolly
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Downstairs in the Inn. The kid with a brown hair.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

33ht:   Candy
Loc:    East side.  
Desc:   Downstairs in the Inn. The kid with a blonde hair.
Fusion: ARROW - "TH1" - BL

34ht:   Bindle ~FICKLE~
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Downstairs in the Inn. The man wandering around.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

35ht:   Romio ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area. 
Desc:   One of the two lovers. Inside his house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

36ht:   Berry ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area. 
Desc:   Romio's sister. Inside Romio's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

37ht:   Rolf
Loc:    Mid S.E. area.
Desc:   Romio's pet dog. Inside Romio's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

38ht:   Julietta ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area. 
Desc:   One of the two lovers. Inside her house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

39ht:   Verona ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area.
Desc:   Julietta's mother. Inside Julietta's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

40ht:   Jim ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid S.E. area.
Desc:   Julietta's brother. Inside Julietta's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

41ht:   Scratcher
Loc:    Mid S.E. area.
Desc:   Julietta's pet cat. Inside Julietta's house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)
Note:   Try to stand south of it just close enough to talk. But don't get
        too close or you will get hit by its paws.

42ht:   Anju ~FICKLE~
Loc:    S.E. area.
Desc:   The cucco lady, who keeps losing her cuccos.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)



01shf:  Forest Minish
Loc:    S.W. corner.
Desc:   Living in the Mushroom-house. (May need to run into the tree to turn
        it into a tree-stump.)
Fusion: PERSON - "MW01" - R>

02shf:  Smith
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Inside his house.
Fusion: CHEST - "EH2" - R>
        CHEST - "TH3" - GP

03shf:  Tingle
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Use the Cane of Pacci on the pit, to get up onto the ledge.
Fusion: DOOR - "NHF2" - GP
        CREATURE - "MC5" - R3 (Requires getting the Boomerang upgrade first.)



No-one you can fuse with.



01llr:  Ankle
Loc:    Mid N.W. area.
Desc:   Tingle Sibling. Go through cave to reach him.
Fusion: DOOR - "NHF4" - G<

02llr:  Talon ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   Ranch owner, inside the ranch building.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

03llr:  Elsie
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   The cow inside the ranch building.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

04llr:  Goron
Loc:    S.W. corner.
Desc:   Outside the Goron cave. Or the one on the far left, inside the cave.
Fusion: PERSON - "HT4" - B6

05llr:  Goron
Loc:    S.W. corner.
Desc:   6th Goron, on the far right inside the cave.
Fusion: BIGGORON - "VF1" - R3



01eh:   Mysterious Wall
Loc:    Mid N.E. area.
Desc:   Inside the Mole-cave. A Kinstone shape in the N.E. corner, behind
        the dirt-walls.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6

02eh:   Eenie
Loc:    Mid N.E. area.
Desc:   The N.E. farmer.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6
Note:   There is an issue, where you can do something to stop him fusing
        with you. Discussed later in this guide.

03eh:   Meenie
Loc:    Mid N.E. area.
Desc:   The S.W. farmer.
Fusion: CHEST - "MC2" - G[

04eh:   Forest Minish
Loc:    S.W. corner.
Desc:   Living in the Mushroom house.
Fusion: BEANSTALK - "EH1" - B6



01ct:   Siroc
Loc:    Inside the Wind Tribe house.
Desc:   Wise woman, on the top floor.
Fusion: CHEST - "RV2" - G<
        CHEST - "RV3" - G[

02ct:   Hailey
Loc:    Inside the Wind Tribe house.
Desc:   Small girl on the top floor.
Fusion: CREATURE - "VF6" - G[

03ct:   Flurris
Loc:    Inside the Wind Tribe house.
Desc:   The plump woman, on the floor just below the top floor.
Fusion: CREATURE - "CW6" - G[
        ARROW - "WW1" - G[

04ct:   Caprice
Loc:    Inside the Wind Tribe house.
Desc:   The woman, on the floor just above the bottom floor.
Fusion: CHEST - "VF5" - GP

05ct:   Gale
Loc:    Inside the Wind Tribe house.
Desc:   The young woman with a short bun of hair, on the bottom floor.
Fusion: DOOR - "VF2" - R>



01lh:   Mysterious Wall
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   Inside Mole-cave, use the Roc's cape to reach that. Take the S.W.
        passage, the Kinstone shape is behind dirt-wall at the end of it.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6

02lh:   Borken
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   Stockwell's dog, inside his house.
Fusion: CHEST - "LH4" - GP
Note:   Its name in the American version is "Fifi". (Credits to "TSA".)

03lh:   David Jr.
Loc:    Mid north area.
Desc:   Tingle Sibling?! By the edge of the lake.
Fusion: DOOR - "NHF5" - GP
        CHEST - "MC4" - G[ (Requires getting the boomerang upgrade first.)

04lh:   Forest Minish
Loc:    Mid west area.
Desc:   Living in the Mushroom-house next to the Wind Crest.
Fusion: DOOR - "WW3" - R3

05lh:   Waveblade
Loc:    Mid S.W. area.
Desc:   Blade brother. Inside the tree.
Fusion: DOOR - "NHF1" - R>

06lh:   Forest Minish
Loc:    East side.
Desc:   Living in the Minish-crack, swim across the lake from the tree-stump.
Fusion: BEANSTALK - "LH1" - BL

07lh:   Librari
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   Town elder. Who has moved from the Library, to the Mushroom-house
        on the central island. Which requires fusion "LH2" to reach.
Fusion: CREATURE - "WR6" - GP
Note:   Remember that you may of already done this fusion in the Library.



01mw:   Mysterious Wall
Loc:    North area.
Desc:   Inside the Mole-cave near to Syrup's hut. A Kinstone shape on a N.E.
        corner, behind the dirt-walls.
Fusion: PERSON - "LLR2" - BL or B6

02mw:   Belari
Loc:    Mid S.W. area.
Desc:   Living in the Mushroom-house by the Wind Crest.
Fusion: CHEST - "WR4" - R3

03mw:   Gentari
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   Village elder. N.W. corner of house in the Minish village.
Fusion: PERSON - "MW03" - RE

04mw:   Forest Minish
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   In the Minish village. Inside the western, blue & white vase-house.
Fusion: ARROW - "CW2" - G[
        ARROW - "CW3" - GP
        ARROW - "CW4" - G<

05mw:   Forest Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   In the Minish village. Inside the central, green mushroom-house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

06mw:   Festari
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   The priest in Minish village. Guarded the entrance to the shrine.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

07mw:   Forest Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   In the Minish village. Researcher inside the eastern barrel-house.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

08mw:   Forest Minish ~FICKLE~
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   In the Minish village. Inside the eastern barrel-house. Talks about
        the hidden items the Minish leave for people to find.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)

09mw:   Forest Minish
Loc:    Mid south area.
Desc:   N.E. area in Minish village. Inside the house by the lake.
Fusion: ~SHARED~ (See list of Shared Fusions above.)
        ARROW - "VF3" - RE
        DOOR - "LH2" - R3

10mw:   Business Scrub
Loc:    Centre area.
Desc:   Inside the round tree, which is north of the Deepwood Shrine.
        (Requires fusion "MW02" to enter it.)
Fusion: CREATURE - "WW7" - G<
        DOOR - "CW1" - GP



No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
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Unless written permission has been given in advance by its original author.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Any information quoted should give the original author full credit and
must not be altered in any way.
This guide is not intended to be used in any profitable means and should
not be done so without permission.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.
All unofficial names given to things, may be used in other guides, but
should be treated as trademarks of Nintendo or other respective
trademark holders.

If you find this guide, or any part of this guide at any location not
listed below, then you should contact the author, Jamie A. Caie immediately
at "Hendecable@yahoo.co.uk" with the details.

The Guide may only be hosted at the following website:
GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)


Before contacting me be aware that I rarely check my e-mails, so I
might take a lot of time getting back to people.
(No guaranties, that I will reply at all.)

Also do not try and contact me asking me for game play help or about
any information relating to other parts of the game.
I won't respond in any helpful manner, (whether or not I meant to!)
A better idea would be to post a message on the GameFAQs Message Boards,
if help is required.

If you want to contact me about mistakes, missed fusions or other things
which are covered in this guide then that is fine however.
E-mail your message to this address "Hendecable@yahoo.co.uk"
Do remember to write a suitable subject heading like: "LoZ:MC New fuser
found" or "Mistake in Zelda: Minish Cap, Kinstone Fusion Guide." or I
might mistake the e-mail for junk mail.

Your message itself, should be clear and give precise directions to the
problem and/or solutions if necessary.



I'd like to thank the following people, without them this guide might not
be the completeness it is today!

-I'd like to Thank Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto and all, for bringing us
the Legend of Zelda series. Also Capcom for bringing us this game.

-"Joshua Speelman" for telling me the Eenie issue wasn't in the American
version. Also "ackackatk" for telling me second (confirming it?!).
-TSA for the American name change of Stockwell's dog.
-f3rd1 for informing that some icons are no longer permanent in the American

-Probably also some other people, which I can't remember at the moment.



Changes made and parts added to this guide, from start to present.
> 11th December 2004 - 30th December 2004
Replay, research, X-mas and illness.

> 5th January 2005
"List of fusions" section, a "key" and "Guide's History" started.

> 6th January 2005
Finished "Random fusions and random fusers" section.
Also the "Fickle fusers" section.

> 8th January 2005
Finished the "List of fusers" section.
Also the "Other rewards" section.

> 9th January 2005 = Version 1.0
"Mysterious shells note", "Fusions to be wary of", "Introduction",
"Abstract", "Contents", "Disclaimers/Copyrights/Contact/etc", "The End",
"Guide's Title" and "Contributors/Credits/Thanks" sections.
Also a few minor additions here and there.
Compiled the Guide, given a version number and submitted it to GameFAQs.

> 18th January 2005 = Version 1.10
"Random" produced chaotic results. As I feared, it turn out too confusing.
So I've changed it to "Shared" instead. With everything else modified to
"Shared Fusions" and "Shared Fusers".
More info on Eenie. Who seems to be fixed in the American versions.
A few re-wordings, mostly to fit the Shared stuff!

> 19th January 2005 = Version 1.15
Added a "Fusion Checklist", which might help more people.
A little more details on Shared Fusions descriptions. Heard some more of the
American version and minor corrections to a few errors.



Thank You for reading this guide, I hoped you have found it helpful.

If you think you've found anything that I've missed, or gotten wrong. First
double check and then please let me know the full details.

______Jamie Caie.

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