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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and alkthroughs of Zelda games

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
FAQ/Walkthrough by TripleJump
Created: December 19th, 2006
Last Updated: June 23rd, 2008
Contact: triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 TripleJump

The author of this guide may put out some major spoilers in the guide, and is
not responsible for a loss of great gaming experience because of that.

Press CTRL + F then enter the roman numeral and section name below to go to the

 _______________________________|TABLE OF CONTENTS|____________________________
|                                -----------------                             |
|                                                                              |
|                                I. Introduction                               |
|                               II. Version History                            |
|                              III. Basics                                     |
|                               IV. Gamecube Walkthrough                       |
|                                V. Wii Walkthrough                            |
|                               VI. Items/Equipment                            |
|                              VII. Heart Pieces                               |
|                             VIII. Golden Bugs                                |
|                               IX. Poe Souls                                  |
|                                X. Boss Guide                                 |
|                               XI. Hidden Skills                              |
|                              XII. Cave of Ordeals                            |
|                             XIII. Shops                                      |
|                              XIV. FAQ                                        |
|                               XV. Mini-Games                                 |
|                              XVI. Credits                                    |
|                             XVII. Closing                                    |

-------------------------------I. Introduction----------------------------------

Welcome to the next FAQ installment of TripleJump! This one is one of my
many FAQs in production. (I have like 3 unfinished ones that are halfway done in
my FAQ folder on the computer!) This one is for "Twilight Princess". If you are
like me, you have waited around three years for this godly game to be
released to the public. I had purchased a pre-order around Christmas last year.
I was patient, waiting for the game to be released. It paid off. I received my
game a day or two after the game was released in North America and immediately
enjoyed it.

Twilight Princess brings something new to the series. The Wolf Link. Wow.
This was a great touch. The panting, the sniffing, the growling. It was
wonderful. Link turns into the Wolf when he enters "The Twilight". He then has
to  restore the light to the land in order to regain his human form. He
progresses along and learns about some things that are far to great spoilers for
me to  disclose to you at the moment ;).

The Graphics of this game for a GameCube game are incredible. It was
especially great during the cutscenes, where the graphics were improved. The
only thing it was missing was Voice Acting. You know what? It doesn't need it.
That would only end up making the game feel like it was a rip off of some other
game, and not a true Zelda game.


Deep in the southernmost region of the kingdom of Hyrule lies a village by
the name of Ordon. Cradled in the scenic beauty of pristine farmland, the
villagers of Ordon make a living by raising livestock. Among the villagers
is a boy known as the most skillful rider in all the land. A boy who, it is
expected, will one day take over the responsibility of leading Ordon as the
village chief. His name is Link.

Trusted and liked by all the villagers, Link is especially loved by the
other children of Ordon, among whom he holds unofficial status as the leader
of the pack. Link spends his days as a ranch hand and learns the ways of the
sword from the village's lone swordsman, Rusl, in his spare time. He often
displays his newly honed skills to the village youths, which makes him even
more popular.

One day Link is showing off his swordsmanship as usual, when a monkey
appears. "Hey! That's the monkey that's been causing trouble all over the
village! Let's get him," cry the children. They run after the monkey into
the forest. Link rushes into the heart of the woods after them and is
shocked to find that the dark thickets are teeming with countless monsters.
After fighting his way through their ranks, Link rescues the child and the
monkey from the cage where they are held captive. Until now, the forest had
always been a safe place.

The next day, after much encouragement by Rusl, Link prepares to set out and
deliver the village's tribute to Hyrule Castle. Having never visited the
castle before, Link is in high spirits as he prepares for his journey, but
when his childhood friend Ilia notices a wound on Epona's haunch, she gives
Link an earful for being so careless with his horse. In a huff, Ilia leads
Epona away.

Link tracks down Epona and Ilia at the mystical spring nearby and attempts
to apologize for injuring Epona. But no matter how many times he says he's
sorry, Ilia simply refuses to forgive Link. Then Colin, a young boy from the
village who idolizes Link, steps forward to mediate the situation. Thanks to
Colin's explanation, Link is finally able to get Ilia to drop her guard and
talk with him. Having warmed back up, Ilia tells Link, "Come back safely,
and don't do anything reckless!" Just then, A monster astride a huge boar
comes crashing out of the forest. The fearsome monster and it's mount break
through the gate to the spring and attack the youths.

Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Link is helpless to stop the monster
from delivering a blow that renders him unconscious. Through the fog of his
half-conscious mind, Link watches Colin and Ilia get swept off by the

Enjoy my FAQ, and feel free to email me with a question.

-------------------------------II. Version History------------------------------

June 23rd, 2008
Added the rest of the walkthrough, did the Cave of Ordeals and removed the
unimportant fishing section. It's now 100% complete!

June 21st, 2008
Added the Palace of Twilight and have only one dungeon and Fishing/Cave of
Ordeal guide to finish!

June 19th, 2008
Added all the Poe Souls, just two subsections and the finale of the game to come
and this guide is ALL DONE!

May 17th, 2008
Added walkthrough up to the end of the City in the Sky and all the corresponding
updates at the subsections at the end of it to go along with it.

January 3rd, 2008
Added Walkthrough up to the Cannon Launch into the City in the Sky. Also added
Minigames, Poe Souls, all the Golden Bugs and the Shops section. Converted items
up to par. It's about 474KB

August 21st, 2007
Added Walkthrough up to some of the Owl Statues and a ton of subsection things.
I have a LOT more to add but it's on another tape I might do tommorrow or the
day after. It's 458K.

August 17th, 2007
Added Walkthrough up to past the Temple of Time, as well as all Heart Pieces and
Poe Souls that includes. It's quite big now, 418K.

August 16th, 2007
Added a CTRL + F search code, some new sections and a question to the FAQ. I
have a baglog of things to add to the FAQ now.


There is a double update as I add more to the guide today! The backlog is very
small now, and stretches from the current part to the next temple. I added more
Pieces of Heart, more Poe Souls and a minigame. I also fixed the margins so it
will take less time to update!

August 13th, 2007
Well, I meant to do it earlier but I've been doing a Fire Emblem 7 GBA FAQ at
the same time, so I apologize for that. I will try to do the rest whenever I can
and then continue.

July 12th, 2007
Well, this is the first half of a big update. I decided to make a massive Heart,
Poe and Bug update and go searching for a ton. I'm still missing several of the
ones I wanted to add because I have two VHS's of recorded gameplay and only one
has been watched and added. Anyway, Snowpeak is done and instruction in the
walkthrough form for the items is also added. I found and replaced left/right
and east/west for some of the subsections and made Wii sections too. This is
about 70K of the 100K planned update.

July 4th, 2007
Happy Independance Day to my American readers, and Happy Belated Canada Day to
my fellow Canadians. I made a miniscule update that moves everything right up
to the Ruins in Snowpeak.

June 29th, 2007
I added up to catching and sniffing the Reekfish. Most of the information is
option things, like sidequests and collectibles we might want to use later. This
information totals about 16-18K of information. Enjoy!

June 27th, 2007
I added the rest of the Arbiter's Grounds. Did some fooling around and recorded
data of stuff we need (such as golden bugs, poe souls and heart pieces) for
update some other day. About 26K was added to the guide.

June 21st, 2007
I added up to the Arbiter's Grounds because I have the time to do that now! Look
for constant updates over the summer holidays. This is about 23K of information.

June 20th, 2007
It's been over a month since I updated it due to school and exams and such. Now
I am on my summer break until September and my FAQing goal is to hopefully put
the rest of this guide into place for the public. I added about 18K of the rest
of the Lakebed Temple, to saving Midna after the curse. As well as the heart
pieces and added the first poe soul we find in this game. Hope it helps! Oh, and
for your reading pleasure I went through and made some spelling corrections.

May 5th, 2007
Added most of the walkthrough for the Lakebed Temple. I just have some more to
do I will probably finish sometime on Monday. Enjoy.

May 3rd, 2007
Added some odd kilobytes (around 25) to the guide. The walkthroughs are at the
Lakebed Temple, items and heart Pieces are updated and so are the minigames.
Quite good progress, considering I did this in about 2 days. I also added info
from my first reader email for this guide about the Wii Controls.

April 27th, 2007
It got accepted. I added about 21K to the guide and it's now at the part with
the Bugs in the lake.

February 25th, 2007
Mr. Shotgun gave me an Idea, I found and replaced left/right and east/west to
make a Wii version walkthrough as well.

February 3rd/4th, 2007
The FAQ is now at the Goron Mines. I had to record myself playing, take notes,
and type the notes out in paragraph form. A lot of work.

January 30th, 2007
The FAQ was rejected. I converted it to about 80% Forest Temple done and added
the stuff gained in the Walkthrough to the sections with Heart Pieces, Equipment

January 11th, 2007
Submitted FAQ. Largely incomplete, I don't have access to my GC for probably a
while, so don't expect it to be updated much in the next little while.

--------------------------------III. Basics-------------------------------------


Control Stick - Move Link around


A - Action Button/Roll
B - Use Sword (When Obtained)
X - Use Equipped Item
Y - Use Equipped Item
Z - Talk to Midna
L - Target/Bring Up Shield
R - Special Functions
Start - Bring up Menu
C-Stick - Change Camera Angles
D-Pad - Bring up Map/Inventory


A - Dash/Actions
B - Attack
X - Toggle Senses
Y - Dig
Z - Talk to Midna
L - Target
R - Special Functions
Start - Bring Up Menu
C-Stick - Change Camera Angle
D-Pad - Bring Up Map/Inventory


A - Speed Up/Mount/Dismount
B - Use Sword (When Obtained)
X - Use Equipped Item
Y - Use Equipped Item
Z - Talk to Midna
L - Target
R - Duck
Start - Bring up Menu
C-Stick - Change Camera Angles
D-Pad - Bring up Map/Inventory


Rotate Control Stick + B - Quick Spin Attack
L + B - Vertical Slash
L + A(With Sword out) - Jump Attack
B (Hold) - Spin Attack
R + A on Epona - Backflip Dismount


The following was graciously contributed to me by Mountrussmore. All credit goes
to him for this.


Control Stick - Walk/Run/Swim/Jump and Cycle through options
C Button - Switch to first person perspective
Z Button - Z target


Power Button - Turn the Wii Mote on/off
A Button -  Talk/Check/Open/Pick up/Throw,etc and perform action displayed at
the bottom of the screen
Minus Button - Toggle Items screen and Skip cutscene {press twice}
1 Button - View Map
2 Button - Toggle minimap on/offf
Home Button - Toggle Home Menu
Plus Button -  Toggle collection screen
B Button - Use assigned item
Control Pad up - Talk to Midna
Control Pad left, right, and down - Assign an item to the B Button {Switch out
assigned item}


The first thing you have to learn to avoid problems in combat is this: If
you cannot get hit, you cannot die. So this leaves us with a few options.

Shield: The easiest way to not get hit. Doesn't always work.
Dodge: A slightly harder way, but can be limited depending on your space and
how the camera works.
Parry: Use a special move you unlock.

If there is an enemy that shoots fire arrows at you (such as the goblins in
the Goron Mines), you don't want to parry. As it can easily hit you still. This
leaves you with the option to Shield or Dodge. If there is not very much room to
dodge, you should shield. Choose the easiest, yet most effective option
always. Dodging attacks should mostly be used on enemies such as the Dodongo
like lizards in the mines, where you can backflip or sidestep a breath

Shielding can be useful in defense and offensive. If you hold Shield,
you can run with it up. This allows you to get in close without damage.
Shielding at the start isn't always trustworthy, as if you shield against a
fire attack at the start, it burns up. A better shield that you gain later will
solve this problem.

Dodging is probably the most important to learn in the long run.You cannot
always use the shield. Now that means that you have to use
Parry or Dodge. Parrying isn't always the best. So try to dodge the attack.
To dodge, wait for an enemy to wind up for an attack. If the attack is fast,
you should try and do a quick sidestep or two. If it will take them a second
or two, backflip. If you lose sight of an enemy, which sometimes happens, as
your Targeting can be messed up, do some rolls away from the enemy, then turn
and face. Dodging is the only way to escape explosions as well.

Parrying is easier to use if you have a jump attack. An enemy can wind up
for an attack, then you quickly jump at them, doing double damage and stopping
the attack.

Battles should try to be avoided as much as possible by standing from afar and
blasting with a weapon. An example of this is in the Goron Mines. You can hit
the enemies hanging on the ceiling with the Bow to rid you of them. Spin attacks
are only reccomended on enemies like the mini-boss of the Lakebed Temple.
Where it releases a ton of enemies. Try to avoid using them if you can, they are
slow to charge up.

Try to carry Bottled Fairies with you as much as possible. On my 3 day run
of Ocarina of Time, I did not fall once thanks to this. the more healing items
you get, the better. Fairies are the best because you won't waste them. As soon
as you die, they heal you. So you don't have to worry about using Milk or

On the offense, you should always try to attack quickly, then either link it
to another attack, or run like hell. If an enemy begins to recover, you
might not be able to hit him. So run. If an enemy is up and taking damage, keep
up the onslaught.

That reminds me, always aim for an enemy's weak point. If they have any.
Don't bother beating the shielded bug if it's only to delay it! Dodge and attack
from the back.

Weapon choice should be obvious. Try and use the sword as much as possible to
save ammo, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use the Bow and Slingshot!
Try switching up items to get a jump on the enemy and more.

Finally, use your common sense. If you think about what you are going to do
before you do it, then it will work better.

----------------------------IV. Gamecube Walkthrough----------------------------


You begin at Link's House. Fado comes over and asks you to help herd his goats.
Talk to him. He asks you to get Epona. Go left facing your house and down the
path. You are in a new area. Follow the road forward and turn left at the Creek
area to find Epona and Ilia. She asks you to play the song on the Grass. Pick up
the grass and blow on it. It makes Epona's Song. Oh the nostalgia! Epona follows
you. Now ride her back to Link's House, then exit through the other opening to
get to town.

In the town, head across the bridge and up the opening that goes uphill to the
top right of the map. This leads you to Ordon Ranch. Go forward on Epona and
talk to Fado, who is on the field I believe. You have to ride around the area
and herd the goats into the barn. Get near a goat, and get on a side of them so
that you angle them towards the barn. Whoop. This will make them run faster.

Get all ten goats into the barn to finish the chore. Fado will now place up some
fences for you to practice jumping on with Epona. After you finish practicing to
your heart's content, jump over the last gate and exit to the village.

You now start on the next day. You have a day off! You start inside his house
when some chiddlers call up to you to play. Come down and go outside. Go talk
to your posse and learn that a new Slingshot just came out in the shop. Go to
the village. Let's check out that new Slingshot! Go inside Sera's Sundries to
your left at the start. Talk to Sera. Oh no! She is too depressed that she hurt
her cat's feelings over dinner and it won't come home. Now she won't sell you
anything. She's been hitting the milk a little too hard if you ask me.

Anyway, go outside and head towards the bridge. Talk to Colin's mom here. She is
sad that her cradle is missing. Go over the bridge and talk to Mayor Bo, he is
just outside of the house before the ranch. Out of the blue, a goat comes down
the hill. Get yourself infront of the goat (yes, I know that it seems stupid)
and hold the A button when the button appears onscreen. You plant your feet and
seize the goat's antlers. Dragging it to a stop and throwing it. If you mess up,
talk to the mayor again. He now tells you about those darn monkeys from the
temple that are stealing stuff. Hm, what in the village has gone missing

Go back over the bridge and find the man that is standing on the platform with
the vines leading up to it. He calls down to you and asks you to Target him and
talk. Do so, then climb the vines up to him. Talk there and he shows you Serra's
cat, and the grass. Get the grass and blow on it to summon a bird down to you.
Release the bird anywhere. Now jump over onto the roof of Sera's Store, then
over to the next platform, then the last one. Grab some grass and summon the
hawk. Aim it at the monkey that is jumping up and down just down the water
stream. The Hawk grabs the cradle from his grasp and gives it to you. Go back
down to land and give it to Colin's Mom. Go up the hill and right to her house
without waiting to get the Fishing Rod.

Go back to where the cat was (on the other side of the children's house) and
cast in the water. To fish, wait until the bobber is set in the water. If it
bobs up and down, hold back on the C-Stick to reel the fish in. once you have
caught two fish, the cat takes one and goes back to Serra's store. Now we have
to find a bunch of Rupees. Start by going up to the First Bird Grass point. Aim
it at the Bee's nest above the house of the person closest to your house. Now
climb up around the house and up the vine. There is a yellow and blue rupee on
the top branches. Run around throwing the pumpkins to produce some green rupees.

Leave the areas and come back to get more each time. Once you have thirty, go
inside Serra's Shop and get the Slingshot. She also gives you a free bottle with
half a jug of milk already in it. We now have what we need, go back to Link's

At Link's house, Rusl, your master, will be there. He says he left you some
stuff in your house. Go over to the Children and talk to them to reveal the fact
that you have the Slingshot. Equip it and aim it at the targets the kid's set up
around your yard. After they are all hit, go back over to the ladder to your
house. Oh no! A nasty Spider is there. Aim and fire with the Slingshot to kill
it. Now climb into your house. Open the chest that is right there. You now have
a wooden sword. Go back outside and talk to those noisy kids that are loitering
on your property. They now want you to give a demonstration with the sword.
Do what the kids want you to do (the small one tells you exactly how to do it).
They will complain about the monkeys, and then chase one of them. Get on Epona
now and go down the road where you went down before to get Epona. Keep going
ahead and go past all the kids, and over the bridge.


Turn right at the next spot possible and talk to the man sitting next to the
trailer to get the free Lantern. now that we have it, leave back to the road.
Follow it along until Epona can't go further. Get off and go in on foot. Beating
up the Deku Baba along the way. Move forward until you see a round sort of mini

Swing the lantern at it. This lights the path. Put the Lantern away and
go down the path, lighting the torches as you go. You also have to burn away
the cobwebs in your way. Continue out and go down to the dirt area. Keep moving
forwards and kill all Moblins and other enemies in the way. Head to the upper
right tunnel and enter (It's marked on your map with a red circle). Kill the
enemies and open the chest here to get a Small Key. Now whip out your Lantern
and set the torches around you alight with a flame. This makes a chest with a
Piece of Heart appear. Get it. Now leave the tunnel.

Go to the bottom left part of the map (yet again, it is marked with a red circle
and open up the gate with your small key. Go down the cave here. Watch out for
the other enemies here. Up ahead is a store run by a bird. Ignore all the stuff
here and continue on. You will come across a winding path going up. There are
some Moblin Guards and there is a cage with the monkey and the last child here.
Break it open.


You have to finish up some chores before you can go out to the Castle and bring
the gift to the castle. So pick a piece of grass and call for Epona. Get on top
and talk to Fado. You have a time limit of three minutes to herd the goats. It
shouldn't be a problem anymore, you have experience. Afterwords, ride Epona
down to the village over the fence. You automatically talk to the Mayor. Bo
orders you to take the gift right away, and send you off. Ilia then notices a
wound on Epona and scolds you. She now takes her away. You have to follow her.
Go over the bridge and back to your house. Colin is there. He asks if you can
take him to see Ilia, as the other children are mean to him. Tell him you will.

Go over to the bullies. They only let you pass if you replace Talo's sword, as
he lost it near the Forest Temple. Let him have it. Gee, the only thing that is
bad about that plan is that one day you might get brutally assaulted by
creatures on a boar as they steal your little man and girl, then you get dragged
into a strange realm by a creature and turn into a wolf, then thrown in prison.
Psshaw, like that could ever happen! Go down the road. The path to the spring is
shut off, so head left at the start and crawl in through the small crawlspace.
There is a Yellow Rupee in there. Anyway, you have a long cutscene with Ilia and
Colin. They talk to you, then a giant beast astride a boar will come over and
snatch all of you. Rude little freaks. If you hadn't given up your sword, they
would be dead. Anyway, enjoy prison.


OH MY GOD! YOU ARE LOCKED IN PRISON. On the minor note, you are now a wolf.
Cool. Try to break from the chain for a bit, then you see some girl talk to
you. Mysterious, she gets out, then challenges you to do the same. Destroy the
crate you see near the front of the cell. Now turn on your wolf senses with X
and dig on the shiny spot beneath it. You escape. The girl (Midna) will jump on
your back. Cool. Head over to the cell next to yours and Midna talks about a
chain on the ceiling. Hold L and target it, then press A to bite onto it and
trigger the pull switch. Go in the new passageway. At the end of the passage is
a blob. Turn on the wolf sense to talk to the spirit. It can't see you, but you
can listen to it.

Anyway, go forward down the tunnel, then left and bite the chain that is hanging
from the roof. This opens a small tunnel with a blue rupee in a skull at the
end. Get out, go right and through the open gate here. Bite the chain here to
get a heart. Continue along the path until you come to a three way fork. Head
right at the fork and bite the chain on the right side to flood the area. Turn
around and float over the spikes on the other side.

Go up the path and turn right, Midna leaves here, and challenges you. Turn
around and go to the other end. Bite the chain to drain the area. Go back to
where Midna left you. There is a crawlspace to the right, go through it and turn
left to find Midna. Head up the stairs and try to jump across. Oops, the thing
broke. Go back up and Midna instructs you to use her to jump. Do so, by
targeting her and leaping over. Go up to the slanted pillar thing, target jump
up again. Continue up the stairs, ignoring the first rope (unless you need
hearts.) Defeat the enemy here so you don't fall off.

Now continue up and take the next rope. Go up the stairs at the other side and
target jump up. Kill the enemies at the top and then get on the pile of debris.
Talk to Midna and she challenges you to get out. The camera pans up to the door.
So target jump to the door to go outside.


Move forwards, then climb the stone ledge. Midna tells you to talk to the spirit
you see. It's another soldier, which she comments on. No it's not the person she
wants to see. Go on the wooden bridge thing and push the block to the ledge,
climb up on the block, then up. Jump down to the stone roof on the other side
and kill the bird. On the map, go up. Ignore this enemy and jump over the gap.
Climb up the ledge and jump again. Climb up to the wood part, and target jump
down to the other roof. Move along it to the other end and enter the building.


Jump down from the windowsill and go upstairs. Enter the door. Move over to the
figure that is cloaked by the window to begin a cutscene. It's none other than
DUN DUN DUN SPOILERS! Princess Zelda! She tells you something important and to
get out of there before the guard comes. Run out and down the stairs, now you
automatically escape. Midna now teleports you to Ordon (at the spring).


You arrive in the Spring in the outskirts of the village. Midna requests a sword
and a shield before you brave the unknown. Head towards town. Enemy units are
outside your house. You can defeat or ignore them. Either way, go into the Town.
On the way in, a squirrel calls out to you that you should talk to animals to
learn things. As you enter, a man on top of the vine area prays to the gods. You
ignore him right now, and cross the bridge.

Two men are conversing about the sword and shield. Sneak up until you can listen
with A. If he doesn't reveal the location, sneak in a little more to learn that
the shield is in the house in front of you, and the sword is at Rusl's.
They then spot you and run for it.

Go back to the other side of the bridge and the man on the vine platform calls
an eagle to attack you. Run away from him and around behind Serra's Sundries.
Talk to the cat here to learn that you should scare him. There is a target jump
spot you can use to get onto the roof of Serra's Sundries. Hop over to the man.
He bails out, stopping the assault. Now face the shield house and target jump to
the window.

Inside, jump onto the table and target jump to the shield ledge. Now ram into
the wall twice to knock it down. Get the shield and exit the window on the ledge
you are on now. As you exit, Rusl hears you hit the water. Now go to his house,
avoiding him (not necessary, but helps). Go to the left side of his house and
dig under the house by the wood, use senses for the exact glowing spot to dig
at. After you get in, get the sword at the house and dig out.

Head all the way back to the spring where Epona was taken with Ilia. You are
stopped by a voice. It announces an evil presense. Suddenly, a warp portal
appears in the sky and drops a dark foe. Jump attack him to attach on, mash the
A button to damage. Repeat this to defeat him. A light spirit appears and talks
to you about his brothers and such. Listen to him, then leave and run over the
bridge. At the orange/black area, Midna asks you to confirm your intentions to
leave the area and enter the twilight. Confirm, and you get sucked in.


Move forward to encounter another warp trap. Midna deserts you, leaving you
alone. This time, instead of one enemy, there are three. Defeat them the same
way, the third one will revive the other two. Begin to attack, and Midna comes
back. This time, she opens an energy field. Summon the field by holding B, then
move so that all enemies are in the field. Release B to attack them all. When
defeated, you can now continue. Move up to the spring ahead. Walk up to the gold
sphere ahead. check it out to  gain the Vessel of Light. You also learn the
location of the insects of light, which stole the tears of light. Notice a light
pattern here?

Anyway, head forward and around the corner. Tune your senses in to see the first
two insects. A quick attack with B will dispatch them. Collect the blue balls of
light that drop. Move forward and head right at the fork. We are at Coro's camp.
Head right and climb the wooden block and look at the window. Talk to Midna to
target jump in. Go down and use your senses. Look at Coro and talk to him. He
exclaims something about bugs. They now crawl into the open. Kill the two to get
rid of them. Get the tears of light. Now listen to him one more time and leave
through the window you came in. Outside, turn around and go to the opposide side
of the house. There is an insect on the wall. Ram the wall to knock it down.
Get the tears after you kill it.

Head back to the fork in the road. Dig under the gate and get the two on the
other side. Enter the tunnel. Go to the other end. You are now in a giant
section of the woods with purple fog in the middle. Don't walk in it. Turn right
and flip your senses on. Kill the two insects and collect the Tears of Light
they drop. Now Target Jump from the log to the other side. Climb the hill and
jump to the center platform with Midna. There are two bugs and a dragonfly with
a tear in each. Kill them to get them.

Now continue forth and jump to the other end. There are two burrowing insects of
light here. Use the senses, and dig them up with Y. Kill them and get the tears.
Head farther north to spring ANOTHER warp trap. Win this one like last time with
the spin attack. Now head all the way to the temple and kill all the bugs (in
the open) along the way. Go up to the temple entrance and turn on the senses to
see the last ones, and a monkey. Kill the bugs to listen to the monkey talk
about the temple. Collect the tears to finish up the tears of light. Now you
automatically return to the spring. The light spirit Faron purifies you, and
leaves you in your green "hero garb". Yay! Now check your rupee count. If you
have 100 or more rupees, skip the paragraph below about Ordon Village. If not,
read the below paragraph.


Go into Link's house and climb into his basement. Use the Lantern to see a chest
in the back. Open it for fifty rupees. Go back to Faron Woods. If you don't have
enough rupees, keep gathering them.


Go all the way forth to the gate by Coro's camp. Go into the camp and talk to
Coro to get a small key. He also offers to sell you a bottle of lantern oil for
100 rupees. Be sure to buy it. Now go open the gate with the key. Head through
the tunnel. On the other side is the purple fog room. Use your lantern to have
a monkey approach and steal it. Follow him along, he will guide you through the
fog safely, while warding off the fog. There are several enemies on the way
(three). Defeat them to continue. At the other end, the monkey drops the lantern
and runs. Get the lantern. You are safely through, but are out of oil. Refill it
with the bottle (put the bottle and lantern out to X and Y, then use the bottle)
and head forward to the shop the bird owns. Refill the bottle. You can pay if
you want, you just drop the money in the box. If not, you can only ONCE in the
history of the game (including other files) steal the stuff by running. But pay
every other time. Anyway, head up the path to the temple and burn the web with
the lantern. Enter the Temple.


As you enter, several Keese will attack you. Defeat them and move onwards. Kill
the Deku Baba that sprouts up to your left, then go up the hill. There is a
Moblin enemy and another Baba here. Defeat them, then break open the monkey
cage. He will gesture to you to follow, as Midna obviously points out. Kill the
Spiders on the vines and climb up. Open the door the monkey stops at.

Move down the stairs, and head up the other ones. Kill the giant spider that
drops from the ceiling with four blows, then your finishing move. Light the
four torches with your lamp. This raises steps to the room in front of you.

Go up the steps and turn right. Open the chest here for the Dungeon Map. Open
the door the monkey wants you to (the only door) and watch the cutscene with
the other, more evil monkey. We will refer to him as "Gepetto". Exit back into
the four doors room.

Go back to the center platform, the monkey wants you to go left, but you can't
because there is no bridge. Never fear! The monkey climbs up the scaffolding
and hangs upside down. Jump to him, then swing to the other side. Open the door
to the next area.

Turn left here and slash the spider. He turns into a bomb. Pick it up and place
it next to the boulder. This blows it, and opens a new area. Go into it and
smash the pot with the thing sticking out of it. This is Ooccoo, she can warp
you out of an area, then you can warp back to the exact same spot at any time.
There is one in each dungeon. Collect the blue rupees from the pots in this room
and go around the other side.

Burn the spider web and continue forward. Kill the Baba and hop over the
platforms. Follow the monkey over to the next one (ignoring the unlocked door)
and shoot the spider down. This will kill it and make the monkey feel more
comfortable. She now continues. Jump over, the door she wants you to continue
in is locked! Oh no! Anyway, go right to the locked door, then jump down into
the water. there is a tunnel leading to a chest with 10 rupees in it. Go back
up, and go out the unlocked door.

It's a windy day! Cross the bridge as it turns towards you and kill the Keese
over here. Open the door at the other side and get the chest to your left. This
has the Small Key we need! Huzzah! Go back over the bridge and into the water
room. Open the monkey's door that is locked.

It's another monkey room! Run down towards it, but oh no! The flimsy bridge
collapses, and now you are trapped! Roll into the pillar several times to
dislodge the monkey cage and free him. But just when you thought you were safe,
some Moblins show up. Kill them. Behind the first part of the bridge (at the
bottom) is a chest with 10 rupees. Now go back up to where the bridge was. The
monkeys do that thing again, you know, where they let you swing on them. Swing
the two monkey bridge and exit.

Head all the way back to the four door central room. Swing over one monkey to
the next area, then get the other one to swing you to the next side. Burn the
spider web and open the door.

Move forward and kill the Red Deku Baba. It will still survive after you sever
it's stem. So kill it quickly. Climb the steps up and turn right to the top.
Smack the bomb spider and pick it up. Throw it down the gap between the next
area (up the steps and left) to destroy the flowery enemy that eats you if you
try to go over. This kills it, allowing you passage across. Get another bomb bug
and go over the gap now. Throw it at the boulder with not a second to spare.

Climb up the ledge and enter the boulder room. Another monkey. This is just
great. Go down and turn right. See that pillar with the chest on it? Roll into
it a couple times to knock it down. Go to the other side. The path to it is
littered with floor tiles. Some have traps under them, creatures that will
spring you away if you step on it. The left side of this area will be clean.
So cross it.

Light the torches here (there are a couple already lit) to make a path to the
monkey cage. Not yet though, go to the right of the room and climb the vines.
You have to hold right, not diagonals to make it past the top. It takes a couple
tries to get it right. Seriously. Open the chest at the top for a Red Rupee.

Jump down and go up to the monkey cage. A giant spider drops from the ceiling.
Dispatch it quickly, before it can guard. If it gets it's guard up before you
hit (the sparks will be blue, not red) then wait for it to attack you, then
lay the smackdown on it. Open the monkey cage for another one, there is a yellow
rupee in his cage. Get it and then exit and go back to the stairs room.

Go right and kill the Spiders on the vines. Jump to it and climb up. Before
entering the door, there is a Piece of Heart to be ours. Get the spider and
drop the bomb off the edge. This blows the plant below. Drop down and open the
chest for the Piece of Heart. Climb back up and go in the door.

Yet another monkey room, and a locked one too. There is a key on the ground, but
the giant baba and the flowery plant that eats you has it now. Start off by
smacking the Baba silly, until it is dead. Then go over to the left of the path
up to the monkey and get the spider bomb. Throw it into the flower enemy to blow
it up and get the key. Yay! Unlock the monkey here. Leave this room.

Head back to the main room (down the stairs, up the ramp and out). The monkey
will make a bridge back to the center, then they will beckon you up to the area
we saw the evil monkey in. Follow them outside.

The four monkeys make a four man bridge for you to swing over. This one is over
a chasm, so I hope you are a good swinger by now. Go into the door on the other

The door locks as you enter. A Zelda fan knows what that means.. MINIBOSS TIME!
It's that stupid Gepetto and his red ass. This battle is very easy. Start
by following him as he leaps from pillar to pillar. After he throws the
boomerang he stole, charge towards him and roll into the pillar. It shakes it up
a little, and he loses his balance. The boomerang comes back to him and smacks
him upside the head. This knocks him off. Now go behind him and beat his buns
with your sword. Repeat this process.

Sometimes he will knock a Red Deku Baba off of the ceiling. If it grabs you,
use a spin attack by rotating the control stick a bunch of times and mashing B.
This should free you of it. Anyway, after you defeat Gepetto a parasite will
come out of him. He leaves and you receive his Gale Boomerang. Exit, oh wait,
YOU CAN'T! You have to hit the fan above the door three times. This opens the

Head right, there are some bridges that change direction. They won't both face
you simultaneously, but you can fix that. Aim at the fan on the bridge and use
the boomerang. This turns the bridge. Do it on both and cross to the other side.

The other side yields a Moblin and... ANOTHER MONKEY! HOW MANY ARE THERE? *slaps
self*. Sorry about that. Anyway, kill the moblin and free the monkey from the
cage with the Boomerang. He runs off somewhere. Go left now, and out the way
with the two bridges. You have to change them manually to get out.

You are back in the stair room. Head right to the boulder room again. Cross the
traps, if you want you can take out the traps with the Boomerang. Anyway, as you
get to the torches, use it on them. This puts them out, lowering the stairs and
revealing a chest with a Piece of Heart. Get it, and go back to the main room.

Use the Boomerang on the chest hanging from the spider web on the roof. This
nets you the compass. Take it and put out some torches here. This will lower the
platforms. Jump down and get the spider bomb. Blow the boulder here and move in
for a chest with 20 Rupees.

Climb back up and swing to the east room. Go right, and over the platforms.
All of them. Cross the bridge and you are at a gate. Throw the boomerang at the
windmill in the 'Z' pattern you can see etched on the ground. This opens it up,
allowing you to get the Big Key. Which in case you don't know, will open the
boss lair.

Go back to the first door that was never locked. Enter that, and cross the
bridge to where you got the key. Go down and turn the bridge in this area. Stand
on it and turn it again. The moblins will decide to "ambush" you. This isn't a
problem. 'No Problemo' as Schwartzenegger would say. Kill the enemies and head
west into the room.

Kill the two spiders in the room and burn the webs. Fall down the one that is
to the north of the room on the map. You land next to a monkey cage. Break it
open to free it. Jump off the stump and climb the vines to the top. Exit the
room. Turn the bridge north and go up there.

The gathering of the monkeys! Oh my god! Still two more to go? WHY OH WHY! Head
to your left and get on the bridge. Turn it. Get on the next bridge and turn
that one with your Gale Boomerang. Kill the moblin in the vine area, then use
your Gale Boomerang to take down the enemies hiding on the vines. Climb them
up (to the left). Drop onto the platform at the part where you can't go anywhere

Kill the one spider on the next vine section. Climb up the vine to the top and
kill the moblin on your right. Enter the room. Head forward and kill the two
Red Babas. Climb up the steps. Turn right and look at the spider bomb. Target it
and lock on with the Boomerang, then turn and target the giant boulder. Release
it, and it will scoop up the spider bomb and blow up the boulder with it. Now
turn back to the bomb.

Throw the boomerang at the bomb spider and carry it. Run over to the flower
enemy. Toss the bomb into it to blow it up, then get the chest behind it for
the last Small Key of the dungeon.

Climb back up the vines where the boulder was and kill the moblin enemy. Get
close to the flowers on the ceiling and use the boomerang to get the Red Baba's
that pop out down to you. Kill them both. Now turn around and get a bomb from
the spider. Throw it next to the boulder blocking the small opening. In getting
the bomb, you don't leave the platform. The monkey behind the boulder runs back
to the monkey gathering point. Get the yellow rupee in the cell if desired.
Leave the room.

One monkey to go. Jump to the bottom area and turn the fans so you can make your
way back to the  room with the four doors that is one south of the monkey
gathering point. Turn the bridge east while you are on it. Open the locked door
with the key.

There are more of the trap tiles. Chuck the boomerang at them and spend some
time killing the worm enemies below. After they are all dead, exit out the back
area. Kill the giant spider, then throw the boomerang at the ones on the vines.
Climb the vines as you hear the last monkey screaming. Shut up little monkey!
We are coming!

At the top, run to the back and turn the two fans to open the last monkey cage.
Turn around and instead of going down, go around the thing and jump to the chest
out on the raised platform. Open it for a red rupee, then jump down and head
back to the monkey gathering room.

The monkeys have all gathered. They plan to do something very risky. They all
make a primate swing, every monkey is there except for Gepetto. Gepetto! I love
you! Swing over the chasm with the monkeys.

Outside the giant door, there is a fairy you can catch in a bottle in one of the
pots. Do so if desired and enter the boss room.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Parasite Diababa

First of all, look out at the three bomb spiders. Use the boomerang and lock on
to one with R, then lock onto one of Diababa's two Babas. Let fly. The boomerang
scoops up a spider, and then promptly deposits it in the Baba's mouth. This
will kill off one of the heads. Repeat the process of moving the spider into
the mouth with the Gale Boomerang to defeat the other one. Is it dead?

No, it isn't dead. It retreated beneath the water, but now is back out with a
third head! It has an eye of some sort in the inside, and is looking dangerous.
The Bomb Spider has been removed now! We have a short period to dodge enemy
attacks, when suddenly, the giant monkey (who I affectionately named Gepetto)
comes back and has a bomb spider in it's hand! We can focus our aim at it, then
aim at the plants. Kill the two enemies around it, then aim at the center one
and repeat. The monkey will get a new spider bomb after each one it uses.

After the center head it hit with the bomb, it falls down with a crash, and the
eye is laying there in front of you. Lock onto it with L and slash him several
times to hurt it. It will come back up after the fourth hit and will be raring
to go again. The monkey will begin swinging again and the process repeats. Land
another four hits onto the eye of the Diababa to finish it off.

After it is dead, a Heart Container drops out. But the darkness forms a strange
item, which you get. Apparantly it is a "Fused Shadow". Hm, Midna appears and
takes it from you, saying it's what she wants. She then tells you to collect the
Heart Container and step into the darkness to leave. Get the Container and exit.


After a short chat with the Light Spirit, you are on your way. Head down to Coro
the oil seller's trailer. Walk out the back end to find yourself in Hyrule


Hyrule field is vast, mapped and full of enemies. Run out into the open part of
it to trigger a cutscene. Skip it or watch it, but run to the east (your right).
On the map, there is a little thing jutting out to the right. That is where we
want to go. When we are about 70 paces from it, we are stopped by a mail man,
who delivers a letter that says "please don't flee when I come to you". I think
it would be safer if he yelled that at you when he came to you, as fleeing is
probably the safest thing to do when he is around. Anyway, if you keep  going
east, you will come across the twilight. Midna asks you to confirm that you
want to enter. Do so, and get sucked in.

You are now the wolf. Simply follow the path along until you reach a wooden
sword on the ground. Flashback to the little children! You then learn their
scent. Turn on your senses to have a trail of scent appear. Follow it forward
for a long ways until you run into a wall. There are three enemies that if you
defeat, they release the warp portal. Kill them as last time, by using the
energy field Midna releases when you hold B. Or you can kill one, then two using
the field. After they die, you realize the bridge is out and that you need it.

Midna brings up the map and tells you about the portals. Move your cursor over
the "N. Faron Woods" portal symbol and press A to warp there.


Oh no! Not this place again! Don't worry, since you are the wolf and can warp,
it will take no time to return. Look at the giant wooden bridge that lay against
the wall. Move to it and Midna want's to talk. Press Z and she asks you if this
bridge is okay. Tell her it is and she warps you and the bridge back to the
other portal.


The bridge will settle down over the gap. You can cross now. On the other side,
flip your senses back on to see the trail of scent again. Keep following it,
ignoring all the enemies until you come to a gate. A small cutscene happens in
which Midna says you should dig in to see what's inside. Dig in the giant hole
and you come up the other side. Kill the enemies and enter the Village.


It's a ghost town! Move forwards and guess what? Three more monsters drop from
the sky and battle you for possession of the warp portal. Beat the crap out of
them the same way we did last time, and the light spirit by the water spring
cries out to you in help. Go over and talk to it.

He explains that he is being supressed, and needs the tears of light. So he will
give you another one of those dang Vessels of Light, and the location of the
Insects of light. Lets get to work, it will be a long endless night.

Head to the building on the right (the one that is closest to you and looks like
a giant tipi. The left side has a tree and some things you can Target Jump up.
Talk to Midna when she asks to get up. Inside, there are several spirits in one
spot, and a one in another. Turn it on. It's those dang kids! Hi dang kids! They
are with a guy with a big nose and a guy with a welding face shield. Watch the
scene, Colin says that you will come. He really has faith in you. You also learn
that you can open the basement by lighting the torches. Hmm.

Pick up the stick on the ground and set it on fire on both sides with the fire
on the ground. Run up the steps, stick close to the wall and jump to the other
side of the gap. This lights the torch. Do this all four times (relighting if
necessary) to open the trapdoor on the bottom. Go down.

Move into the big area and flip our senses on. We are off to a good start, three
of them are right here, in the safety of our own home. Kill them with the senses
on and pick up the tears of light that they drop. In the next room at the end
is a bunch of rafters. Target Jump all the way up and out.


There is an insect of light right here. If you attack him before he burrows, you
can easily get his tear. If not, just dig him up. Then kill him and get his tear
of light. We can head out the south exit to get back into town.


Head out to the next house on the map, the first one on the left. There is a
hole on the left side we can crawl in. Inside, climb out of the hole and up the
stuff. At the top is a bug on the wall. Turn on the senses and kill it. Get the
Tear, then exit where you came from.

Climb up the hill before the house (the one that goes up, duh). Follow it to the
sign, then jump over to the inn roof. Enter that door in front of you. Jump to
the ground and pick up the stick by the fireplace. Set it on fire, then angle it
so that it sets the wood in the fireplace on fire. This causes the insect to
come out of the chimney, fodder for you to kill. Get the tear, then exit the
door at ground level into the next part of the inn. There are several enemies
by the bar. Kill them.

Open the chest with the red rupee, then climb the stairs.  Enter the room at the
top after you kill the enemy and run into the wall. The bug falls off, leaving
you free to attack it for the tear of light. Now go back downstairs and leave
where we came from.

Back outside, head down to the second to last dot on the map. There are some
small sheds you can climb here. Notice the busted window on the wall? Jump into
it to enter the Bomb Store. This area is important to remember, as you can get
to the back hill from here.

Climb the steps and knock over the wardrobe. The bug behind it is released.
Kill it and get it's tear. Run out the door on the top part of the area, not
the bottom. We are on the hill behind it. Head right and over to the building up
at the top.

As you approach, a bug runs into a hole in the side. Follow it in that hole.
There are a whopping three bugs in here. How to get them? Well, you ignore the
warning sign by lighting a stick on fire, then put it in the fireplace. The bugs
go crazy and are on fire, then set the hole place up. Holy crap! Crawl out the
hole you came.

That happened to be a BOMB storage house. So it goes up with a boom. No need to
kill any enemies, as they are dead. Get the three tears. Now go over to the
little wooden stand jutting off the cliff face. Look down and jump onto the roof
of the house.  One part will cave in when you stand on it. Cool.

Inside the house, there is a block on ground level. Move it to release a bug.
Kill that bug and get the tear. Then Target Jump out by standing in the correct
position (on one of the crates).

Now jump down and go back into the bomb shop through the broken window. Climb up
and at the top, go up the ramp and to the left. There is a lookout point here.
Enter the building by digging through. Inside is the last couple bugs in the
Kakariko Village area. Smash the pots to reveal them, but you have to dig them
out of the dirt. Dig back out.

I fooled you! They are the last in the area, but we have to go up Death Mountain
to get the last few in the province. I'm evil. I know. Jump down and go out the
top part of the map (that goes up, not left).


Head up the ramp to the right and Target Jump to the top. There is a Goron
Spirit. Talk to it if you want. Otherwise, continue down the path. Climb up to
that stone you can see jutting out of the thing. Press A to Howl at it. The
directions it gives:



Press A again after the directions and repeat this by moving the control stick
up with it wants up, release it for middle, and move it down for down. You will
be warped to some weird place. Then repeat the process here. The Golden Wolf
from earlier will talk to you. Telling you to find him. He is then marked on the
map. We will worry about him later.

Back to reality, jump down one ledge and get the bugs burrowing around here.
Now we have only a couple to go. Head back up and go down the path, avoiding all
the steam jets. Then jump down to ground level and fight the four enemies that
come to attack you for the portal. Kill them all by getting the secluded one,
then the three close ones. This unlocks the portal. Now get the bug on the gate
to the right. Go back out and target jump onto that same gate from the ramp to
the right.

On top, head along the path to the Goron Spirit on the left. Climb the "ramp"
which is more like a slanted wall and Target Jump to the platform above. You
won't make it cleanly, and will have to pull yourself up. And sometimes the big
bird will attack you. So if it does, kill it before proceeding. At the top, jump
down into the hot springs. The last bug resides on the wall of the hot spring.
We are automatically warped to Kakariko.


The light is restored to the land. Look! The children and everyone else come out
to say hello to you. Cool. They explain the bad relations to the Gorons now, and
you will now against their will go and save them. So run back to the place you
came from (the top).


Move forward and climb up the rope net at the edge of the cliff. At the top, go
towards the Goron. He will start to roll at you. Try to do what you did with the
Goat, and plant your feet to stop it. It doesn't work, and you are violently
thrown off the cliff. Then the Goron yells at you. Mumbling angrily and rubbing
your injured anus, go back into the town.


Renado (the man that took care of the children) thought you might have gone up.
He says only one man has bested the Gorons in a battle of strength. That one man
is Mayor Bo, of your little town. So now we have to go ALL the way back to the
town. God!

Head back to the south part of the town where we are closer to Ordon. What's
this? It's brown, large and squealing! It's Epona, being harrassed by some bad
guys. She shakes them off, but is still crazy. You leap on stupidly to try and
calm her.

For this little mini-game, we have to hold the control stick left or right,
depending on the direction it says to do. This makes you hold on for dear life.
As Epona rears back, quickly press A to seize control of her. She is now
rideable! This is great! Now we can cut the time it takes us to get to Ordon by
two thirds!

Go out the bottom and back into the field.


Follow the field back to the west and over the bridge. After you are through the
west path, go south and back into the Faron Woods.


Head south back into town. Past your house and in.


It's good to be home. Go over the bridge and up to Ilia's house. The mayor is
there and is all "HOLY CRAP! WHERE IS EVERYONE?" You explain that they are in
Kakariko, but Ilia is still missing. Darn. He takes you inside and will show you
the secret to beating the Gorons, if you keep it a secret.

He shows you the Sumo Wrestling mini-game. Link goes shirtless. Anyway, you can
punch the enemy, grab them, or dodge. Dodging punches is different from dodging
grabs. Left and right will make you dodge grab. Pressing A and forward will make
you dodge a punch. You seize them and must mash A to move them. When they grab
you, mash A as well and throw the combatant off the platform. He says he wants
a rematch, and won't go as easy on you as last time. Do this again, only change
is that he will punch you back. After you beat him, he will teach you the real
secret to beating the Gorons. Open the chest to get the Iron Boots.

Hey! He's a cheater! Ah well, we got what we wanted go back outside and into the
Faron Woods on Epona.


On the way out to Hyrule Field, stop at the spring. The Golden Wolf is here. He
jumps onto you and you go to Drugland. The skeleton friendly is here. He asks
you to use the Finishing blow on him. Hit him four times, then plunge your blade
into him. He gets up and teaches you the Shield Attack.

If you push "R" when you are Shielding, you strike it out at the enemy. Causing
them to flinch, and you can attack. They can block it, but a good plan is to
wait for them to attack you, but it hits your shield. Then quickly hit R as they
have the recoil from the hit. You can now slash them. After you learn this great
skill, head back to the field.


Head back to the east and to Kakariko Village YET AGAIN.


As we enter the village, we see a scene of some baddies (the ones that took you
in the first place) enter the village and are about to squish one of the little
girls. Colin bravely pushes her out of the way and gets abducted by the giant
fat guy on the boar. We must pursue them! Follow them out the north entrance to
Hyrule Field.


Dash after the boar guy on Epona. Try to put those million archers behind you.
It's better to ignore them. Slash the crap out of the Boar as much as possible.
The guy on it loses his armor, then takes you to a bridge. An archer on the roof
seals the exit with fire. Leaving you with a one on one jousting match with the
boar enemy.

Start by charging towards the enemy. As you approach, hold left or right and
accelerate, then slash the enemy. Sometimes you miss, sometimes you hit. Just
repeat the process until he falls off the cliff. You do a really cool pose for
the camera, mister high and mighty. Then are warped back to Kakariko Village,
where Colin regains conciousness, then passes out again. Oh well. Exit back to
the Death Mountain area where we were before.


Climb up the rope again. Switch on the Iron Boots and advance on the Goron, you
are fearless. You are tough. YOU ARE A MAN TODAY! As he rolls on you, plant your
feet, and chuck him off the mountain. Stand up away from the controller and beat
your chest, yelling like Tarzan for all the mountainside to hear!

Now switch the boots off and head up the mountain, wrangling those Gorons as
they come down to you. Switching boots on and off a lot. Climb up this other
rope platform here, wrangling more Gorons. Head up to the clearing. OH NO!
GERMAN SNIPERS! Wait a minute, World War II hasn't happened yet. I apologize to
my German readers for thinking that you are ugly orc things. Which you aren't.
You are good people with a healthy culture and society.

Run past them, these enemies can't hit anything, so keep running and you will be
fine. As you enter the giant opening, two Gorons spot you, and rush to set up
traps and tell the boss.

Head down from the top thing to the area where the gate was. Eventually there
will be a giant meteor from the eruption of the mountain. Watch it fall, it's a
meteor, meteor, meteor SMASH! Meterorite! Now that you have your daily dose of
science, lets get back to the game.

Go over to a Goron and target him. Hold the shield, wait for him to attack and
then Shield Bash him. He crouches into a ball. Jump on his back, and he launches
you up to the ledge above. Go left and past the steam, then have the Goron
launch you up after you beat him up. Jump down to the Hot Springs to refuel your
health. The Enemies won't mind. It's okay, the springs make them lazy. Climb
back up and out. Go to the Goron and have him launch you up.

There are three or four more gorons to go up, as well as a winding path to the
top. The winding path has a couple Gorons rolling at you. At the top, get the
hearts from the crates and enter the cave.

Six gorons will start rolling on the spot. The Elder tells them to stop. Then he
challenges you to a test of strength. He will beat the crap out of you in a
second. Oops. You forgot the boots. Talk to him again and fight this time. Treat
him as a harder version of Bo. But it won't take long for you to ring him out!
He then explains that the elder went crazy (just like the monkey) and is gone.
There are three other elders, but they are in the mines. And he is the next one
in charge. He tells those big Goron thugs guarding the mines that they should
let you past.

Nervously walk past those big thugs. Seriously, they could rip off your head if
they wanted. VIOLENCE! Enter the Goron Mines.

Goron Mines

Proceed forward down the path (go left, it's more like a trench) and head to
the bottom. Hop onto the larger left platform and hop to the next one. Avoid
the lava jets firing up and go to the large, caged platform.

Move into the cage platform and smash the wooden barricade to destroy it. Move
inside, and step on the pressure switch to the right, then use the Iron Boots
to activate it. Run past the disabled jet stream of lava to get to the next

Step on the next pressure switch and activate it in the same manner. Run past
this next stream of lava. Head left around the side and climb the ladder here.
Be sure not to dawdle and get there before the time runs out.

Leap from the top of this to the rock platform to the right. Hop to the next
one and turn left. Hop over this next platform and walk to the switch. Kill the
enemy that drops from the ceiling.

Turn around after activating it and run as fast as you can straight ahead to
the end. When you get to the deactivated lava geyser, turn left to avoid danger
from being burned. On your way there, you might get hit by an enemy dropping
dispatch of it quickly.

Now that we are on the other end, jump down onto the platform near the door
below. Use the Iron Boots to make it sink into the floor, with you standing on
it. Then enter the door behind the gate you just opened.

A small cutscene showing magnets awaits you. Head forward and turn right. Go
down the path to the enemies, dispatch them, then open the chest for a small
key. Turn around and head back up the path. This time go left at the fork in
the path.

Near the top will be some rotating platforms, wait for them to flip, then jump
onto them and over. Do this to both of them. Then open the locked door ahead.
Turn left and go onto the bridge. Head down to the enemy here and defeat it.
It is relatively easy to kill, wait for it to gather breath, move behind it and
strike the tail.

Now hop over the rock platforms you see. Avoid the geysers and head to the far
north. Kill the similar lizard enemy you see here. Then hop to the platform
behind the gates. Kill the lizard, then grab the chain and pull the wall back.
Use the C stick to see the Jets, when they are about to go out, release and
run towards them. Hop around to the middle part of the path and head down the
now opened way. Open the door.

Head forward and jump into the water. Submerge yourself with the Iron Boots,
run under the broken fence and step on the switch. You get pulled to the
surface by the magnet, and are stuck on a blue metal material. This is new to
the game, and you can walk onto it until you take the boots off. Only the blue

Walk forwards to go around the stuff and up to the top. Take the boots off and
enter the door. This is the first Goron Elder room, with your friend, really
old goron #1. He gives you a big key shard. Open the chest behind him for the
dungeon map, and open the smaller one up at the top for a Red Rupee. Climb the
ladder behind him and head left around. You will see a pot, pick it up to find
Ooccoo. Head out the door here to be on top of the last room.

Get onto the blue stuff on the left and use the iron boots, move along the wall
and kill the enemies you see (with sword, still with boots. Get off and head
to the door ahead of you.

Move forwards and step on the switch to get sucked onto the roof. Use the map
to see the paths. We want to go northeast, to the top back. There is a chest
with a Piece of Heart here, get it, then turn around and head southwest to the
very bottom, then follow the path to the door. Enter it.

Head forward down the path to a large group of assorted baddies. Kill them all,
then step on the switch to start up the first swinging magnet. Head to the
little western part at the back, then get sucked to the next platform. Drop off
and kill the two enemies here. Step on the next switch.

Head to the door at the next side and get off. Jump in the water and get the
key to the east side of the room (underwater, use the boots). Head to the
southwest now, and push the block. Move into the caged part and float up to the
top. Step on the switch on the floor to activate yet another magnet.

Drop on the platform ahead and step on the switch to get another magnet going.
Jump off the edge and activate the magnets to be pulled into the wall. Head
along the path here to reach the next platform. Hit the diamond with a weapon
and drop to the bottom to enter a new room.

Go to the left side and use the boots to walk up the wall. Drop down on the
ledge to the right and slice through the ropes that are stopping the bridge
from falling. Head across to the left side of the room for a chest with a Piece
of Heart. Now go back into the opened bridge.

You are in a huge open part of the mines. Head forward onto the long bridge and
go until you can swing far to the left. Several archers are firing. Ignore them
or shoot them with the slingshot. Anyway, there is a chest to the left of the
big opening. Get it, then go reverse and head to the right back at that fork in
the road.

This next room has some rotating platforms. Wait for the ones with 3 electric
pads to come up and run to the first one, use the boots so you stick to the
platform no matter which way it is. Wait for you to right-side up yourself and
continue, stop at this one and wait. Repeat this until you are at the other
side of the platform.

Inside the door is a Goron elder. Talk to him to get the second key shard. Now
get out through the ladder at the top. Exit through the room above. Now you are
in the spinning room on the roof. Walk across the walls to the next room with
the mini-boss.

Since I named the last one, this one will be called "Fat Louie". Fat Louie is
mad. First of all, we must remember our physics. He moves weight to one side,
the weight counteracts on the other, raising it. Keep that in mind. If it
behinds to go crazy, use the boots. They will fix you in place.

Start by going near him (bootless) and waiting for him to wind up for the
crushing blow you will be receiving. As you tremble in your boots, smack him
across the chest several times. Then QUICKLY strap on the Iron Boots and hold
A. This will grab him and throw him. He is heavy, and won't go off the edge
completely. He will toss the guy directly behind him. So you have to have your
back to the edge, putting you in danger. After you throw him off, he comes back
up from the fiery depths and glares at you with the intensity that would kill a
sloth. Throw him off three times until he is vanquished. Actually, he won't be.
But he will let you pass.

We now go into the next room to get a chest, inside the chest is a Hero's Bow.
Inside the bow is a legacy that time will never remove. (author bursts into
tears). Ahem. Aim the bow at the rope at the bridge and it will slice through
it, dropping it down for you to cross.

Go into the area and into the giant room. There are several Beamos statues
around you in the room. Shoot them in the eye to kill them. Then move them out
of the way. The one on the direct east part of the room has the last room with
the Elder. Enter it and get the last keyshard. Head back out and go behind the
west statue for the compass. Head back into the room with the compass and go in
the southern room.

Roll into the gates in front of you to open a path. There is another room now
with several enemies on the roof. Shoot them down with the bow before advancing
on. It will save you from deaths. After the door is a swithch. Activate while
wearing the boots to go to the ceiling. Walk to the hole in the roof to shoot
the diamond switch. This opens the gate. Enter the door.

Head out to the big valley room. Step on the switch and get on the magnet. It
takes you to the next area. Hit the rope with an arrow to sever it and go in
the room behind it. Hit the next rope to enter the boss room.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Igniter Fyrus

Well, stay away from him at first, then aim at his glowing head and peg it with
a mighty arrow. He is stunned. Quickly run around him and grab the chains by
his legs and use the boots. Pull away from him and he trips. Now dash around to
the front and beat the crud out of his glowing head.

Repeat this process until he is finished. A rather simple boss. Anyway, he turns
back into the normal Goron elder. You get the fused shadow. Anyway, watch the
scene with Midna, get the heart container and step into the twilight warper to
go back to the village.


We start off here again, so head into Malo Mart, Malo's store. Talk to him and
purchase the Hylian Shield. Head back up the mountain.


Okay, so our new goal is to throw rocks until we get 20 rupees. So do just that.
Head up the hill and throw rocks, some (going nearly to the Mines) have 5 in
them. While some rocks and bushes have one. Anyway, we will total 120. If you
had 300 before the Hylian Shield, that is. Head back down into the village.


Okay, so head into Barnes' Bombs. It has a goron and a sign outside it. Talk to
Barnes inside, he sells you a bomb bag and bombs for 120. Yay. Now, head up the
stairs to the right of him. At the top, ascend the ladder and go outside.

Now we want to go up the winding path to the left. At the top is a big building
with a Goron. Talk to the goron and hop on his back. Aim yourself at the big
building and launch up to the second floor. Climb the ladder to the top.

Here is one of the damn kids. Talk to them, and they want to see your skill with
a bow. So, you appear on the ground with Malo. First, fire at the target to the
right. Then the left. Then you have to hit the pole WAY up with the other kid.
It is actually easy, just aim ABOVE the building. I made that mistake before.
If you do this, Talon gives you a piece of heart

Get down and exfil on Epona to the south.


Head south, then you are stopped by the mail man. He gives you two letters. Now
continue south over the wood bridge into the next part of the map. Head south
again until you come to a lone tree with a gold bug flying around. Get off and
press A by it to get the Male Beetle. Get back on Epona and head back into the
last area (where you came from Kakariko). The wood bridge has a bug to the left
of it (Male Pill Bug).

Head to the giant long bridge to the northeast. Cross this bridge. Now head over
to the rocks. Blow them up to trigger a cutscene. The bridge will disappear and
those darn Black Monsters will fall from the sky. Start a wolfless battle with
them. Kill one with any means necessary, then use a spin attack on the last two
to finish them. This opens a portal. Head back into the rock area on Epona. Dash
past the Archers and to the twilight at the end of the tunnel and enter it.


Head down the path until you come across a bag with a scent coming off of it.
Sniff it to learn Ilia's scent. We are close to finding her. We now get to
follow this magical scent for a long way. Until the castle is in view. Then we
get a short cutscene and continue over a bridge, then up onto the bridge into
the market.


We are in the town now. You can decide to follow the scent directly, or wander
around town a bit before. This will add to our map and make it easier in the
future. Anyway, the scent leads you to the doctor's office, then down into a
small pub. Enter it. Now examine the map by the soldiers in the back. It shows
us our next destination. But first, let's talk to Ilia and some strange woman
who is with a Zora.

We learn a bit, and now are ready to move out. Head back up and out the western
entrance of the town.


There is a path here almost exactly opposite the castle we will follow. So go
down there. Continue on this path until we come to an opening with a large
bridge with some sort of strange water on it. Walk out about halfway.

Sniff sniff, hmm, this place smells like a gas station. Wait a minute, that's
because there's some form of gas or oil on this bridge! Then we see an enemy
cock an arrow into the back end, then in front. Lighting the oil. It begins
burning towards us. So we must push one of the crates to the side, then get on
one. Look around you, where is there to go? Nowhere but DOWN! That's right. Leap
straight off of this bridge and down 5000 feet.


Somehow, even though we were a billion feet above this, we survived a fall into
water. Hmm. Realism! Anyway, get out and shake your fur. Then head over to the
building we see that looks something like a funhouse. Use the Senses to see an
old guy. Talk to him to learn that the water is gone, and we see the locations
of the places we want to go. Then he spots an enemy.

Go to the enemy and engage him to have him call a bird with the grass. Holy
crap! Have you seen those twilight birds? If you can even call them that. We now
have to fight them. First, run around and avoid the bird and it's rider. Then
wait until it begins a swoop on you. Then do a jump attack. This will make you
lockjaw with it. Now smack the A button to bite the crud out of it. Continue
until the enemy falls off (two rounds of biting) and quickly deliver a can of
whoop ass to the enemy.

Midna decides she will take over the bird. So you now begin a Flying game. You
more or less control like the Wolf, without attacks though, but you can control
your height. So head along, avoiding the archers, towers and sides. If you hit
one, you fall off. Eventually some stone pillars will fall at you, so dodge them
and the rocks further on. Get to the top. Phew! We are now in Upper Zora river.


To begin, lets jump down into that pit part below. Head along this path into
Zora's Domain.


Head to the back of this part. There is a slightly elevated part. Get on it to
get prompted to Target Jump. We shall do this and go up six times to the next
part of it. Head along the path and jump again. This time it goes like this.

One jump, two jump. Wait. The stalactite falls. Jump, jump. Stalactite. Jump to
the top. 10 total. Enter the throne room.

We are challenged by several monsters from the vortex here. We will battle them
as usual, kill one and then get the rest together. After it is gone, we will get
a portal. Talk to Midna and decide to warp out. Head to Death Mountain.


Remember that meteor (or meteorite as I should call it) that fell earlier? Well,
we need something to melt the ice. And this is still hot. Go examine it and
Midna prompts you. Choose it, and you will warp back to the domain.


The ice is now melted! As we talk with Midna, a strange being appears. It's a
dead Zora! She asks you to save her son, who is with Ilia. Anyway, jump into the
water flow and let it carry you all the way back down to the lake.


We come right back next to the Spirit Cave. How convienient! So, enter it. Then
move near the yellow light. Talk to it. It's the spirit and it gives you the
vessel of light and location of the insects.

Head back outside of this cavern and head to the left up the bridges. There is
a bug where it fans off into the mainland and then the next bridge. Defeat it
for the first tear of light.

Go down the next segment of bridge there is to come and you will be confronted
by the portal enemies from above. This one will be slightly annoying, as the
enemies are dropped split up by the invisible walls. So it may take you a little
longer to get organized.

After you have control of the portal, head to the "funhouse" in the center. On
the way, Midna comments. Ignore it for now and go to the funhouse and around the
right side. Kill the insect floating around here by waiting until it lunges at
you and then attack.

Head back to the portal area. There is an exit heading to the back with many
platforms you will hop. Take these to the other part of the level and kill the
burrowing bug.

Swim back out into the main area and head to the east. There is a bug marked on
the map here. A Zora spirit is also staring at it. Head across the water to it
and destroy it. Now look for one of the bird calling grasses and howl to the
moons your prayer for a bird. It comes and you have to go up the tunnel again.

Never fear, there is less room for error, literally. Most of the traps are gone
but you will have significantly less space to manuever. Anyway, four different
bugs are flying around this path. To kill them, use the senses, then lock on
to them and pump your wings with A to kill them.


At the top is Upper Zora's River. Go over to the lady with the afro sitting
there and talk to her. The bug comes out, letting you smoke it into the ground.
Get the tear and talk to the lady to stop her from shivering. Now cross the
bridge and head up to the howling stone. Examine it.



Head out to the back part of this. Use the Senses and talk to the Zora's here.
They show you a way out indirectly to the market. Ignore it for now and go right
where there is a path leading up to the domain.


Head into the central area of the pond part. There are some lily pad things that
will support your weight for a few seconds. Jump on it and use the senses to
target the two insects here and get their stuff.

There is a side of the domain that is populated with spirits. Head to that side
and go up to the right. It should be a slope next to a big ice chunk. Target
Jump up. Head forward. Target Jump again. Go forward. Target jump again, go
forward, Target Jump, go, Target Jump Twice, make a round about by the geyser,
go two Target Jumps, then four Target Jumps, Target Jump and go up. Head around
the water to the throne room at the back.

Head around the side to the right part. There is a bug on the wall. Hit the wall
just past the pillar to get it down. After the tear is yours, head on the left
platform by the waterway down. In the next area, leap left down. You should land
a few meters away from the platform we are going to. Climb up, then go around
the corner to get a bug. Get his tear and continue up to find a chest with 10

Turn back to the part with the several spirits. Start jumping back up. It goes
like this. Target Jump 1, go up another 1, up 1, up 2, turn around at the geyser
and go back up 2, up 4. Then one more and head downwards. There is a gap here.
Take it to the next part.

There is another bug here. Kill it, and go to the ground and float down to the
upper river.


Head back to the Zora's special exit to the town. Swim down it.


Get out at the steps to the right hand side. As you pull out, go towards the
castle (using the map). As you approach the outside, the familiar walls drop
and you do battle with more enemy portal guards. Darn. Kill them all, then
progress into the castle.


Head in here and down to the Area with Telma's Bar. It is marked on the map, but
if you seriously are terrible just use the senses to find it. There are some
crates lying around. Destroy them to reveal the last bug on the map. Defeat it.
What's this? We are still short 1 bug. Midna talks to you about it. Suddenly, a
new enemy is revealed at the lake. So use the portals to Warp to Lake Hylia.


Head out to the dot on the screen. There are several floating platforms here.
Get onto a big one to start a fight with a HUGE bug. You think this should be
worth around 50 insects? Anyway, he flys around, then lunges at you. Strafe
around him and wait for it to stop glowing. Jump attack it, then MASH the A
button to bite.

Repeat this process three times until he falls back first into the water. Climb
aboard the body and spin attack with the force field. This makes you walk on
water (like a certain someone most of us know) and beat the crud out of it.
Giving you the last one.

We now go to the spirit cavern, revitalized and ready to go. But not without a
5 minute creepy-as-hell scene with backstabbing, magic and dark Link's. After
this, we regain control.


The next step is to run out into the "funhouse" thing. Talk to the man there.
He tells you that he can give you a cannon ride up. Accept and pay the fee. Then
get launched up to the top. Go through the house and out the front, ignoring all
else around you. Continue along the path until you find a grass patch for a call
out to Epona. Place one and mount up. Head down the road back towards the castle


As we draw near to the Market, there is a stop that we must make. Head to the
right of the bridge into the castle and climb the vine wall. At the top is one
of the Gold Wolves. Alright! Move nearby to get the new move, the Back Slice.

We begin with a short review of our last skill: The Shield Bash. Approach the
enemy and beat him with your shield and deliver some blows to him. He will now
grant you permission to learn the Back Slice.

We start by sidestepping, pressing sidestep while sidestepping and then
attacking. Doing this while targeting makes you roll around and smack them. Like
in Wind Waker. After you learn it, head to the bridge.

HEY! It's the mailman. He gives you two letters. One is about how the Bomb Shop
now has Water Bombs. The other is about new businesses open on the River. Head
into the market.


Our goal is to head to Telma's Bar (where Ilia was). There are several things to
do in the city, but now isn't the time. So enter.

A scene ensues. Apparently Ilia has lost her memory. She is so focused on saving
private Zora that you have to help. The doctor here is helpless with a Zora, but
Renado is skilled with them. So they want to move across the dangerous lands.
For a moment, it seems like you have a slew of men at your disposal, until Telma
says how they will feel safe from the Dangerous Foes. Then all but one flee,
who then realizes everyone is gone and runs. So it's up to you. You get to
single handedly protect them.


All right maggots! Listen up. Our mission is to save Private Zora. Your job will
be to provide some covering fire for the convoy as they move through the hot
zone. At precisely 19:00 hours you will be positioned at the west bridge and
engage the enemy boar rider in a jousting match.

To dispatch this foe, you will need Bomb Arrows. Take some practice runs at him
until Midna contacts you on the Humvee Radio, telling you to blow him up. Ride
towards him and aim between the armor, at about the time when you have to dodge
and strike, release to hit him. Do this several times to dispatch the foe and
receive the Gate Key.

At 19:10 the convoy will move out of the safe zone and into the Hot Zone. This
is where you should stay just behind it and charge spin attacks. Technicals on
Boars should ride after the convoy. Be sure to release spins to destroy them as
they catch up.

JOC has received word that the enemies will be using fire on their arrows. If
the convoy catches fire, be sure to put the flames out with the Boomerang. Then
return to the fight.

The convoy won't advance unless you defeat all foes. Which means you will need
to use the Arrows or Boomerang at the bombers above (birds). After you have
walked them into Kakariko, a scene ensues.


Okay, so private Zora is under medical examination and I am no longer a Colonel.
So, we see a scene about how he will be okay. Telma also hints that there is a
path to the castle in her bar by telling you this outright.

We see the giant Zora spirit now. It wants us to follow it. It goes into the
graveyard. Follow. At the back of the Graveyard is a stone. This disappears,
making a hole just big enough to crawl in. The other side has a huge grave and
a big pool of water. Swim to the other side to talk to the spirit.

It thanks you by granting you special Zora Armor that lets you swim like a Zora
and stay underwater forever while wearing. There are a number of things we can
get now, but I'll get back to it after you beat the ever approaching level.

Head back into the main area of Kakariko. Go over to the Bomb Shop. Remember the
letter about Underwater Bombs? Sell your old ones at the right side of the
counter and buy FIVE at the left. We don't need very many right now.

Turn around and leave to Hyrule Field at the south.


Go south, the same path we took long ago over the bridge and into the next area.
Now head northwest to the Great Bridge of Hylia. Cross it. At the other side is
a hut thing we came from when cannoning up. Go inside and talk to the person in


Pay 20 rupees to get a flight with a Cuccoo. Pick one up and float to the
left. See the giant island? That's the target. There is a rotating platform on
top. Aim for it by holding down while nearing it. You should be able to land.
Open this chest for 100 rupees. Then time your jump so you land at the small
platform below. It's more like a drop than a jump. Open this chest for a Piece
of Heart. Now go down once more to get 50 Rupees. Continue down until you open
all the chests. Now dive into the water and use the Zora Armor. You can swim in
it now.

Head to the bottom of the lake. You can go surprisingly far, until you see a
sort of sacred Zora temple. Use the Iron Boots and get the Water Bombs out. Now
place one on the thing bubbling slightly to burst open a geyser. Then pull
another out, wait a second then drop it. It will float up to the rock and blow
it. Enter it.


Swim along these tunnels ignoring the enemies until you surface and witness the
title Scene. Climb out and go around the room opening the chests for arrows, and
extra bombs. Which is the reason we only bought 5 water bombs.

Climb up to the door and turn around. Jump to the hanging switch to open the
door behind you. Enter to begin the real start of the temple.

Move forward to the end of the top to see a Stalactite fall from above. Midna
comments on how we should shoot them down before proceeding. Pull out the Bomb
Arrows and aim at them. They fall, there are four of them.

Move down the path to find a Helmasaur and a Tektite. The Tektite is easy, just
slash it. The Helmasaur can only be attacked from behind. So wait for it to
charge, dodge and lay some blows to it's backside.

After they are gone, head up the stalactite path to the top. Go right and up to
the chest for 10 Water Bombs. Now enter the door below you. Go down the bridge
and defeat the Lizafos. Enter the door it was blocking.

Inside, move forward to start a small cutscene. Run down the step and go west
around the room to the chest with 20 arrows. Turn around and pull the first
lever to your right by jumping to it. This changes the stairs. Now go up them.

Head west around to battle a Tektite. Head past the door and break the pot for
Ooccoo. Head back east and pull the lever at the east door. Go down the stairs
and west for the Dungeon map. Now open the door in this part.

Move forwards to combat another Helmasaur. Open the door to the other side
after. Whip out your bow and shoot down the nearby and far Stalactites. Go down
the tunnel to the left of the entrance and up then around the vines. There
should be a jump stretch with a jet blowing up a stalactite for us to cross.
Open the Chest for a Small Key.

Remember the big circle room? This is the main room. Return there the way you
came. Once here, climb the stairs and go east to the locked door. Open it and
go down another bridge room with a Helmasaur.

Go down the path and you reach a gate. Defeat the Tektite and open the chest for
a bunch of bombs. Now turn aound and look at the strange gate on the other side.
Aum up to see two stalactites. Hit the right one and climb up to the vines. Go
left while on them and drop to the roof part.

Turn and jump at the switch to open the gate below you, drop and continue. Blow
the boulder ahead with a Bomb Arrow and continue to battle two Helmasaurs. Go
up the path where they came from and in the door.

There is a strange bug in a bubble. Kill it by using a bomb arrow and striking
with the sword. Go in the doorwe didn't come in that isn't locked. It's in the
water trench. Jump down and kill the ChuChus.

Move down the path and go to the back. Open the chest for a Small Key. Now go
back and open the door on the right. Jump onto the gear in the center and fight
the Lizafos. Now go in the door it was by.

Go right and back to the bubble enemy room. We can now unlock the door here.
Jump to the left and climb up the vines. Head along this long winding path. At
the top are bombs. Now climb up the ladder and jump at the switch. This floods
the room with water. Jump in the slide to go back down.

Now swim over to the pedestal in the center of the water and jump out at the
switch to let water flow freely. Swim over to your entrance and exit.

Follow the water and go through the waterwheel. At the back is a fairy if you
want to catch it. Exit the waterwheel and in the gear door. It's turning. Now
jump below and back up so you can use the spinning platforms below.

Hop to the first door on the left that you spin around to and enter the room.
Head down the path to the right and open the chest for a Small Key. Return to
the spinning room now.

Jump on another spinning platform and let it carry you to the next part of the
level. Jump off at the next door and enter. Head into the locked door here.
Follow the path into the water. Swim in and then submerge with the boots. Follow
the path until you see a jet stream. Go right and turn left to get a chest with
water bombs.

Follow the stream now to get to a 20 rupee chest. Now go back out and head
down the path. Drop a water bomb at the net to blow the rock up. Continue and
you head into a new area. Follow this up to the surface. A cutscene happens and
a couple fish fall down. This room is big, right?

Remember the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time? Look up to start the mini-boss battle
for the treasure. This boss is a pushover. Charge a spin as it launches the mini
fish, release and then mash attack and do the quickspin by rotating the control
stick and attacking. This is effective. The boss then jumps, run and roll around
in a direction like crazy. The boss misses, now run around to the tongue in
front of it and go mad. It repeats this process many times (three) until it is
done for. The fishy foe is swimming with the fish now!

It spits out a chest, open it for the Clawshot. This is exactly like the
Hookshot from the past except we can lower ourselves on targets and hang on. Go
around the room and get some stuff from the targets. Mainly rupees. Anyway, when
finished, hookshot the target by the gate to open it. Exit.

You can defeat the Helmasaur easier here by Clawshotting the shell off. It's
front is still a weapon though. Anyway, exit and grapple up the targets to the
door connecting you to the main room.

The main room is now filling up! Head up the stairs to the top and jump down to
the bottom with the water. Open the chest here for 20 rupees. Now go back to the
main part of the level at the top by the vines. Go along and pull the switch
you first see.  At the top, head to the east door.

Pull the switch with the clawshot and hit the bottom. Now open the door to the
west floor on the bottom. Go through the water wheel and into the door here.
Jump on the platform and clawshot onto one of the gear targets on the right.

Fall onto the platform and open the chest for bombs. Now clawshot up to the top
and the vines. Climb to the platform here, then go up to the next set of vines.
Get on the ground and clawshot to the last vines to get to a room with a
railing. Open the door.

Head down the path for another bubble enemy. Use the Clawshot to pull him out
instead of a bomb. Now turn around an go the other way. Pull the bomb arrows out
and shoot both stalactites down. Climb on them and make your way to the top.

Jump over the small patch and kill the two Tektites. Clawshot up the edge to the
door. Now get the bug in the bubble. Actually, both of them. Then Clawshot to
the top with the vines and drop in. Clawshot to the vines to the left and go up
the path. There are some parts where we must clawshot over gaps. When the time
comes, do this.

There is a chest at the top. Open it for a bunch of bombs. Now go in the middle
and clawshot to the target, open it up for a compass.

At the top is another ladder. Climb it and pull the switch, then ride the waves
to the bottom. Head into the middle part of the room and get the switch pulled.
Note the enemies in the water. Exit where we came from. Which was the vines if
you forgot.

Take the right fork in the next room. We are in a room with a long stretch of
water. Take the clawshot out and hit the enemies in the water with it to defeat
the enemies. After both are dead, sink to the bottom and get the clam enemy here
to free up the stretch. There is a chest with a red rupee at the end.

Float up to the top and run under the water wheel and open the door on the left.
Jump on top of the spinning gear and engage the enemy to the left. Defeat him
and hop to the second gear. Kill the enemy guarding the door. There is another
platform in sight in the gear room with a chest. Clawshot to it. Then open the
chest, turn around and clawshot to the pillar with the vines. Go to the platform
and clawshot once more to the vines behind you and enter the door.

Follow the water and go under the waterwheel. There is a bubble enemy here. Kill
it with the clawshot and sword. Open the chest at the back for 15 water bombs.
Head back under the water wheel and climb over the wall with the use of the
geysers. Clawshot up to the door here and enter.

Enter the door on the right fork yet again and ignore the jellyfish enemies as
you go over them. Head under the waterwheel and back into the big gear room.
Remember the door the enemy was guarding? Enter that now. It's the southeast

Head right and get 20 rupees from the chest. Go left and clawshot onto the
target above to open the gate. Inside, head to the right and into the door. Kill
the tektite and walk through the waterwheel and back to the main area. Pull the
switch in front of you and head around to the opposite side of the room. Pull
the switch that is a target and go down the stairs. Enter the room below.

Go under this waterwheel and enter the room. Hop on a platform and ride it
around. Your new goal is to get onto an empty target moving around and drop on
to the stationary stalactite. Now get onto another target and drop off at the
western door.

Dive into the water here and head south. Turn around and go under the platform
and follow this along the bottom to a small cove in the back. Float to the
surface when you see this. Swim south to the back and sink down. Use the
clawshot on the bomb fish and have it blow the boulder. Go in the tunnel to the
right but do not go inside. Remember this spot and be ready to reverse these

Turn around and surface. Open the chest for some water bombs. Now dive again and
blow the boulder up to the south with a water bomb. Enter and swim to the top.
Get on the small land and open the door. Now Kill the bubble enemy and clawshot
to the target above you to lower yourself into the chest to get the big key.
Dive into the water and reverse the directions in the paragraph above to get
back into the main area. Return to the big stairway room.

Walk up the stairs with the iron boots and turn around. Clawshot to the target
on the chandelier. Get the piece of heart in the chest in the middle. We have
to climb to the top and pull the west lever now so water flows to the east.
Enter the door and head across. The room fills up now. Jump down and climb over
the bridge. Step on the switch to open the gate, then on the same spot, clawshot
into the room to get the chest and defeat the enemy. Your reward is a piece of
heart. Clawshot to the target and out and return to the main room.

Take the plunge into the water in the center and float to the top. Enter the
boss door. Jump down the big hole here to the HUGE boss arena. Put the boots on
and sink to the bottom to get a view of things as you fall. There is a tentacle.
When you touch rock bottom, it starts a scene and:

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Aquatic Morpheel

Morpheel is actually a strange looking thing with tentacles and one eye. Pull
the eye out of the tentacles with the clawshot and slash away at it to get some
damage on this thing. It's attack is mainly reaching out for you, then grabbing
with the claw and beating you around. After you have hit it a couple times, it
comes out of the whole. And HOLY CRAP! it's a freakin huge sea monster. Good
thing it is weak. Swim next to it as fast as possible, then when you are near,
tagert and clawshot. Then mash the B button to deliver some smoking blows to it
and watch a neat cutscene. If you miss, get closer before using the shot. It
will let some blood out, and as we know "If it bleeds, we can kill it!" like
Arnold Schwartzenegger says. he won't hurt you in this stage (usually).

After you have killed him, it screams and drops the Fused Shadow and a Heart
Container for all your troubles. The room also drains so you aren't underwater
as often. Collect the Heart Container and enter Midna's warp portal.


We get a "neato" cutscene after saving with us being smug and good because we
have all these fused shadows. But we turn around and see fish boy himself: Zant.
The spirit tries to stop him but he is too powerful and twilight fills the room,
changing you into the wolf. After a long scene, you get a wounded Midna. You
appear in Hyrule Field.


Head up to the castle (it's on your map now, you shouldn't need directions!).
Enter the market.


We now have to head back to Telma's bar. Remember the hidden passage to the
castle that she talked about? Enter the front door only to be kicked out brutaly
by the bar owned. The cat, who is named Louise, tells you to climb up to the
top of the boxes to enter the top passage. At the top, you go inside and climb
to the left with the ropes (don't smash or drop any jars if you don't want to
be caught). You eavesdrop on the men below you if you want. Either way, enter
the passage.

Jump down to the bottom, gold filled room. Flip the senses on and defeat the
ghostly enemy by a couple hits, and then using a finish move with the wolf. You
get the poe soul and the gold statue is actually a man who is trapped. He has a
request for you to turn him good by getting spirits and opens the secret passage
to the waterways with the chest.


Float down the waterway and head around to the north part of the room. Jump and
bite the hanging switch to be sent down the tunnel. Get out and head up to fight
the spider you see ahead of you. There is another one as you approach the web.
So kill it, then pick up a stick and set it alight. Burn the web down.

The next room has more torches, so relight the stick and set them as you go
around. At the end, get the stick and climb the ledge with the stick (burning)
in your mouth. Light this web here and follow the map down to a big dirt pile.
Dig it to show up in the dungeons from the beginning of the game. Make your way
to the top of the staircase here.

We are now on the rooftops. Like the beginning, just head along your way and
enter the window at the very end of the path. Climb upstairs to find.. ZELDA!
She sacrifices herself somehow for Midna. You now automatically show up in the
field. Then a big protective pyramid barrier engulfs where Zelda was before.
The plot thickens!

Now, we are going to Warp all the way back to more familiar ground, The Faron
Woods North!


Move towards the forest temple. As you approach the stretch to it, one of your
monkey pals (not Gepetto :() comes running towards you, under attack by some
crazy baddies. So run up and defeat them (a spin attack is easy enough).

The monkey thanks you and tells you of a secret place around the back. Move up
onto the stump and jump down without midna. There is a chest here with a Yellow
Rupee and an enemy. Get this, then climb back up to the top of the stump. Use
Midna's target jump three times to get to a flat area, then walk to the edge and
use it another three times to get to where we want to be.

Be sure to stop up IN the cave and take the bats out so you don't fall over the
edge while battling. Then wait for the bridges to turn your way and quickly jump
down onto them and dash along. Wait on the second until it turns to the land.
Then get off. Crawl over the chasms (while avoiding the pendulums) with the rope
and go to the Howl Stone at the other side.


Play the song (the usual drill) and then again to get Golden Wolf away from his
TV, beer and chips and somewhere in Hyrule. After you have control again, go in
the tunnel that is behind the stone. There is another one to the right. This one
is different, no golden wolf is there.


This opens the main door you can see ahead of you, and it also drops some little
man that blows on an instrument to summon enemies. Kill the ones you see here
and follow through the door the little man open. Follow the path to the left
and climb the ledge to see the little man again! Give him a smack to have him go
out the tunnel and escape. Follow him out the tunnel you came through and in
the area there go in the area by the waterfall.

Go in the path to the right of this room to hear his trumpet thing. Swim through
the waterfal and climb the ledges to see him yet again. Beat him silly, but only
to have him run. (He's already silly! So it wouldn't work to beat him silly!)
Jump off the ledge where it comes down and head down his escape route and go in
the door on the left. (Okay, these aren't doors, im just calling them that).
Enter the sloping cave at the very back of this room.

At the top, you hear him playing. So go left and down again. There is a big
bridge of trees you can climb up and cross into another area with him standing
there. Give him one last smack to have him jump down again and lead you into a
REAL door. This one is hard to miss because there are torches outside of it.
Follow through there and jump to the bottom to start the mini-boss fight.

He will summon some enemies against you and sit on a spot. After you kill them,
he has to pause to blow some more enemies into the battle. That's when you have
to jump up onto his platform and give him a hit, otherwise he will run. After
you have struck him thrice, he will disappear and the way will be clear!

Follow down the path and step on the triforce you see. Howl Zelda's Lullaby (the
last diagram I showed you above to start this place) to begin a puzzle. The map
of it looks like this:

X's denote the spots you want to get the statues to.
O's Denote the statues
W is you

                             # #   # #
                             # X O X #
                             # # # # #
                               # W #
                               # # #

The bottom O will turn in the direction you are in. The top one turns in the
opposite direction. You have to choose the directions and hop. The two statues
CAN'T stand on the same square. But they can jump towards each other. They CAN'T
jump into you or share the same spot. The statues CAN move against nothing, but
you can't. Anyway, here is the solution:


After this puzzle, you can go up the gate ahead and find the Master Sword!
Examine it to draw it from it's pedestal and restore yourself as a human being!
You will get the Evil Zant put on you in a small idol. If you want to become a
wolf, you can do so whenever you want. And vice versa for a human now. SWEET!
Just talk to Midna to do this. We will examine this now by turning into a wolf
and talking to her. Warp (for we can do this whenever now) to the castle.


Turn into a human and approach the castle to get a letter from none other than
the big girl herself, TELMA! She tells you some powerful allies have shown up
that she wants you to meet. So go there!


The "Powerful allies" turn out to be a geek with scrolls, some girl with no
talent and Rusl! Your old sensei! Anyway, examine their scroll and you learn
that some old guy is studying the Desert at Lake Hylia. Our goal is to go there
now. So exit her Bar and turn into the wolf and warp there. Oh, you can also
donate all your rupees to the guy near the entrance we came from. We won't need
them for a while!


Follow the map to a ladder and climb up. Continue along until you see this
massive tower! Climb the ladder by it to the top to see Auru, the old guy they
wanted you to meet. He gives you a letter for the guy at the Cannon tour shop.
Give him the letter and you get a free ride to the Desert!


Midna tells you more about where she is from and what happened to her. After
this, we have a long trek ahead of us across the desert. Take out the clawshot
because the enemies are mainly little buggers that burrow around in the sand
and launch themselves at you. You can pull them out with the clawshot. Anyway,
our destination can be seen from far and wide, it's a large pillar thing
sticking out to the southwest. Avoid all the chasms and there will be a path
right to it.

Once we get there, clawshot to the tree. Then aim up in the air to see a flying
creature. Clawshot to that to drop off at the next ledge up. Move forward to
battle three more enemies over a warp portal (be the wolf). After they die,
climb up. There will be a poe soul on the right of the big debris chunk. Get his
soul as the wolf, then talk to Midna when she asks you to about the big concrete
slab. Warp it to the Bridge of Eldin in North Hyrule to fix the bridge. Then
warp back with your new portal! Remember where the chunk was, later in the game
there is an optional challenge here!

Now we jump down and head north to the big structure we can see here. There is
a small enemy camp we can see from a distance. So approach the stick towers for
some cover and fire at the three around the campfire, and the one in the tower.
They die. Now hop aboard one of the boars and move closer to the big building
we can see. Use the DASH! attack on the boar to smash the gates down and clear a
path up to the building. Take the right fork for a chest with a bunch of arrows,
which will be needed. Anyway, go back and take the left fork.

We can see a poe soul. Turn into the wolf and battle it for another poe soul for
our collection. Now we want to continue up the hill to the big enemy base here.
Turn into the human, for now we have a lot of stealth to do. Peg the enemy on
the tower to the right before entering this area. Inside, snipe the enemy to the
left and then go to the right. There are some blocks we can stand on. We can
shoot arrows through the window now. Hit the enemy to the right, the one up on
the tower, and there is another one we can see but not hit yet. So dismount the

Go to the left side of the base now. This is where we enter the camp. Before
rounding the corner, there is an enemy by the torch. There is another in the
tower a bit down. Then anothere against the wall which we can hit through the
small brick removed part of the wall. Now enter the camp and hide behind the
tent, then against the wall as we proceed. There is another break in the wall
with an enemy who hides behind a box. We can see him move behind but he can't
see you. Follow where he went and turn the bend to see an enemy with his back to
you. Kill him and sneak around the bend to see another one guarding the gate.
Kill this fool.

Move down the path and get the enemy to the left by the boar* over the fire to
clear the area. Get the small key he dropped and head back to the locked gate
the enemy was guarding. Once we open it, roll into it to open it. Then enter to
have it lock, and a big ugly enemy (the boar rider) comes into this boar pen and
beats the boar up. Now you have to fight it. The easiest thing to do is to roll
behind and smash, but also to try jump attacks to start combos. He isn't that
easy as long as you go ahead and take the initiative.

*I forgot to mention the first time around the destroying the boar releases a
heart piece.

He stumbles out now and sets the joint on fire! Crap! Good thing the boar wakes
up and you can now ride it out where you came to smash through the other gates
and get closer to the building! Dismount and move up to the top. Turn left and
be the wolf to battle the next Poe Soul. Receive it and turn human. Go to the
right side now, and light the two torches with the lamp to open a chest with 50
rupees. Now enter the door in the center to start the next Dungeon: Arbiter's


Move forward to the main entrance to start the name scene. Head across the
platforms and over into the right side of the room (with the opening from the
spearlike fence) and defeat the skelton enemies, then pull the chain back to
open the gate. Quickly run out and through it. At the top, head right and dip
the lantern into the oil. And for good measure, dip an empty bottle into it. If
your bottles are full, that's okay. Don't empty it just for the oil.

Now turn around and head to the opposite side and break the wooden barrier, then
go to the chest and get the Small Key. Back to the center we go and unlock the
door. Turn on the lantern here. As you walk to the corners, a ton of skeleton
enemies appear, so start dispatching them. Get all of them dead so we can
proceed with no worry. Light the two torches on the other sides of the door and
go in the unlocked door.

As we walk forwards, the torches are stolen by some strange force. Just like
Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple. One light remains. So go wolf and use the sense
to see the poe. Target it to begin the fight. When it goes bright blue, attack
it. Repeat this a few times to defeat it. Then use the finish move to get the
soul from it. It also lights a torch again.

Smell the dead poe body to get the scent. Head to the northwest part of the room
and hop the gap now to get a Piece of Heart in the chest! Also, the northeast
part of the room has the Dungeon Map in it's chest. Return to the middle and use
the wolf senses to find a western sand patch with poe scent coming out of it.
Dig the patch of sand up and pull the chain to open some stairs going down. Head
down these stairs and in the door.

Defeat the enemies and push the center east or counterclockwise. Kill the mummy
in the room ahead and open the chest for a Small Key. Turn into human now and
look up to see a target in the room above. Drop down and kill the vermin in the
room. Now go out the north door. Head up the stairs to see more poe lights! Use
the senses to see the real one and defeat him like the first on, earning you yet
another Poe Soul!

Go back to the wall changing push room and put it back to normal and head back
to the room with the first poe to see the second light returning. Turn around
at the top of the stairs to see a door above the one we came out of. Go in this
one. Because the bottom is normal again, we get to see more ways around. Go west
and open the unlocked door here.

Head to the left and across the platforms and the spike maze. There is a way
that goes up a ledge. Take that. Now go human and pull the block out south, then
push it east as far as possible. Climb to the top and pull the big chain as far
as you can (and over the block we moved. This raises the chandelier. DASH! Under
the chandolier and up the stairs on the other side.

Open the chest to the south for the Compass. Now push the jagged part of the
statue that is sticking out to the east (or counterclockwise). Go in the east
room for a Small Key in the chest that is blocked by the wooden barrier and
guarded by a mummy. Then go in the west door and unlock it with your key.

Advance down these paths and combat more of the mummy soldiers. Two of which can
freeze you with their screams. Dispatch all of them to continue. Flip on the
senses in the same corridor to find another sand patch we can dig in to get a
chain. Pull this to open the wall to a new room with a poe in it! Use the senses
and defeat this one to get another Poe Soul and the ability to advance.

Head down the corridor to the end door and enter. Follow this path and jump down
to the south to find a small key. You will be slowed down. Use the senses to see
crazy rat things on you. Use the spin attack to get rid of them all (don't use
the force field). Open the locked door to the west. We see another scene with a
returning torch light. Three down, one to go. Hop on the chandelier and cross
to the door on the other side.

Go down the stairs as a human and push the block down the path to free an
opening to the right and to form a bridge with the chain. You can head in the
right opening to get a red rupee. Anyway, climb up the block we pushed and start
to pull the chain. Keep going under the chandelier. If you want the red rupee,
go to the other side and open the chest, then clawshot back to the target and
head in the opening we uncovered. If you don't want it, stand in the center of
the chandelier where the hole in it is. Either way, we'll have to get in the
center of the chandelier eventually.

On the top, jump to the west and open a door. Break through the wooden barrier
and the door locks as you battle a skeleton warrior. Kill it, then drop a bomb
on it's remains quickly to destroy it before it revives itself. Now go out the
other door and up the stairs. Cross to the other side and use the lantern to
light the torch closest to the stairs, and then the one on the far left. This
opens the door for you. Leave through it.

Turn into the wolf and look around to see the last Poe! This one will multiply.
One of them will flash blue just before the fight starts. Target this one and
follow it's movements. And when it is about to attack, leap at it and bite it.
Do this several times to defeat this poe and have it's torch leave and it's soul
in your grasp! This is just like another fight in Ocarina of Time. Now go back
to the north and be a human. Clawshot to the target and go out the door below it
to return to the main room and return the last flame. Now we can go in the door
that opens.

Run through this room to the right side and jump to the bottom. Turn the center
pillar east twice. Then go through the empty door and around to the chest with
the small key. Now jump down and turn the pillar all the way to the west to get
it to the bottom and go in the locked door.

This is another large spike maze. Head to the far left of this room. At one
point on the way, you are slowed down. Turn wolf to find more of the rats and
kill them. Remember the route here, and pull the chain you find on the side.
This will show you the way through the center.

Head right down the path here. Kill the first wave of enemies that jumps on you
and continue, ignoring the rest. To the left is Ooccoo! To the right is the door
out of this area. Take it.

There is a giant spinning blade. Head around it and to the north part. Kill the
enemies here. Then bomb the remains. Head to the east to find another one. Kill
him. This opens the door to the south in the spinning room. So take that route.
The door is another path With those annoying bug enemies. Kill them. Then
continue. Take a leap over the giant path and open the door to the far north.

This is the miniboss. As the human, slice a rope around the sword in the middle.
It will come to life! OH MY! Turn into the wolf and use the senses to see this
foe. Wait for it to strike, then dodge. It glows blue. So jump attack this bad
ass looking foe and it turns visible! Now for the human half of the battle. Aim
at it and shoot it with an arrow to have it land. Then hit it in the head with
the arrow to fell this foe. Smash his head repeatedly. Repeat this simple task
until the idiot is sorry he fought against you. Open the chest in the room that
opens to get the Spinner!

Turn around and use the spinner on one of the grooved edges to be able to slide
right out of this room quickly with style! Then exit the door. Use the path on
the right, then jump to the left to reach the door. Enter it.

Take the groove on the right. Jump to the left, then back to the right to make
the groove where we have to swing further right. Then again to the left to go
up on the big loop to the top. Open the chest at the top for a Piece of Heart!
Now turn around. Use the slider path on the left, then leap to the right to make
a jump to the bottom and climb up to the top part with the statue. Climb up to
the top and use the slider to jump side to side when a spike is trying to hit
you on this path. Way to go! You are at the top.

Open this chest for the Boss Key! Now slide back into the center area that we
were in before using the side sliders. In the center is a little spot perfect
for our slider. Keep mashin Spin until the wall opens up to show us a new area.
Slider up the wall on the right to get to the top, then jump to the center
and use the slider in the hole to light the torches and bring a path up. Use it
and slide to the boss door at the very top!

Walk down the path into the center of the sand and Zant will appear and set the
enemy here to life! Be prepared for possibly the most imaginative and
ingenuitive battle of all time!


Start by going to the edge of the area and using the spinner to build some speed
to combat the foe. When a spike is near you, release with the jump button and
aim for the enemy. As you approach, more enemies will pop up and try to block
you. If you need to, defeat these foes in the way. Anyway, you have to smash
agains the bottom bone sticking out of the dirt twice to make him fall down a
height level. Repeat this several times (it gets harder each time) to "Defeat"

Spoke too soon! The sand drains and you can use the spinner in the center of the
platform to raise it, and the head comes alive! He knocks you to the bottom of
the platform. Dammit. Anyway, get on the path on the center platform and ride
it up. Eventually, you see him and he starts shooting fireballs. Jump from side
to side to avoid these, until you are right by his head. Then QUICKLY jump
again and smash into him. He falls to the ground, you are there too. Now
IMMEDIATELY start slashing the sword Zant placed in his head many times over
and over until he gets back up. Repeat this process several times until he falls
dead. Each time you ride this gets harder because eventually more and more spike
traps are added.

After the fight, get the Heart Container and head out the door that opens.
Move up the stairs now and at the top we are challenged by more twilight foes
that guard warps. Be the wolf and defeat those idiots.See another spinner hole?
Get in it and spin to show the mirror of twilight! BUT IT'S BROKEN! THE TWIST

Now some spirits from above show you Ganondorf.. and how they sent him into the
zone. They think that Zant is using his power and said that Zant wanted to blow
the mirror. He couldn't destroy it though, because he isn't the true ruler. So
there are shards in three locations we need to visit. But first, there are a lot
of things we need to get. Such as Golden Bugs, Hearts and Poe Souls. To begin,
warp to Hyrule Castle.


As we approach, Barnes sends us a letter. It's about New Bombs and not very
prominent at this time. So enter the Market.


Walk over to the man on the left and start donating him all your rupees. This is
600 now. 400 more are needed. Head to the South road and head to the street to
the side that Telma isn't on. There is a fortune teller in the first house and
the second has where we want to go. Give the girl inside your two bugs for a big
wallet and 50 rupees! Leave and go down the west road and into this big tent for
the Star Game minigame.

The rules are simple: Use the clawshot to latch onto the gates, and to the other
side you go to get the glowing orbs before the time runs out. You can get
several in one go. If you win, you get the bigger Quiver. So leave after this.
You have fangirls! Anyway, go to the Southern exit and down.


Go wolf and get the poe soul. Now transform into human. There is a gold bug on
the right (Female Beetle). Warp to Lake Hylia (there is more back there but I
did it in a strange order and have to do this later).


Head up on the path to the right of the bridge that is behind where you warped
from. You can see a light in the distance. This is a poe soul that we are going
to get. So hop the platforms to there. Head up towards the big tower that the
old man was studying the place on. You can see another soul up at the top we
will get. Now warp to Zora's Domain.


Hide behind a wall and transform to human. Now jump into the pool of water in
the middle of it and sink with the Iron Boots to the bottom. There is the big
rock. Use a water bomb to blow it up and you see a goron. Talk to him for a new
Bomb Bag! There are also two torches on the way down we can light for a chest
with 50 rupees.

Anyway, jump to the bottom and swim to Upper Zora's River. Surface and find your
way to the land. See the bridge connecting the one side to the other at the hut?
There is a bug floating there. Stand to the side and use the Boomerang to get it
to come over to the land and you can then take it for yourself. Now Warp Back to
the castle.


Head into the Princess's place and give her the other two bugs you've found. Now
go to the field's south road.


Go human and down to the grass. Turn right to see the gold wolf! He is going to
teach you the Helm Splitter, which is easy enough. Now head to the opposite side
of the stairs. There is a glow in some bushes we see. Approach it to get the
male Ladybug. Which completes the pair. Note that most of these glows are mainly
Baba's. Now head back to where the wolf was, and jump into that big hole in the
middle of the field that is in the area.


There should be a poe soul behind you and in the distance. Get it as the wolf.
Now warp back to Kakariko Village and exit there in the north.


Move down the field and to the right is a big boulder. Ignore it for a second
and fire two arrows at each boar (the riders). This kills them. Then head out
into the field to find a grasshopper (Male). It has to be stopped with the Gale
Boomerang to pick up. Now head back to the big boulder and blow it up. Then
climb up the hill behind it. At the top, shoot the boulder on the other side
with a Bomb Arrow and Clawshot to the vines. Jump to the other platform on the
right and open the chest down here. You may need to wait until morning to see it
if you are here in the night. It has a Piece of Heart. Warp Back to the Market.


Give Agitha those last couple bugs you have now, if you have 400, give them to
the man begging for money for a Piece of Heart! Then head back into the field
and warp to Zora's Domain.


Head down just to the pool below. On the west is an icy path to the top. With a
strange looking girl there. Talk to her as the human to see it's the talentless
girl. She tells you about the Yeti and gives you a picture. Warp to Kakariko
Village and run into the graveyard.


Head to the back, on the right is a couple torches we can light for a 50 rupee
chest. Then head into the grave of the Zora. The boy is there, show him the yeti
sketch and he gives you his earring which can catch his kind of food. Now warp
to Zora's Domain.


Go down into the pool below and head east. There is a big and a small rock. Cast
away around there and catch a fish. It's red, and it reeks. So go wolf and smell
it to learn the Reekfish scent. We can now go down the path there was before!


Run forwards and jump down to the bottom part. Flip on the senses to see the
pathway through the fog. Be sure not to fall into the water. This path is a
winding one and it will lead up the side of the mountain. It might seem like
you can fall at some points but just keep going. At one point you are at a
"dead end". Ram into the snowy part of the ledge to knock a path down for you.
So you can now head up the ramp.

It also leads you to a Howling Stone. This one is the most complicated yet.


Now after you go back to following the trail, not too far from the stone is a
cave you can enter and climb out the back at. To enter this cave, dig in the
snow at the wall. Out the back is a warp portal that the enemies will try to
defend. Defeat them to win it to your side. Be warned that those magic stakes
that make the barrier around you won't stop you from falling off the edge. After
the enemies are dead, you can see a creature by a tree. Turn human and talk to
this creature. It will get a frozen leaf and go down the hill on it. Now it's
your turn.

This is by far the funnest mini-game ever made in a Zelda game. Roll into the
tree to knock a leaf down and get on it. You now "snowboard". You move as
normal and hold down Roll if you want to jump. You can also attack as normal.
Snowboard down the hill and leap over the gaps. At the bottom of the hill is a
big manor owned by the Yeti. Go inside to start the next dungeon known as
Snowpeak Ruins.


Whatever you do, BE SURE TO TAKE OFF THE ZORA TUNIC! It will amplify the damage
you take. Start by heading forwards and battling the poe here for it's soul.
After it perishes, head in the north door at the back as a human.

There is a Yeti woman in here. Talk to get. She tells you the location of the
Bedroom key and gives you the map of the Mansion. Head in the east door to find
the male Yeti! He is making Soup for his wife. It's just Simple soup at the
moment, but it refills 2 hearts. There is a path going around the back of the
area to the right. Head in there and pick up the pot with Ooccoo in it!

Now head out the door on the opposite side to the north. This room is a big
sliding puzzle. Here is how to solve it: Push the left block (closest to you)
to the east. Push the second block south, west, south, east, south. Go in the
newly opened door.

Turn into the wolf and go to the crack in the wall and dig in the snow here to
find your way outside. Battle the white wolves you see here and open the chest
for 20 rupees. See the chest in the snow? Dig by it to allow you to open it.
Inside is a small key. Now go human and open the door. Head left and unlock the
door in here.

This is a big sliding ice room. Kill the three enemies to open the doors. Go in
the one you didn't come in. There is a chest in a cutscene. As you approach the
door some ice warriors come. Use the helm splitter or the back slice to defeat
them swiftly and open the door. Inside, open the chest for the Ordon Pumpkin.

Head back through the other door in this room with the chest to be behind the
block puzzle. Climb over the boxes and then jump down to the door that leads to
the Yeti room. Talk to him to give him the pumpkin and upgrade the soup to some
Good Soup. This restores 4 hearts. Now go back to the woman Yeti. Talk to her to
get a new location and a new door opened.

You are in a big snow courtyard again. Turn into the wolf and defeat the white
ones around you. Jump into the hole in the wall in the northwest part to be in a
bigger room with ice. Kill the enemies and pick up the cannonball. Now avoid
the next few enemies and head to the cannon at the back of the room.

Stand on the platform behind it and insert the ball into the cannon. Now get off
the platform and push the handles so it aims south. Drop a bomb in the hole to
blow the ice walls down. Head down the path that you cleared and go out the
newly accessable door.

In this room, find your way across the platforms avoiding being knocked off by
foes. This can be easier if you knock them off with the bow before crossing. You
can also lead from platform to platform if you want. One chest in here has 20
rupees and the other has the compass. Now head back out of this room and to the
big courtyard.

Flip the senses on as the wolf and look on the map. There is a part with a chest
right where there is a dig hole. Dig three times to find the chest completely.
Open it for a small key and use it on the door to the west side. Here, there is
a strange machine. Pull the lever on it to drop the thing down. Put a ball on it
and go to the other side in the courtyard. Pull the lever here to bring the ball
through. Now put it in the cannon and aim it at the door to the north. Fire!

This kills the enemy in front of you. Go inside the door he was guarding. Run
past the first statue and to the door, but wait! The first one comes to life!
Oh no, time for a miniboss fight. Just wait for him to approach, then clawshot
onto the roof overhead of him to get behind. Then dodge as he throws his big
ball and chain at you. Quickly run around to his rear and smash his tail with
the sword as fast as possible. When he dies, you get the Ball and Chain.

Equip this and go into the front door. Smash down the ice blocks to show a chest
with the Bedroom Ke... NO! It's Ordon Cheese! STUPID YETI! There is an Orange
Rupee (100) hidden in one of the armor suits here you can get with the Ball and
Chain. Head back into the courtyard.

Smash the ice blocks here to show the way back to the other side of the
courtyard, take the same route we did last time to get back to the Yeti. Give
him the goat cheese to make Superb Soup. It fills 8 hearts! Now go back and talk
to the female yeti to get the next location (which better be right.. or else..)

Go out the door she reccomended this time and walk up the sloped surface, there
are caged enemies and openings in the cages a little ways up. Smack the enemy
with it to make them split into small ones, then defeat them with the ball and
chain too. Do this with the second one.

Smash the Ice at the top to reveal a cannon. Now go into the north door. Hit the
ice warrior with the ball and chain, then the ice block on the right side of the
room. Now hit the chandelier that is hanging to make it swing. Jump onto it and
open the chest on the other side for a small key. Now go back to the other side
and exit.

Head straight ahead now to see a new section behind the broken wall. See that
hookshot target on the right hand side? Hit the floor below it to crash down to
the lower floor and open the chest for a Piece of Heart. Use the target to go
back up to the top, then go out the door.

Smash the block of ice to reveal a clawshot target. Anyway, bash the chandelier,
then turn right and go along this path of chandeliers, hit and jump at the right
moments. At the other end is a chest with a Piece of Heart. Collect it and then
jump to the bottom floor. Go back to the exit of the manor but DO NOT leave.
The center suit of armor on the right (from the entrance) holds a poe. Defeat it
for it's soul. Go back to the stairs on the left side of the manor and clawshot
to where you were before.

Cross to the other side and defeat the ice warrior. Go in the door to be in a
big room full of ice and ice enemies. Destroy the enemies and smash the ice wall
to show a poe. Defeat him for his soul. Exit the room from the north door.

We are above the puzzle room. Push the block down and jump to the puzzle. We can
now smash the switch and block, making them useable. This is a trickier puzzle
because there are three now and a new switch. Okay, see the one we just broke
the ice off of? That will be Block X. The one on the switch is Block Y, and the
remaining block is block Z

Move Block Y north
Move Block X South, East, North
Move Block Y West, South, East, North

The door on the upper floor is opened! Climb back up to the top of the room and
make your way down to the door which is now unlocked. (For your information, it
is the west door.

Run to the right and along the wall. Defeat the Ice Warriors with the Ball and
Chain. Then Clawshot from one side  of the wall to the other in the broken bit.
Go in the door here. Smash the Ice Block to reveal a Clawshot Target. Hit the
chandeliers and try to swing to the other end. Open the chest for a small key
and go in the door.

Jump down to the puzzle then back up and go in the south door of the second
floor in this room. Defeat the Ice Monsters and smash the wall for no apparent
reason. Go in the door that leads west. Defeat the giant Ice Monsters here and
push the blocks you see at the other end down. Now go out that way and down to
the bottom of the spiral ramp.

Head out the door with the cannonball moving device. Grab one from the other
side and bring it back through the door by means of the machine. Put it in the
cannon at the top and aim it towards the blocks you came from. Fire it through
the opening and follow it. Use the achine here on the left to get it outside.

Take it to the cannon and aim Northwest towards the Ice Monster. Fire it to
kill him. Jump down and enter the door and then go right to the ladder and climb
it to the top. Defeat the Ice Monsters and go in the door to the church. This
is going to be FILLED with Ice Warriors that throw their icicle staves at you.

You can hide behind the pews in here, try to fight the first 2-3 with your sword
and then when you have the room you can pull out the Ball and Chain to smash
some major enemy butt. Then you can go in the opened door and FINALLY get the
Bedroom Key. You better run out of the church now before they realize what you
did to their house.

The Yeti woman is here! Hey Yeti! We didn't trash your church, why do you ask?
Anyway, she walks slow and you can just run to the top and open the door to make
her go faster.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Ice Mass Blizetta

The first stage of this fight is that we must hit Blizetta three times with the
Ball and Chain. It's not over though, as she starts flying now and summons ice
spikes to come and fall on your head. You have to run around now as fast as you
can away from them, using the reflection as a guide. After they all hit, turn
around and break them with the ball and chain, then RUN! If you made a gap in
the ice because of the Icicles smashed, run out there because the boss will fall
in the middle of the ice circle. Hit her as she is sitting there with the ball
and chain. If you blow all of the icicles out, she summons new ones for you to
deal with.

Striking her three times with the Ball and Chain will cause her to return to
normal. The Yeti comes in and gives her some love. A million hearts fly from his
head, including one Heart Container! You get the Mirror Shard and can now leave
via Midna's portal.


Okay, we are now going to spend the next ton of time collecting hearts, bugs,
souls and more. Warp to South Faron Woods.


Head from here to towards the secret area. Only stop up at the purple fog. Do
some Target Jumps into the log in the center to reveal a Poe Soul. Defeat him to
get it, then warp out of here to South Faron again and leave via the Hyrule
Field exit by the Oil Seller.


Go towards the bridge we can see. On the right of the the entrance to it is a
tree with a Piece of Heart in it's Branches. Use the Gale Boomerang to retrieve
it. Now go under the bridge and you can see a target inside the rafters. Use the
clawshot to get inside and open the chest for an Orange Rupee. Head back out of
it using the target. Now we can hang around the bridge until night. At that time
you can cross the bridge and battle the poe for it's soul that we can clearly
see glowing in the distance. Now warp all the way out to Kakariko Village.


Go to the Bomb Shop. Go through the the upperfloor and out the top. Now head up
to the Storehouse that we blew up ages ago. Fight the poe soul (at night) and
get his soul. Then head up the other side to the watch tower at night to battle
another stupid poe. We aren't done here, but go to the Graveyard anyway.


There should be a poe floating around in here. Defeat him, then look to the
graves. You can push a few of them. One of them has a poe beneath that you can
call out by moving. Defeat it. Now head up to the back and you can see a golden
Male Ant on the left tree. Now collect it, then battle the Gold Wolf we see here
to get to learn the Jump Strike combat skill. After, head back into Kakariko


The east house has a gold bug in it. It's the one with the hole in the roof.
Just go in the door. It 's to the right of the bomb shop. Now head to the spring
of the spirit. To the right of it is a bombable rock. Blow it up. Go in the cave
to the back and sink with the Iron Boots to the bottom of the water pool. Open
the chest to get a Piece of Heart. Surface and go back doown to the same part of
the village where you blew the boulder. Equip Bomb Arrows and look up to see
some more rocks on the cliff. Blow those up and use the Gale Boomerang to get
the Piece of Heart you can see there. Go now to Death Mountain.


Go talk to the Goron at the foot of the climbing rope. Spring up to the left or
behind him. You can see the poe to the left glowing at night time. Now run up
the cliff you are on and around the face of the rock. Drop down into the hole
to the left and you find the chest with a Piece of Heart. Warp now to
Kakariko Gorge!


You should get a Letter as you start to leave. One is from Agitha talking about
nothing in particular and the other is from Yeta. Turn around and cross the
other side of the Bridge to go up the part to the tree to see a Poe Soul. Defeat
it to get the prized soul and then go down west a bit more to see a piece of
heart on a spire. Throw the Boomerang to get it off of there. If you head to the
south now you will see a boulder in the wall. Destroy it and enter.

Go along the path here. Conserve your Lamp Oil because it will take a while to
get to the end. At the end is a chest with a piece of heart, and there are a lot
of forks and paths. The correct path is always to the right, except for the one
after the three forked room. There is a poe soul to the left. But keep going to
the right to find the heart piece.

Go to the south end of the bridge and clawshot the bug on the pillar to you for
a Male Phasmid. Now head along the edge of the field to the northwest part of
the of the eastern Hyrule Field. There is a Female Grasshopper hopping around
here. Get it with the Boomerang. Now head across the Bridge of Eldin. At the
back is a golden bug up on the ledge. Clawshot up there and use the Boomerang
or Clawshot to pull it down to you for collection. This one is a female Phasmid.

Head into the cave to the side of this area. Inside, jump off the edge and use
the iron boots to be pulled to safety. Do this several times to get to the
bottom. Light the torches here to get 100 rupees. There is also a Chest with a
Piece of Heart. Use the clawshot targets to get back up onto the Bridge area.

Head north down the path now. We are going to keep going into the North Part of
Hyrule Field. Head all the way to the south exit of this area to see a big row
of rocks. Blow them to reveal a spinner track. Follow this track to the end to
see a chest with the heart. Get it. Now if you go to find a lone boulder we will
see a golden Female Stag Beetle. There is a male Stag Beetle in a nearby tree as

Warp to Hyrule Castle.


We now want to enter the Market and work our way to Jovani's house. It has the
unopenable door and a group of cats outside. Dig under as the wolf and you will
see the Golden man again. Using the Poe Souls, he is somewhat restored and gives
you a bottle of Fairy Tears. This is the third bottle we can obtain! Dig out.

Now leave the Market and renter as a human.


Go down the west road and stop at Agitha's place. Give her your bugs if you have
not already. If you have money for items like the Hawkeye at Malo Mart, buy it
there first because then you replenish your stock of money. Leave and warp to
the summit at Snowpeak.


Talk to Yeta and her Wife to do a race with both of them. The male is simple
enough, just do the normal track with few falls and you will be fine to beat him
to the house. The Wife is much more difficult, to beat her, you have to use the
shortcut hidden halfway through the course. Also know that you can trip her up
with the sword. The shortcut is after the hops of the chasm leading to the
stretch that goes without interruption to home. Go on the small path and pray
you make it. After you win, you receive a Piece of Heart!


Go here and make your way down to Upper Zora River.


Go to the Afro person, then head to the left towards the fishing hole. There is
a Warp Portal that you must fight for now. Defeat them with a Spin Attack (as
human) and you get it, as well as let the Afro lady get back to work. She will
invite you in and ask you to clear the rocks in the way. Agree and you get
another bomb bag. Now do the chore and warp back to the top of Upper Zora's

Enter the Fishing Hole and go out on the boat. Head to the Piece of Heart you
see on the big rock. Aim the Fishing Rod at it and reel in the Piece of Heart!
Warp down to the Lake now!


There is an island by some howling plants, go to it and be the wolf because
there is a bird. Talk to him to learn the rules, then howl to be able to do this
minigame. You have to fly up the river, popping fruit ballons with your body to
get it. ONLY aim for the Oranges, they are big and worth a bit. At the top you
will get 10,000+ points and the piece of heart!

Warp back to the lake and go up the ladder, there is a howling stone to the
right. Howl to the tune:



Now turn around and blow the boulder. Be sure to have a lantern and a bottle
full of oil for this. There is a big room, blow the walls on all three sides.
Continue along this lighting torches for a ton of rupees. There are some chasms
inbetween rooms you might get stuck in, just be careful. There are THREE Poe
Souls in here so keep an eye out for those. At the end are two torches,  light
them for a Piece of Heart!


Travel to the Desert and go to the base to get a golden wolf, you learn the next
skill you have to learn. Also, go into the base to find a Poe Soul where the
room you fought the fat guy that set it on fire, and you escaped with the boar.

Now warp to the Bridge of Eldin.


Move north down the path until you reach a wooden bridge, there is a spinner
track on the other side. Follow it, then dig into the hole in the circle of
weeds. Kill the enemy skeleton warriors and bomb the remains to get a Piece of
Heart. Continue along the path to the bride in North Hyrule field. There is a
poe soul on the bridge at night. Continue until you come across a rock that can
be bombed (it faces the path south to the Castle). Inside is a couple of sliding
ice puzzles. To a teenager, this is easy to figure out and will be good for you
to work out yourself. If you can't, well then check DBM's FAQ, his heart piece
section has it (just flip directions). I'm saying this because I didn't record
my solutions on tape like the rest of this..

Warp to the North Faron Woods now.


Talk to Rusl at the part that leads to the Sacred Grove. He will give you a gold
Cuccoo. Use it to float over to the Ledge ahead of you (quite far away). Then
over to the huge tree root and down to the grove. Now turn the bridge with the
Boomerang and float down  to it, turn it again and continue down the path until
you get into the Woods with the Skull Kid. He's back (sigh) and you have to do
the chase thing again. He's in more places that are hidden, like behind a tree
and on TOP of a tree. You can find him by looking in doors and finding the light
of a lamp before it dissapears as you get close. Note that there is a poe soul
in one of his old locations (going up the swimming place to the ledge).

You have to battle him again, this time it's MUCH easier now that you have the
bow. Just aim at him and fire three times to finish him and his summoned minions
to finish it. Light is restored and the door to the next area is opened! Go in
to it.


Push down the block and hop to the bottom of the area. On the map is an area to
the west. Go into the area. Blow up the boulder by the pillar to get a Poe Soul.
Not only that, but if you turn your wolf senses on you can find a dig spot that
was concealed and use it to enter a cave. Defeat all the enemies down there to
receive a Piece of Heart. Go back to the surface and to the main area.

Move to the part of the grove where the Master Sword was. There is a poe soul
here you may battle. Then go up to the pedestal it was in and choose "Strike".
You will cause the statue blocking the door at the start to disappear. Get out
of the master sword area to find a warp portal! And a large group of croonies
for you to battle for the stinking portal. Defeat them and go up the block you
pushed to reach the door where the guard was. Open it, and you go back in time!
Sort of...

Anyway, move forwards to the place where the Master Sword was and do another
Strike into it. You open up the Temple of Time. Wait a minute, I thought this
WAS the temple of time? Maybe the REAL one was behind the glass? Anyway, Ooccoo
will go up the stairs and you want to follow it into the temple. I'll start
typing it in a few minutes, because right now I'm making a cheese sandwich, ya'


Enter the temple and watch the cutscene. Know that with a Walkthrough, this is a
quite short and easy temple to finish. Start by running forwards to see a scene
with Midna talking about "something missing". Go wolf and turn on the senses to
see a statue that isn't there.

Now Pick up that little rock statue thing and put it on the switch on the other
platform to raise a little step you can use to climb up an area. Go to the top
and then you will see Ooccoo! Now go down the steps to the east side and light
the torches here with the torch to get a Small Key. Go back up and unlock the
door that Ooccoo was in front of to continue.

In this room there is a mini spider enemy. Defeat it and set a jar on the switch
to open a gate. The south one has a bundle of arrows, take them and go to the
east one. Defeat the spider and go to the closed gate ahead, turn around and
break the pot on the switch with an arrow to open it.

Battle the Lizards as you go up the stairs and clear the next room of them.
Also kill the statue by hitting the eye thing behind it. Open the chest that
appears for the dungeon map. Now go get the two statues on the left (and the
red rupee if you need it) and put the statues on the other side of the room,
on top of the switches.

Go up the stairs and battle MORE of the lizards to reach a strange room. Kill
the lizards and go up the stairs, use the spinner when the broken part comes. At
the top, there is a circle like place with a lever you can push. Go into the
place with the circular blades and there is a statue on the left. Pick it up and
place it on the switch at the next break. Now, push the lever clockwise to go
down. Get the statue and get back on and push it counterclockwise. Place this
one onto the switch and quickly jump onto the part that will raise soon. Go in
the door.

Defeat the two Armos Statues to get a Small Key in a chest. Exit the room back
into the circular one. Now sing "HAPPINESS RUNS IN A CIRCULAR MOTION" very
loudly, then go to the other side and in the locked door.

Ignore the switch now and break the eye on the Beamos with and arrow. Go around
now and hit the switch through the circular thing. Go to the next open area
(first getting the beamons and get the Compass before hitting the switch. Use
another arrow now through the circle to open the way out. Take it.

Hit the switch here from the platform and jump down and into the next part.
Fight the Lizards (some of whom have some pretty defensive armor) and make your
way to the next part, hitting the switch to advance. Go up the stairs and into
the room. Defeat the Spiders and the Larva (Bomb Arrows work well, as well as
the Jump Strike, or you can just toss a bomb into the middle of them and kill
half of them with one thing). This makes a chest appear with 50 Rupees.

Now go up the stairs and there is a massive scale. Step onto it and your side
will go down. Pick up the small statue and throw it onto the other side, you
weigh the same as two of them so the scales even out. Now step onto the other
one (your side goes down) and climb to the other side. Go into the door here to

Kill the Beamos eye and dodge the enemies to the other door to the east. Fight
the Lizards and continue up the stairs. Now dodge the rolling spike and the
axe and open the chest in this room for a Small Key, and time your run past the
rolling spike so that you head to the right and to the statue. Pick it up and
dodge the blade and plant it on the ground to disable the electric field. Kill
all the spider Larva in this room to get a chest, and defeat the Armos here to
open the gate. Open the chest for 50 rupees and continue past the bell. Open the
locked door to reach the miniboss!

There is a swordsman here, he has a rather large blade and a TON of armor. The
key to beating him is to target him and keep your shield ready, when he strikes,
sidestep ONCE to the side and attack him twice. Repeat this until his armor is
gone. If he attacks, your shield can block it (somehow). After the armor is gone
he will pull out a smaller, quicker blade. The key here is to do the back slice.
He blocks it once, but then staggers and you can get a few easy hits in on this
guy. After you kill him, open the chest for the Dominion Rod! This can control
the statues you see in the temple!

Now there is a giant statue above with an Axe, you can control him with it, now
move towards the door and get him to stand on the thing under the bell, it will
transport him. Go in the door. Now you control the statue and press the same
button you equipped it to to have him smash the gate. Move him near the way you
want to go and stand behind the button, time it so that when he reaches the spot
on the platform, you stand on the switch. He raises up, then you move him just
off, stop controlling him and climb up yourself. Now control him again and

Have him go through the electricity and stand on the switch to disable it. Stop
controlling him and cross, then control him again. Have him smash the rolling
traps and go through the door downstairs. Have him smash all the spinning traps
AND the Beamos to show a switch. Have him stand on the platform, then use the
Rod to get one of the smaller statues to stand on the swith. Then control him so
he goes under the bell. Now turn around and continue out the way you came up
the place. This is the scale room. He appears on the right of you and you want
to bring him to the Scale. He weighs a whopping 3 statues!

Now after he is on the side closest to where he came from, jump down and climb
up to the other side. To the right of the opposite scale is a pillar. Climb up
it when the statues side is down and clawshot to the target. Go to the track
and use the spinner to get to the next part. Defeat the Poe Soul and enter the

Defeat the enemies here and place a back of the shielded creature in view of
the top. Clawshot to the top now and bring up his back with the Clawshot. Then
place it on a switch. Use the dominion rod to get the statues to come onto the
switches. This opens the door to the Big Key! Get it and go back to the room
with the scale.

Jump down to the side with the statue and plcae him on the scale again. Climb to
the other side and use the dominion rod to bring TWO statues down from the
ceiling. You want to place them on your side and stand on it to level it out. Go
to the other one and throw the statue back to the one closest to the way down.
Then bring over the statue, then throw the rest of the statues onto the other
side to bring this one level, get the statue with you and go downstairs. Have
him get rid of the Larva and the enemies and place him under the bell to go to
the next area. Leave out the bottom door.

You can control him through the wall. Have him smash his door down and then go
to the other side (hit the switch and control him through the electric field.
Bring him onto the switch and leave him there because it turns off the field of
electricity. Go inside it and control the statue, have him break the door so
you can get the Piece of Heart. Now move him through the field and place a small
statue or a pot on the switch and follow. Have him smash your way along the path
and down the stairs. Place him under the bell after he broke all the gates here
and go out.

Hop to the bottom now, then there is a door here that is locked. Control a
statue and drag him onto the switch behind the gate to open it. There is a poe
soul! Defeat it and climb back up to the top. Push the level clockwise so we go
down and bring the statue from before to the top part and put the same two there
on the switches. Go into that room now, there are several spiders and spider
enemies. Kill them all!

Now we will go up the steps. There is a statue on the right behind the gate like
thing which we will use the rod to drag down the stairs (still behind the wall)
and it hits a switch. Pick up the other statue in the room and throw it on the
left side so it's over the gate and control it so it hits the switch on that
side. A chest appears, open it for a Piece of Heart! Now go back out and hit the
switch counterclockwise so it goes up and you can collect the statue, bring it
on the lever place and push it clockwise two times so it goes to the bottom.

Have it kill all the larva to open the electric field. Now it can break the gate
and go into the bell. Exit out the bottom door and equip the Clawshot because
you need it at the gate to get out (look up). Then control the Statue and bring
it down the stairs. Destroy the gate and put it in the bell, then go down and
out. We are in the main room! Enough of the statue! Control it and bring it to
where it should be (by the door) and it opens the path further on.

Go into it and down the strange corridor with chasms and more. Disable the
Beamos's and bring the statue (small) to the other side of the room. There is a
switch. Put it on it and jump to the other side. It will open a gate and close
another. Go past the first open gate and use the rod to pull it back so it will
close the one in front and open the one behind. Go through and enter the door to
face the Boss.


Pull out your arrows and follow Armogohma's movements around the area, when the
eye opens, shoot it with an arrow and then wait for it to fall. Run to the big
statue it fell near (it falls near one EVERY time) and have it attack to slam
the mighty fist on it. She will drop a load of eggs. Defeat them all then hit
her eye again and repeat the fist slamming. Her eye will shoot lasers if you
don't move quick enough, so watch out.

After the hits, she falls down, but not out! There is the eye as a spider
running around with a load of babies! Luckily, it flee's you, so just aim at
the eye and hit it thrice with arrows (if you need more then kill the larva).
This ends this pathetic boss and you get a Mirror Shard and Heart Container!
Leave the area, then out of the Temple of Time back to Normal time. Ooccoo is
there and tells you the rod ran out of magic. Head back to to Kakariko Village.


You may have to go somewhere with the postman to trigger this, but if you talk
to Renado in his sanctuary then he will give you a letter to bring to Telma
about Restoring Ilia's memory. Before leaving the Village, if you haven't bought
the Hawkeye, do so now. And donate all your leftover rupees to the Goron inside
Malo Mart. Now warp to the Castle


Go to Telma's Bar at the usual location and show her the Letter to get a money
statement for the Doctor's Office. Travel to the East part of town (Doctor's
Office) and show him it. He will get nervous and tell you the statue you want
was stolen after a stinky medicine mess. Turn into the wolf (he turns his back)
and go to the back right area. There is a crate, push it out of the way and
against the wall and sniff the medicine it covered. Learn the scent and go up
the crate. It leads you to Telma's Cat, who says it was stolen.

Before leaving, give Agitha any bugs you still haven't given her and then go
outside to the area the Dogs that stole it from Telma's Cat are hanging out. It
turns night automatically during this whole time so it will be there for you.
Kill the packs of dogs to have them drop the Statue of Ilia's. Warp back to


Go inside of the Sanctuary and show Ilia the statue. She remembers a little bit
about where she was. It was a lady in a Hidden Village. There is a blockage in
the north bit of Hyrule by the Bridge of Eldin that you might have seen. Go out.
We WOULD warp there normally, but it's ITEM COLLECTION TIME!.


Go to the Desert (Mesa, not the place with the Mirror). If you go north (to the
base, NOT INSIDE) and then turn to the right, you should see a glow in the
distance. Head there and Clawshot to the tree to find a Poe Soul! Defeat him.
Then turn on the senses to find a dig spot below him, dig there to be in tunnel
with TWO more! If you light the torches here then you get an Orange Rupee as
well. Warp back to the Mesa now.

Head RIGHT now. There should be a series of trenches coming up. There is a Gold
Dayfly buzzing around in the middle one. Capture it, then head right even more.
South of a gate you can smash is another Dayfly hanging around in the middle
of the sand area. Alright! Now warp to the Bridge of Eldin.


Go north along the path until you reach the spot marked on the map. The Goron
has the main blockade down and is on the inside working on them. Go near him to
learn of 20 bandits. This is where the Hawkeye and Bow is really handy. You want
to defeat them one by one from a distance so they can't kill you.


From a few steps in, you can see an archer (or two) left of the tower and the
building behind it. You can shoot them one by one or just blow the barrel sky
high with an arrow to kill them. Continue looking left (and go up a bit) on the
roof to see another enemy. Move forwards so that you are closer, but NOT in the
area so that you get a "New Area" cutscene. Aim into the far distance and you
can see an Archer standing there. NOW you can see the New Area Scene.

It's a god damn Hodown! From exactly where you stand, pull the bow out and aim
as far as you can with the hawkeye to see an enemy a centimeter to the right.
Kill him and look FAR left. There is a nearby building with a plastic window
(it looks like it) and you can see an enemy inside. Shoot him and look right
again. Blow the barrels up in the distance to kill another one.

Now we can advance slightly. Climb on top of the crates we see and aim at the
building on the left (back one) to see an enemy on the balcony. Shoot him, then
hit the barrel below it (might kill someone). Now aim on the balcony to the
right to see another enemy for you to murder. Around this time I had an enemy
come up to me, aim down and shoot him.

If we look far into the distance and to the left slightly we can spot an enemy
with a barrel. Shoot the barrel, and now is the time to move. Go to the fountain
near you (just ahead) and there is an enemy in it. Shoot him (he won't see you
for some reason) and go ahead of the railing by you. Turn right and you can
head around the back of the house. One archer is there for you to deal with.

The building right ahead of us has an enemy in the upstairs that you can target
through the wall, walk out back to the main street and peg him through the
window. There's an idio.. I mean enemy inside on the bottom floor, as well as
another on the top. Go into the massive building across the street through one
of the windows on ground level. There's an enemy on the floor as well as one
up on the second level (aim between the small gap in the crates). The last one
is up on the roof and there's an enemy looking down between a gap.

An old lady now comes out. Talk to her, she gives you her charm. Unfortunately
you can't turn wolf in here so you have to exit the area. Warp to Kakariko.
There's some stuff to do in Hidden Village but not until later.


Go inside and give Ilia "Ilia's Charm". She remembers all the crap now, and will
give you the Charm, but it turns out to be the Horse Call! It's like the grass
but you can use it anywhere. We learn about the Dominion Rod. Now we can warp
back to the Hidden Village.


Turn into the wolf and go into the house the last enemy died in. There is a
window that leads to the back. As the wolf, there is a howling stone. Use it to
get another song:



Talk to the Chicken that is behind you now to get started on a Mini game. There
are 20 cats that you must talk to as the wolf. If you want an awesome tip, go to
the start, talk to one as a wolf and then turn human. Pick it up and bring them
to the back area where the chicken was because they can't leave there and there
aren't any back there. So now we can put those we talk to there, so we can keep
track of who's been where! It's just time consuming, and remember to do ONE BY
ONE so you don't accidentaly put one you've talked to there. They are all over
the village, roofs, buildings, you name it! After you get them all, talk to the
chicken for a Piece of Heart!

Now go inside to the old Lady's house and whip out the Dominion Rod. She gives
you a sacred book. Bring it to Kakariko Village.


Go into the sanctuary and downstairs into the basement, where Shad is studying
a statue. Give him the book and he will try a spell. It won't work but it will
restore the power to your Rod! Awesome! Now we are on a quest to get get the
"Characters" (of a word) that was lost from the book. Shad marks locations of
Owl Statues on the map for you to look for. Also, donate the rupees you have.
If you had a lot, then you will have just given enough to repair the bridge.
DO NOT donate anymore rupees yet though. That will come later and for a much
cheaper price.


We're going to Castle Town. Go inside as human and talk to the Baby Goron that
is by the entrance to Telma's Bar to learn of a fat lazy Goron that is stuck out
the eastern exit. Cool. Now go to the LITERAL Castle (through the main entrance)
to see the wolf. Battle him!

It's time for you to learn the final skill, and by doing so, fufill your destiny
as the hero. This is the Great Spin, and it takes no skill. If you have full
health, so a spin attack and you do a Bigger one. Easy as that.

Now let out a sob and start crying that that's the end of the cool "learning"
music. Leave through the town's Eastern Exit and talk to the Goron. Warp now to
the Bridge of Eldin!


Head to the north part and kill that pesky archer. Now use the Dominion Rod on
the statue marked on the map to the left. Move it slightly off it's spot and
climb to where it was to see a glowing green thing. Step on it to get a Sky
Character. Now move the statue to the other end of the bridge. On the right is
a hole you can put it in and jump across. Then open the chest for a Piece of
Heart (on the roof).

Go to the Kakariko Gorge. There is a statue on the map (marked in the north end)
and you can get the Character. By using the statue as a hopping thing, you can
use it to get around the gaps in the path behind it to reach a chest with 100

Now go to South Faron Woods.


Destination is Coro's Lantern Oil place. Once there, go past him and to the
marked part on the map. Move the statue and get the Character, then Move it into
the hole in the ground that's just behind you. This makes an area you can use
the Midna Target Jumps to get to the top (as the wolf). In the next area is a
chest you might have seen that has a Piece of Heart!

Warp to the Sacred Grove.


Head towards where the door leading to the good looking temple was. On the way,
there is a Golden Snail to the left (the door near the block you pushed has it).
Now go back in time. Head down the stairs and left, move the statue here and
there is a Poe Soul. Defeat it and go to the right side. There is a Snail on
the wall and a Piece of Heart behind the statue. Warp back to Kakariko Village.


Talk to the Goron outside Malo Mart to get a quest! A quest to deliver fresh
Hot Spring Water to some smelly goron that's stuck on a bridge. Accept, now you
have to reach him. The best route (as said before) is JUST along the edge of the
cliff. This is serious, because if you go in the middle area you will be
attacked by several enemies coming out of the ground. Just ignore anything you
see and keep running because the springwater can burst if attacked or cool if
you take too long. At the bridge (far one, on the map) then you can see the
goron. Target him and throw the water onto him. He is revitalized and after a
cutscene he will drop you a Piece of Heart. Now go back to Kakarko because the
price of the Malo Mart in Hyrule went down and you can get it for 200 rupees.
If you don't have that much, give Agitha some bugs until you do. Go to Castle
Town (but not inside). Turn around and head south. There is a glow in a patch
of Flowers. It's a Golden Bug! A Butterfly!

Now we are going to head to the west. There is a ledge to the right of the path
that goes onwards. Grapple up and get the other Butterfly there! Now jump down
and move towards the lake down the west path. The Great Bridge of Hylia holds
two bugs as well. One is by the closest part, there are some pillars it flys
around. Easiest to see at night because of the glow. Now cross the bridge to
see a Gold Bug at the other side. There is a rocky overpass and it hangs out at
a turn that goes south a bit.

There is also an Owl Statue! Aim the Dominion Rod up the cliff (at the side
where the first one was) and pull it down towards you. Put it right below the
grass that's hanging, and then grapple to it. Drop down and land on the statue
and hop to the place where it was before. You will receive another Character,
and then Move the statue from there so you can hop to the other side with a
chest with 100 rupees. Note that you can also grapple onto the edge of the
Great Bridge of Hylia that the first one was at. If you hold on to the edge
and sidle over to the side there is a chest with 100 ruppees.

Go to Kakariko and out the south exit, then head towards the southeast part and
look for a tree. There is a large amount of bushes, but in the middle is the
female Pill Bug! Travel back to Kakariko. Now donate the last 200 rupees to the
guy (it will be 200 if you did the quest). Travel to Faron Woods and go out to
the field.

On the west side is a ledge in the distance. Travel there, look on the trees.
There is a bug on one of them. Clawshot him to grab him and then leave the area
by warping to Upper Zora's River.


Here, go into the fishing pond. Walk around to the sign that says something
about not littering, between the sign and the bridge is a small area that is
slightly discoloured. Cast off into the water from there and pull it back later
to get the last Empty Bottle! You can also enter the place and play ROLLGOAL!
See minigame section for more details regarding that. After you finish playing
to your heart's content, go to the Castle Town.


Start by Visiting Agitha and giving her bugs until you have 598 rupees. Go to
the Malo Mart now (the one you recently opened in Hyrule Castle, it's in the
center area) and you can now purchase the Magic Armor for 598 rupees. I wouldn't
recommend using it though. Return to Agitha after and finish giving her all the
bugs, because if you followed my FAQ you will have gotten them all. This earns
you the Giant Wallet which holds up to 1000 rupees! Warp to Upper Zora's River


Enter the boat rental place (not the fishing pond) and play the downstream bomb
arrow shooting jar game. Score 25+ points and you receive bigger bomb bags! Now
you can warp to the desert and continue our main quest for Owl Statues. Be sure
to head to the Mesa too, not the other warp.


Move to the location marked on your map and use the Dominion Rod to pull the
statue down, use it to bridge the gap between the two platforms and hop across.
Pick up the Sky Character and warp out of here to Castle Town.


Don't enter the castle, turn around and head to the location on the map. Kill
the enemies and use the rod to pull the statue on the rock down. There is also
a poe soul here at night you want to get. Anyway, jump to the Sky Character from
the ledge and then you can move it to the other side for a chest with 100 rupees
if you want too. Now we have all of the Sky Characters! You can return to the
village now, but first, SAVE HERE!


Go into the basement of the area with the man in it. Give him the Sky Book and
he reads it. It opens the seal on the statue, letting you pull it away with the
rod. Go down to the area below to see a giant cannon. Now, whatever you do DO
GAME. The man shows back up again, talk to him to have him leave. Now turn into
wolf and have Midna warp it down to Lake Hylia.


Turn human and talk to the man at the big cannon thing in the center. He will
examine the cannon and give you an offer to fix it for 300 rupees in advance.
Accept this, or if not you will do some rupee searching for quite some time. By
the way, before departing in the fixed cannon, at night time there is a poe in
the middle of the lake thing you have to get from above. So be sure to catch it.
After that, get in the cannon and blast to the sky.


From the water you land in, put on your iron boots and sink to the bottom. There
are a couple chests in here with Red Rupees and Water Bombs. After you get that,
get out and head to the east part of the city, being careful not to get blown
off by the wind.

Inside this door is the shop, talk to Ooccoo here to get the Ooccoo for the
dungeon ahead and stock up on anything you need. Head North to the temple, using
the Iron Boots to not get blown off by the wind. Use the Bow on the crystal
switch above to open the gate to the Temple. Go inside of it (obviously).

Pick up the Ooccoo here and float across the gap with it. Kill the spike plated
enemy and clawshot up to the next level on the vines. Clawshot one of the Ooccoo
here and float down to the next furthest part.

Battle the spike enemies again and after you defeat them climb up to the door
(left side has a thing you can walk up) and into the next room. Head to the
left and clawshot to the gate up above. Go in the little hole in the fence and
climb down the vines.

Use the Spinner and put it in the hole to spin a bridge across. Defeat the bird
that probably is there by now and go over to the bridge by clawshotting the gap.
Cross the bridge with the Iron Boots and enter the building.

Inside, jump to the platform on the right, then Clawshot to the target on the
roof leading to the left side. Drop and open the chest for a Small Key. Clawshot
to the gate on the platform you were last on and jump back to the main part. Go
back to the main part of the temple and through the door. As you approach, the
dragon destroys the bridge back.

Clawshot to the pillar on the right and make your way around it so you can drop
to land. Go up to the east door and go outside. Take a right and defeat the Baba
enemies, then use the Spinner hole to make a bridge roll out, take it across to
the other side and unlock the door.

Go to the left and put on the iron boots, cross past the giant wind thing and
take them off, clawshot to the viny pillar and drop down. Go to the door and
enter. Open the chest to the right for the Dungeon Map and go back out the
door you came.

Go as close to the fan as you can and clawshot over to the pillar here, drop
down to safety and go to the right side of the area (from the other door). Look
left and you will see a red switch, hit this to turn the last fan off and go
back to the other side, cross the blue blocks and go in the door.

In here, you have to cross the giant platform with gaps to the other side. Some
tiles have the enemies that hide underneath them, so use the Boomerang on them
to get rid of them. At the other side, open the door. It will lock on you and
you now have to defeat a couple lizard enemies with swords.

After they die, this opens a thing up top. Clawshot to the vines hanging from it
and climb to the top. Aim at the thing above the Ooccoo with your clawshot to
pull a switch and start a fan. Grab an Ooccoo and float out onto the fan, use
the updraft to fly to the door.

Clawshot to the switch on the right here to open a section, grab an Ooccoo and
float across to the far west side of this room to get a chest with 50 rupees.
Clawshot to the target back where you came from now and pull the Ooccoo off the
wall with your Clawshot and use it to fly through the hole in the wall by
standing over the fan. Use the second updraft to head to the left further. Drop
off and clawshot the switch to activate another fan.

Float across on the first fan and then use the second (wait on it until it
starts) to get through the second. Drop here and go through the door North.
See the door in this cutscene? We want to go to that door by floating from
Platform to Platform with the Ooccoo. When you reach the door, go inside.

Target the switch on the roof and use the Iron Boots in combination with hanging
to activate the switch that stops the fan. Drop down through the fan and get
ready for a Mini Boss. Target the Mini Boss and when he holds his shield up,
release the clawshot at it and reel him hin. Slash him a few times and fight
until he goes in the air again. Repeat this process until he changes his attack
structure, he will flyout a window and you have to constantly scan them until
you see him come through, target him and repeat the process above until he is

This will open an area up for you to clawshot to, drop down from the target and
open the chest for... ANOTHER CLAWSHOT! When hanging from a target, you can use
the second one to move to a new target! That's awesome, re-equip the clawshot
now and head back to the main room. Clawshot to the back left target from the
chest and then to the vines by the fan. Pull yourself up.

Go out the door and back into the giant room, we now want to clawshot around the
targets until we arrive to at a point on the left side of the circular room with
a switch, clawshot it to sink down a bit and open a gate, target one of the
targets inside of it and clawshot to it to get inside before the gates close.

In here, clawshot from pillar to pillar quickly to get across (target them) and
then open the chest here for the Compass. Go out the door and you'll be outside.
Kill the enemies hanging from the bridge with two clawshots as you clawshot from
patch to patch across to the other side. Climb the vine up to the top and go

In here we want to hang from the pillar on the opposite side with the target
and then clawshot again to the door to the west. Target the flying things
outside here and go across each until we reach the door on the other side.

In here, go go the back and drop down to the bottom. Clawshot across the target
pills as you did before and drop at the other end. Clawshot to the north target
and then work your way up to the grating at the top. Defeat the enemies and
open the chest here for some arrows.

Now target the top grating (turn around from the chest) and clawshot to it, aim
down now and go to the bottom part. Clawshot to the wall target and then go left
to see another grating, go there and in the hole in the wall.

Defeat the Chus around here and then clawshot to the grate on the wall and drop
down to the bottom. Kill the Babas hanging from the roof as you did the ones
outside and clawshot to the target, slide down on the clawshot chain and hit
the switch to open the door, then go through the door with the clawshot. Target
the grate inside, then the targets and grate until you reach the top.

Drop, then cross to the other side of the room (be careful of the tile monster)
to reach a chest with some Bombs, and another nearby for some rupees. Go in the
door to the north now and kill the enemy in the middle (defeat the giant baba
and drop a bomb in the thing left over).

After defeating all the enemies, look to the target on the west side, then
quickly grapple up to the vine pillar. From here, cross the thin platform (kill
all enemies before proceeding) and look for the bats hanging from the ceiling of
a nearby area. We want to get there, but first kill the bats and then hang from
the ledge and sidle along to it. Once there, open the chest for a Piece of

After getting this go back and clawshot up onto the pillar this time, then
along the side until you get even higher to the vine thing. From here, target
the ceiling target in the center and fall down onto the platform. Kill the
lizard swordsmen and continue through the door.

Wait for the flying thing to come here and grapple onto it, go over the wall
here and to the second one, from the second one, grapple south to get to a chest
with 50 Rupees and a Poe Soul nearby for you to collect. Grapple out the same
way you came and continue on, hanging low to get through the next one and going
in the door.

Grapple across the enemies until you reach one of the last few, then you can
turn right and grapple to a new set heading back in the same direction you came
from. Open the door here and grab the chest for another Piece of Heart. Get out
and go back across the floating enemies and into the door there.

Head around the back of this area and defeat the enemies nearby, enter the door
on the south side of the center and defeat the enemies on the outside. Open the
chest for a red rupee, then go back outside and around to the vines on the north
west part of the map. Climb up them and shoot the birds you can see from here
with your bow (three of them). Turn into Wolf Link and cross the tightropes.

Head right after crossing and climb up the vines across to the next part. Open
the chest for a red rupee and cross the next couple tightropes to reach a Poe
Soul and a chest with 50 rupees. Head back down to the bottom and go up the
vines. Head left this time and around the tight ropes to the door. Go inside of

Inside, grapple to the thing on the roof that you can hang on to. Move down a
bit and look through the gap to see a switch, clawshot across and wear the iron
boots to stop the fan below. Open the chest here for the Boss Key. Almost
finished, only maybe 10 minutes and the boss to go.

Drop down and aim at the grate of the part you were just on, you can grapple on.
Now slide down the clawshot through the fan and aim for the nearby switch in the
ceiling. Grapple to that and use the Iron Boots to activate the giant fan
outside, go out the door below it that you drop by.

Before starting, use the Hawkeye and the Bow to take out all the birds flying
around, then clawshot onto the moving fans (on the grates) and make your way
across to the other side. Drop down and through the door. Maybe 5 more minutes
to go before the boss!

The miniboss characters are here, you can kill them the same way except they're
weaker and won't give you the same hell as the one did. After defeating them,
stand in the center and clawshot to a high point on the grate above the door,
aim to one of the spinning things in the center (but right now it's not), above
the door grate is a switch. Now activate it and as you spin clawshot to the
next one. Make your way on these spinning things to reach the top of the area.
There's a switch near the top to get the top spinner spinning, then clawshot to
the target and open the Boss Door.

From here, clawshot to the target to the left and then to the vines. Climb up
the vines to reach the top. There you will find...


To defeat this bad boy, you have to move to one of the giant pillars and claw
shot to a point on it, then turn and clawshot to a higher point on another one.
Keep this up until you can clawshot to the Dragon's tail, then use the Iron
Boots to pull him to the ground. This will destroy some of his armor. Repeat
this process until you see his weak point (one more time). He breaks the rest of
his armor off and you now have to clawshot to the top of the platforms on the
sides the same way as before.

Once you reach the top, target one of the flying plant things and then keep
clawshotting sideways until you get around to the back of the dragon (watch out
for his fire) and then clawshot to the Jewel on his back. Slash it a few times
and he will knock you off, continue this until he is defeated.

After killing him, you get a Heart Container and the last Mirror Shard! We can
now return to the Twilight place. After you get back, use the cannon to fire
yourself back down to Hyrule.


Before continuing the story, we have to pick up the rest of the stuff in the
game. You can see the list of stuff in the subsections at the end, but I'll post
just the ones you won't have if you've been following my guide from start to

The last couple Heart Pieces (before the two others you will be collecting as
part of the story later, and another piece I'm too lazy to do now) are located
at Ordon Ranch (go there with Epona and herd all the goats again), if you
complete it in the time limit then you will receive the piece of heart.

The other one is located right here in Lake Hylia, if you go to the place where
the spirit was located at the back there should be a clawshot target. Get to the
top and light the torches there with the lantern to get the chest with the piece
of Heart. We're good on pieces of heart now.

What's really left to collect are just the Poe Souls, which there are quite a
few of left. First of all, go to Lake Hylia and take the cannon ride (regular)
to the top of the area. Grab a Cucco at the mini game and immediately after
jumping, hold down and you will land on a ledge with a Poe Soul here. There's
one down and several more to go.

At the bottom of Lake Hylia, take the Cannon to the desert. Head directly south
to the squarelike brown thing sticking out of the sand, at nighttime this will
have a Poe. You can also use the senses to see a digable spot where you can get
100 rupees for battling many big spiders.

Warp over to Gerudo Mesa and enter the stairs going down. This section is known
as the Cave of Ordeals, please see the Cave of Ordeals section if you wish to
learn how to beat it, but there are three inside of it. You may want to stock up
on Potions and lots of Arrows and Bombs before beginning.

Head back to the Hidden Village at night now and defeat the Poe on the balcony
you can go up using the net by the pool (with the Clawshot). I don't know why I
forgot to instruct you to get this one before.

Go over to the mountain that leads up Snowpeak (from Zora's Domain). Follow the
trail until you reach a point up on the mountains where you are sort of
funelled into a path |x| like that, after you get out of it turn left and you
will see a Poe nearby. Defeat it and continue up the mountain.

When you reach a point where you can see two trees, jump off and run over to the
second tree. Turn around and face out, then run and jump off of the side of the
mountain, heading west until you are all the way to a single tree with a Poe
Soul. After defeating it, keep going up. When you reach a point where the scent
goes straight up, take a left and you'll find a poe by a tree.

Now continue to the cave, and inside the cave you'll see some ice blocks you
couldn't destroy the first time through. Break them with the Ball and Chain and
get the Poe the comes out. Now go to the literal Temple, but not inside. Turn
Wolf, then head left as soon as you get onto the snow. Follow this until you
reach the last poe in this area. Good job!

Head to Zora's Domain, on the bottom of the waterfall you can take the east side
and go up the ledge to the top to get a Poe Soul here, you can also take the
west side and target jump to Midna up a couple ledges to behind the waterfall
for a Poe Soul. Head down to Upper Zora's River now.

Here, go to the south area where the river splits, there is a poe on the top of
the hill. Now we've got some confusing Hyrule Field ones. Head to Castle Town
and find your way to the North end of it. Here there is a bridge, go west of
this bridge and use your senses until you can find a digable spot by some nice
looking grass. Inside are TWO Poes and some annoying enemies..

Now head to the east end of the Castle (remember the fixed bridge? Go there) and
there should be a Poe on it at night time. Then leave to the Bridge of Hylia
(the one above Lake Hylia). Go south from here until you reach ledges with
boulders on them. Bomb Arrow them and then clawshot up to the top.
Congratulations, you have all the Poe Souls!

Return to the Castle Town now and go to the STAR Minigame tent, you get to play
a new collect-the-stars minigame, with the prize this time being a bigger quiver
that will hold 100 arrows. This minigame isn't too hard, just try to get as many
stars with one clawshot as you can. I finished with about three seconds left, so
you are on a time limit! After you get it, leave and go to the Malo Mart. Burn
up some rupees on supplies like Bombs, don't worry about wasting it. As long as
you have room for 200 more rupees.

Transform into the wolf outside the city, then go back in. Go to Jovani's place
and dig inside through the door. Talk to him to free him from his hell and he
will reward you with a handsome 200 rupees. If you have no money at any time,
you can talk to Jovani's cat to get 200 more whenever you want.

Now I want you to warp to the Mirror place in the desert, so do so now.
Anyway, you get some cutscenes and that sort of thing that will advance the plot
a little, then you will get warped into the Palace of Twilight.


After a short briefing by Midna, head into the middle area. You will see all
these people who look like enemies, but Midna claims they are not. You can
tickle your fancy if you want by slashing them a few times (they won't die) and
then continuing on down west into the door.

In here, you want to kill all the enemies (Keese and Babas). Anyway, you should
see some giant red things flying at you, and if you look to the source you see
a giant Zant head. Reflect the orbs back at it with a shield attack and then
kill it with several slices, if it disappears it will come back so do not fear.
After all enemies in this room die, a chest with the Small Key will appear. Take
it and clawshot to the ledge, then unlock the door.

In here, drop down to the area where it seems to be flooded with black energy.
You turn auto-wolf while in this stuff, but that's okay because it won't hurt
you lifewise. In here there will be another big Zant head that you can kill with
one hit from your wolf spin move. After it dies you will get two chests, return
to the door you entered from and open the chest nearby there for a Compass (a
few enemies will assault you if you go near it, but they're weak) and the other
one is on the other side, so traverse through the black fog stuff. At the other
end, open the chest for a Small Key and clawshot up the ledge.

Open the door here and go into the next room. Go forwards now towards that odd
device you see on the other side, you will be stopped with a Phantom Zant. His
attacks are mainly summoning other creatures to deal with you, so watch out for
them. While fighting him, just look and target him, then run over towards him
always, he may disappear when you get near but he may also start an attack, and
when that happens you have to absolutely paste him with your sword. After you
do this for a while, he will fall.

Post-battle, walk over to that hand shaped thing touching a ball and Midna will
explain its importance. Slash the hand after she finishes talking, and pick up
the Sol orb after it drops. Carry it away from the hand and you'll see the big
hand get up and follow after the orb. This hand will now follow you and try to
get the orb back and not worry about you. If you throw the ball somewhere and
run away, it goes for the ball. It can be stunned momentarily by using arrows or
the Clawshot three times on it and you can tell where it is by the shadow. The
music will get more "Jaws" like if it is nearby.

Anyway, run through the black fog that Phantom Zant dropped and place it in the
circular depression in the floor. This will raise some steps, but it might be a
good idea to stun the hand before running up them. After you get to the top of
the steps (OFF the glowing part), turn around and clawshot the orb back to
yourself and go through the door. Congratulate yourself on this great escape!

Whoa! I spoke too soon, because as you try to make it away the Hand will come
through the wall to keep pursuing you. Remember, if he gets the orb you can
still stun him and have him drop it, but only while he's still on this screen
and not through the wall again. In the black fog here, you have to set down the
orb and attack the enemies in here, then turn around and stun the hand. Drop the
crystal into the hole and climb the stairs that come up, you may want to hit
the hand again too on your way up to play it safe. At the top, again clawshot
it and then make your way down the ledges to the door.

In this next room, just keep running until you reach the right side wall with
the black twilight flowing, the orb will clear this area as you approach and
you can jump through. Clawshot to the target and open the chest here for a Piece
of Heart! Return back outside and run up to the door that leads outside of this
area of the Temple. Phew, now you really will be safe from that damnable hand.

Make your way around the people here and the orb restores them to their original
states, there's one up on top of the hill too but you can't go any further than
him, so once you have all the people you can find good back down where the four
or so of them are is another depression in the ground (two in fact) that you can
put the orb in. Pick one (doesn't matter which) and it makes a glowing square
in the ground. Stand on the square and wait because it will take you to the next
area of the temple. At the other end jump off and enter the temple door here.

Inside kill the enemies and hop down to the bottom, move closer to the targets
on the wall and Clawshot to them, then aim on the roof to see another one.
Lower yourself onto the platform when it moves under you. Jump onto the ledge
here and notice the Zant head. You will have to hop across all the platforms
without the Zant head killing you, so remember to look out for those fireballs.
Also note that they aren't homing, so you can sidestep them. After you cross the
platforms you can kill the Head here. Open the chest that appears for a Small
Key, and if you want you can get 50 rupees from the other chest. Unlock the door
and continue.

You'll have to run into the black fog here again to see some of those beasts
that you normally battle for control of a portal. Defeat them all in here to
find some more in the fog, then a lot of Zant heads will show up and you will
have to hurry around using the spin move to kill them all. They'll keep
appearing until you say "How the heck many are there?" and then they'll stop.
After they all die, then a chest appears. At the end is a target, grapple to it
and target your way to the ceiling ones. On the sides as you can very well see
are some chests, two have 50 rupees and the others contain a Small Key and the
Dungeon Map. Collect them all and go through the door that is locked.

Run down the steps again to encounter Phantom Zant again, kill him the same way
as before (although he will disappear a lot more and it can be quite a bit
annoying). Be sure to hit him quickly too because the enemies he can summon now
are much more powerful (remember the portal enemies, he can bring them to the
playing field). Anyway, after he dies you can get another Sol orb and the hand
that goes with it. So take it and move to the fog, only to see those stinking
portal foes again, defeat them FAST and then place it in the depression. Stun
the hand and run up the steps, then clawshot the orb and continue.

Run into the fog as usual and kill all the enemies that will show up. I
reccommend now you run someplace not in the middle so the hand follows you, then
stun him so he stays. Now run like hell back to the depression and drop the orb
into it. Quickly run onto one of the squares that glows and it will raise you up
on the stairs (you have to stand on the TOP ones, not the low level ones). At
the top, clawshot the orb back and hop down to the door.

In here, hop down the ledge at the start and stand by the black ball thing, it
will make platforms appear on the right and left side. Stand on the right side
one (and stun that hand too while on it) to get raised up. Just keep waiting
until you get to a chest. You can do this on both ends for both a purple rupee
and a Piece of Heart! After this happens, you want to use those same platforms
to get up by the door, then turn around and jump over the four platforms. Stun
the hand again and place the orb by the two black balls. It lights them up and
makes a new platform, so get on it and let it carry you to the other side, then
clawshot the orb back quickly. Exit out the door here.

Take this orb back over the floating platform (The man here is automatically
saved) and place this orb into the other floor depression to make the master
sword glow with an ominous light. This will power it up to make it much more
powerful in banishing these foes. Now run up the hill to where you couldn't go
before with the orbs and use a spin attack to cut through the fog with your
light sword. Hop through.

In here, cut your way through this fog and kill everyone to make life easier.
At the other side there are two Sol orbs NOT guarded by hands, pick them up one
at a time and drop them in the depressions revealed by the Master Sword (move
the fog again if you have to). This will light up a staircase that you can take
upstairs to the next level. Hit the black orb here to make a platform that will
give you a ride. In here, kill the enemies and continue to the south to battle
a crudload of Zant heads, however they are weak now and require one hit to kill
because of your new powerful weapon. I suggest you put on a deep voice and yell
something like "Sacred Powers, cast thine purifying light of judgement upon
these corrupt souls!" as you kill them.

After they die, head to the chest that appears to get a Small Key, then go back
north to the three orbs here. Do a spin attack in the middle to get a platform
to raise up and it will move you to the next area. Hop off and go out the door
here. Cool! We're outside now! You want to defeat EVERY single enemy around here
which includes a lot of flying beasts, my advice is to take out your bow after
killing the normal ones around you and sniping the flying ones, this will make
them come close to you and allow you to kill them with your sword. When you
believe they're all dead, cut through the black fog thats on the other side
behind you to reveal more on the inside. Kill them, then Clawshot your way up
the targets in this area.

At the top, you will reach the Boss Key! Cool, then go back through the fog and
slash the two orbs to get a platform that rises and takes you to the next
platform area. Kill the Zant head here, then light the other orbs up so they
make a platform leading back. At the other end will be a crapload more Zant
heads that will continously appear. Keep one hit killing them with more manly
phrases being shouted as you kill them and get the Small Key that appears.
Unlock the door and continue onwards!

In this room you will be assaulted by more of those portal guards. Kill them
like normal and get rid of the fog. Spin attack the orbs here and ride the
platform up, it will give you several options of where to go, but take the west
platform. Then when it gets to another place, go right as this will take you to
the next height. Kill the Deku Baba here and head to the next platform. It leads
you to a Zant head, so be careful for its attacks. Clawshot to the target on the
wall and kill the Zant head.

Target the wall again and then clawshot to the target on the roof, get onto it
and lower yourself onto the platform that moves underneath you. Ride it to the
next platform (another Zant Head) and clawshot to that one. After it dies you
get another Small Key chest, so open that and go back to where the platform took
you as there is a new one that will go up again. Jump onto the ledge here and
ride it up to the door.

In this room you will battle a CRAPLOAD of those portal guards, and I mean a
CRAPLOAD. Use your powerful Master Sword to defeat them all as fast as you can
and when they all die you can move into the Boss Door. Unlock it and prepare
yourself for a scene that will reveal some more story details and eventually set
up your Zant Fight!

BOSS BATTLE: Usurper King Zant

Zant will take you to several different places, which are basically old dungeons
that you have visited in your Twilight Princess past. The Rule of thumb to
beating him in each one is to use the technology you had available at that point
(ie, Forest place means Boomerang).

STAGE 1: Here we are in the Forest Boss room, he will teleport to a location and
start firing some mini balls of energy at you. You can shield from them, but
you want to target him and strafe sideways, quickly throwing the Boomerang at
him to bring him closer to you. Run over to him and slash him four times, then
repeat this process. Remember, you want to get the edge over him right from the

STAGE 2: You go to the Miniboss room of the Goron Mines, equip the Iron Boots at
first because he will rock around the platform you are on and you don't want to
slide off. He will teleport around a few times causing some trouble with the
platform, and whenever he does this you want to immediately locate him and use
the targeting system. He will sometimes fire those little energy balls at you
and this is what you desire. Shield against them and after they stop coming he
is tired and stands there, take off your boots, dash over to him and attack.
Repeat until he dies.

STAGE 3: You go to the Lakebed Temple Boss. Turn on your Zora Armor and equip
the Iron Boots. Have your Clawshot ready too, because he will do more of that
energy ball attack. A giant Zant Mask thing will pop up and he will be in the
mouth, shield the balls and after they finish coming Clawshot him to reel him
in closer. Slash him several times and then he retreats into the thing four
more Zant mask things pop out, and you have to constantly view around you until
you see which one he's in. Then unequip the Iron Boots, swim over and reanchor
yourself. Then Clawshot him over and slash him as before.

STAGE 4: You will return to the Forest Temple Miniboss where you fought that
stupid monkey who I affectionately named something before that I cannot nor do
I want to remember. Anyway, he will sit on top of the things and shoot those
stupid balls of energy at you, dodge them and run over to the columns he stands
on and roll into them twice. Slash ihm while he is on the ground. He'll now run
around and shift locations a lot because he is a shifty bastard. It's okay
though because that's his thing. Just repeat what you were doing before.

STAGE 5: Zant will be in the Snowpeak Ruin boss place, and he decides that size
matters as he grows huge. Unequip the Zora Armor and equip the Ball and Chain.
Run like heck from him until he stomps, then target his foot and hit it with the
Ball and Chain. He will run around and start shrinking, follow him because when
he finishes shrinking you have to slash him. Repeat until he is done.

STAGE 6: Zant will finally face you like a man outside of Castle Town. He gets
some pretty big swords and will run around like the mentally ill patient that he
is. When he flaps his arms around like a chicken, stab him quickly. He will
reappear somewhere else and do the same thing. Occasionally he does a spinning
tornado attack, and when he does this TARGET HIM and shield. Eventually he will
tire and let you kick his butt. Sometimes he'll only hit you a couple times then
teleport somewhere else and start spinning again, so constantly be looking
around you and use the targeting to get the edge on him and strike before he
strikes you. After you finish him here, he's done for.

After the scene here, then pick up the Heart Container near the throne and go
into Midna's warp thing. Then go back up to the place the Mirror of Twilight
transported you to and return to the light world. Now we can get that last Piece
of Heart and finish this game!


I want you to warp here now and head to the western ledge of the cliff by the
bridge. There in the middle is a rock spire where we got a Piece of Heart a
little while ago, Clawshot to the target on it, then to the target on the cliff
face. Then Clawshot lastly to the vines and climb over to the chest to claim
your last Piece of Heart! Now warp to Castle Town for the Showdown.


Go in as Human Link (of course) and up to the North area, as this leads to the
castle. Go inside to get a custcene where Midna goes all crazy and shatters the
barrier to the castle. Anyways, once you get the starting scene we'll head west
to the left door, as you approach it some enemies will form a barrier around you
and start to fight. Once you've killed them all then you can open the door and

Head forwards until you get caught in another barrier trap, more enemies will
come out to play, my advice is to face the door and charge up the Hidden Skill
Jump Attack upgrade, then when you can target one, do so and release to kill
them all in the shockwave. After they've all been killed, continue west through
the gate the enemies came from. Head northeast now and pull the chain by the
gate to open it up. Inside, go walk on the pedestal thing here.

Remember the guy who stole Colin and you had to fight at Arbiter's Ground? You
get to fight him again here, he's the same as before, use the roll behind attack
and slash him to defeat him as usual, he's not that hard. After you've killed
him he talks to you and you learn he's only going with the tough side. He gives
you a key and leaves you alone! Anyway, there's a chest to the north with some
rupees if you want it, but otherwise we can go back out to the main courtyard
and into the castle itself by unlocking the door.

I also just want to say that this guide does the bare minimum of the temple,
there are a lot more things you can collect but I don't deem them necessary to
get as most are just random crap that restore Rupees and equipment such as
arrows/bombs. Anyway, once you enter there is another barrier trap and enemies
will show up. Again, I just used the Hidden Skill for the Jump Attack to
eliminate the large groups that show up. After you've cleared all the enemies,
the lights will turn on in this room and a chest appears.

Head over to the black stairs we can see and Clawshot to the chandelier. Drop
and open the chest for the Compass. Clawshot to the next chandelier now and do
this once more to drop to the next door out. You get yet another barrier trap
in this room and have to do battle with an Iron Knuckle enemy. After you
dispatch him, yet another chest will appear. Head to the west now and if you
are low on oil then fill your lantern up with the stuff. Then you can go to the
east side and light the torches here to move two of the platforms up. Go climb
to the top of them then aim the boomerang back at the torch by the lamp oil.
This will move the last platform up and let you reach the top.

Open the chest here if you want it for 50 rupees and continue east and open the
door. In here there are four torches in the corner that you have to light in the
proper order (they're timed to burn out before you can get them all if its the
wrong way. Dispatch the Keese, then light the torches as such:

2       4
            -> To door

3       1

Inside  the next room that is unlocked by lighting the torches are two dino
enemies with swords and shields. Defeat them and take the door going east. You
will now be outside, so head straight ahead and you'll fight one of the flying
dinosaur enemies. After defeating him with the Clawshot then you can get the
chest he guarded for a Small Key. Head back to the door, but take a left before
entering. You'll be on your way towards a new tower (there's a chest there on
the map). A slew of enemies will charge towards you but in a cutscene of epic
proportions you will be saved from this pathetic weaklings by... pathetic
weaklings! Look, it's Rusl and your friends and they have a ****ing BAZOOKA!
Why the heck couldn't you pick one of those up in the temples, eh?

Anyway, go to the chest on the map and open it for the Big Key. Now head back
to the main part of the building and in the locked door in the middle area.
Inside, turn to the wolf because those invisible rats that slow you down are
here. Spin them off and then examine the soldier guy, he'll point you in one
direction to another soldier. Keep following where they point you in a straight
line to get to another soldier. This points you along blocks that won't collapse
if you stand on them until you're on the other side. Now hop over the broken
stairs up to the next floor.

Defeat the Lizard enemies here and afterwards pull out your Clawshot at the
stairs. Aim at the torches to grapple to the grates on the outside and make your
way up to the next floor where you will fight two more lizards with bones on
their head as armor. Kill them then continue up the stairs but by using the
Spinner this time. At the top is one last battle against and Iron Knuckle in
Gold Armor. After you kill him you can go in the Boss Door behind him and move
up to the top floor in the throne room. Up here you'll get some big cutscene and
prepare for the final battle!

Boss Battle: Ganon's Puppet Zelda

Yes, that is correct, the first battle against Ganon is a possessed Zelda. Cool,
huh? Anyway, stand still and reflect the ball of energy she sends at you back at
her. If it hits her, just wait for her next move. Her other two attacks are to
raise her sword and make a triforce appear under you. If this happens, sidestep
and roll off of it because it does some decent damage. She can also fly towards
you but a simple backflip or sidestep and avoid this. The only attack you want
her to use is the energy ball because after. Oh, and I don't think I mentioned
it but you should know this: you reflect the balls back at her by slashing them
with your sword.

After you defeat her, Ganon will change into a new form with some pretty
freaking awesome music going on as he does it.

Boss Battle: Dark Beast Ganon

Ganon changes into a big huge beast creature. This battle may look daunting but
it really is not that bad, change into Wolf Link to go beast to beast with this
guy. Anyway, do you remember that goat thing where you had to stop the goats
with your bare hands? It's the same idea here except that you do it as wolf,
when he gets close just hold A and you'll stop him with Midna's help, then
hold sideways and he gets sent to the side. Jump attack his giant cut on his
stomach and bite away at it. After he takes damage, he'll circle you and vanish
into a portal. You can look in a circle to see some portals flashing and moving.
If they turn Blue, it means Ganon will come out so get ready to hold A because
he will charge at you. If you see no portal, look on the ground by you because
he's probably falling out of the sky and trying to land on you so be sure to

After this form is defeated Midna will put on her Mask things and warp you and
Zelda out. She plans to fight him alone. Anyway, watch the scene that comes up
(it's quite epic) and then get ready for the next phase of Ganon.

Boss Battle: Horseback Ganon

All you have to do is dash with Epona in a fairly straight line with Ganondorf,
so that if he turns that you turn too. Zelda will charge up an arrow and release
it at him, which is good. If it hits him, then you have to dash up to him and
slash him with the Master Sword once (while still on Epona). This does some
damage to him, if you hurry your butt off you can hit him again before he can
summon his ghostly horsemen after you (which are hard to dodge and will make you
fall off of Epona if you are hit by them. After several slashes, Ganon will fall
down off his horse and you get to have the freaking coolest match against him

Boss Battle: Dark Lord Ganon

The cool music is back, hoorah! Anyway, this is a 1 on 1 swordfight with Ganon,
what you want to do it roll behind him and try to slash his back, which he will
block. Then you want to sidestep him because he will try to kick you, at this
moment you can start slashing him for a few hits. If you want a cheap way to win
then you can target him and cast the Fishing Rod at him, he looks at it and you
can run up, pull out your sword and hit him, but its a lot less epic. If Ganon
jumps into the air, stop targeting and roll away. If he puts his Sword back
behind him with two hands and runs at you, press A and you will combat your
sword against his. Keep mashing A and you can knock him back, then slash him
more. The final blow is landed after one of these, as you then use the finish
move. After he is dead, congratulations and thank you for using my guide,
because you have just finished the game!

--------------------------------V. Wii Walkthrough------------------------------

Just a heads up, if it says things like "all that's right to do" when it means
"left to do" or things like "am I left?" when it should say "am I right?" it
has no significance other than you should laugh at me for being a tool.


You begin at Link's House. Fado comes over and asks you to help herd his goats.
Talk to him. He asks you to get Epona. Go right facing your house and down the
path. You are in a new area. Follow the road forward and turn right at the Creek
area to find Epona and Ilia. She asks you to play the song on the Grass. Pick up
the grass and blow on it. It makes Epona's Song. Oh the nostalgia! Epona follows
you. Now ride her back to Link's House, then exit through the other opening to
get to town.

In the town, head across the bridge and up the opening that goes uphill to the
top left of the map. This leads you to Ordon Ranch. Go forward on Epona and
talk to Fado, who is on the field I believe. You have to ride around the area
and herd the goats into the barn. Get near a goat, and get on a side of them so
that you angle them towards the barn. Whoop. This will make them run faster.

Get all ten goats into the barn to finish the chore. Fado will now place up some
fences for you to practice jumping on with Epona. After you finish practicing to
your heart's content, jump over the last gate and exit to the village.

You now start on the next day. You have a day off! You start inside his house
when some chiddlers call up to you to play. Come down and go outside. Go talk
to your posse and learn that a new Slingshot just came out in the shop. Go to
the village. Let's check out that new Slingshot! Go inside Sera's Sundries to
your right at the start. Talk to Sera. Oh no! She is too depressed that she hurt
her cat's feelings over dinner and it won't come home. Now she won't sell you
anything. She's been hitting the milk a little too hard if you ask me.

Anyway, go outside and head towards the bridge. Talk to Colin's mom here. She is
sad that her cradle is missing. Go over the bridge and talk to Mayor Bo, he is
just outside of the house before the ranch. Out of the blue, a goat comes down
the hill. Get yourself infront of the goat (yes, I know that it seems stupid)
and hold the A button when the button appears onscreen. You plant your feet and
seize the goat's antlers. Dragging it to a stop and throwing it. If you mess up,
talk to the mayor again. He now tells you about those darn monkeys from the
temple that are stealing stuff. Hm, what in the village has gone missing

Go back over the bridge and find the man that is standing on the platform with
the vines leading up to it. He calls down to you and asks you to Target him and
talk. Do so, then climb the vines up to him. Talk there and he shows you Serra's
cat, and the grass. Get the grass and blow on it to summon a bird down to you.
Release the bird anywhere. Now jump over onto the roof of Sera's Store, then
over to the next platform, then the last one. Grab some grass and summon the
hawk. Aim it at the monkey that is jumping up and down just down the water
stream. The Hawk grabs the cradle from his grasp and gives it to you. Go back
down to land and give it to Colin's Mom. Go up the hill and left to her house
without waiting to get the Fishing Rod.

Go back to where the cat was (on the other side of the children's house) and
cast in the water. To fish, wait until the bobber is set in the water. If it
bobs up and down, hold back on the C-Stick to reel the fish in. once you have
caught two fish, the cat takes one and goes back to Serra's store. Now we have
to find a bunch of Rupees. Start by going up to the First Bird Grass point. Aim
it at the Bee's nest above the house of the person closest to your house. Now
climb up around the house and up the vine. There is a yellow and blue rupee on
the top branches. Run around throwing the pumpkins to produce some green rupees.

Leave the areas and come back to get more each time. Once you have thirty, go
inside Serra's Shop and get the Slingshot. She also gives you a free bottle with
half a jug of milk already in it. We now have what we need, go back to Link's

At Link's house, Rusl, your master, will be there. He says he right you some
stuff in your house. Go over to the Children and talk to them to reveal the fact
that you have the Slingshot. Equip it and aim it at the targets the kid's set up
around your yard. After they are all hit, go back over to the ladder to your
house. Oh no! A nasty Spider is there. Aim and fire with the Slingshot to kill
it. Now climb into your house. Open the chest that is left there. You now have
a wooden sword. Go back outside and talk to those noisy kids that are loitering
on your property. They now want you to give a demonstration with the sword.
Do what the kids want you to do (the small one tells you exactly how to do it).
They will complain about the monkeys, and then chase one of them. Get on Epona
now and go down the road where you went down before to get Epona. Keep going
ahead and go past all the kids, and over the bridge.


Turn left at the next spot possible and talk to the man sitting next to the
trailer to get the free Lantern. now that we have it, leave back to the road.
Follow it along until Epona can't go further. Get off and go in on foot. Beating
up the Deku Baba along the way. Move forward until you see a round sort of mini

Swing the lantern at it. This lights the path. Put the Lantern away and
go down the path, lighting the torches as you go. You also have to burn away
the cobwebs in your way. Continue out and go down to the dirt area. Keep moving
forwards and kill all Moblins and other enemies in the way. Head to the upper
left tunnel and enter (It's marked on your map with a red circle). Kill the
enemies and open the chest here to get a Small Key. Now whip out your Lantern
and set the torches around you alight with a flame. This makes a chest with a
Piece of Heart appear. Get it. Now leave the tunnel.

Go to the bottom right part of the map (yet again, it is marked with a red
circle and open up the gate with your small key. Go down the cave here. Watch
out for the other enemies here. Up ahead is a store run by a bird. Ignore all
the stuff here and continue on. You will come across a winding path going up.
There are some Moblin Guards and there is a cage with the monkey and the last
child here. Break it open.


You have to finish up some chores before you can go out to the Castle and bring
the gift to the castle. So pick a piece of grass and call for Epona. Get on top
and talk to Fado. You have a time limit of three minutes to herd the goats. It
shouldn't be a problem anymore, you have experience. Afterwords, ride Epona
down to the village over the fence. You automatically talk to the Mayor. Bo
orders you to take the gift left away, and send you off. Ilia then notices a
wound on Epona and scolds you. She now takes her away. You have to follow her.
Go over the bridge and back to your house. Colin is there. He asks if you can
take him to see Ilia, as the other children are mean to him. Tell him you will.

Go over to the bullies. They only let you pass if you replace Talo's sword, as
he lost it near the Forest Temple. Let him have it. Gee, the only thing that is
bad about that plan is that one day you might get brutally assaulted by
creatures on a boar as they steal your little man and girl, then you get dragged
into a strange realm by a creature and turn into a wolf, then thrown in prison.
Psshaw, like that could ever happen! Go down the road. The path to the spring is
shut off, so head right at the start and crawl in through the small crawlspace.
There is a Yellow Rupee in there. Anyway, you have a long cutscene with Ilia and
Colin. They talk to you, then a giant bwest astride a boar will come over and
snatch all of you. Rude little freaks. If you hadn't given up your sword, they
would be dead. Anyway, enjoy prison.


OH MY GOD! YOU ARE LOCKED IN PRISON. On the minor note, you are now a wolf.
Cool. Try to break from the chain for a bit, then you see some girl talk to
you. Mysterious, she gets out, then challenges you to do the same. Destroy the
crate you see near the front of the cell. Now turn on your wolf senses with X
and dig on the shiny spot beneath it. You escape. The girl (Midna) will jump on
your back. Cool. Head over to the cell next to yours and Midna talks about a
chain on the ceiling. Hold L and target it, then press A to bite onto it and
trigger the pull switch. Go in the new passageway. At the end of the passage is
a blob. Turn on the wolf sense to talk to the spirit. It can't see you, but you
can listen to it.

Anyway, go forward down the tunnel, then right and bite the chain that is
hanging from the roof. This opens a small tunnel with a blue rupee in a skull at
the end. Get out, go left and through the open gate here. Bite the chain here to
get a heart. Continue along the path until you come to a three way fork. Head
left at the fork and bite the chain on the left side to flood the area. Turn
around and float over the spikes on the other side.

Go up the path and turn left, Midna leaves here, and challenges you. Turn
around and go to the other end. Bite the chain to drain the area. Go back to
where Midna right you. There is a crawlspace to the left, go through it and turn
right to find Midna. Head up the stairs and try to jump across. Oops, the thing
broke. Go back up and Midna instructs you to use her to jump. Do so, by
targeting her and leaping over. Go up to the slanted pillar thing, target jump
up again. Continue up the stairs, ignoring the first rope (unless you need
hearts.) Defeat the enemy here so you don't fall off.

Now continue up and take the next rope. Go up the stairs at the other side and
target jump up. Kill the enemies at the top and then get on the pile of debris.
Talk to Midna and she challenges you to get out. The camera pans up to the door.
So target jump to the door to go outside.


Move forwards, then climb the stone ledge. Midna tells you to talk to the spirit
you see. It's another soldier, which she comments on. No it's not the person she
wants to see. Go on the wooden bridge thing and push the block to the ledge,
climb up on the block, then up. Jump down to the stone roof on the other side
and kill the bird. On the map, go up. Ignore this enemy and jump over the gap.
Climb up the ledge and jump again. Climb up to the wood part, and target jump
down to the other roof. Move along it to the other end and enter the building.


Jump down from the windowsill and go upstairs. Enter the door. Move over to the
figure that is cloaked by the window to begin a cutscene. It's none other than
DUN DUN DUN SPOILERS! Princess Zelda! She tells you something important and to
get out of there before the guard comes. Run out and down the stairs, now you
automatically escape. Midna now teleports you to Ordon (at the spring).


You arrive in the Spring in the outskirts of the village. Midna requests a sword
and a shield before you brave the unknown. Head towards town. Enemy units are
outside your house. You can defeat or ignore them. Either way, go into the Town.
On the way in, a squirrel calls out to you that you should talk to animals to
learn things. As you enter, a man on top of the vine area prays to the gods. You
ignore him left now, and cross the bridge.

Two men are conversing about the sword and shield. Sneak up until you can listen
with A. If he doesn't reveal the location, sneak in a little more to learn that
the shield is in the house in front of you, and the sword is at Rusl's.
They then spot you and run for it.

Go back to the other side of the bridge and the man on the vine platform calls
an eagle to attack you. Run away from him and around behind Serra's Sundries.
Talk to the cat here to learn that you should scare him. There is a target jump
spot you can use to get onto the roof of Serra's Sundries. Hop over to the man.
He bails out, stopping the assault. Now face the shield house and target jump to
the window.

Inside, jump onto the table and target jump to the shield ledge. Now ram into
the wall twice to knock it down. Get the shield and exit the window on the ledge
you are on now. As you exit, Rusl hears you hit the water. Now go to his house,
avoiding him (not necessary, but helps). Go to the right side of his house and
dig under the house by the wood, use senses for the exact glowing spot to dig
at. After you get in, get the sword at the house and dig out.

Head all the way back to the spring where Epona was taken with Ilia. You are
stopped by a voice. It announces an evil presense. Suddenly, a warp portal
appears in the sky and drops a dark foe. Jump attack him to attach on, mash the
A button to damage. Repeat this to defeat him. A light spirit appears and talks
to you about his brothers and such. Listen to him, then leave and run over the
bridge. At the orange/black area, Midna asks you to confirm your intentions to
leave the area and enter the twilight. Confirm, and you get sucked in.


Move forward to encounter another warp trap. Midna deserts you, leaving you
alone. This time, instead of one enemy, there are three. Defeat them the same
way, the third one will revive the other two. Begin to attack, and Midna comes
back. This time, she opens an energy field. Summon the field by holding B, then
move so that all enemies are in the field. Release B to attack them all. When
defeated, you can now continue. Move up to the spring ahead. Walk up to the gold
sphere ahead. check it out to  gain the Vessel of Light. You also learn the
location of the insects of light, which stole the tears of light. Notice a light
pattern here?

Anyway, head forward and around the corner. Tune your senses in to see the first
two insects. A quick attack with B will dispatch them. Collect the blue balls of
light that drop. Move forward and head left at the fork. We are at Coro's camp.
Head left and climb the wooden block and look at the window. Talk to Midna to
target jump in. Go down and use your senses. Look at Coro and talk to him. He
exclaims something about bugs. They now crawl into the open. Kill the two to get
rid of them. Get the tears of light. Now listen to him one more time and leave
through the window you came in. Outside, turn around and go to the opposide side
of the house. There is an insect on the wall. Ram the wall to knock it down.
Get the tears after you kill it.

Head back to the fork in the road. Dig under the gate and get the two on the
other side. Enter the tunnel. Go to the other end. You are now in a giant
section of the woods with purple fog in the middle. Don't walk in it. Turn left
and flip your senses on. Kill the two insects and collect the Tears of Light
they drop. Now Target Jump from the log to the other side. Climb the hill and
jump to the center platform with Midna. There are two bugs and a dragonfly with
a tear in each. Kill them to get them.

Now continue forth and jump to the other end. There are two burrowing insects of
light here. Use the senses, and dig them up with Y. Kill them and get the tears.
Head farther north to spring ANOTHER warp trap. Win this one like last time with
the spin attack. Now head all the way to the temple and kill all the bugs (in
the open) along the way. Go up to the temple entrance and turn on the senses to
see the last ones, and a monkey. Kill the bugs to listen to the monkey talk
about the temple. Collect the tears to finish up the tears of light. Now you
automatically return to the spring. The light spirit Faron purifies you, and
leaves you in your green "hero garb". Yay! Now check your rupee count. If you
have 100 or more rupees, skip the paragraph below about Ordon Village. If not,
read the below paragraph.


Go into Link's house and climb into his basement. Use the Lantern to see a chest
in the back. Open it for fifty rupees. Go back to Faron Woods. If you don't have
enough rupees, keep gathering them.


Go all the way forth to the gate by Coro's camp. Go into the camp and talk to
Coro to get a small key. He also offers to sell you a bottle of lantern oil for
100 rupees. Be sure to buy it. Now go open the gate with the key. Head through
the tunnel. On the other side is the purple fog room. Use your lantern to have
a monkey approach and steal it. Follow him along, he will guide you through the
fog safely, while warding off the fog. There are several enemies on the way
(three). Defeat them to continue. At the other end, the monkey drops the lantern
and runs. Get the lantern. You are safely through, but are out of oil. Refill it
with the bottle (put the bottle and lantern out to X and Y, then use the bottle)
and head forward to the shop the bird owns. Refill the bottle. You can pay if
you want, you just drop the money in the box. If not, you can only ONCE in the
history of the game (including other files) steal the stuff by running. But pay
every other time. Anyway, head up the path to the temple and burn the web with
the lantern. Enter the Temple.


As you enter, several Keese will attack you. Defeat them and move onwards. Kill
the Deku Baba that sprouts up to your right, then go up the hill. There is a
Moblin enemy and another Baba here. Defeat them, then break open the monkey
cage. He will gesture to you to follow, as Midna obviously points out. Kill the
Spiders on the vines and climb up. Open the door the monkey stops at.

Move down the stairs, and head up the other ones. Kill the giant spider that
drops from the ceiling with four blows, then your finishing move. Light the
four torches with your lamp. This raises steps to the room in front of you.

Go up the steps and turn left. Open the chest here for the Dungeon Map. Open
the door the monkey wants you to (the only door) and watch the cutscene with
the other, more evil monkey. We will refer to him as "Gepetto". Exit back into
the four doors room.

Go back to the center platform, the monkey wants you to go right, but you can't
because there is no bridge. Never fear! The monkey climbs up the scaffolding
and hangs upside down. Jump to him, then swing to the other side. Open the door
to the next area.

Turn right here and slash the spider. He turns into a bomb. Pick it up and place
it next to the boulder. This blows it, and opens a new area. Go into it and
smash the pot with the thing sticking out of it. This is Ooccoo, she can warp
you out of an area, then you can warp back to the exact same spot at any time.
There is one in each dungeon. Collect the blue rupees from the pots in this room
and go around the other side.

Burn the spider web and continue forward. Kill the Baba and hop over the
platforms. Follow the monkey over to the next one (ignoring the unlocked door)
and shoot the spider down. This will kill it and make the monkey feel more
comfortable. She now continues. Jump over, the door she wants you to continue
in is locked! Oh no! Anyway, go left to the locked door, then jump down into
the water. there is a tunnel leading to a chest with 10 rupees in it. Go back
up, and go out the unlocked door.

It's a windy day! Cross the bridge as it turns towards you and kill the Keese
over here. Open the door at the other side and get the chest to your right. This
has the Small Key we need! Huzzah! Go back over the bridge and into the water
room. Open the monkey's door that is locked.

It's another monkey room! Run down towards it, but oh no! The flimsy bridge
collapses, and now you are trapped! Roll into the pillar several times to
dislodge the monkey cage and free him. But just when you thought you were safe,
some Moblins show up. Kill them. Behind the first part of the bridge (at the
bottom) is a chest with 10 rupees. Now go back up to where the bridge was. The
monkeys do that thing again, you know, where they let you swing on them. Swing
the two monkey bridge and exit.

Head all the way back to the four door central room. Swing over one monkey to
the next area, then get the other one to swing you to the next side. Burn the
spider web and open the door.

Move forward and kill the Red Deku Baba. It will still survive after you sever
it's stem. So kill it quickly. Climb the steps up and turn left to the top.
Smack the bomb spider and pick it up. Throw it down the gap between the next
area (up the steps and right) to destroy the flowery enemy that eats you if you
try to go over. This kills it, allowing you passage across. Get another bomb bug
and go over the gap now. Throw it at the boulder with not a second to spare.

Climb up the ledge and enter the boulder room. Another monkey. This is just
great. Go down and turn left. See that pillar with the chest on it? Roll into
it a couple times to knock it down. Go to the other side. The path to it is
littered with floor tiles. Some have traps under them, creatures that will
spring you away if you step on it. The right side of this area will be clean.
So cross it.

Light the torches here (there are a couple already lit) to make a path to the
monkey cage. Not yet though, go to the left of the room and climb the vines.
You have to hold left, not diagonals to make it past the top. It takes a couple
tries to get it left. Seriously. Open the chest at the top for a Red Rupee.

Jump down and go up to the monkey cage. A giant spider drops from the ceiling.
Dispatch it quickly, before it can guard. If it gets it's guard up before you
hit (the sparks will be blue, not red) then wait for it to attack you, then
lay the smackdown on it. Open the monkey cage for another one, there is a yellow
rupee in his cage. Get it and then exit and go back to the stairs room.

Go left and kill the Spiders on the vines. Jump to it and climb up. Before
entering the door, there is a Piece of Heart to be ours. Get the spider and
drop the bomb off the edge. This blows the plant below. Drop down and open the
chest for the Piece of Heart. Climb back up and go in the door.

Yet another monkey room, and a locked one too. There is a key on the ground, but
the giant baba and the flowery plant that eats you has it now. Start off by
smacking the Baba silly, until it is dead. Then go over to the right of the path
up to the monkey and get the spider bomb. Throw it into the flower enemy to blow
it up and get the key. Yay! Unlock the monkey here. Leave this room.

Head back to the main room (down the stairs, up the ramp and out). The monkey
will make a bridge back to the center, then they will beckon you up to the area
we saw the evil monkey in. Follow them outside.

The four monkeys make a four man bridge for you to swing over. This one is over
a chasm, so I hope you are a good swinger by now. Go into the door on the other

The door locks as you enter. A Zelda fan knows what that means.. MINIBOSS TIME!
It's that stupid Gepetto and his red ass. This battle is very easy. Start
by following him as he leaps from pillar to pillar. After he throws the
boomerang he stole, charge towards him and roll into the pillar. It shakes it up
a little, and he loses his balance. The boomerang comes back to him and smacks
him upside the head. This knocks him off. Now go behind him and beat his buns
with your sword. Repeat this process.

Sometimes he will knock a Red Deku Baba off of the ceiling. If it grabs you,
use a spin attack by rotating the control stick a bunch of times and mashing B.
This should free you of it. Anyway, after you defeat Gepetto a parasite will
come out of him. He leaves and you receive his Gale Boomerang. Exit, oh wait,
YOU CAN'T! You have to hit the fan above the door three times. This opens the

Head left, there are some bridges that change direction. They won't both face
you simultaneously, but you can fix that. Aim at the fan on the bridge and use
the boomerang. This turns the bridge. Do it on both and cross to the other side.

The other side yields a Moblin and... ANOTHER MONKEY! HOW MANY ARE THERE? *slaps
self*. Sorry about that. Anyway, kill the moblin and free the monkey from the
cage with the Boomerang. He runs off somewhere. Go right now, and out the way
with the two bridges. You have to change them manually to get out.

You are back in the stair room. Head left to the boulder room again. Cross the
traps, if you want you can take out the traps with the Boomerang. Anyway, as you
get to the torches, use it on them. This puts them out, lowering the stairs and
revealing a chest with a Piece of Heart. Get it, and go back to the main room.

Use the Boomerang on the chest hanging from the spider web on the roof. This
nets you the compass. Take it and put out some torches here. This will lower the
platforms. Jump down and get the spider bomb. Blow the boulder here and move in
for a chest with 20 Rupees.

Climb back up and swing to the west room. Go left, and over the platforms.
All of them. Cross the bridge and you are at a gate. Throw the boomerang at the
windmill in the 'Z' pattern you can see etched on the ground. This opens it up,
allowing you to get the Big Key. Which in case you don't know, will open the
boss lair.

Go back to the first door that was never locked. Enter that, and cross the
bridge to where you got the key. Go down and turn the bridge in this area. Stand
on it and turn it again. The moblins will decide to "ambush" you. This isn't a
problem. 'No Problemo' as Schwartzenegger would say. Kill the enemies and head
east into the room.

Kill the two spiders in the room and burn the webs. Fall down the one that is
to the north of the room on the map. You land next to a monkey cage. Break it
open to free it. Jump off the stump and climb the vines to the top. Exit the
room. Turn the bridge north and go up there.

The gathering of the monkeys! Oh my god! Still two more to go? WHY OH WHY! Head
to your right and get on the bridge. Turn it. Get on the next bridge and turn
that one with your Gale Boomerang. Kill the moblin in the vine area, then use
your Gale Boomerang to take down the enemies hiding on the vines. Climb them
up (to the right). Drop onto the platform at the part where you can't go

Kill the one spider on the next vine section. Climb up the vine to the top and
kill the moblin on your left. Enter the room. Head forward and kill the two
Red Babas. Climb up the steps. Turn left and look at the spider bomb. Target it
and lock on with the Boomerang, then turn and target the giant boulder. Release
it, and it will scoop up the spider bomb and blow up the boulder with it. Now
turn back to the bomb.

Throw the boomerang at the bomb spider and carry it. Run over to the flower
enemy. Toss the bomb into it to blow it up, then get the chest behind it for
the last Small Key of the dungeon.

Climb back up the vines where the boulder was and kill the moblin enemy. Get
close to the flowers on the ceiling and use the boomerang to get the Red Baba's
that pop out down to you. Kill them both. Now turn around and get a bomb from
the spider. Throw it next to the boulder blocking the small opening. In getting
the bomb, you don't leave the platform. The monkey behind the boulder runs back
to the monkey gathering point. Get the yellow rupee in the cell if desired.
Leave the room.

One monkey to go. Jump to the bottom area and turn the fans so you can make your
way back to the  room with the four doors that is one south of the monkey
gathering point. Turn the bridge west while you are on it. Open the locked door
with the key.

There are more of the trap tiles. Chuck the boomerang at them and spend some
time killing the worm enemies below. After they are all dead, exit out the back
area. Kill the giant spider, then throw the boomerang at the ones on the vines.
Climb the vines as you hear the last monkey screaming. Shut up little monkey!
We are coming!

At the top, run to the back and turn the two fans to open the last monkey cage.
Turn around and instead of going down, go around the thing and jump to the chest
out on the raised platform. Open it for a red rupee, then jump down and head
back to the monkey gathering room.

The monkeys have all gathered. They plan to do something very risky. They all
make a primate swing, every monkey is there except for Gepetto. Gepetto! I love
you! Swing over the chasm with the monkeys.

Outside the giant door, there is a fairy you can catch in a bottle in one of the
pots. Do so if desired and enter the boss room.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Parasite Diababa

First of all, look out at the three bomb spiders. Use the boomerang and lock on
to one with R, then lock onto one of Diababa's two Babas. Let fly. The boomerang
scoops up a spider, and then promptly deposits it in the Baba's mouth. This
will kill off one of the heads. Repeat the process of moving the spider into
the mouth with the Gale Boomerang to defeat the other one. Is it dead?

No, it isn't dead. It retreated beneath the water, but now is back out with a
third head! It has an eye of some sort in the inside, and is looking dangerous.
The Bomb Spider has been removed now! We have a short period to dodge enemy
attacks, when suddenly, the giant monkey (who I affectionately named Gepetto)
comes back and has a bomb spider in it's hand! We can focus our aim at it, then
aim at the plants. Kill the two enemies around it, then aim at the center one
and repeat. The monkey will get a new spider bomb after each one it uses.

After the center head it hit with the bomb, it falls down with a crash, and the
eye is laying there in front of you. Lock onto it with L and slash him several
times to hurt it. It will come back up after the fourth hit and will be raring
to go again. The monkey will begin swinging again and the process repeats. Land
another four hits onto the eye of the Diababa to finish it off.

After it is dead, a Heart Container drops out. But the darkness forms a strange
item, which you get. Apparantly it is a "Fused Shadow". Hm, Midna appears and
takes it from you, saying it's what she wants. She then tells you to collect the
Heart Container and step into the darkness to leave. Get the Container and exit.


After a short chat with the Light Spirit, you are on your way. Head down to Coro
the oil seller's trailer. Walk out the back end to find yourself in Hyrule


Hyrule field is vast, mapped and full of enemies. Run out into the open part of
it to trigger a cutscene. Skip it or watch it, but run to the west (your left).
On the map, there is a little thing jutting out to the left. That is where we
want to go. When we are about 70 paces from it, we are stopped by a mail man,
who delivers a letter that says "please don't flee when I come to you". I think
it would be safer if he yelled that at you when he came to you, as fleeing is
probably the safest thing to do when he is around. Anyway, if you keep  going
west, you will come across the twilight. Midna asks you to confirm that you
want to enter. Do so, and get sucked in.

You are now the wolf. Simply follow the path along until you reach a wooden
sword on the ground. Flashback to the little children! You then learn their
scent. Turn on your senses to have a trail of scent appear. Follow it forward
for a long ways until you run into a wall. There are three enemies that if you
defeat, they release the warp portal. Kill them as last time, by using the
energy field Midna releases when you hold B. Or you can kill one, then two using
the field. After they die, you realize the bridge is out and that you need it.

Midna brings up the map and tells you about the portals. Move your cursor over
the "N. Faron Woods" portal symbol and press A to warp there.


Oh no! Not this place again! Don't worry, since you are the wolf and can warp,
it will take no time to return. Look at the giant wooden bridge that lay against
the wall. Move to it and Midna want's to talk. Press Z and she asks you if this
bridge is okay. Tell her it is and she warps you and the bridge back to the
other portal.


The bridge will settle down over the gap. You can cross now. On the other side,
flip your senses back on to see the trail of scent again. Keep following it,
ignoring all the enemies until you come to a gate. A small cutscene happens in
which Midna says you should dig in to see what's inside. Dig in the giant hole
and you come up the other side. Kill the enemies and enter the Village.


It's a ghost town! Move forwards and guess what? Three more monsters drop from
the sky and battle you for possession of the warp portal. Beat the crap out of
them the same way we did last time, and the light spirit by the water spring
cries out to you in help. Go over and talk to it.

He explains that he is being supressed, and needs the tears of light. So he will
give you another one of those dang Vessels of Light, and the location of the
Insects of light. Lets get to work, it will be a long endless night.

Head to the building on the left (the one that is closest to you and looks like
a giant tipi. The right side has a tree and some things you can Target Jump up.
Talk to Midna when she asks to get up. Inside, there are several spirits in one
spot, and a one in another. Turn it on. It's those dang kids! Hi dang kids! They
are with a guy with a big nose and a guy with a welding face shield. Watch the
scene, Colin says that you will come. He really has faith in you. You also learn
that you can open the basement by lighting the torches. Hmm.

Pick up the stick on the ground and set it on fire on both sides with the fire
on the ground. Run up the steps, stick close to the wall and jump to the other
side of the gap. This lights the torch. Do this all four times (relighting if
necessary) to open the trapdoor on the bottom. Go down.

Move into the big area and flip our senses on. We are off to a good start, three
of them are left here, in the safety of our own home. Kill them with the senses
on and pick up the tears of light that they drop. In the next room at the end
is a bunch of rafters. Target Jump all the way up and out.


There is an insect of light left here. If you attack him before he burrows, you
can easily get his tear. If not, just dig him up. Then kill him and get his tear
of light. We can head out the south exit to get back into town.


Head out to the next house on the map, the first one on the right. There is a
hole on the right side we can crawl in. Inside, climb out of the hole and up the
stuff. At the top is a bug on the wall. Turn on the senses and kill it. Get the
Tear, then exit where you came from.

Climb up the hill before the house (the one that goes up, duh). Follow it to the
sign, then jump over to the inn roof. Enter that door in front of you. Jump to
the ground and pick up the stick by the fireplace. Set it on fire, then angle it
so that it sets the wood in the fireplace on fire. This causes the insect to
come out of the chimney, fodder for you to kill. Get the tear, then exit the
door at ground level into the next part of the inn. There are several enemies
by the bar. Kill them.

Open the chest with the red rupee, then climb the stairs.  Enter the room at the
top after you kill the enemy and run into the wall. The bug falls off, leaving
you free to attack it for the tear of light. Now go back downstairs and leave
where we came from.

Back outside, head down to the second to last dot on the map. There are some
small sheds you can climb here. Notice the busted window on the wall? Jump into
it to enter the Bomb Store. This area is important to remember, as you can get
to the back hill from here.

Climb the steps and knock over the wardrobe. The bug behind it is released.
Kill it and get it's tear. Run out the door on the top part of the area, not
the bottom. We are on the hill behind it. Head left and over to the building up
at the top.

As you approach, a bug runs into a hole in the side. Follow it in that hole.
There are a whopping three bugs in here. How to get them? Well, you ignore the
warning sign by lighting a stick on fire, then put it in the fireplace. The bugs
go crazy and are on fire, then set the hole place up. Holy crap! Crawl out the
hole you came.

That happened to be a BOMB storage house. So it goes up with a boom. No need to
kill any enemies, as they are dead. Get the three tears. Now go over to the
little wooden stand jutting off the cliff face. Look down and jump onto the roof
of the house.  One part will cave in when you stand on it. Cool.

Inside the house, there is a block on ground level. Move it to release a bug.
Kill that bug and get the tear. Then Target Jump out by standing in the correct
position (on one of the crates).

Now jump down and go back into the bomb shop through the broken window. Climb up
and at the top, go up the ramp and to the right. There is a lookout point here.
Enter the building by digging through. Inside is the last couple bugs in the
Kakariko Village area. Smash the pots to reveal them, but you have to dig them
out of the dirt. Dig back out.

I fooled you! They are the last in the area, but we have to go up Death Mountain
to get the last few in the province. I'm evil. I know. Jump down and go out the
top part of the map (that goes up, not right).


Head up the ramp to the left and Target Jump to the top. There is a Goron
Spirit. Talk to it if you want. Otherwise, continue down the path. Climb up to
that stone you can see jutting out of the thing. Press A to Howl at it. The
directions it gives:



Press A again after the directions and repeat this by moving the control stick
up with it wants up, release it for middle, and move it down for down. You will
be warped to some weird place. Then repeat the process here. The Golden Wolf
from earlier will talk to you. Telling you to find him. He is then marked on the
map. We will worry about him later.

Back to reality, jump down one ledge and get the bugs burrowing around here.
Now we have only a couple to go. Head back up and go down the path, avoiding all
the steam jets. Then jump down to ground level and fight the four enemies that
come to attack you for the portal. Kill them all by getting the secluded one,
then the three close ones. This unlocks the portal. Now get the bug on the gate
to the left. Go back out and target jump onto that same gate from the ramp to
the left.

On top, head along the path to the Goron Spirit on the right. Climb the "ramp"
which is more like a slanted wall and Target Jump to the platform above. You
won't make it cleanly, and will have to pull yourself up. And sometimes the big
bird will attack you. So if it does, kill it before proceeding. At the top, jump
down into the hot springs. The last bug resides on the wall of the hot spring.
We are automatically warped to Kakariko.


The light is restored to the land. Look! The children and everyone else come out
to say hello to you. Cool. They explain the bad relations to the Gorons now, and
you will now against their will go and save them. So run back to the place you
came from (the top).


Move forward and climb up the rope net at the edge of the cliff. At the top, go
towards the Goron. He will start to roll at you. Try to do what you did with the
Goat, and plant your feet to stop it. It doesn't work, and you are violently
thrown off the cliff. Then the Goron yells at you. Mumbling angrily and rubbing
your injured anus, go back into the town.


Renado (the man that took care of the children) thought you might have gone up.
He says only one man has bested the Gorons in a battle of strength. That one man
is Mayor Bo, of your little town. So now we have to go ALL the way back to the
town. God!

Head back to the south part of the town where we are closer to Ordon. What's
this? It's brown, large and squealing! It's Epona, being harrassed by some bad
guys. She shakes them off, but is still crazy. You leap on stupidly to try and
calm her.

For this little mini-game, we have to hold the control stick right or left,
depending on the direction it says to do. This makes you hold on for dear life.
As Epona rears back, quickly press A to seize control of her. She is now
rideable! This is great! Now we can cut the time it takes us to get to Ordon by
two thirds!

Go out the bottom and back into the field.


Follow the field back to the east and over the bridge. After you are through the
east path, go south and back into the Faron Woods.


Head south back into town. Past your house and in.


It's good to be home. Go over the bridge and up to Ilia's house. The mayor is
there and is all "HOLY CRAP! WHERE IS EVERYONE?" You explain that they are in
Kakariko, but Ilia is still missing. Darn. He takes you inside and will show you
the secret to beating the Gorons, if you keep it a secret.

He shows you the Sumo Wrestling mini-game. Link goes shirtless. Anyway, you can
punch the enemy, grab them, or dodge. Dodging punches is different from dodging
grabs. Right and left will make you dodge grab. Pressing A and forward will make
you dodge a punch. You seize them and must mash A to move them. When they grab
you, mash A as well and throw the combatant off the platform. He says he wants
a rematch, and won't go as easy on you as last time. Do this again, only change
is that he will punch you back. After you beat him, he will teach you the real
secret to beating the Gorons. Open the chest to get the Iron Boots.

Hey! He's a cheater! Ah well, we got what we wanted go back outside and into the
Faron Woods on Epona.


On the way out to Hyrule Field, stop at the spring. The Golden Wolf is here. He
jumps onto you and you go to Drugland. The skeleton friendly is here. He asks
you to use the Finishing blow on him. Hit him four times, then plunge your blade
into him. He gets up and teaches you the Shield Attack.

If you push "R" when you are Shielding, you strike it out at the enemy. Causing
them to flinch, and you can attack. They can block it, but a good plan is to
wait for them to attack you, but it hits your shield. Then quickly hit R as they
have the recoil from the hit. You can now slash them. After you learn this great
skill, head back to the field.


Head back to the west and to Kakariko Village YET AGAIN.


As we enter the village, we see a scene of some baddies (the ones that took you
in the first place) enter the village and are about to squish one of the little
girls. Colin bravely pushes her out of the way and gets abducted by the giant
fat guy on the boar. We must pursue them! Follow them out the north entrance to
Hyrule Field.


Dash after the boar guy on Epona. Try to put those million archers behind you.
It's better to ignore them. Slash the crap out of the Boar as much as possible.
The guy on it loses his armor, then takes you to a bridge. An archer on the roof
seals the exit with fire. Leaving you with a one on one jousting match with the
boar enemy.

Start by charging towards the enemy. As you approach, hold right or left and
accelerate, then slash the enemy. Sometimes you miss, sometimes you hit. Just
repeat the process until he falls off the cliff. You do a really cool pose for
the camera, mister high and mighty. Then are warped back to Kakariko Village,
where Colin regains conciousness, then passes out again. Oh well. Exit back to
the Death Mountain area where we were before.


Climb up the rope again. Switch on the Iron Boots and advance on the Goron, you
are fearless. You are tough. YOU ARE A MAN TODAY! As he rolls on you, plant your
feet, and chuck him off the mountain. Stand up away from the controller and beat
your chest, yelling like Tarzan for all the mountainside to hear!

Now switch the boots off and head up the mountain, wrangling those Gorons as
they come down to you. Switching boots on and off a lot. Climb up this other
rope platform here, wrangling more Gorons. Head up to the clearing. OH NO!
GERMAN SNIPERS! Wait a minute, World War II hasn't happened yet. I apologize to
my German readers for thinking that you are ugly orc things. Which you aren't.
You are good people with a healthy culture and society.

Run past them, these enemies can't hit anything, so keep running and you will be
fine. As you enter the giant opening, two Gorons spot you, and rush to set up
traps and tell the boss.

Head down from the top thing to the area where the gate was. Eventually there
will be a giant meteor from the eruption of the mountain. Watch it fall, it's a
meteor, meteor, meteor SMASH! Meterorite! Now that you have your daily dose of
science, lets get back to the game.

Go over to a Goron and target him. Hold the shield, wait for him to attack and
then Shield Bash him. He crouches into a ball. Jump on his back, and he launches
you up to the ledge above. Go right and past the steam, then have the Goron
launch you up after you beat him up. Jump down to the Hot Springs to refuel your
health. The Enemies won't mind. It's okay, the springs make them lazy. Climb
back up and out. Go to the Goron and have him launch you up.

There are three or four more gorons to go up, as well as a winding path to the
top. The winding path has a couple Gorons rolling at you. At the top, get the
hearts from the crates and enter the cave.

Six gorons will start rolling on the spot. The Elder tells them to stop. Then he
challenges you to a test of strength. He will beat the crap out of you in a
second. Oops. You forgot the boots. Talk to him again and fight this time. Treat
him as a harder version of Bo. But it won't take long for you to ring him out!
He then explains that the elder went crazy (just like the monkey) and is gone.
There are three other elders, but they are in the mines. And he is the next one
in charge. He tells those big Goron thugs guarding the mines that they should
let you past.

Nervously walk past those big thugs. Seriously, they could rip off your head if
they wanted. VIOLENCE! Enter the Goron Mines.


Proceed forward down the path (go right, it's more like a trench) and head
To the bottom. Hop onto the larger right platform and hop to the next one.
Avoid the lava jets firing up and go to the large, caged platform.

Move into the cage platform and smash the wooden barricade to destroy it.
Move inside, and step on the pressure switch to the RIGHT, then use the
Iron Boots to activate it. Run past the disabled jet stream of lava to
get to the next part.

Step on the next pressure switch and activate it in the same manner. Run
past this next stream of lava. Head right around the side and climb the
ladder here. Be sure not to dawdle and get there before the time runs out.

Leap from the top of this to the rock platform to the RIGHT. Hop to the
next one and turn right. Hop over this next platform and walk to the
switch. Kill the enemy that drops from the ceiling.

Turn around after activating it and run as fast as you can straight ahead
to the end. When you get to the deactivated lava geyser, turn right to
avoid danger from being burned. On your way there, you might get hit by
an enemy dropping dispatch of it quickly.

Now that we are on the other end, jump down onto the platform near the
door below. Use the Iron Boots to make it sink into the floor, with you
standing on it. Then enter the door behind the gate you just opened.

A small cutscene showing magnets awaits you. Head forward and turn RIGHT.
Go down the path to the enemies, dispatch them, then open the chest for a
small key. Turn around and head back up the path. This time go right at
the fork in the path.

Near the top will be some rotating platforms, wait for them to flip, then
jump onto them and over. Do this to both of them. Then open the locked
door ahead. Turn right and go onto the bridge. Head down to the enemy here
and defeat it. It is relatively easy to kill, wait for it to gather
breath, move behind it and strike the tail.

Now hop over the rock platforms you see. Avoid the geysers and head to
the far north. Kill the similar lizard enemy you see here. Then hop to
the platform behind the gates. Kill the lizard, then grab the chain and
pull the wall back. Use the C stick to see the Jets, when they are about
to go out, release and run towards them. Hop around to the middle part of
the path and head down the now opened way. Open the door.

Head forward and jump into the water. Submerge yourself with the Iron
Boots, run under the broken fence and step on the switch. You get pulled
to the surface by the magnet, and are stuck on a blue metal material.
This is new to the game, and you can walk onto it until you take the
boots off. Only the blue areas.

Walk forwards to go around the stuff and up to the top. Take the boots
off and enter the door. This is the first Goron Elder room, with your
friend, really old goron #1. He gives you a big key shard. Open the chest
behind him for the dungeon map, and open the smaller one up at the top
for a Red Rupee. Climb the ladder behind him and head right around. You
will see a pot, pick it up to find Ooccoo. Head out the door here to be
on top of the last room.

Get onto the blue stuff on the right and use the iron boots, move along
the wall and kill the enemies you see (with sword, still with boots. Get
off and head to the door ahead of you.

Move forwards and step on the switch to get sucked onto the roof. Use the
map to see the paths. We want to go northWEST, to the top back. There is
a chest with a Piece of Heart here, get it, then turn around and head
southeast to the very bottom, then follow the path to the door. Enter it.

Head forward down the path to a large group of assorted baddies. Kill
them all, then step on the switch to start up the first swinging magnet.
Head to the little eastern part at the back, then get sucked to the next
platform. Drop off and kill the two enemies here. Step on the next switch.

Head to the door at the next side and get off. Jump in the water and get
the key to the WEST side of the room (underwater, use the boots). Head to
the southeast now, and push the block. Move into the caged part and float
up to the top. Step on the switch on the floor to activate yet another

Drop on the platform ahead and step on the switch to get another magnet
going. Jump off the edge and activate the magnets to be pulled into the
wall. Head along the path here to reach the next platform. Hit the
diamond with a weapon and drop to the bottom to enter a new room.

Go to the right side and use the boots to walk up the wall. Drop down on
the ledge to the RIGHT and slice through the ropes that are stopping the
bridge from falling. Head across to the right side of the room for a chest
with a Piece of Heart. Now go back into the opened bridge.

You are in a huge open part of the mines. Head forward onto the long
bridge and go until you can swing far to the right. Several archers are
firing. Ignore them or shoot them with the slingshot. Anyway, there is a
chest to the right of the big opening. Get it, then go reverse and head to
the RIGHT back at that fork in the road.

This next room has some rotating platforms. Wait for the ones with 3
electric pads to come up and run to the first one, use the boots so you
stick to the platform no matter which way it is. Wait for you to RIGHT-
side up yourself and continue, stop at this one and wait. Repeat this
until you are at the other side of the platform.

Inside the door is a Goron elder. Talk to him to get the second key
shard. Now get out through the ladder at the top. Exit through the room
above. Now you are in the spinning room on the roof. Walk across the
walls to the next room with the mini-boss.

Since I named the last one, this one will be called "Fat Louie". Fat
Louie is mad. First of all, we must remember our physics. He moves weight
to one side, the weight counteracts on the other, raising it. Keep that
in mind. If it behinds to go crazy, use the boots. They will fix you in

Start by going near him (bootless) and waiting for him to wind up for the
crushing blow you will be receiving. As you tremble in your boots, smack
him across the chest several times. Then QUICKLY strap on the Iron Boots
and hold A. This will grab him and throw him. He is heavy, and won't go
off the edge completely. He will toss the guy directly behind him. So you
have to have your back to the edge, putting you in danger. After you
throw him off, he comes back up from the fiery depths and glares at you
with the intensity that would kill a sloth. Throw him off three times
until he is vanquished. Actually, he won't be. But he will let you pass.

We now go into the next room to get a chest, inside the chest is a Hero's
Bow. Inside the bow is a legacy that time will never remove. (author
bursts into tears). Ahem. Aim the bow at the rope at the bridge and it
will slice through it, dropping it down for you to cross.

Go into the area and into the giant room. There are several Beamos statues
around you in the room. Shoot them in the eye to kill them. Then move them out
of the way. The one on the direct EAST part of the room has the last room with
the Elder. Enter it and get the last keyshard. Head back out and go behind the
east statue for the compass. Head back into the room with the compass and go in
the southern room.

Roll into the gates in front of you to open a path. There is another room now
with several enemies on the roof. Shoot them down with the bow before advancing
on. It will save you from deaths. After the door is a swithch. Activate while
wearing the boots to go to the ceiling. Walk to the hole in the roof to shoot
the diamond switch. This opens the gate. Enter the door.

Head out to the big valley room. Step on the switch and get on the magnet. It
takes you to the next area. Hit the rope with an arrow to sever it and go in
the room behind it. Hit the next rope to enter the boss room.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Igniter Fyrus

Well, stay away from him at first, then aim at his glowing head and peg it with
a mighty arrow. He is stunned. Quickly run around him and grab the chains by
his legs and use the boots. Pull away from him and he trips. Now dash around to
the front and beat the crud out of his glowing head.

Repeat this process until he is finished. A rather simple boss. Anyway, he turns
back into the normal Goron elder. You get the fused shadow. Anyway, watch the
scene with Midna, get the heart container and step into the twilight warper to
go back to the village.


We start off here again, so head into Malo Mart, Malo's store. Talk to him and
purchase the Hylian Shield. Head back up the mountain.


Okay, so our new goal is to throw rocks until we get 20 rupees. So do just that.
Head up the hill and throw rocks, some (going nearly to the Mines) have 5 in
them. While some rocks and bushes have one. Anyway, we will total 120. If you
had 300 before the Hylian Shield, that is. Head back down into the village.


Okay, so head into Barnes' Bombs. It has a goron and a sign outside it. Talk to
Barnes inside, he sells you a bomb bag and bombs for 120. Yay. Now, head up the
stairs to the left of him. At the top, ascend the ladder and go outside.

Now we want to go up the winding path to the LEFT. At the top is a big building
with a Goron. Talk to the goron and hop on his back. Aim yourself at the big
building and launch up to the second floor. Climb the ladder to the top.

Here is one of the damn kids. Talk to them, and they want to see your skill with
a bow. So, you appear on the ground with Malo. First, fire at the target to the
left. Then the LEFT. Then you have to hit the pole WAY up with the other kid.
It is actually easy, just aim ABOVE the building. I made that mistake before.
If you do this, Talon gives you a piece of heart

Get down and exfil on Epona to the south.


Head south, then you are stopped by the mail man. He gives you two letters. Now
continue south over the wood bridge into the next part of the map. Head south
again until you come to a lone tree with a gold bug flying around. Get off and
press A by it to get the Male Beetle. Get back on Epona and head back into the
last area (where you came from Kakariko). The wood bridge has a bug to the LEFT
of it (Male Pill Bug).

Head to the giant long bridge to the northEAST. Cross this bridge. Now head over
to the rocks. Blow them up to trigger a cutscene. The bridge will disappear and
those darn Black Monsters will fall from the sky. Start a wolfless battle with
them. Kill one with any means necessary, then use a spin attack on the last two
to finish them. This opens a portal. Head back into the rock area on Epona. Dash
past the Archers and to the twilight at the end of the tunnel and enter it.


Head down the path until you come across a bag with a scent coming off of it.
Sniff it to learn Ilia's scent. We are close to finding her. We now get to
follow this magical scent for a long way. Until the castle is in view. Then we
get a short cutscene and continue over a bridge, then up onto the bridge into
the market.


We are in the town now. You can decide to follow the scent directly, or wander
around town a bit before. This will add to our map and make it easier in the
future. Anyway, the scent leads you to the doctor's office, then down into a
small pub. Enter it. Now examine the map by the soldiers in the back. It shows
us our next destination. But first, let's talk to Ilia and some strange woman
who is with a Zora.

We learn a bit, and now are ready to move out. Head back up and out the eastern
entrance of the town.


There is a path here almost exactly opposite the castle we will follow. So go
down there. Continue on this path until we come to an opening with a large
bridge with some sort of strange water on it. Walk out about halfway.

Sniff sniff, hmm, this place smells like a gas station. Wait a minute, that's
because there's some form of gas or oil on this bridge! Then we see an enemy
cock an arrow into the back end, then in front. Lighting the oil. It begins
burning towards us. So we must push one of the crates to the side, then get on
one. Look around you, where is there to go? Nowhere but DOWN! That's left. Leap
straight off of this bridge and down 5000 feet.


Somehow, even though we were a billion feet above this, we survived a fall into
water. Hmm. Realism! Anyway, get out and shake your fur. Then head over to the
building we see that looks something like a funhouse. Use the Senses to see an
old guy. Talk to him to learn that the water is gone, and we see the locations
of the places we want to go. Then he spots an enemy.

Go to the enemy and engage him to have him call a bird with the grass. Holy
crap! Have you seen those twilight birds? If you can even call them that. We now
have to fight them. First, run around and avoid the bird and it's rider. Then
wait until it begins a swoop on you. Then do a jump attack. This will make you
lockjaw with it. Now smack the A button to bite the crud out of it. Continue
until the enemy falls off (two rounds of biting) and quickly deliver a can of
whoop ass to the enemy.

Midna decides she will take over the bird. So you now begin a Flying game. You
more or less control like the Wolf, without attacks though, but you can control
your height. So head along, avoiding the archers, towers and sides. If you hit
one, you fall off. Eventually some stone pillars will fall at you, so dodge them
and the rocks further on. Get to the top. Phew! We are now in Upper Zora river.


To begin, lets jump down into that pit part below. Head along this path into
Zora's Domain.


Head to the back of this part. There is a slightly elevated part. Get on it to
get prompted to Target Jump. We shall do this and go up six times to the next
part of it. Head along the path and jump again. This time it goes like this.

One jump, two jump. Wait. The stalactite falls. Jump, jump. Stalactite. Jump to
the top. 10 total. Enter the throne room.

We are challenged by several monsters from the vortex here. We will battle them
as usual, kill one and then get the rest together. After it is gone, we will get
a portal. Talk to Midna and decide to warp out. Head to Death Mountain.


Remember that meteor (or meteorite as I should call it) that fell earlier? Well,
we need something to melt the ice. And this is still hot. Go examine it and
Midna prompts you. Choose it, and you will warp back to the domain.


The ice is now melted! As we talk with Midna, a strange being appears. It's a
dead Zora! She asks you to save her son, who is with Ilia. Anyway, jump into the
water flow and let it carry you all the way back down to the lake.


We come left back next to the Spirit Cave. How convienient! So, enter it. Then
move near the yellow light. Talk to it. It's the spirit and it gives you the
vessel of light and location of the insects.

Head back outside of this cavern and head to the RIGHT up the bridges. There is
a bug where it fans off into the mainland and then the next bridge. Defeat it
for the first tear of light.

Go down the next segment of bridge there is to come and you will be confronted
by the portal enemies from above. This one will be slightly annoying, as the
enemies are dropped split up by the invisible walls. So it may take you a little
longer to get organized.

After you have control of the portal, head to the "funhouse" in the center. On
the way, Midna comments. Ignore it for now and go to the funhouse and around the
left side. Kill the insect floating around here by waiting until it lunges at
you and then attack.

Head back to the portal area. There is an exit heading to the back with many
platforms you will hop. Take these to the other part of the level and kill the
burrowing bug.

Swim back out into the main area and head to the west. There is a bug marked on
the map here. A Zora spirit is also staring at it. Head across the water to it
and destroy it. Now look for one of the bird calling grasses and howl to the
moons your prayer for a bird. It comes and you have to go up the tunnel again.

Never fear, there is less room for error, literally. Most of the traps are gone
but you will have significantly less space to manuever. Anyway, four different
bugs are flying around this path. To kill them, use the senses, then lock on
to them and pump your wings with A to kill them.


At the top is Upper Zora's River. Go over to the lady with the afro sitting
there and talk to her. The bug comes out, letting you smoke it into the ground.
Get the tear and talk to the lady to stop her from shivering. Now cross the
bridge and head up to the howling stone. Examine it.



Head out to the back part of this. Use the Senses and talk to the Zora's here.
They show you a way out indirectly to the market. Ignore it for now and go left
where there is a path leading up to the domain.


Head into the central area of the pond part. There are some lily pad things that
will support your weight for a few seconds. Jump on it and use the senses to
target the two insects here and get their stuff.

There is a side of the domain that is populated with spirits. Head to that side
and go up to the left. It should be a slope next to a big ice chunk. Target
Jump up. Head forward. Target Jump again. Go forward. Target jump again, go
forward, Target Jump, go, Target Jump Twice, make a round about by the geyser,
go two Target Jumps, then four Target Jumps, Target Jump and go up. Head around
the water to the throne room at the back.

Head around the side to the left part. There is a bug on the wall. Hit the wall
just past the pillar to get it down. After the tear is yours, head on the RIGHT
platform by the waterway down. In the next area, leap RIGHT down. You should
a few meters away from the platform we are going to. Climb up, then go around
the corner to get a bug. Get his tear and continue up to find a chest with 10

Turn back to the part with the several spirits. Start jumping back up. It goes
like this. Target Jump 1, go up another 1, up 1, up 2, turn around at the geyser
and go back up 2, up 4. Then one more and head downwards. There is a gap here.
Take it to the next part.

There is another bug here. Kill it, and go to the ground and float down to the
upper river.


Head back to the Zora's special exit to the town. Swim down it.


Get out at the steps to the left hand side. As you pull out, go towards the
castle (using the map). As you approach the outside, the familiar walls drop
and you do battle with more enemy portal guards. Darn. Kill them all, then
progress into the castle.


Head in here and down to the Area with Telma's Bar. It is marked on the map, but
if you seriously are terrible just use the senses to find it. There are some
crates lying around. Destroy them to reveal the last bug on the map. Defeat it.
What's this? We are still short 1 bug. Midna talks to you about it. Suddenly, a
new enemy is revealed at the lake. So use the portals to Warp to Lake Hylia.


Head out to the dot on the screen. There are several floating platforms here.
Get onto a big one to start a fight with a HUGE bug. You think this should be
worth around 50 insects? Anyway, he flys around, then lunges at you. Strafe
around him and wait for it to stop glowing. Jump attack it, then MASH the A
button to bite.

Repeat this process three times until he falls back first into the water. Climb
aboard the body and spin attack with the force field. This makes you walk on
water (like a certain someone most of us know) and beat the crud out of it.
Giving you the last one.

We now go to the spirit cavern, revitalized and ready to go. But not without a
5 minute creepy-as-hell scene with backstabbing, magic and dark Link's. After
this, we regain control.


The next step is to run out into the "funhouse" thing. Talk to the man there.
He tells you that he can give you a cannon ride up. Accept and pay the fee. Then
get launched up to the top. Go through the house and out the front, ignoring all
else around you. Continue along the path until you find a grass patch for a call
out to Epona. Place one and mount up. Head down the road back towards the castle


As we draw near to the Market, there is a stop that we must make. Head to the
left of the bridge into the castle and climb the vine wall. At the top is one
of the Gold Wolves. Alleft! Move nearby to get the new move, the Back Slice.

We begin with a short review of our last skill: The Shield Bash. Approach the
enemy and beat him with your shield and deliver some blows to him. He will now
grant you permission to learn the Back Slice.

We start by sidestepping, pressing sidestep while sidestepping and then
attacking. Doing this while targeting makes you roll around and smack them. Like
in Wind Waker. After you learn it, head to the bridge.

HEY! It's the mailman. He gives you two letters. One is about how the Bomb Shop
now has Water Bombs. The other is about new businesses open on the River. Head
into the market.


Our goal is to head to Telma's Bar (where Ilia was). There are several things to
do in the city, but now isn't the time. So enter.

A scene ensues. Apparently Ilia has lost her memory. She is so focused on saving
private Zora that you have to help. The doctor here is helpless with a Zora, but
Renado is skilled with them. So they want to move across the dangerous lands.
For a moment, it seems like you have a slew of men at your disposal, until Telma
says how they will feel safe from the Dangerous Foes. Then all but one flee,
who then realizes everyone is gone and runs. So it's up to you. You get to
single handedly protect them.


All left maggots! Listen up. Our mission is to save Private Zora. Your job will
be to provide some covering fire for the convoy as they move through the hot
zone. At precisely 19:00 hours you will be positioned at the east bridge and
engage the enemy boar rider in a jousting match.

To dispatch this foe, you will need Bomb Arrows. Take some practice runs at him
until Midna contacts you on the Humvee Radio, telling you to blow him up. Ride
towards him and aim between the armor, at about the time when you have to dodge
and strike, release to hit him. Do this several times to dispatch the foe and
receive the Gate Key.

At 19:10 the convoy will move out of the safe zone and into the Hot Zone. This
is where you should stay just behind it and charge spin attacks. Technicals on
Boars should ride after the convoy. Be sure to release spins to destroy them as
they catch up.

JOC has received word that the enemies will be using fire on their arrows. If
the convoy catches fire, be sure to put the flames out with the Boomerang. Then
return to the fight.

The convoy won't advance unless you defeat all foes. Which means you will need
to use the Arrows or Boomerang at the bombers above (birds). After you have
walked them into Kakariko, a scene ensues.


Okay, so private Zora is under medical examination and I am no longer a Colonel.
So, we see a scene about how he will be okay. Telma also hints that there is a
path to the castle in her bar by telling you this outleft.

We see the giant Zora spirit now. It wants us to follow it. It goes into the
graveyard. Follow. At the back of the Graveyard is a stone. This disappears,
making a hole just big enough to crawl in. The other side has a huge grave and
a big pool of water. Swim to the other side to talk to the spirit.

It thanks you by granting you special Zora Armor that lets you swim like a Zora
and stay underwater forever while wearing. There are a number of things we can
get now, but I'll get back to it after you beat the ever approaching level.

Head back into the main area of Kakariko. Go over to the Bomb Shop. Remember the
letter about Underwater Bombs? Sell your old ones at the left side of the
counter and buy FIVE at the RIGHT. We don't need very many left now.

Turn around and leave to Hyrule Field at the south.


Go south, the same path we took long ago over the bridge and into the next area.
Now head northeast to the Great Bridge of Hylia. Cross it. At the other side is
a hut thing we came from when cannoning up. Go inside and talk to the person in


Pay 20 rupees to get a flight with a Cuccoo. Pick one up and float to the
RIGHT. See the giant island? That's the target. There is a rotating platform on
top. Aim for it by holding down while nearing it. You should be able to land.
Open this chest for 100 rupees. Then time your jump so you land at the small
platform below. It's more like a drop than a jump. Open this chest for a Piece
of Heart. Now go down once more to get 50 Rupees. Continue down until you open
all the chests. Now dive into the water and use the Zora Armor. You can swim in
it now.

Head to the bottom of the lake. You can go surprisingly far, until you see a
sort of sacred Zora temple. Use the Iron Boots and get the Water Bombs out. Now
place one on the thing bubbling slightly to burst open a geyser. Then pull
another out, wait a second then drop it. It will float up to the rock and blow
it. Enter it.


Swim along these tunnels ignoring the enemies until you surface and witness the
title Scene. Climb out and go around the room opening the chests for arrows, and
extra bombs. Which is the reason we only bought 5 water bombs.

Climb up to the door and turn around. Jump to the hanging switch to open the
door behind you. Enter to begin the real start of the temple.

Move forward to the end of the top to see a Stalactite fall from above. Midna
comments on how we should shoot them down before proceeding. Pull out the Bomb
Arrows and aim at them. They fall, there are four of them.

Move down the path to find a Helmasaur and a Tektite. The Tektite is easy, just
slash it. The Helmasaur can only be attacked from behind. So wait for it to
charge, dodge and lay some blows to it's backside.

After they are gone, head up the stalactite path to the top. Go left and up to
the chest for 10 Water Bombs. Now enter the door below you. Go down the bridge
and defeat the Lizafos. Enter the door it was blocking.

Inside, move forward to start a small cutscene. Run down the step and go east
around the room to the chest with 20 arrows. Turn around and pull the first
lever to your left by jumping to it. This changes the stairs. Now go up them.

Head east around to battle a Tektite. Head past the door and break the pot for
Ooccoo. Head back WEST and pull the lever at the WEST door. Go down the stairs
and east for the Dungeon map. Now open the door in this part.

Move forwards to combat another Helmasaur. Open the door to the other side
after. Whip out your bow and shoot down the nearby and far Stalactites. Go down
the tunnel to the RIGHT of the entrance and up then around the vines. There
should be a jump stretch with a jet blowing up a stalactite for us to cross.
Open the Chest for a Small Key.

Remember the big circle room? This is the main room. Return there the way you
came. Once here, climb the stairs and go WEST to the locked door. Open it and
go down another bridge room with a Helmasaur.

Go down the path and you reach a gate. Defeat the Tektite and open the chest for
a bunch of bombs. Now turn aound and look at the strange gate on the other side.
Aum up to see two stalactites. Hit the left one and climb up to the vines. Go
RIGHT while on them and drop to the roof part.

Turn and jump at the switch to open the gate below you, drop and continue. Blow
the boulder ahead with a Bomb Arrow and continue to battle two Helmasaurs. Go
up the path where they came from and in the door.

There is a strange bug in a bubble. Kill it by using a bomb arrow and striking
with the sword. Go in the doorwe didn't come in that isn't locked. It's in the
water trench. Jump down and kill the ChuChus.

Move down the path and go to the back. Open the chest for a Small Key. Now go
back and open the door on the left. Jump onto the gear in the center and fight
the Lizafos. Now go in the door it was by.

Go left and back to the bubble enemy room. We can now unlock the door here.
Jump to the RIGHT and climb up the vines. Head along this long winding path. At
the top are bombs. Now climb up the ladder and jump at the switch. This floods
the room with water. Jump in the slide to go back down.

Now swim over to the pedestal in the center of the water and jump out at the
switch to let water flow freely. Swim over to your entrance and exit.

Follow the water and go through the waterwheel. At the back is a fairy if you
want to catch it. Exit the waterwheel and in the gear door. It's turning. Now
jump below and back up so you can use the spinning platforms below.

Hop to the first door on the RIGHT that you spin around to and enter the room.
Head down the path to the left and open the chest for a Small Key. Return to
the spinning room now.

Jump on another spinning platform and let it carry you to the next part of the
level. Jump off at the next door and enter. Head into the locked door here.
Follow the path into the water. Swim in and then submerge with the boots. Follow
the path until you see a jet stream. Go left and turn RIGHT to get a chest with
water bombs.

Follow the stream now to get to a 20 rupee chest. Now go back out and head
down the path. Drop a water bomb at the net to blow the rock up. Continue and
you head into a new area. Follow this up to the surface. A cutscene happens and
a couple fish fall down. This room is big, left?

Remember the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time? Look up to start the mini-boss battle
for the treasure. This boss is a pushover. Charge a spin as it launches the mini
fish, release and then mash attack and do the quickspin by rotating the control
stick and attacking. This is effective. The boss then jumps, run and roll around
in a direction like crazy. The boss misses, now run around to the tongue in
front of it and go mad. It repeats this process many times (three) until it is
done for. The fishy foe is swimming with the fish now!

It spits out a chest, open it for the Clawshot. This is exactly like the
Hookshot from the past except we can lower ourselves on targets and hang on. Go
around the room and get some stuff from the targets. Mainly rupees. Anyway, when
finished, hookshot the target by the gate to open it. Exit.

You can defeat the Helmasaur easier here by Clawshotting the shell off. It's
front is still a weapon though. Anyway, exit and grapple up the targets to the
door connecting you to the main room.

The main room is now filling up! Head up the stairs to the top and jump down to
the bottom with the water. Open the chest here for 20 rupees. Now go back to the
main part of the level at the top by the vines. Go along and pull the switch
you first see.  At the top, head to the WEST door.

Pull the switch with the clawshot and hit the bottom. Now open the door to the
east floor on the bottom. Go through the water wheel and into the door here.
Jump on the platform and clawshot onto one of the gear targets on the left.

Fall onto the platform and open the chest for bombs. Now clawshot up to the top
and the vines. Climb to the platform here, then go up to the next set of vines.
Get on the ground and clawshot to the last vines to get to a room with a
railing. Open the door.

Head down the path for another bubble enemy. Use the Clawshot to pull him out
instead of a bomb. Now turn around an go the other way. Pull the bomb arrows out
and shoot both stalactites down. Climb on them and make your way to the top.

Jump over the small patch and kill the two Tektites. Clawshot up the edge to the
door. Now get the bug in the bubble. Actually, both of them. Then Clawshot to
the top with the vines and drop in. Clawshot to the vines to the RIGHT and go up
the path. There are some parts where we must clawshot over gaps. When the time
comes, do this.

There is a chest at the top. Open it for a bunch of bombs. Now go in the middle
and clawshot to the target, open it up for a compass.

At the top is another ladder. Climb it and pull the switch, then ride the waves
to the bottom. Head into the middle part of the room and get the switch pulled.
Note the enemies in the water. Exit where we came from. Which was the vines if
you forgot.

Take the left fork in the next room. We are in a room with a long stretch of
water. Take the clawshot out and hit the enemies in the water with it to defeat
the enemies. After both are dead, sink to the bottom and get the clam enemy here
to free up the stretch. There is a chest with a red rupee at the end.

Float up to the top and run under the water wheel and open the door on the
Jump on top of the spinning gear and engage the enemy to the RIGHT. Defeat him
and hop to the second gear. Kill the enemy guarding the door. There is another
platform in sight in the gear room with a chest. Clawshot to it. Then open the
chest, turn around and clawshot to the pillar with the vines. Go to the platform
and clawshot once more to the vines behind you and enter the door.

Follow the water and go under the waterwheel. There is a bubble enemy here. Kill
it with the clawshot and sword. Open the chest at the back for 15 water bombs.
Head back under the water wheel and climb over the wall with the use of the
geysers. Clawshot up to the door here and enter.

Enter the door on the left fork yet again and ignore the jellyfish enemies as
you go over them. Head under the waterwheel and back into the big gear room.
Remember the door the enemy was guarding? Enter that now. It's the southwest

Head left and get 20 rupees from the chest. Go RIGHT and clawshot onto the
target above to open the gate. Inside, head to the left and into the door. Kill
the tektite and walk through the waterwheel and back to the main area. Pull the
switch in front of you and head around to the opposite side of the room. Pull
the switch that is a target and go down the stairs. Enter the room below.

Go under this waterwheel and enter the room. Hop on a platform and ride it
around. Your new goal is to get onto an empty target moving around and drop on
to the stationary stalactite. Now get onto another target and drop off at the
eastern door.

Dive into the water here and head south. Turn around and go under the platform
and follow this along the bottom to a small cove in the back. Float to the
surface when you see this. Swim south to the back and sink down. Use the
clawshot on the bomb fish and have it blow the boulder. Go in the tunnel to the
left but do not go inside. Remember this spot and be ready to reverse these

Turn around and surface. Open the chest for some water bombs. Now dive again and
blow the boulder up to the south with a water bomb. Enter and swim to the top.
Get on the small land and open the door. Now Kill the bubble enemy and clawshot
to the target above you to lower yourself into the chest to get the big key.
Dive into the water and reverse the directions in the paragraph above to get
back into the main area. Return to the big stairway room.

Walk up the stairs with the iron boots and turn around. Clawshot to the target
on the chandelier. Get the piece of heart in the chest in the middle. We have
to climb to the top and pull the east lever now so water flows to the west.
Enter the door and head across. The room fills up now. Jump down and climb over
the bridge. Step on the switch to open the gate, then on the same spot, clawshot
into the room to get the chest and defeat the enemy. Your reward is a piece of
heart. Clawshot to the target and out and return to the main room.

Take the plunge into the water in the center and float to the top. Enter the
boss door. Jump down the big hole here to the HUGE boss arena. Put the boots on
and sink to the bottom to get a view of things as you fall. There is a tentacle.
When you touch rock bottom, it starts a scene and:

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Aquatic Morpheel

Morpheel is actually a strange looking thing with tentacles and one eye. Pull
the eye out of the tentacles with the clawshot and slash away at it to get some
damage on this thing. It's attack is mainly reaching out for you, then grabbing
with the claw and beating you around. After you have hit it a couple times, it
comes out of the whole. And HOLY CRAP! it's a freakin huge sea monster. Good
thing it is weak. Swim next to it as fast as possible, then when you are near,
tagert and clawshot. Then mash the B button to deliver some smoking blows to it
and watch a neat cutscene. If you miss, get closer before using the shot. It
will let some blood out, and as we know "If it bleeds, we can kill it!" like
Arnold Schwartzenegger says. he won't hurt you in this stage (usually).

After you have killed him, it screams and drops the Fused Shadow and a Heart
Container for all your troubles. The room also drains so you aren't underwater
as often. Collect the Heart Container and enter Midna's warp portal.


We get a "neato" cutscene after saving with us being smug and good because we
have all these fused shadows. But we turn around and see fish boy himself: Zant.
The spirit tries to stop him but he is too powerful and twilight fills the room,
changing you into the wolf. After a long scene, you get a wounded Midna. You
appear in Hyrule Field.


Head up to the castle (it's on your map now, you shouldn't need directions!).
Enter the market.


We now have to head back to Telma's bar. Remember the hidden passage to the
castle that she talked about? Enter the front door only to be kicked out brutaly
by the bar owned. The cat, who is named Louise, tells you to climb up to the
top of the boxes to enter the top passage. At the top, you go inside and climb
to the RIGHT with the ropes (don't smash or drop any jars if you don't want to
be caught). You eavesdrop on the men below you if you want. Either way, enter
the passage.

Jump down to the bottom, gold filled room. Flip the senses on and defeat the
ghostly enemy by a couple hits, and then using a finish move with the wolf. You
get the poe soul and the gold statue is actually a man who is trapped. He has a
request for you to turn him good by getting spirits and opens the secret passage
to the waterways with the chest.


Float down the waterway and head around to the north part of the room. Jump and
bite the hanging switch to be sent down the tunnel. Get out and head up to fight
the spider you see ahead of you. There is another one as you approach the web.
So kill it, then pick up a stick and set it alight. Burn the web down.

The next room has more torches, so relight the stick and set them as you go
around. At the end, get the stick and climb the ledge with the stick (burning)
in your mouth. Light this web here and follow the map down to a big dirt pile.
Dig it to show up in the dungeons from the beginning of the game. Make your way
to the top of the staircase here.

We are now on the rooftops. Like the beginning, just head along your way and
enter the window at the very end of the path. Climb upstairs to find.. ZELDA!
She sacrifices herself somehow for Midna. You now automatically show up in the
field. Then a big protective pyramid barrier engulfs where Zelda was before.
The plot thickens!

Now, we are going to Warp all the way back to more familiar ground, The Faron
Woods North!


Move towards the forest temple. As you approach the stretch to it, one of your
monkey pals (not Gepetto :() comes running towards you, under attack by some
crazy baddies. So run up and defeat them (a spin attack is easy enough).

The monkey thanks you and tells you of a secret place around the back. Move up
onto the stump and jump down without midna. There is a chest here with a Yellow
Rupee and an enemy. Get this, then climb back up to the top of the stump. Use
Midna's target jump three times to get to a flat area, then walk to the edge and
use it another three times to get to where we want to be.

Be sure to stop up IN the cave and take the bats out so you don't fall over the
edge while battling. Then wait for the bridges to turn your way and quickly jump
down onto them and dash along. Wait on the second until it turns to the land.
Then get off. Crawl over the chasms (while avoiding the pendulums) with the rope
and go to the Howl Stone at the other side.


Play the song (the usual drill) and then again to get Golden Wolf away from his
TV, beer and chips and somewhere in Hyrule. After you have control again, go in
the tunnel that is behind the stone. There is another one to the left. This one
is different, no golden wolf is there.


This opens the main door you can see ahead of you, and it also drops some little
man that blows on an instrument to summon enemies. Kill the ones you see here
and follow through the door the little man open. Follow the path to the RIGHT
and climb the ledge to see the little man again! Give him a smack to have him go
out the tunnel and escape. Follow him out the tunnel you came through and in
the area there go in the area by the waterfall.

Go in the path to the left of this room to hear his trumpet thing. Swim through
the waterfal and climb the ledges to see him yet again. Beat him silly, but only
to have him run. (He's already silly! So it wouldn't work to beat him silly!)
Jump off the ledge where it comes down and head down his escape route and go in
the door on the RIGHT. (Okay, these aren't doors, im just calling them that).
Enter the sloping cave at the very back of this room.

At the top, you hear him playing. So go RIGHT and down again. There is a big
bridge of trees you can climb up and cross into another area with him standing
there. Give him one last smack to have him jump down again and lead you into a
REAL door. This one is hard to miss because there are torches outside of it.
Follow through there and jump to the bottom to start the mini-boss fight.

He will summon some enemies against you and sit on a spot. After you kill them,
he has to pause to blow some more enemies into the battle. That's when you have
to jump up onto his platform and give him a hit, otherwise he will run. After
you have struck him thrice, he will disappear and the way will be clear!

Follow down the path and step on the triforce you see. Howl Zelda's Lullaby (the
last diagram I showed you above to start this place) to begin a puzzle. The map
of it looks like this:

X's denote the spots you want to get the statues to.
O's Denote the statues
W is you

                             # #   # #
                             # X O X #
                             # # # # #
                               # W #
                               # # #

The bottom O will turn in the direction you are in. The top one turns in the
opposite direction. You have to choose the directions and hop. The two statues
CAN'T stand on the same square. But they can jump towards each other. They CAN'T
jump into you or share the same spot. The statues CAN move against nothing, but
you can't. Anyway, here is the solution:


After this puzzle, you can go up the gate ahead and find the Master Sword!
Examine it to draw it from it's pedestal and restore yourself as a human being!
You will get the Evil Zant put on you in a small idol. If you want to become a
wolf, you can do so whenever you want. And vice versa for a human now. SWEET!
Just talk to Midna to do this. We will examine this now by turning into a wolf
and talking to her. Warp (for we can do this whenever now) to the castle.


Turn into a human and approach the castle to get a letter from none other than
the big girl herself, TELMA! She tells you some powerful allies have shown up
that she wants you to meet. So go there!


The "Powerful allies" turn out to be a geek with scrolls, some girl with no
talent and Rusl! Your old sensei! Anyway, examine their scroll and you learn
that some old guy is studying the Desert at Lake Hylia. Our goal is to go there
now. So exit her Bar and turn into the wolf and warp there. Oh, you can also
donate all your rupees to the guy near the entrance we came from. We won't need
them for a while!


Follow the map to a ladder and climb up. Continue along until you see this
massive tower! Climb the ladder by it to the top to see Auru, the old guy they
wanted you to meet. He gives you a letter for the guy at the Cannon tour shop.
Give him the letter and you get a free ride to the Desert!


Midna tells you more about where she is from and what happened to her. After
this, we have a long trek ahead of us across the desert. Take out the clawshot
because the enemies are mainly little buggers that burrow around in the sand
and launch themselves at you. You can pull them out with the clawshot. Anyway,
our destination can be seen from far and wide, it's a large pillar thing
sticking out to the southeast. Avoid all the chasms and there will be a path
left to it.

Once we get there, clawshot to the tree. Then aim up in the air to see a flying
creature. Clawshot to that to drop off at the next ledge up. Move forward to
battle three more enemies over a warp portal (be the wolf). After they die,
climb up. There will be a poe soul on the left of the big debris chunk. Get his
soul as the wolf, then talk to Midna when she asks you to about the big concrete
slab. Warp it to the Bridge of Eldin in North Hyrule to fix the bridge. Then
warp back with your new portal! Remember where the chunk was, later in the game
there is an optional challenge here!

Now we jump down and head north to the big structure we can see here. There is
a small enemy camp we can see from a distance. So approach the stick towers for
some cover and fire at the three around the campfire, and the one in the tower.
They die. Now hop aboard one of the boars and move closer to the big building
we can see. Use the DASH! attack on the boar to smash the gates down and clear a
path up to the building. Take the left fork for a chest with a bunch of arrows,
which will be needed. Anyway, go back and take the RIGHT fork.

We can see a poe soul. Turn into the wolf and battle it for another poe soul for
our collection. Now we want to continue up the hill to the big enemy base here.
Turn into the human, for now we have a lot of stealth to do. Peg the enemy on
the tower to the left before entering this area. Inside, snipe the enemy to the
RIGHT and then go to the left. There are some blocks we can stand on. We can
shoot arrows through the window now. Hit the enemy to the left, the one up on
the tower, and there is another one we can see but not hit yet. So dismount the

Go to the RIGHT side of the base now. This is where we enter the camp. Before
rounding the corner, there is an enemy by the torch. There is another in the
tower a bit down. Then anothere against the wall which we can hit through the
small brick removed part of the wall. Now enter the camp and hide behind the
tent, then against the wall as we proceed. There is another break in the wall
with an enemy who hides behind a box. We can see him move behind but he can't
see you. Follow where he went and turn the bend to see an enemy with his back to
you. Kill him and sneak around the bend to see another one guarding the gate.
Kill this fool.

Move down the path and get the enemy to the RIGHT by the boar* over the fire to
clear the area. Get the small key he dropped and head back to the locked gate
the enemy was guarding. Once we open it, roll into it to open it. Then enter to
have it lock, and a big ugly enemy (the boar rider) comes into this boar pen and
beats the boar up. Now you have to fight it. The easiest thing to do is to roll
behind and smash, but also to try jump attacks to start combos. He isn't that
easy as long as you go ahead and take the initiative.

*I forgot to mention the first time around the destroying the boar releases a
heart piece.

He stumbles out now and sets the joint on fire! Crap! Good thing the boar wakes
up and you can now ride it out where you came to smash through the other gates
and get closer to the building! Dismount and move up to the top. Turn RIGHT and
be the wolf to battle the next Poe Soul. Receive it and turn human. Go to the
left side now, and light the two torches with the lamp to open a chest with 50
rupees. Now enter the door in the center to start the next Dungeon: Arbiter's


Move forward to the main entrance to start the name scene.Head across the
platforms and over into the left side of the room (with the opening from the
spearlike fence) and defeat the skelton enemies, then pull the chain back to
open the gate. Quickly run out and through it. At the top, head left and dip
the lantern into the oil. And for good measure, dip an empty bottle into it. If
your bottles are full, that's okay. Don't empty it just for the oil.

Now turn around and head to the opposite side and break the wooden barrier, then
go to the chest and get the Small Key. Back to the center we go and unlock the
door. Turn on the lantern here. As you walk to the corners, a ton of skeleton
enemies appear, so start dispatching them. Get all of them dead so we can
proceed with no worry. Light the two torches on the other sides of the door and
go in the unlocked door.

As we walk forwards, the torches are stolen by some strange force. Just like
Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple. One light remains. So go wolf and use the sense
to see the poe. Target it to begin the fight. When it goes bleft blue, attack
it. Repeat this a few times to defeat it. Then use the finish move to get the
soul from it. It also lights a torch again.

Smell the dead poe body to get the scent. Head to the northeast part of the room
and hop the gap now to get a Piece of Heart in the chest! Also, the northWEST
part of the room has the Dungeon Map in it's chest. Return to the middle and use
the wolf senses to find a eastern sand patch with poe scent coming out of it.
Dig the patch of sand up and pull the chain to open some stairs going down. Head
down these stairs and in the door.

Defeat the enemies and push the center WEST or counterclockwise. Kill the mummy
in the room ahead and open the chest for a Small Key. Turn into human now and
look up to see a target in the room above. Drop down and kill the vermin in the
room. Now go out the north door. Head up the stairs to see more poe lights! Use
the senses to see the real one and defeat him like the first on, earning you yet
another Poe Soul!

Go back to the wall changing push room and put it back to normal and head back
to the room with the first poe to see the second light returning. Turn around
at the top of the stairs to see a door above the one we came out of. Go in this
one. Because the bottom is normal again, we get to see more ways around. Go east
and open the unlocked door here.

Head to the RIGHT and across the platforms and the spike maze. There is a way
that goes up a ledge. Take that. Now go human and pull the block out south, then
push it WEST as far as possible. Climb to the top and pull the big chain as far
as you can (and over the block we moved. This raises the chandelier. DASH! Under
the chandolier and up the stairs on the other side.

Open the chest to the south for the Compass. Now push the jagged part of the
statue that is sticking out to the WEST (or counterclockwise). Go in the WEST
room for a Small Key in the chest that is blocked by the wooden barrier and
guarded by a mummy. Then go in the east door and unlock it with your key.

Advance down these paths and combat more of the mummy soldiers. Two of which can
freeze you with their screams. Dispatch all of them to continue. Flip on the
senses in the same corridor to find another sand patch we can dig in to get a
chain. Pull this to open the wall to a new room with a poe in it! Use the senses
and defeat this one to get another Poe Soul and the ability to advance.

Head down the corridor to the end door and enter. Follow this path and jump down
to the south to find a small key. You will be slowed down. Use the senses to see
crazy rat things on you. Use the spin attack to get rid of them all (don't use
the force field). Open the locked door to the east. We see another scene with a
returning torch light. Three down, one to go. Hop on the chandelier and cross
to the door on the other side.

Go down the stairs as a human and push the block down the path to free an
opening to the left and to form a bridge with the chain. You can head in the
left opening to get a red rupee. Anyway, climb up the block we pushed and start
to pull the chain. Keep going under the chandelier. If you want the red rupee,
go to the other side and open the chest, then clawshot back to the target and
head in the opening we uncovered. If you don't want it, stand in the center of
the chandelier where the hole in it is. Either way, we'll have to get in the
center of the chandelier eventually.

On the top, jump to the east and open a door. Break through the wooden barrier
and the door locks as you battle a skeleton warrior. Kill it, then drop a bomb
on it's remains quickly to destroy it before it revives itself. Now go out the
other door and up the stairs. Cross to the other side and use the lantern to
light the torch closest to the stairs, and then the one on the far RIGHT. This
opens the door for you. Leave through it.

Turn into the wolf and look around to see the last Poe! This one will multiply.
One of them will flash blue just before the fight starts. Target this one and
follow it's movements. And when it is about to attack, leap at it and bite it.
Do this several times to defeat this poe and have it's torch leave and it's soul
in your grasp! This is just like another fight in Ocarina of Time. Now go back
to the north and be a human. Clawshot to the target and go out the door below it
to return to the main room and return the last flame. Now we can go in the door
that opens.

Run through this room to the left side and jump to the bottom. Turn the center
pillar WEST twice. Then go through the empty door and around to the chest with
the small key. Now jump down and turn the pillar all the way to the east to get
it to the bottom and go in the locked door.

This is another large spike maze. Head to the far RIGHT of this room. At one
point on the way, you are slowed down. Turn wolf to find more of the rats and
kill them. Remember the route here, and pull the chain you find on the side.
This will show you the way through the center.

Head left down the path here. Kill the first wave of enemies that jumps on you
and continue, ignoring the rest. To the RIGHT is Ooccoo! To the left is the door
out of this area. Take it.

There is a giant spinning blade. Head around it and to the north part. Kill the
enemies here. Then bomb the remains. Head to the WEST to find another one. Kill
him. This opens the door to the south in the spinning room. So take that route.
The door is another path With those annoying bug enemies. Kill them. Then
continue. Take a leap over the giant path and open the door to the far north.

This is the miniboss. As the human, slice a rope around the sword in the middle.
It will come to life! OH MY! Turn into the wolf and use the senses to see this
foe. Wait for it to strike, then dodge. It glows blue. So jump attack this bad
ass looking foe and it turns visible! Now for the human half of the battle. Aim
at it and shoot it with an arrow to have it land. Then hit it in the head with
the arrow to fell this foe. Smash his head repeatedly. Repeat this simple task
until the idiot is sorry he fought against you. Open the chest in the room that
opens to get the Spinner!

Turn around and use the spinner on one of the grooved edges to be able to slide
left out of this room quickly with style! Then exit the door. Use the path on
the left, then jump to the RIGHT to reach the door. Enter it.

Take the groove on the left. Jump to the RIGHT, then back to the left to make
the groove where we have to swing further left. Then again to the RIGHT to go
up on the big loop to the top. Open the chest at the top for a Piece of Heart!
Now turn around. Use the slider path on the RIGHT, then leap to the left to make
a jump to the bottom and climb up to the top part with the statue. Climb up to
the top and use the slider to jump side to side when a spike is trying to hit
you on this path. Way to go! You are at the top.

Open this chest for the Boss Key! Now slide back into the center area that we
were in before using the side sliders. In the center is a little spot perfect
for our slider. Keep mashin Spin until the wall opens up to show us a new area.
Slider up the wall on the left to get to the top, then jump to the center
and use the slider in the hole to light the torches and bring a path up. Use it
and slide to the boss door at the very top!

Walk down the path into the center of the sand and Zant will appear and set the
enemy here to life! Be prepared for possibly the most imaginative and
ingenuitive battle of all time!


Start by going to the edge of the area and using the spinner to build some speed
to combat the foe. When a spike is near you, release with the jump button and
aim for the enemy. As you approach, more enemies will pop up and try to block
you. If you need to, defeat these foes in the way. Anyway, you have to smash
agains the bottom bone sticking out of the dirt twice to make him fall down a
height level. Repeat this several times (it gets harder each time) to "Defeat"

Spoke too soon! The sand drains and you can use the spinner in the center of the
platform to raise it, and the head comes alive! He knocks you to the bottom of
the platform. Dammit. Anyway, get on the path on the center platform and ride
it up. Eventually, you see him and he starts shooting fireballs. Jump from side
to side to avoid these, until you are left by his head. Then QUICKLY jump
again and smash into him. He falls to the ground, you are there too. Now
IMMEDIATELY start slashing the sword Zant placed in his head many times over
and over until he gets back up. Repeat this process several times until he falls
dead. Each time you ride this gets harder because eventually more and more spike
traps are added.

After the fight, get the Heart Container and head out the door that opens.
Move up the stairs now and at the top we are challenged by more twilight foes
that guard warps. Be the wolf and defeat those idiots.See another spinner hole?
Get in it and spin to show the mirror of twilight! BUT IT'S BROKEN! THE TWIST

Now some spirits from above show you Ganondorf.. and how they sent him into the
zone. They think that Zant is using his power and said that Zant wanted to blow
the mirror. He couldn't destroy it though, because he isn't the true ruler. So
there are shards in three locations we need to visit. But first, there are a lot
of things we need to get. Such as Golden Bugs, Hearts and Poe Souls. To begin,
warp to Hyrule Castle.


As we approach, Barnes sends us a letter. It's about New Bombs and not very
prominent at this time. So enter the Market.


Walk over to the man on the right and start donating him all your rupees. This
600 now. 400 more are needed. Head to the South road and head to the street to
the side that Telma isn't on. There is a fortune teller in the first house and
the second has where we want to go. Give the girl inside your two bugs for a big
wallet and 50 rupees! Leave and go down the east road and into this big tent for
the Star Game minigame.

The rules are simple: Use the clawshot to latch onto the gates, and to the other
side you go to get the glowing orbs before the time runs out. You can get
several in one go. If you win, you get the bigger Quiver. So leave after this.
You have fangirls! Anyway, go to the Southern exit and down.


Go wolf and get the poe soul. Now transform into human. There is a gold bug on
the left (Female Beetle). Warp to Lake Hylia (there is more back there but I
did it in a strange order and have to do this later).


Head up on the path to the left of the bridge that is behind where you warped
from. You can see a light in the distance. This is a poe soul that we are going
to get. So hop the platforms to there. Head up towards the big tower that the
old man was studying the place on. You can see another soul up at the top we
will get. Now warp to Zora's Domain.


Hide behind a wall and transform to human. Now jump into the pool of water in
the middle of it and sink with the Iron Boots to the bottom. There is the big
rock. Use a water bomb to blow it up and you see a goron. Talk to him for a new
Bomb Bag! There are also two torches on the way down we can light for a chest
with 50 rupees.

Anyway, jump to the bottom and swim to Upper Zora's River. Surface and find your
way to the land. See the bridge connecting the one side to the other at the hut?
There is a bug floating there. Stand to the side and use the Boomerang to get it
to come over to the land and you can then take it for yourself. Now Warp Back to
the castle.


Head into the Princess's place and give her the other two bugs you've found. Now
go to the field's south road.


Go human and down to the grass. Turn left to see the gold wolf! He is going to
teach you the Helm Splitter, which is easy enough. Now head to the opposite side
of the stairs. There is a glow in some bushes we see. Approach it to get the
male Ladybug. Which completes the pair. Note that most of these glows are mainly
Baba's. Now head back to where the wolf was, and jump into that big hole in the
middle of the field that is in the area.


There should be a poe soul behind you and in the distance. Get it as the wolf.
Now warp back to Kakariko Village and exit there in the north.


Move down the field and to the left is a big boulder. Ignore it for a second
and fire two arrows at each boar (the riders). This kills them. Then head out
into the field to find a grasshopper (Male). It has to be stopped with the Gale
Boomerang to pick up. Now head back to the big boulder and blow it up. Then
climb up the hill behind it. At the top, shoot the boulder on the other side
with a Bomb Arrow and Clawshot to the vines. Jump to the other platform on the
left and open the chest down here. You may need to wait until morning to see it
if you are here in the night. It has a Piece of Heart. Warp Back to the Market.


Give Agitha those last couple bugs you have now, if you have 400, give them to
the man begging for money for a Piece of Heart! Then head back into the field
and warp to Zora's Domain.


Head down just to the pool below. On the east is an icy path to the top. With a
strange looking girl there. Talk to her as the human to see it's the talentless
girl. She tells you about the Yeti and gives you a picture. Warp to Kakariko
Village and run into the graveyard.


Head to the back, on the left is a couple torches we can light for a 50 rupee
chest. Then head into the grave of the Zora. The boy is there, show him the yeti
sketch and he gives you his earring which can catch his kind of food. Now warp
to Zora's Domain.


Go down into the pool below and head west. There is a big and a small rock. Cast
away around there and catch a fish. It's red, and it reeks. So go wolf and smell
it to learn the Reekfish scent. We can now go down the path there was before!


Run forwards and jump down to the bottom part. Flip on the senses to see the
pathway through the fog. Be sure not to fall into the water. This path is a
winding one and it will lead up the side of the mountain. It might seem like
you can fall at some points but just keep going. At one point you are at a
"dead end". Ram into the snowy part of the ledge to knock a path down for you.
So you can now head up the ramp.

It also leads you to a Howling Stone. This one is the most complicated yet.


Now after you go back to following the trail, not too far from the stone is a
cave you can enter and climb out the back at. To enter this cave, dig in the
snow at the wall. Out the back is a warp portal that the enemies will try to
defend. Defeat them to win it to your side. Be warned that those magic stakes
that make the barrier around you won't stop you from falling off the edge. After
the enemies are dead, you can see a creature by a tree. Turn human and talk to
this creature. It will get a frozen leaf and go down the hill on it. Now it's
your turn.

This is by far the funnest mini-game ever made in a Zelda game. Roll into the
tree to knock a leaf down and get on it. You now "snowboard". You move as
normal and hold down Roll if you want to jump. You can also attack as normal.
Snowboard down the hill and leap over the gaps. At the bottom of the hill is a
big manor owned by the Yeti. Go inside to start the next dungeon known as
Snowpeak Ruins.


Whatever you do, BE SURE TO TAKE OFF THE ZORA TUNIC! It will amplify the damage
you take. Start by heading forwards and battling the poe here for it's soul.
After it perishes, head in the north door at the back as a human.

There is a Yeti woman in here. Talk to get. She tells you the location of the
Bedroom key and gives you the map of the Mansion. Head in the WEST door to find
the male Yeti! He is making Soup for his wife. It's just Simple soup at the
moment, but it refills 2 hearts. There is a path going around the back of the
area to the left. Head in there and pick up the pot with Ooccoo in it!

Now head out the door on the opposite side to the north. This room is a big
sliding puzzle. Here is how to solve it: Push the right block (closest to you)
to the WEST. Push the second block south, east, south, WEST, south. Go in the
newly opened door.

Turn into the wolf and go to the crack in the wall and dig in the snow here to
find your way outside. Battle the white wolves you see here and open the chest
for 20 rupees. See the chest in the snow? Dig by it to allow you to open it.
Inside is a small key. Now go human and open the door. Head right and unlock the
door in here.

This is a big sliding ice room. Kill the three enemies to open the doors. Go in
the one you didn't come in. There is a chest in a cutscene. As you approach the
door some ice warriors come. Use the helm splitter or the back slice to defeat
them swiftly and open the door. Inside, open the chest for the Ordon Pumpkin.

Head back through the other door in this room with the chest to be behind the
block puzzle. Climb over the boxes and then jump down to the door that leads to
the Yeti room. Talk to him to give him the pumpkin and upgrade the soup to some
Good Soup. This restores 4 hearts. Now go back to the woman Yeti. Talk to her to
get a new location and a new door opened.

You are in a big snow courtyard again. Turn into the wolf and defeat the white
ones around you. Jump into the hole in the wall in the northeast part to be in a
bigger room with ice. Kill the enemies and pick up the cannonball. Now avoid
the next few enemies and head to the cannon at the back of the room.

Stand on the platform behind it and insert the ball into the cannon. Now get off
the platform and push the handles so it aims south. Drop a bomb in the hole to
blow the ice walls down. Head down the path that you cleared and go out the
newly accessable door.

In this room, find your way across the platforms avoiding being knocked off by
foes. This can be easier if you knock them off with the bow before crossing. You
can also lead from platform to platform if you want. One chest in here has 20
rupees and the other has the compass. Now head back out of this room and to the
big courtyard.

Flip the senses on as the wolf and look on the map. There is a part with a chest
left where there is a dig hole. Dig three times to find the chest completely.
Open it for a small key and use it on the door to the east side. Here, there is
a strange machine. Pull the lever on it to drop the thing down. Put a ball on it
and go to the other side in the courtyard. Pull the lever here to bring the ball
through. Now put it in the cannon and aim it at the door to the north. Fire!

This kills the enemy in front of you. Go inside the door he was guarding. Run
past the first statue and to the door, but wait! The first one comes to life!
Oh no, time for a miniboss fight. Just wait for him to approach, then clawshot
onto the roof overhead of him to get behind. Then dodge as he throws his big
ball and chain at you. Quickly run around to his rear and smash his tail with
the sword as fast as possible. When he dies, you get the Ball and Chain.

Equip this and go into the front door. Smash down the ice blocks to show a chest
with the Bedroom Ke... NO! It's Ordon Cheese! STUPID YETI! There is an Orange
Rupee (100) hidden in one of the armor suits here you can get with the Ball and
Chain. Head back into the courtyard.

Smash the ice blocks here to show the way back to the other side of the
courtyard, take the same route we did last time to get back to the Yeti. Give
him the goat cheese to make Superb Soup. It fills 8 hearts! Now go back and talk
to the female yeti to get the next location (which better be left.. or else..)

Go out the door she reccomended this time and walk up the sloped surface, there
are caged enemies and openings in the cages a little ways up. Smack the enemy
with it to make them split into small ones, then defeat them with the ball and
chain too. Do this with the second one.

Smash the Ice at the top to reveal a cannon. Now go into the north door. Hit the
ice warrior with the ball and chain, then the ice block on the left side of the
room. Now hit the chandelier that is hanging to make it swing. Jump onto it and
open the chest on the other side for a small key. Now go back to the other side
and exit.

Head straight ahead now to see a new section behind the broken wall. See that
hookshot target on the left hand side? Hit the floor below it to crash down to
the lower floor and open the chest for a Piece of Heart. Use the target to go
back up to the top.

Smash the block of ice to reveal a clawshot target. Anyway, bash the chandelier,
then turn left and go along this path of chandeliers, hit and jump at the left
moments. At the other end is a chest with a Piece of Heart. Collect it and then
jump to the bottom floor. Go back to the exit of the manor but DO NOT leave.
The center suit of armor on the left (from the entrance) holds a poe. Defeat it
for it's soul. Go back to the stairs on the right side of the manor and clawshot
to where you were before.

Cross to the other side and defeat the ice warrior. Go in the door to be in a
big room full of ice and ice enemies. Destroy the enemies and smash the ice wall
to show a poe. Defeat him for his soul. Exit the room from the north door.

We are above the puzzle room. Push the block down and jump to the puzzle. We can
now smash the switch and block, making them useable. This is a trickier puzzle
because there are three now and a new switch. Okay, see the one we just broke
the ice off of? That will be Block X. The one on the switch is Block Y, and the
remaining block is block Z

Move Block Y north
Move Block X South, West, North
Move Block Y East, South, West, North

The door on the upper floor is opened! Climb back up to the top of the room and
make your way down to the door which is now unlocked. (For your information, it
is the east door.

Run to the left and along the wall. Defeat the Ice Warriors with the Ball and
Chain. Then Clawshot from one side  of the wall to the other in the broken bit.
Go in the door here. Smash the Ice Block to reveal a Clawshot Target. Hit the
chandeliers and try to swing to the other end. Open the chest for a small key
and go in the door.

Jump down to the puzzle then back up and go in the south door of the second
floor in this room. Defeat the Ice Monsters and smash the wall for no apparent
reason. Go in the door that leads east. Defeat the giant Ice Monsters here and
push the blocks you see at the other end down. Now go out that way and down to
the bottom of the spiral ramp.

Head out the door with the cannonball moving device. Grab one from the other
side and bring it back through the door by means of the machine. Put it in the
cannon at the top and aim it towards the blocks you came from. Fire it through
the opening and follow it. Use the achine here on the right to get it outside.

Take it to the cannon and aim Northeast towards the Ice Monster. Fire it to
kill him. Jump down and enter the door and then go left to the ladder and climb
it to the top. Defeat the Ice Monsters and go in the door to the church. This
is going to be FILLED with Ice Warriors that throw their icicle staves at you.

You can hide behind the pews in here, try to fight the first 2-3 with your sword
and then when you have the room you can pull out the Ball and Chain to smash
some major enemy butt. Then you can go in the opened door and FINALLY get the
Bedroom Key. You better run out of the church now before they realize what you
did to their house.

The Yeti woman is here! Hey Yeti! We didn't trash your church, why do you ask?
Anyway, she walks slow and you can just run to the top and open the door to make
her go faster.

BOSS BATTLE: Twilit Ice Mass Blizetta

The first stage of this fight is that we must hit Blizetta three times with the
Ball and Chain. It's not over though, as she starts flying now and summons ice
spikes to come and fall on your head. You have to run around now as fast as you
can away from them, using the reflection as a guide. After they all hit, turn
around and break them with the ball and chain, then RUN! If you made a gap in
the ice because of the Icicles smashed, run out there because the boss will fall
in the middle of the ice circle. Hit her as she is sitting there with the ball
and chain. If you blow all of the icicles out, she summons new ones for you to
deal with.

Striking her three times with the Ball and Chain will cause her to return to
normal. The Yeti comes in and gives her some love. A million hearts fly from his
head, including one Heart Container! You get the Mirror Shard and can now leave
via Midna's portal.


Okay, we are now going to spend the next ton of time collecting hearts, bugs,
souls and more. Warp to South Faron Woods.


Head from here to towards the secret area. Only stop up at the purple fog. Do
some Target Jumps into the log in the center to reveal a Poe Soul. Defeat him to
get it, then warp out of here to South Faron again and leave via the Hyrule
Field exit by the Oil Seller.


Go towards the bridge we can see. On the left of the the entrance to it is a
tree with a Piece of Heart in it's Branches. Use the Gale Boomerang to retrieve
it. Now go under the bridge and you can see a target inside the rafters. Use the
clawshot to get inside and open the chest for an Orange Rupee. Head back out of
it using the target. Now we can hang around the bridge until night. At that time
you can cross the bridge and battle the poe for it's soul that we can clearly
see glowing in the distance. Now warp all the way out to Kakariko Village.


Go to the Bomb Shop. Go through the the upperfloor and out the top. Now head up
to the Storehouse that we blew up ages ago. Fight the poe soul (at night) and
get his soul. Then head up the other side to the watch tower at night to battle
another stupid poe. We aren't done here, but go to the Graveyard anyway.


There should be a poe floating around in here. Defeat him, then look to the
graves. You can push a few of them. One of them has a poe beneath that you can
call out by moving. Defeat it. Now head up to the back and you can see a golden
Male Ant on the right tree. Now collect it, then battle the Gold Wolf we see
to get to learn the Mortal Draw combat skill. After, head back into Kakariko


The west house has a gold bug in it. It's the one with the hole in the roof.
Just go in the door. It 's to the left of the bomb shop. Now head to the spring
of the spirit. To the left of it is a bombable rock. Blow it up. Go in the cave
to the back and sink with the Iron Boots to the bottom of the water pool. Open
the chest to get a Piece of Heart. Surface and go back doown to the same part of
the village where you blew the boulder. Equip Bomb Arrows and look up to see
some more rocks on the cliff. Blow those up and use the Gale Boomerang to get
the Piece of Heart you can see there. Go now to Death Mountain.


Go talk to the Goron at the foot of the climbing rope. Spring up to the right or
behind him. You can see the poe to the right glowing at night time. Now run up
the cliff you are on and around the face of the rock. Drop down into the hole
to the right and you find the chest with a Piece of Heart. Warp now to
Kakariko Gorge!


You should get a Letter as you start to leave. One is from Agitha talking about
nothing in particular and the other is from Yeta. Turn around and cross the
other side of the Bridge to go up the part to the tree to see a Poe Soul. Defeat
it to get the prized soul and then go down east a bit more to see a piece of
heart on a spire. Throw the Boomerang to get it off of there. If you head to the
south now you will see a boulder in the wall. Destroy it and enter.

Go along the path here. Conserve your Lamp Oil because it will take a while to
get to the end. At the end is a chest with a piece of heart, and there are a lot
of forks and paths. The correct path is always to the left, except for the one
after the three forked room. There is a poe soul to the right. But keep going to
the left to find the heart piece. Warp to the Bridge of Eldin.

Go to the south end of the bridge and clawshot the bug on the pillar to you for
a Male Phasmid. Now head along the edge of the field to the northwest part of
the of the eastern Hyrule Field. There is a Female Grasshopper hopping around
here. Get it with the Boomerang. Now head across the Bridge of Eldin. At the
back is a golden bug up on the ledge. Clawshot up there and use the Boomerang
or Clawshot to pull it down to you for collection. This one is a female Phasmid.

Head into the cave to the side of this area. Inside, jump off the edge and use
the iron boots to be pulled to safety. Do this several times to get to the
bottom. Light the torches here to get 100 rupees. There is also a Chest with a
Piece of Heart. Use the clawshot targets to get back up onto the Bridge area.

Head north down the path now. We are going to keep going into the North Part of
Hyrule Field. Head all the way to the south exit of this area to see a big row
of rocks. Blow them to reveal a spinner track. Follow this track to the end to
see a chest with the heart. Get it. Now if you go to find a lone boulder where
we came we will see a golden Female Stag Beetle. There is a male Stag Beetle in
a nearby tree as well.

Warp to Hyrule Castle.


We now want to enter the Market and work our way to Jovani's house. It has the
unopenable door and a group of cats outside. Dig under as the wolf and you will
see the Golden man again. Using the Poe Souls, he is somewhat restored and gives
you a bottle of Fairy Tears. This is the third bottle we can obtain!

Dig out.

Now leave the Market and renter as a human.


Go down the east road and stop at Agitha's place. Give her your bugs if you have
not already. If you have money for items like the Hawkeye at Malo Mart, buy it
there first because then you replenish your stock of money. Leave and warp to
the summit at Snowpeak.


Talk to Yeta and her Wife to do a race with both of them. The male is simple
enough, just do the normal track with few falls and you will be fine to beat him
to the house. The Wife is much more difficult, to beat her, you have to use the
shortcut hidden halfway through the course. Also know that you can trip her up
with the sword. The shortcut is after the hops of the chasm leading to the
stretch that goes without interruption to home. Go on the small path and pray
you make it. After you win, you receive a Piece of Heart!


Go here and make your way down to Upper Zora River.

Go to the Afro person, then head to the right towards the fishing hole. There is
a Warp Portal that you must fight for now. Defeat them with a Spin Attack (as
human) and you get it, as well as let the Afro lady get back to work. She will
invite you in and ask you to clear the rocks in the way. Agree and you get
another bomb bag. Now do the chore and warp back to the top of Upper Zora's

Enter the Fishing Hole and go out on the boat. Head to the Piece of Heart you
see on the big rock. Aim the Fishing Rod at it and reel in the Piece of Heart!
Warp down to the Lake now!


There is an island by some howling plants, go to it and be the wolf because
there is a bird. Talk to him to learn the rules, then howl to be able to do this
minigame. You have to fly up the river, popping fruit ballons with your body to
get it. ONLY aim for the Oranges, they are big and worth a bit. At the top you
will get 10,000+ points and the piece of heart!

Warp back to the lake and go up the ladder, there is a howling stone to the
left. Howl to the tune:



Now turn around and blow the boulder. Be sure to have a lantern and a bottle
full of oil for this. There is a big room, blow the walls on all three sides.
Continue along this lighting torches for a ton of rupees. There are some chasms
inbetween rooms you might get stuck in, just be careful. There are THREE Poe
Souls in here so keep an eye out for those. At the end are two torches, light
them for a Piece of Heart!


Travel to the Desert and go to the base to get a golden wolf, you learn the next
skill you have to learn. Also, go into the base to find a Poe Soul where the
room you fought the fat guy that set it on fire, and you escaped with the boar.

Now warp to the Bridge of Eldin.


Move north down the path until you reach a wooden bridge, there is a spinner
track on the other side. Follow it, then dig into the hole in the circle of
weeds. Kill the enemy skeleton warriors and bomb the remains to get a Piece of
Heart. Continue along the path to the bride in North Hyrule field. There is a
poe soul on the bridge at night. Continue until you come across a rock that can
be bombed (it faces the path south to the Castle). Inside is a couple of sliding
ice puzzles. To a teenager, this is easy to figure out and will be good for you
to work out yourself. If you can't, well then check DBM's FAQ, his heart piece
section has it. I'm saying this because I didn't record my solutions on tape
like the rest of this..

Warp to the North Faron Woods now.


Talk to Rusl at the part that leads to the Sacred Grove. He will give you a gold
Cuccoo. Use it to float over to the Ledge ahead of you (quite far away). Then
over to the huge tree root and down to the grove. Now turn the bridge with the
Boomerang and float down  to it, turn it again and continue down the path until
you get into the Woods with the Skull Kid. He's back (sigh) and you have to do
the chase thing again. He's in more places that are hidden, like behind a tree
and on TOP of a tree. You can find him by looking in doors and finding the light
of a lamp before it dissapears as you get close. Note that there is a poe soul
in one of his old locations (going up the swimming place to the ledge).

You have to battle him again, this time it's MUCH easier now that you have the
bow. Just aim at him and fire three times to finish him and his summoned minions
to finish it. Light is restored and the door to the next area is opened! Go in
to it.


Push down the block and hop to the bottom of the area. On the map is an area to
the east. Go into the area. Blow up the boulder by the pillar to get a Poe Soul.
Not only that, but if you turn your wolf senses on you can find a dig spot that
was concealed and use it to enter a cave. Defeat all the enemies down there to
receive a Piece of Heart. Go back to the surface and to the main area.

Move to the part of the grove where the Master Sword was. There is a poe soul
here you may battle. Then go up to the pedestal it was in and choose "Strike".
You will cause the statue blocking the door at the start to disappear. Get out
of the master sword area to find a warp portal! And a large group of croonies
for you to battle for the stinking portal. Defeat them and go up the block you
pushed to reach the door where the guard was. Open it, and you go back in time!
Sort of...

Anyway, move forwards to the place where the Master Sword was and do another
Strike into it. You open up the Temple of Time. Wait a minute, I thought this
WAS the temple of time? Maybe the REAL one was behind the glass? Anyway, Ooccoo
will go up the stairs and you want to follow it into the temple. I'll start
typing it in a few minutes, because left now I'm making a cheese sandwich, ya'


Enter the temple and watch the cutscene. Know that with a Walkthrough, this is a
quite short and easy temple to finish. Start by running forwards to see a scene
with Midna talking about "something missing". Go wolf and turn on the senses to
see a statue that isn't there.

Now Pick up that little rock statue thing and put it on the switch on the other
platform to raise a little step you can use to climb up an area. Go to the top
and then you will see Ooccoo! Now go down the steps to the west side and light
the torches here with the torch to get a Small Key. Go back up and unlock the
door that Ooccoo was in front of to continue.

In this room there is a mini spider enemy. Defeat it and set a jar on the switch
to open a gate. The south one has a bundle of arrows, take them and go to the
west one. Defeat the spider and go to the closed gate ahead, turn around and
break the pot on the switch with an arrow to open it.

Battle the Lizards as you go up the stairs and clear the next room of them.
Also kill the statue by hitting the eye thing behind it. Open the chest that
appears for the dungeon map. Now go get the two statues on the right (and the
red rupee if you need it) and put the statues on the other side of the room,
on top of the switches.

Go up the stairs and battle MORE of the lizards to reach a strange room. Kill
the lizards and go up the stairs, use the spinner when the broken part comes. At
the top, there is a circle like place with a lever you can push. Go into the
place with the circular blades and there is a statue on the right. Pick it up
place it on the switch at the next break. Now, push the lever clockwise to go
down. Get the statue and get back on and push it counterclockwise. Place this
one onto the switch and quickly jump onto the part that will raise soon. Go in
the door.

Defeat the two Armos Statues to get a Small Key in a chest. Exit the room back
into the circular one. Now sing "HAPPINESS RUNS IN A CIRCULAR MOTION" very
loudly, then go to the other side and in the locked door.

Ignore the switch now and break the eye on the Beamos with and arrow. Go around
now and hit the switch through the circular thing. Go to the next open area
(first getting the beamons and get the Compass before hitting the switch. Use
another arrow now through the circle to open the way out. Take it.

Hit the switch here from the platform and jump down and into the next part.
Fight the Lizards (some of whom have some pretty defensive armor) and make your
way to the next part, hitting the switch to advance. Go up the stairs and into
the room. Defeat the Spiders and the Larva (Bomb Arrows work well, as well as
the Jump Strike, or you can just toss a bomb into the middle of them and kill
half of them with one thing). This makes a chest appear with 50 Rupees.

Now go up the stairs and there is a massive scale. Step onto it and your side
will go down. Pick up the small statue and throw it onto the other side, you
weigh the same as two of them so the scales even out. Now step onto the other
one (your side goes down) and climb to the other side. Go into the door here to

Kill the Beamos eye and dodge the enemies to the other door to the west. Fight
the Lizards and continue up the stairs. Now dodge the rolling spike and the
axe and open the chest in this room for a Small Key, and time your run past the
rolling spike so that you head to the left and to the statue. Pick it up and
dodge the blade and plant it on the ground to disable the electric field. Kill
all the spider Larva in this room to get a chest, and defeat the Armos here to
open the gate. Open the chest for 50 rupees and continue past the bell. Open the
locked door to reach the miniboss!

There is a swordsman here, he has a rather large blade and a TON of armor. The
key to beating him is to target him and keep your shield ready, when he strikes,
sidestep ONCE to the side and attack him twice. Repeat this until his armor is
gone. If he attacks, your shield can block it (somehow). After the armor is gone
he will pull out a smaller, quicker blade. The key here is to do the back slice.
He blocks it once, but then staggers and you can get a few easy hits in on this
guy. After you kill him, open the chest for the Dominion Rod! This can control
the statues you see in the temple!

Now there is a giant statue above with an Axe, you can control him with it, now
move towards the door and get him to stand on the thing under the bell, it will
transport him. Go in the door. Now you control the statue and press the same
button you equipped it to to have him smash the gate. Move him near the way you
want to go and stand behind the button, time it so that when he reaches the spot
on the platform, you stand on the switch. He raises up, then you move him just
off, stop controlling him and climb up yourself. Now control him again and

Have him go through the electricity and stand on the switch to disable it. Stop
controlling him and cross, then control him again. Have him smash the rolling
traps and go through the door downstairs. Have him smash all the spinning traps
AND the Beamos to show a switch. Have him stand on the platform, then use the
Rod to get one of the smaller statues to stand on the swith. Then control him so
he goes under the bell. Now turn around and continue out the way you came up
the place. This is the scale room. He appears on the left of you and you want
to bring him to the Scale. He weighs a whopping 3 statues!

Now after he is on the side closest to where he came from, jump down and climb
up to the other side. To the left of the opposite scale is a pillar. Climb up
it when the statues side is down and clawshot to the target. Go to the track
and use the spinner to get to the next part. Defeat the Poe Soul and enter the

Defeat the enemies here and place a back of the shielded creature in view of
the top. Clawshot to the top now and bring up his back with the Clawshot. Then
place it on a switch. Use the dominion rod to get the statues to come onto the
switches. This opens the door to the Big Key! Get it and go back to the room
with the scale.

Jump down to the side with the statue and plcae him on the scale again. Climb to
the other side and use the dominion rod to bring TWO statues down from the
ceiling. You want to place them on your side and stand on it to level it out. Go
to the other one and throw the statue back to the one closest to the way down.
Then bring over the statue, then throw the rest of the statues onto the other
side to bring this one level, get the statue with you and go downstairs. Have
him get rid of the Larva and the enemies and place him under the bell to go to
the next area. Leave out the bottom door.

You can control him through the wall. Have him smash his door down and then go
to the other side (hit the switch and control him through the electric field.
Bring him onto the switch and leave him there because it turns off the field of
electricity. Go inside it and control the statue, have him break the door so
you can get the Piece of Heart. Now move him through the field and place a small
statue or a pot on the switch and follow. Have him smash your way along the path
and down the stairs. Place him under the bell after he broke all the gates here
and go out.

Hop to the bottom now, then there is a door here that is locked. Control a
statue and drag him onto the switch behind the gate to open it. There is a poe
soul! Defeat it and climb back up to the top. Push the level clockwise so we go
down and bring the statue from before to the top part and put the same two there
on the switches. Go into that room now, there are several spiders and spider
enemies. Kill them all!

Now we will go up the steps. There is a statue on the left behind the gate like
thing which we will use the rod to drag down the stairs (still behind the wall)
and it hits a switch. Pick up the other statue in the room and throw it on the
right side so it's over the gate and control it so it hits the switch on that
side. A chest appears, open it for a Piece of Heart! Now go back out and hit the
switch counterclockwise so it goes up and you can collect the statue, bring it
on the lever place and push it clockwise two times so it goes to the bottom.

Have it kill all the larva to open the electric field. Now it can break the gate
and go into the bell. Exit out the bottom door and equip the Clawshot because
you need it at the gate to get out (look up). Then control the Statue and bring
it down the stairs. Destroy the gate and put it in the bell, then go down and
out. We are in the main room! Enough of the statue! Control it and bring it to
where it should be (by the door) and it opens the path further on.

Go into it and down the strange corridor with chasms and more. Disable the
Beamos's and bring the statue (small) to the other side of the room. There is a
switch. Put it on it and jump to the other side. It will open a gate and close
another. Go past the first open gate and use the rod to pull it back so it will
close the one in front and open the one behind. Go through and enter the door to
face the Boss.


Pull out your arrows and follow Armogohma's movements around the area, when the
eye opens, shoot it with an arrow and then wait for it to fall. Run to the big
statue it fell near (it falls near one EVERY time) and have it attack to slam
the mighty fist on it. She will drop a load of eggs. Defeat them all then hit
her eye again and repeat the fist slamming. Her eye will shoot lasers if you
don't move quick enough, so watch out.

After the hits, she falls down, but not out! There is the eye as a spider
running around with a load of babies! Luckily, it flee's you, so just aim at
the eye and hit it thrice with arrows (if you need more then kill the larva).
This ends this pathetic boss and you get a Mirror Shard and Heart Container!
Leave the area, then out of the Temple of Time back to Normal time. Ooccoo is
there and tells you the rod ran out of magic. Head back to to Kakariko Village.


You may have to go somewhere with the postman to trigger this, but if you talk
to Renado in his sanctuary then he will give you a letter to bring to Telma
about Restoring Ilia's memory. Before leaving the Village, if you haven't bought
the Hawkeye, do so now. And donate all your rightover rupees to the Goron inside
Malo Mart. Now warp to the Castle


Go to Telma's Bar at the usual location and show her the Letter to get a money
statement for the Doctor's Office. Travel to the West part of town (Doctor's
Office) and show him it. He will get nervous and tell you the statue you want
was stolen after a stinky medicine mess. Turn into the wolf (he turns his back)
and go to the back left area. There is a crate, push it out of the way and
against the wall and sniff the medicine it covered. Learn the scent and go up
the crate. It leads you to Telma's Cat, who says it was stolen.

Before leaving, give Agitha any bugs you still haven't given her and then go
outside to the area the Dogs that stole it from Telma's Cat are hanging out. It
turns night automatically during this whole time so it will be there for you.
Kill the packs of dogs to have them drop the Statue of Ilia's. Warp back to


Go inside of the Sanctuary and show Ilia the statue. She remembers a little bit
about where she was. It was a lady in a Hidden Village. There is a blockage in
the north bit of Hyrule by the Bridge of Eldin that you might have seen. Go out.
We WOULD warp there normally, but it's ITEM COLLECTION TIME!.


Go to the Desert (Mesa, not the place with the Mirror). If you go north (to the
base, NOT INSIDE) and then turn to the left, you should see a glow in the
distance. Head there and Clawshot to the tree to find a Poe Soul! Defeat him.
Then turn on the senses to find a dig spot below him, dig there to be in tunnel
with TWO more! If you light the torches here then you get an Orange Rupee as
well. Warp back to the Mesa now.

Head LEFT now. There should be a series of trenches coming up. There is a Gold
Dayfly buzzing around in the middle one. Capture it, then head left even more.
South of a gate you can smash is another Dayfly hanging around in the middle
of the sand area. Alleft! Now warp to the Bridge of Eldin.


Go north along the path until you reach the spot marked on the map. The Goron
has the main blockade down and is on the inside working on them. Go near him to
learn of 20 bandits. This is where the Hawkeye and Bow is really handy. You want
to defeat them one by one from a distance so they can't kill you.


From a few steps in, you can see an archer (or two) right of the tower and the
building behind it. You can shoot them one by one or just blow the barrel sky
high with an arrow to kill them. Continue looking right (and go up a bit) on the
roof to see another enemy. Move forwards so that you are closer, but NOT in the
area so that you get a "New Area" cutscene. Aim into the far distance and you
can see an Archer standing there. NOW you can see the New Area Scene.

It's a god damn Hodown! From exactly where you stand, pull the bow out and aim
as far as you can with the hawkeye to see an enemy a centimeter to the left.
Kill him and look FAR right. There is a nearby building with a plastic window
(it looks like it) and you can see an enemy inside. Shoot him and look left
again. Blow the barrels up in the distance to kill another one.

Now we can advance slightly. Climb on top of the crates we see and aim at the
building on the right (back one) to see an enemy on the balcony. Shoot him, then
hit the barrel below it (might kill someone). Now aim on the balcony to the
left to see another enemy for you to murder. Around this time I had an enemy
come up to me, aim down and shoot him.

If we look far into the distance and to the right slightly we can spot an enemy
with a barrel. Shoot the barrel, and now is the time to move. Go to the fountain
near you (just ahead) and there is an enemy in it. Shoot him (he won't see you
for some reason) and go ahead of the railing by you. Turn left and you can
head around the back of the house. One archer is there for you to deal with.

The building left ahead of us has an enemy in the upstairs that you can target
through the wall, walk out back to the main street and peg him through the
window. There's an idio.. I mean enemy inside on the bottom floor, as well as
another on the top. Go into the massive building across the street through one
of the windows on ground level. There's an enemy on the floor as well as one
up on the second level (aim between the small gap in the crates). The last one
is up on the roof and there's an enemy looking down between a gap.

An old lady now comes out. Talk to her, she gives you her charm. Unfortunately
you can't turn wolf in here so you have to exit the area. Warp to Kakariko.
There's some stuff to do in Hidden Village but not until later.


Go inside and give Ilia "Ilia's Charm". She remembers all the crap now, and will
give you the Charm, but it turns out to be the Horse Call! It's like the grass
but you can use it anywhere. We learn about the Dominion Rod. Now we can warp
back to the Hidden Village.


Turn into the wolf and go into the house the last enemy died in. There is a
window that leads to the back. As the wolf, there is a howling stone. Use it to
get another song:



Talk to the Chicken that is behind you now to get started on a Mini game. There
are 20 cats that you must talk to as the wolf. If you want an awesome tip, go to
the start, talk to one as a wolf and then turn human. Pick it up and bring them
to the back area where the chicken was because they can't leave there and there
aren't any back there. So now we can put those we talk to there, so we can keep
track of who's been where! It's just time consuming, and remember to do ONE BY
ONE so you don't accidentaly put one you've talked to there. They are all over
the village, roofs, buildings, you name it! After you get them all, talk to the
chicken for a Piece of Heart!

Now go inside to the old Lady's house and whip out the Dominion Rod. She gives
you a sacred book. Bring it to Kakariko Village.


Go into the sanctuary and downstairs into the basement, where Shad is studying
a statue. Give him the book and he will try a spell. It won't work but it will
restore the power to your Rod! Awesome! Now we are on a quest to get get the
"Characters" (of a word) that was lost from the book. Shad marks locations of
Owl Statues on the map for you to look for. Also, donate the rupees you have.
If you had a lot, then you will have just given enough to repair the bridge.
DO NOT donate anymore rupees yet though. That will come later and for a much
cheaper price.


We're going to Castle Town. Go inside as human and talk to the Baby Goron that
is by the entrance to Telma's Bar to learn of a fat lazy Goron that is stuck out
the western exit. Cool. Now go to the LITERAL Castle (through the main entrance)
to see the wolf. Battle him!

It's time for you to learn the final skill, and by doing so, fufill your destiny
as the hero. This is the Great Spin, and it takes no skill. If you have full
health, so a spin attack and you do a Bigger one. Easy as that.

Now let out a sob and start crying that that's the end of the cool "learning"
music. Leave through the town's Western Exit and talk to the Goron. Warp now to
the Bridge of Eldin!


Head to the north part and kill that pesky archer. Now use the Dominion Rod on
the statue marked on the map to the right. Move it slightly off it's spot and
climb to where it was to see a glowing green thing. Step on it to get a Sky
Character. Now move the statue to the other end of the bridge. On the left is
a hole you can put it in and jump across. Then open the chest for a Piece of
Heart (on the roof).

Go to the Kakariko Gorge. There is a statue on the map (marked in the north end)
and you can get the Character. By using the statue as a hopping thing, you can
use it to get around the gaps in the path behind it to reach a chest with 100

Now go to South Faron Woods.


Destination is Coro's Lantern Oil place. Once there, go past him and to the
marked part on the map. Move the statue and get the Character, then Move it into
the hole in the ground that's just behind you. This makes an area you can use
the Midna Target Jumps to get to the top (as the wolf). In the next area is a
chest you might have seen that has a Piece of Heart!

Warp to the Sacred Grove.


Head towards where the door leading to the good looking temple was. On the way,
there is a Golden Snail to the right (the door near the block you pushed has
Now go back in time. Head down the stairs and right, move the statue here and
there is a Poe Soul. Defeat it and go to the left side. There is a Snail on
the wall and a Piece of Heart behind the statue. Warp back to Kakariko Village.


Talk to the Goron outside Malo Mart to get a quest! A quest to deliver fresh
Hot Spring Water to some smelly goron that's stuck on a bridge. Accept, now you
have to reach him. The best route (as said before) is JUST along the edge of the
cliff. This is serious, because if you go in the middle area you will be
attacked by several enemies coming out of the ground. Just ignore anything you
see and keep running because the springwater can burst if attacked or cool if
you take too long. At the bridge (far one, on the map) then you can see the
goron. Target him and throw the water onto him. He is revitalized and after a
cutscene he will drop you a Piece of Heart. Now go back to Kakarko because the
price of the Malo Mart in Hyrule went down and you can get it for 200 rupees.
If you don't have that much, give Agitha some bugs until you do. Go to Castle
Town (but not inside). Turn around and head south. There is a glow in a patch
of Flowers. It's a Golden Bug! A Butterfly!

Now we are going to head to the east. There is a ledge to the left of the path
that goes onwards. Grapple up and get the other Butterfly there! Now jump down
and move towards the lake down the east path. The Great Bridge of Hylia holds
two bugs as well. One is by the closest part, there are some pillars it flys
around. Easiest to see at night because of the glow. Now cross the bridge to
see a Gold Bug at the other side. There is a rocky overpass and it hangs out at
a turn that goes south a bit.

There is also an Owl Statue! Aim the Dominion Rod up the cliff (at the side
where the first one was) and pull it down towards you. Put it left below the
grass that's hanging, and then grapple to it. Drop down and land on the statue
and hop to the place where it was before. You will receive another Character,
and then Move the statue from there so you can hop to the other side with a
chest with 100 rupees. Note that you can also grapple onto the edge of the
Great Bridge of Hylia that the first one was at. If you hold on to the edge
and sidle over to the side there is a chest with 100 ruppees.

Go to Kakariko and out the south exit, then head towards the southwest part and
look for a tree. There is a large amount of bushes, but in the middle is the
female Pill Bug! Travel back to Kakariko. Now donate the last 200 rupees to the
guy (it will be 200 if you did the quest). Travel to Faron Woods and go out to
the field.

On the east side is a ledge in the distance. Travel there, look on the trees.
There is a bug on one of them. Clawshot him to grab him and then leave the area
by warping to Upper Zora's River.


Here, go into the fishing pond. Walk around to the sign that says something
about not littering, between the sign and the bridge is a small area that is
slightly discoloured. Cast off into the water from there and pull it back later
to get the last Empty Bottle! You can also enter the place and play ROLLGOAL!
See minigame section for more details regarding that. After you finish playing
to your heart's content, go to the Castle Town.


Start by Visiting Agitha and giving her bugs until you have 598 rupees. Go to
the Malo Mart now (the one you recently opened in Hyrule Castle, it's in the
center area) and you can now purchase the Magic Armor for 598 rupees. I wouldn't
recommend using it though. Return to Agitha after and finish giving her all the
bugs, because if you followed my FAQ you will have gotten them all. This earns
you the Giant Wallet which holds up to 1000 rupees! Warp to Upper Zora's River


Enter the boat rental place (not the fishing pond) and play the downstream bomb
arrow shooting jar game. Score 25+ points and you receive bigger bomb bags! Now
you can warp to the desert and continue our main quest for Owl Statues. Be sure
to head to the Mesa too, not the other warp.


Move to the location marked on your map and use the Dominion Rod to pull the
statue down, use it to bridge the gap between the two platforms and hop across.
Pick up the Sky Character and warp out of here to Castle Town.


Don't enter the castle, turn around and head to the location on the map. Kill
the enemies and use the rod to pull the statue on the rock down. There is also
a poe soul here at night you want to get. Anyway, jump to the Sky Character from
the ledge and then you can move it to the other side for a chest with 100 rupees
if you want too. Now we have all of the Sky Characters! You can return to the
village now, but first, SAVE HERE!


Go into the basement of the area with the man in it. Give him the Sky Book and
he reads it. It opens the seal on the statue, letting you pull it away with the
rod. Go down to the area below to see a giant cannon. Now, whatever you do DO
GAME. The man shows back up again, talk to him to have him leave. Now turn into
wolf and have Midna warp it down to Lake Hylia.


Turn human and talk to the man at the big cannon thing in the center. He will
examine the cannon and give you an offer to fix it for 300 rupees in advance.
Accept this, or if not you will do some rupee searching for quite some time. By
the way, before departing in the fixed cannon, at night time there is a poe in
the middle of the lake thing you have to get from above. So be sure to catch it.
After that, get in the cannon and blast to the sky.


From the water you land in, put on your iron boots and sink to the bottom. There
are a couple chests in here with Red Rupees and Water Bombs. After you get that,
get out and head to the west part of the city, being careful not to get blown
off by the wind.

Inside this door is the shop, talk to Ooccoo here to get the Ooccoo for the
dungeon ahead and stock up on anything you need. Head North to the temple, using
the Iron Boots to not get blown off by the wind. Use the Bow on the crystal
switch above to open the gate to the Temple. Go inside of it (obviously).

Pick up the Ooccoo here and float across the gap with it. Kill the spike plated
enemy and clawshot up to the next level on the vines. Clawshot one of the Ooccoo
here and float down to the next furthest part.

Battle the spike enemies again and after you defeat them climb up to the door
(right side has a thing you can walk up) and into the next room. Head to the
right and clawshot to the gate up above. Go in the little hole in the fence and
climb down the vines.

Use the Spinner and put it in the hole to spin a bridge across. Defeat the bird
that probably is there by now and go over to the bridge by clawshotting the gap.
Cross the bridge with the Iron Boots and enter the building.

Inside, jump to the platform on the left, then Clawshot to the target on the
roof leading to the right side. Drop and open the chest for a Small Key.
to the gate on the platform you were last on and jump back to the main part. Go
back to the main part of the temple and through the door. As you approach, the
dragon destroys the bridge back.

Clawshot to the pillar on the left and make your way around it so you can drop
to land. Go up to the west door and go outside. Take a left and defeat the Baba
enemies, then use the Spinner hole to make a bridge roll out, take it across to
the other side and unlock the door.

Go to the right and put on the iron boots, cross past the giant wind thing and
take them off, clawshot to the viny pillar and drop down. Go to the door and
enter. Open the chest to the left for the Dungeon Map and go back out the
door you came.

Go as close to the fan as you can and clawshot over to the pillar here, drop
down to safety and go to the left side of the area (from the other door). Look
right and you will see a red switch, hit this to turn the last fan off and go
back to the other side, cross the blue blocks and go in the door.

In here, you have to cross the giant platform with gaps to the other side. Some
tiles have the enemies that hide underneath them, so use the Boomerang on them
to get rid of them. At the other side, open the door. It will lock on you and
you now have to defeat a couple lizard enemies with swords.

After they die, this opens a thing up top. Clawshot to the vines hanging from it
and climb to the top. Aim at the thing above the Ooccoo with your clawshot to
pull a switch and start a fan. Grab an Ooccoo and float out onto the fan, use
the updraft to fly to the door.

Clawshot to the switch on the left here to open a section, grab an Ooccoo and
float across to the far east side of this room to get a chest with 50 rupees.
Clawshot to the target back where you came from now and pull the Ooccoo off the
wall with your Clawshot and use it to fly through the hole in the wall by
standing over the fan. Use the second updraft to head to the right further. Drop
off and clawshot the switch to activate another fan.

Float across on the first fan and then use the second (wait on it until it
starts) to get through the second. Drop here and go through the door North.
See the door in this cutscene? We want to go to that door by floating from
Platform to Platform with the Ooccoo. When you reach the door, go inside.

Target the switch on the roof and use the Iron Boots in combination with hanging
to activate the switch that stops the fan. Drop down through the fan and get
ready for a Mini Boss. Target the Mini Boss and when he holds his shield up,
release the clawshot at it and reel him hin. Slash him a few times and fight
until he goes in the air again. Repeat this process until he changes his attack
structure, he will flyout a window and you have to constantly scan them until
you see him come through, target him and repeat the process above until he is

This will open an area up for you to clawshot to, drop down from the target and
open the chest for... ANOTHER CLAWSHOT! When hanging from a target, you can use
the second one to move to a new target! That's awesome, re-equip the clawshot
now and head back to the main room. Clawshot to the back right target from the
chest and then to the vines by the fan. Pull yourself up.

Go out the door and back into the giant room, we now want to clawshot around the
targets until we arrive to at a point on the right side of the circular room
a switch, clawshot it to sink down a bit and open a gate, target one of the
targets inside of it and clawshot to it to get inside before the gates close.

In here, clawshot from pillar to pillar quickly to get across (target them) and
then open the chest here for the Compass. Go out the door and you'll be outside.
Kill the enemies hanging from the bridge with two clawshots as you clawshot from
patch to patch across to the other side. Climb the vine up to the top and go

In here we want to hang from the pillar on the opposite side with the target
and then clawshot again to the door to the east. Target the flying things
outside here and go across each until we reach the door on the other side.

In here, go go the back and drop down to the bottom. Clawshot across the target
pills as you did before and drop at the other end. Clawshot to the north target
and then work your way up to the grating at the top. Defeat the enemies and
open the chest here for some arrows.

Now target the top grating (turn around from the chest) and clawshot to it, aim
down now and go to the bottom part. Clawshot to the wall target and then go
to see another grating, go there and in the hole in the wall.

Defeat the Chus around here and then clawshot to the grate on the wall and drop
down to the bottom. Kill the Babas hanging from the roof as you did the ones
outside and clawshot to the target, slide down on the clawshot chain and hit
the switch to open the door, then go through the door with the clawshot. Target
the grate inside, then the targets and grate until you reach the top.

Drop, then cross to the other side of the room (be careful of the tile monster)
to reach a chest with some Bombs, and another nearby for some rupees. Go in the
door to the north now and kill the enemy in the middle (defeat the giant baba
and drop a bomb in the thing right over).

After defeating all the enemies, look to the target on the east side, then
quickly grapple up to the vine pillar. From here, cross the thin platform (kill
all enemies before proceeding) and look for the bats hanging from the ceiling of
a nearby area. We want to get there, but first kill the bats and then hang from
the ledge and sidle along to it. Once there, open the chest for a Piece of

After getting this go back and clawshot up onto the pillar this time, then
along the side until you get even higher to the vine thing. From here, target
the ceiling target in the center and fall down onto the platform. Kill the
lizard swordsmen and continue through the door.

Wait for the flying thing to come here and grapple onto it, go over the wall
here and to the second one, from the second one, grapple south to get to a chest
with 50 Rupees and a Poe Soul nearby for you to collect. Grapple out the same
way you came and continue on, hanging low to get through the next one and going
in the door.

Grapple across the enemies until you reach one of the last few, then you can
turn left and grapple to a new set heading back in the same direction you came
from. Open the door here and grab the chest for another Piece of Heart. Get out
and go back across the floating enemies and into the door there.

Head around the back of this area and defeat the enemies nearby, enter the door
on the south side of the center and defeat the enemies on the outside. Open the
chest for a red rupee, then go back outside and around to the vines on the north
east part of the map. Climb up them and shoot the birds you can see from here
with your bow (three of them). Turn into Wolf Link and cross the tightropes.

Head left after crossing and climb up the vines across to the next part. Open
the chest for a red rupee and cross the next couple tightropes to reach a Poe
Soul and a chest with 50 rupees. Head back down to the bottom and go up the
vines. Head right this time and around the tight ropes to the door. Go inside of

Inside, grapple to the thing on the roof that you can hang on to. Move down a
bit and look through the gap to see a switch, clawshot across and wear the iron
boots to stop the fan below. Open the chest here for the Boss Key. Almost
finished, only maybe 10 minutes and the boss to go.

Drop down and aim at the grate of the part you were just on, you can grapple on.
Now slide down the clawshot through the fan and aim for the nearby switch in the
ceiling. Grapple to that and use the Iron Boots to activate the giant fan
outside, go out the door below it that you drop by.

Before starting, use the Hawkeye and the Bow to take out all the birds flying
around, then clawshot onto the moving fans (on the grates) and make your way
across to the other side. Drop down and through the door. Maybe 5 more minutes
to go before the boss!

The miniboss characters are here, you can kill them the same way except they're
weaker and won't give you the same hell as the one did. After defeating them,
stand in the center and clawshot to a high point on the grate above the door,
aim to one of the spinning things in the center (but left now it's not), above
the door grate is a switch. Now activate it and as you spin clawshot to the
next one. Make your way on these spinning things to reach the top of the area.
There's a switch near the top to get the top spinner spinning, then clawshot to
the target and open the Boss Door.

From here, clawshot to the target to the right and then to the vines. Climb up
the vines to reach the top. There you will find...


To defeat this bad boy, you have to move to one of the giant pillars and claw
shot to a point on it, then turn and clawshot to a higher point on another one.
Keep this up until you can clawshot to the Dragon's tail, then use the Iron
Boots to pull him to the ground. This will destroy some of his armor. Repeat
this process until you see his weak point (one more time). He breaks the rest of
his armor off and you now have to clawshot to the top of the platforms on the
sides the same way as before.

Once you reach the top, target one of the flying plant things and then keep
clawshotting sideways until you get around to the back of the dragon (watch out
for his fire) and then clawshot to the Jewel on his back. Slash it a few times
and he will knock you off, continue this until he is defeated.

After killing him, you get a Heart Container and the last Mirror Shard! We can
now return to the Twilight place. After you get back, use the cannon to fire
yourself back down to Hyrule.


Before continuing the story, we have to pick up the rest of the stuff in the
game. You can see the list of stuff in the subsections at the end, but I'll post
just the ones you won't have if you've been following my guide from start to

The last couple Heart Pieces (before the two others you will be collecting as
part of the story later, and another piece I'm too lazy to do now) are located
at Ordon Ranch (go there with Epona and herd all the goats again), if you
complete it in the time limit then you will receive the piece of heart.

The other one is located left here in Lake Hylia, if you go to the place where
the spirit was located at the back there should be a clawshot target. Get to the
top and light the torches there with the lantern to get the chest with the piece
of Heart. We're good on pieces of heart now.

What's really right to collect are just the Poe Souls, which there are quite a
few of right. First of all, go to Lake Hylia and take the cannon ride (regular)
to the top of the area. Grab a Cucco at the mini game and immediately after
jumping, hold down and you will land on a ledge with a Poe Soul here. There's
one down and several more to go.

At the bottom of Lake Hylia, take the Cannon to the desert. Head directly south
to the squarelike brown thing sticking out of the sand, at nighttime this will
have a Poe. You can also use the senses to see a digable spot where you can get
100 rupees for battling many big spiders.

Warp over to Gerudo Mesa and enter the stairs going down. This section is known
as the Cave of Ordeals, please see the Cave of Ordeals section if you wish to
learn how to beat it, but there are three inside of it. You may want to stock up
on Potions and lots of Arrows and Bombs before beginning.

Head back to the Hidden Village at night now and defeat the Poe on the balcony
you can go up using the net by the pool (with the Clawshot). I don't know why I
forgot to instruct you to get this one before.

Go over to the mountain that leads up Snowpeak (from Zora's Domain). Follow the
trail until you reach a point up on the mountains where you are sort of
funelled into a path |x| like that, after you get out of it turn right and you
will see a Poe nearby. Defeat it and continue up the mountain.

When you reach a point where you can see two trees, jump off and run over to the
second tree. Turn around and face out, then run and jump off of the side of the
mountain, heading east until you are all the way to a single tree with a Poe
Soul. After defeating it, keep going up. When you reach a point where the scent
goes straight up, take a right and you'll find a poe by a tree.

Now continue to the cave, and inside the cave you'll see some ice blocks you
couldn't destroy the first time through. Break them with the Ball and Chain and
get the Poe the comes out. Now go to the literal Temple, but not inside. Turn
Wolf, then head right as soon as you get onto the snow. Follow this until you
reach the last poe in this area. Good job!

Head to Zora's Domain, on the bottom of the waterfall you can take the west side
and go up the ledge to the top to get a Poe Soul here, you can also take the
east side and target jump to Midna up a couple ledges to behind the waterfall
for a Poe Soul. Head down to Upper Zora's River now.

Here, go to the south area where the river splits, there is a poe on the top of
the hill. Now we've got some confusing Hyrule Field ones. Head to Castle Town
and find your way to the North end of it. Here there is a bridge, go east of
this bridge and use your senses until you can find a digable spot by some nice
looking grass. Inside are TWO Poes and some annoying enemies..

Now head to the west end of the Castle (remember the fixed bridge? Go there) and
there should be a Poe on it at night time. Then leave to the Bridge of Hylia
(the one above Lake Hylia). Go south from here until you reach ledges with
boulders on them. Bomb Arrow them and then clawshot up to the top.
Congratulations, you have all the Poe Souls!

Return to the Castle Town now and go to the STAR Minigame tent, you get to play
a new collect-the-stars minigame, with the prize this time being a bigger quiver
that will hold 100 arrows. This minigame isn't too hard, just try to get as many
stars with one clawshot as you can. I finished with about three seconds right,
you are on a time limit! After you get it, leave and go to the Malo Mart. Burn
up some rupees on supplies like Bombs, don't worry about wasting it. As long as
you have room for 200 more rupees.

Transform into the wolf outside the city, then go back in. Go to Jovani's place
and dig inside through the door. Talk to him to free him from his hell and he
will reward you with a handsome 200 rupees. If you have no money at any time,
you can talk to Jovani's cat to get 200 more whenever you want.

Now I want you to warp to the Mirror place in the desert, so do so now.
Anyway, you get some cutscenes and that sort of thing that will advance the plot
a little, then you will get warped into the Palace of Twilight.


After a short briefing by Midna, head into the middle area. You will see all
these people who look like enemies, but Midna claims they are not. You can
tickle your fancy if you want by slashing them a few times (they won't die) and
then continuing on down east into the door.

In here, you want to kill all the enemies (Keese and Babas). Anyway, you should
see some giant red things flying at you, and if you look to the source you see
a giant Zant head. Reflect the orbs back at it with a shield attack and then
kill it with several slices, if it disappears it will come back so do not fear.
After all enemies in this room die, a chest with the Small Key will appear. Take
it and clawshot to the ledge, then unlock the door.

In here, drop down to the area where it seems to be flooded with black energy.
You turn auto-wolf while in this stuff, but that's okay because it won't hurt
you lifewise. In here there will be another big Zant head that you can kill with
one hit from your wolf spin move. After it dies you will get two chests, return
to the door you entered from and open the chest nearby there for a Compass (a
few enemies will assault you if you go near it, but they're weak) and the other
one is on the other side, so traverse through the black fog stuff. At the other
end, open the chest for a Small Key and clawshot up the ledge.

Open the door here and go into the next room. Go forwards now towards that odd
device you see on the other side, you will be stopped with a Phantom Zant. His
attacks are mainly summoning other creatures to deal with you, so watch out for
them. While fighting him, just look and target him, then run over towards him
always, he may disappear when you get near but he may also start an attack, and
when that happens you have to absolutely paste him with your sword. After you
do this for a while, he will fall.

Post-battle, walk over to that hand shaped thing touching a ball and Midna will
explain its importance. Slash the hand after she finishes talking, and pick up
the Sol orb after it drops. Carry it away from the hand and you'll see the big
hand get up and follow after the orb. This hand will now follow you and try to
get the orb back and not worry about you. If you throw the ball somewhere and
run away, it goes for the ball. It can be stunned momentarily by using arrows or
the Clawshot three times on it and you can tell where it is by the shadow. The
music will get more "Jaws" like if it is nearby.

Anyway, run through the black fog that Phantom Zant dropped and place it in the
circular depression in the floor. This will raise some steps, but it might be a
good idea to stun the hand before running up them. After you get to the top of
the steps (OFF the glowing part), turn around and clawshot the orb back to
yourself and go through the door. Congratulate yourself on this great escape!

Whoa! I spoke too soon, because as you try to make it away the Hand will come
through the wall to keep pursuing you. Remember, if he gets the orb you can
still stun him and have him drop it, but only while he's still on this screen
and not through the wall again. In the black fog here, you have to set down the
orb and attack the enemies in here, then turn around and stun the hand. Drop the
crystal into the hole and climb the stairs that come up, you may want to hit
the hand again too on your way up to play it safe. At the top, again clawshot
it and then make your way down the ledges to the door.

In this next room, just keep running until you reach the left side wall with
the black twilight flowing, the orb will clear this area as you approach and
you can jump through. Clawshot to the target and open the chest here for a Piece
of Heart! Return back outside and run up to the door that leads outside of this
area of the Temple. Phew, now you really will be safe from that damnable hand.

Make your way around the people here and the orb restores them to their original
states, there's one up on top of the hill too but you can't go any further than
him, so once you have all the people you can find good back down where the four
or so of them are is another depression in the ground (two in fact) that you can
put the orb in. Pick one (doesn't matter which) and it makes a glowing square
in the ground. Stand on the square and wait because it will take you to the next
area of the temple. At the other end jump off and enter the temple door here.

Inside kill the enemies and hop down to the bottom, move closer to the targets
on the wall and Clawshot to them, then aim on the roof to see another one.
Lower yourself onto the platform when it moves under you. Jump onto the ledge
here and notice the Zant head. You will have to hop across all the platforms
without the Zant head killing you, so remember to look out for those fireballs.
Also note that they aren't homing, so you can sidestep them. After you cross the
platforms you can kill the Head here. Open the chest that appears for a Small
Key, and if you want you can get 50 rupees from the other chest. Unlock the door
and continue.

You'll have to run into the black fog here again to see some of those bwests
that you normally battle for control of a portal. Defeat them all in here to
find some more in the fog, then a lot of Zant heads will show up and you will
have to hurry around using the spin move to kill them all. They'll keep
appearing until you say "How the heck many are there?" and then they'll stop.
After they all die, then a chest appears. At the end is a target, grapple to it
and target your way to the ceiling ones. On the sides as you can very well see
are some chests, two have 50 rupees and the others contain a Small Key and the
Dungeon Map. Collect them all and go through the door that is locked.

Run down the steps again to encounter Phantom Zant again, kill him the same way
as before (although he will disappear a lot more and it can be quite a bit
annoying). Be sure to hit him quickly too because the enemies he can summon now
are much more powerful (remember the portal enemies, he can bring them to the
playing field). Anyway, after he dies you can get another Sol orb and the hand
that goes with it. So take it and move to the fog, only to see those stinking
portal foes again, defeat them FAST and then place it in the depression. Stun
the hand and run up the steps, then clawshot the orb and continue.

Run into the fog as usual and kill all the enemies that will show up. I
reccommend now you run someplace not in the middle so the hand follows you, then
stun him so he stays. Now run like hell back to the depression and drop the orb
into it. Quickly run onto one of the squares that glows and it will raise you up
on the stairs (you have to stand on the TOP ones, not the low level ones). At
the top, clawshot the orb back and hop down to the door.

In here, hop down the ledge at the start and stand by the black ball thing, it
will make platforms appear on the left and right side. Stand on the left side
one (and stun that hand too while on it) to get raised up. Just keep waiting
until you get to a chest. You can do this on both ends for both a purple rupee
and a Piece of Heart! After this happens, you want to use those same platforms
to get up by the door, then turn around and jump over the four platforms. Stun
the hand again and place the orb by the two black balls. It lights them up and
makes a new platform, so get on it and let it carry you to the other side, then
clawshot the orb back quickly. Exit out the door here.

Take this orb back over the floating platform (The man here is automatically
saved) and place this orb into the other floor depression to make the master
sword glow with an ominous light. This will power it up to make it much more
powerful in banishing these foes. Now run up the hill to where you couldn't go
before with the orbs and use a spin attack to cut through the fog with your
light sword. Hop through.

In here, cut your way through this fog and kill everyone to make life easier.
At the other side there are two Sol orbs NOT guarded by hands, pick them up one
at a time and drop them in the depressions revealed by the Master Sword (move
the fog again if you have to). This will light up a staircase that you can take
upstairs to the next level. Hit the black orb here to make a platform that will
give you a ride. In here, kill the enemies and continue to the south to battle
a crudload of Zant heads, however they are weak now and require one hit to kill
because of your new powerful weapon. I suggest you put on a deep voice and yell
something like "Sacred Powers, cast thine purifying light of judgement upon
these corrupt souls!" as you kill them.

After they die, head to the chest that appears to get a Small Key, then go back
north to the three orbs here. Do a spin attack in the middle to get a platform
to raise up and it will move you to the next area. Hop off and go out the door
here. Cool! We're outside now! You want to defeat EVERY single enemy around here
which includes a lot of flying bwests, my advice is to take out your bow after
killing the normal ones around you and sniping the flying ones, this will make
them come close to you and allow you to kill them with your sword. When you
believe they're all dead, cut through the black fog thats on the other side
behind you to reveal more on the inside. Kill them, then Clawshot your way up
the targets in this area.

At the top, you will reach the Boss Key! Cool, then go back through the fog and
slash the two orbs to get a platform that rises and takes you to the next
platform area. Kill the Zant head here, then light the other orbs up so they
make a platform leading back. At the other end will be a crapload more Zant
heads that will continously appear. Keep one hit killing them with more manly
phrases being shouted as you kill them and get the Small Key that appears.
Unlock the door and continue onwards!

In this room you will be assaulted by more of those portal guards. Kill them
like normal and get rid of the fog. Spin attack the orbs here and ride the
platform up, it will give you several options of where to go, but take the east
platform. Then when it gets to another place, go left as this will take you to
the next height. Kill the Deku Baba here and head to the next platform. It leads
you to a Zant head, so be careful for its attacks. Clawshot to the target on the
wall and kill the Zant head.

Target the wall again and then clawshot to the target on the roof, get onto it
and lower yourself onto the platform that moves underneath you. Ride it to the
next platform (another Zant Head) and clawshot to that one. After it dies you
get another Small Key chest, so open that and go back to where the platform took
you as there is a new one that will go up again. Jump onto the ledge here and
ride it up to the door.

In this room you will battle a CRAPLOAD of those portal guards, and I mean a
CRAPLOAD. Use your powerful Master Sword to defeat them all as fast as you can
and when they all die you can move into the Boss Door. Unlock it and prepare
yourself for a scene that will reveal some more story details and eventually set
up your Zant Fight!

BOSS BATTLE: Usurper King Zant

Zant will take you to several different places, which are basically old dungeons
that you have visited in your Twilight Princess past. The Rule of thumb to
beating him in each one is to use the technology you had available at that point
(ie, Forest place means Boomerang).

STAGE 1: Here we are in the Forest Boss room, he will teleport to a location and
start firing some mini balls of energy at you. You can shield from them, but
you want to target him and strafe sideways, quickly throwing the Boomerang at
him to bring him closer to you. Run over to him and slash him four times, then
repeat this process. Remember, you want to get the edge over him left from the

STAGE 2: You go to the Miniboss room of the Goron Mines, equip the Iron Boots at
first because he will rock around the platform you are on and you don't want to
slide off. He will teleport around a few times causing some trouble with the
platform, and whenever he does this you want to immediately locate him and use
the targeting system. He will sometimes fire those little energy balls at you
and this is what you desire. Shield against them and after they stop coming he
is tired and stands there, take off your boots, dash over to him and attack.
Repeat until he dies.

STAGE 3: You go to the Lakebed Temple Boss. Turn on your Zora Armor and equip
the Iron Boots. Have your Clawshot ready too, because he will do more of that
energy ball attack. A giant Zant Mask thing will pop up and he will be in the
mouth, shield the balls and after they finish coming Clawshot him to reel him
in closer. Slash him several times and then he retreats into the thing four
more Zant mask things pop out, and you have to constantly view around you until
you see which one he's in. Then unequip the Iron Boots, swim over and reanchor
yourself. Then Clawshot him over and slash him as before.

STAGE 4: You will return to the Forest Temple Miniboss where you fought that
stupid monkey who I affectionately named something before that I cannot nor do
I want to remember. Anyway, he will sit on top of the things and shoot those
stupid balls of energy at you, dodge them and run over to the columns he stands
on and roll into them twice. Slash ihm while he is on the ground. He'll now run
around and shift locations a lot because he is a shifty bastard. It's okay
though because that's his thing. Just repeat what you were doing before.

STAGE 5: Zant will be in the Snowpeak Ruin boss place, and he decides that size
matters as he grows huge. Unequip the Zora Armor and equip the Ball and Chain.
Run like heck from him until he stomps, then target his foot and hit it with the
Ball and Chain. He will run around and start shrinking, follow him because when
he finishes shrinking you have to slash him. Repeat until he is done.

STAGE 6: Zant will finally face you like a man outside of Castle Town. He gets
some pretty big swords and will run around like the mentally ill patient that he
is. When he flaps his arms around like a chicken, stab him quickly. He will
reappear somewhere else and do the same thing. Occasionally he does a spinning
tornado attack, and when he does this TARGET HIM and shield. Eventually he will
tire and let you kick his butt. Sometimes he'll only hit you a couple times then
teleport somewhere else and start spinning again, so constantly be looking
around you and use the targeting to get the edge on him and strike before he
strikes you. After you finish him here, he's done for.

After the scene here, then pick up the Heart Container near the throne and go
into Midna's warp thing. Then go back up to the place the Mirror of Twilight
transported you to and return to the light world. Now we can get that last Piece
of Heart and finish this game!


I want you to warp here now and head to the eastern ledge of the cliff by the
bridge. There in the middle is a rock spire where we got a Piece of Heart a
little while ago, Clawshot to the target on it, then to the target on the cliff
face. Then Clawshot lastly to the vines and climb over to the chest to claim
your last Piece of Heart!


Go in as Human Link (of course) and up to the North area, as this leads to the
castle. Go inside to get a custcene where Midna goes all crazy and shatters the
barrier to the castle. Anyways, once you get the starting scene we'll head east
to the right door, as you approach it some enemies will form a barrier around
and start to fight. Once you've killed them all then you can open the door and

Head forwards until you get caught in another barrier trap, more enemies will
come out to play, my advice is to face the door and charge up the Hidden Skill
Jump Attack upgrade, then when you can target one, do so and release to kill
them all in the shockwave. After they've all been killed, continue east through
the gate the enemies came from. Head northwest now and pull the chain by the
gate to open it up. Inside, go walk on the pedestal thing here.

Remember the guy who stole Colin and you had to fight at Arbiter's Ground? You
get to fight him again here, he's the same as before, use the roll behind attack
and slash him to defeat him as usual, he's not that hard. After you've killed
him he talks to you and you learn he's only going with the tough side. He gives
you a key and leaves you alone! Anyway, there's a chest to the north with some
rupees if you want it, but otherwise we can go back out to the main courtyard
and into the castle itself by unlocking the door.

I also just want to say that this guide does the bare minimum of the temple,
there are a lot more things you can collect but I don't deem them necessary to
get as most are just random crap that restore Rupees and equipment such as
arrows/bombs. Anyway, once you enter there is another barrier trap and enemies
will show up. Again, I just used the Hidden Skill for the Jump Attack to
eliminate the large groups that show up. After you've cleared all the enemies,
the lights will turn on in this room and a chest appears.

Head over to the black stairs we can see and Clawshot to the chandelier. Drop
and open the chest for the Compass. Clawshot to the next chandelier now and do
this once more to drop to the next door out. You get yet another barrier trap
in this room and have to do battle with an Iron Knuckle enemy. After you
dispatch him, yet another chest will appear. Head to the east now and if you
are low on oil then fill your lantern up with the stuff. Then you can go to the
west side and light the torches here to move two of the platforms up. Go climb
to the top of them then aim the boomerang back at the torch by the lamp oil.
This will move the last platform up and let you reach the top.

Open the chest here if you want it for 50 rupees and continue west and open the
door. In here there are four torches in the corner that you have to light in the
proper order (they're timed to burn out before you can get them all if its the
wrong way. Dispatch the Keese, then light the torches as such:

4      2

<- To door

1       3

Inside  the next room that is unlocked by lighting the torches are two dino
enemies with swords and shields. Defeat them and take the door going west. You
will now be outside, so head straight ahead and you'll fight one of the flying
dinosaur enemies. After defeating him with the Clawshot then you can get the
chest he guarded for a Small Key. Head back to the door, but take a right before
entering. You'll be on your way towards a new tower (there's a chest there on
the map). A slew of enemies will charge towards you but in a cutscene of epic
proportions you will be saved from this pathetic weaklings by... pathetic
weaklings! Look, it's Rusl and your friends and they have a ****ing BAZOOKA!
Why the heck couldn't you pick one of those up in the temples, eh?

Anyway, go to the chest on the map and open it for the Big Key. Now head back
to the main part of the building and in the locked door in the middle area.
Inside, turn to the wolf because those invisible rats that slow you down are
here. Spin them off and then examine the soldier guy, he'll point you in one
direction to another soldier. Keep following where they point you in a straight
line to get to another soldier. This points you along blocks that won't collapse
if you stand on them until you're on the other side. Now hop over the broken
stairs up to the next floor.

Defeat the Lizard enemies here and afterwards pull out your Clawshot at the
stairs. Aim at the torches to grapple to the grates on the outside and make your
way up to the next floor where you will fight two more lizards with bones on
their head as armor. Kill them then continue up the stairs but by using the
Spinner this time. At the top is one last battle against and Iron Knuckle in
Gold Armor. After you kill him you can go in the Boss Door behind him and move
up to the top floor in the throne room. Up here you'll get some big cutscene and
prepare for the final battle!

Boss Battle: Ganon's Puppet Zelda

Yes, that is correct, the first battle against Ganon is a possessed Zelda. Cool,
huh? Anyway, stand still and reflect the ball of energy she sends at you back at
her. If it hits her, just wait for her next move. Her other two attacks are to
raise her sword and make a triforce appear under you. If this happens, sidestep
and roll off of it because it does some decent damage. She can also fly towards
you but a simple backflip or sidestep and avoid this. The only attack you want
her to use is the energy ball because after. Oh, and I don't think I mentioned
it but you should know this: you reflect the balls back at her by slashing them
with your sword.

After you defeat her, Ganon will change into a new form with some pretty
freaking awesome music going on as he does it.

Boss Battle: Dark Bwest Ganon

Ganon changes into a big huge bwest creature. This battle may look daunting but
it really is not that bad, change into Wolf Link to go bwest to bwest with this
guy. Anyway, do you remember that goat thing where you had to stop the goats
with your bare hands? It's the same idea here except that you do it as wolf,
when he gets close just hold A and you'll stop him with Midna's help, then
hold sideways and he gets sent to the side. Jump attack his giant cut on his
stomach and bite away at it. After he takes damage, he'll circle you and vanish
into a portal. You can look in a circle to see some portals flashing and moving.
If they turn Blue, it means Ganon will come out so get ready to hold A because
he will charge at you. If you see no portal, look on the ground by you because
he's probably falling out of the sky and trying to land on you so be sure to

After this form is defeated Midna will put on her Mask things and warp you and
Zelda out. She plans to fight him alone. Anyway, watch the scene that comes up
(it's quite epic) and then get ready for the next phase of Ganon.

Boss Battle: Horseback Ganon

All you have to do is dash with Epona in a fairly straight line with Ganondorf,
so that if he turns that you turn too. Zelda will charge up an arrow and release
it at him, which is good. If it hits him, then you have to dash up to him and
slash him with the Master Sword once (while still on Epona). This does some
damage to him, if you hurry your butt off you can hit him again before he can
summon his ghostly horsemen after you (which are hard to dodge and will make you
fall off of Epona if you are hit by them. After several slashes, Ganon will fall
down off his horse and you get to have the freaking coolest match against him

Boss Battle: Dark Lord Ganon

The cool music is back, hoorah! Anyway, this is a 1 on 1 swordfight with Ganon,
what you want to do it roll behind him and try to slash his back, which he will
block. Then you want to sidestep him because he will try to kick you, at this
moment you can start slashing him for a few hits. If you want a cheap way to win
then you can target him and cast the Fishing Rod at him, he looks at it and you
can run up, pull out your sword and hit him, but its a lot less epic. If Ganon
jumps into the air, stop targeting and roll away. If he puts his Sword back
behind him with two hands and runs at you, press A and you will combat your
sword against his. Keep mashing A and you can knock him back, then slash him
more. The final blow is landed after one of these, as you then use the finish
move. After he is dead, congratulations and thank you for using my guide,
because you have just finished the game!

------------------------------VI. Items/Equipment-------------------------------


The beginning clothes, they make you look like a homeless poor kid. Well, you
are a poor kid at least. Naw, I'm joking. It's your cultural clothes. I prefer
the generic clothing. Though you have a little bit of armor on your shoulder
where you roll on.


You receive these clothes when you are turned back from a wolf to a human. The
clothes is the clothes of the hero, your ancestors from long ago. Remember the
Ocarina of Time clothing? Imagine that, only modernized. You now have some light
chain mail underneath, but that doesn't appear to protect you. These clothes are
much cooler looking than the last ones.


The Wooden Sword is more of a toy than a weapon. It was given to you by Rusl,
and you stupidly abandoned it to some children, so you could get kidnapped
without a weapon. Genius. Anyway, it is very weak and deals a small amount of
damage to unarmored, weak creatures.


The standard weapon. This one is made from the horn of an Ordon goat. Or bone,
or something like that. This one can harm lightly armored foes, and will serve
you for about 40% of the game. Even after you upgrade it, you can still use it
by selecting it in the menu. You stole this from the couch of Rusl's house while
in wolf form, in order to please Midna. You end up using it instead of her,


The weak shield. The Ordon Shield is made of wood, and can burn up if faced with
a fire enemy. It's not that big of an issue, however. As long as you pay
attention to the enemies around you. You can upgrade this to the Hylian Shield
later on. You also stole this from a villager while in wolf form, in order to
please Midna. Though you end up using it instead of her.


Empty Bottles are incredibly useful. You can store Fairies, Milk, Potions, Oil
and other items for use later. There are four bottles located throughout the
game. They will be posted in here as the Guide covers them. Here are the current

1. Get this one from Serra, after you return her cat. She gives you it as a
thank you, it is already half full of milk.

2. The second time you come across Coro (Post Twilight) he will offer you a
Bottle of oil for 100 Rupees. Buy it, you get the Oil and the Bottle.

3. By rescuing Jovani (with 20 Poe Souls) you get this full of Fairy Tears.

4. You get this one by fishing between the sign and the side at the Fishing Pond
by the bridge.


The Lantern can be used to temporarily light areas, light torches (which will in
turn keep the area lit forever) or burn through Spider Webs and other obstacles.
You can keep it on your belt, so you can light areas while you fight enemies.
The Lantern requires oil to keep it burning. After it runs out, you can refill
it by using a bottle of Lantern Oil while the Lantern is equipped. Lantern Oil
is 20 rupees a bottle, or you can fill a bottle free of charge in some areas,
where a bowl of oil is sitting there. The Lantern is given to you free from
Coro. He makes his living selling oil, and wants you to come back and buy more


This is the Childlike version of the Bow and Arrow. You use it until you get the
Bow, but it won't do much damage to strong enemies. Sort of like the Wooden
Sword is to the Ordon Sword, the Slingshot is to the Bow. You only really need
it to show off to the children, and it is purchased at the beginning of the
game at Serra's Sundries.


Ooccoo is a strange creature that you learn more about later. There is one found
in each dungeon, and collecting it offers you a way out. Use it, and it warps
you outside of the Dungeon with Ooccoo Jr., Ooccoo's son. You can travel and do
business (such as buy supplies) and then warp back to the exact same spot in the
dungeon. Cool.


The Gale Boomerang is the treasure you find in the Forest Temple. It can be
thrown at up to five targets, which you can lock onto with R and then hit them
all in the order selected. The Boomerang will slice through strands of web and
other vines hanging from the ceiling, but carries the power of wind with it.
This can turn fans and bring far-off objects to you. What a useful contraption!


The Fishing Rod is an inexpertly crafted device, made by your little man Colin,
who made it under his father's instruction. You can use it to catch fish for
fun, or for the Fishing Pond mini-game. You also need to use it three times
total during your quest (twice at the beginning, once later). To fish, cast out
with the equipped button, and wait for the bobber to sink. Then hold Down-C to
pull it in.


These boots are heavy, magnetic and stylish. They are heavy enough to allow you
to sink in water, but you won't be able to last long without a way to breath
under water. These are so heavy, that your speed is decreased by three quarters!
They are so heavy, that the Gorons can't even budge you. Incredible! Whats more
is that you can walk on walls that have a magnetic field on them, because they
are metal plated! Neat!


This bow is a powerful, superior version of the slingshot with less curve and
more accuracy. It can fire quick, shorter attacks. Or held down for the more
long range, pinpoint accuracy shots. This is your standard long range weapon and
you will rely on it a lot.


Zora Armor was made by the Zora's for the heroes of old. It looks sort of silly,
but it grants you special abilities. You can now swim like a Zora through the
water, though with less speed. You can also breathe underwater. Allowing you to
use the Iron Boots forever. This is extremely handy. However, wearing this armor
makes you weak against fire and ice based attacks. Which isn't nice, as I forgot
this and found myself dieing often in the Snow Manor.


The Clawshot is the Twilight Princess's version of Link to the Past and Ocarina
of Time's hookshot. It's the exact same (almost). You aim at a target (vines or
a specific target, no wood this time) and let fly. It attaches on and you fly
to it. This time, there is a change though. You don't automatically fall off.
You can sit there and hang from the target. Vertical ones allow you to raise up
and down, while horizontal ones you can just sit there (until later in the game,
that is..). The Clawshot is found in the Lakebed Temple.

In the City in the Sky Temple, you can get an additional clawshot that gives you
TWO, you can now move up and down along the chain and grapple to more targets
while hanging from a current one.


The best sword in the game. This is said to only be used by the Hero of Time or
in this case, the one chosen by the gods. It repels evil, so touching it will
make you human again. Coupled with the item of evil you receive, you can turn
to human or wolf at will now! This also glows, neat!


This is a device we can stand on and ride like a surfboard over surfaces that
are hard to ride on. There are also grooves we can ride against to go very fast
and above ground. There are also some holes we can use this as a key with to
open new areas.


A rather neat invention that is sort of the Megaton Hammer of this game. It's
strong enough to break through ice, boulders and armor. You can't run while
using this due to it's weight. It's not practical for a combat use but for some
special enemies it dispatches them extremely quick. You can also use it in place
of Bombs in some places to save you some money.


There are several kinds of bombs, plain Bombs, Water Bombs and walking bombs.
Water Bombs can be used in water, Plain bombs on land and walking bombs on land
and they will walk in a direction you give. You start off with Plain Bombs and
can buy more later. To get more bomb bags, do the below:

1. Rescue the Goron below Zora's Domain that came in with the big meteor rock
that you brought.

2. Do the chore of clearing the River run with the Afro Lady at Upper Zora's

To double your bomb bags, go play the river jar shooting game and get 25 or more
points shooting down the jars. All your bomb bags can hold twice as much now!


The Dominion Rod is used to control Statues, you can make them move and hop or
swing their weapon in sync with you. This is a useful tool found in the Temple
of Time as the Dungeon weapon.


This item is used to extend your vision. If you use it normally, you can use it
like a telescope. If you use it with the bow, it's exactly like a scope on a
sniper rifle. It's bought at Malo Mart for 100 Rupees.


The magic armor is terrible, it gives you a much better defense, but it costs
something like two rupees per second that it's equipped. If you run out of
rupees then you move like the Iron Boots are on.

--------------------------------VII. Heart Pieces-------------------------------


=Heart Piece #1=================================================================
=Location: Faron Woods==========================================================
=Specific Location: In the purple fog area (when there is no fog) you have to===
=detour to an area with a key. In this cave, there is a couple of unlit torches=
=present. Light them up to make a chest with it appear==========================
=Heart Piece #2=================================================================
=Location: Forest Temple========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room where you first encounter Red Deku Babas, there=
=is a Flower Enemy on ground level blocking your path to a chest. Go up to the==
=very top (jump to the vines, then climb up). Kill the bomb spider and drop it==
=off the edge. It will swallow it, and blow up. Opening your path to it.========
=Heart Piece #3=================================================================
=Location: Forest Temple========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room with the floor tile creature traps, the north===
=area holds a bunch of torches you have to light. After you get the Gale========
=Boomerang, return to the area and use it on the torches. This puts them out,===
=causing the platforms to lower. They were blocking a chest in a small cranny.==
=In the chest is obviously the Piece.===========================================
=Heart Piece #4=================================================================
=Location: Goron Mines==========================================================
=Specific Location: The room with the many roof magnet paths. You walk around.==
=It is found in the northwest corner of the room.===============================
=Heart Piece #5=================================================================
=Location: Goron Mines==========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room with the side walls and where we first see the==
=Beamos statue, you can go up and left on the magnet walls. It is there in the==
=Heart Piece #6=================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: Climb up above the Bomb Shop and to the lookout point. Use==
=the Goron to get up, then climb to the last bit of the top. Talk to the child==
=to start the Bow minigame. Finish it for the Piece.============================
=Heart Piece #7=================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=Specific Location: Taking the flight mini game with the Cucco, you have to try=
=and land on the platforms. Aim for the second chest from the top spinning one==
=to earn the piece in the chest.================================================
=Heart Piece #8=================================================================
=Location: Lakebed Temple=======================================================
=Specific Location: In the middle of the main room is a giant chandelier. Use===
=the clawshot to reach the targets on it and drop down to find the chest with===
=the piece in it.===============================================================
=Heart Piece #9=================================================================
=Location: Lakebed Temple=======================================================
=Specific Location: The eastern room from the main room (low room) has a bridge=
=that is at the bottom. Bring the flow from the upper west near the end to that=
=side and it rises up. You can cross. Now stand on the switch and clawshot into=
=the gate because it closes the second you step off of it. Open the chest for===
=the piece. There is also an enemy here, and the only way out is to clawshot====
=the target above.==============================================================
=Heart Piece #10================================================================
=Location: Arbiter's Grounds====================================================
=Specific Location: In the northwest corner of the room with the Poe Torches.===
=You can get over the gap easily and open the chest.============================
=Heart Piece #11================================================================
=Location: Arbiter's Grounds====================================================
=Specific Location: In the giant room with several spinning paths, we can take==
=the one on the right hand side up to the top to see a chest with this. See the=
=guides for more information how.===============================================
=Heart Piece #12================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Lcation: At the north exit of Kakariko Village, there is a boulder to=
=the right. Blow it up, then climb to the top. Blow the other boulder with a====
=bomb arrow, then Clawshot to the vines and hop down. There is a chest with one=
=Heart Piece #13================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Market========================================================
=Specific Location: From the entrance where the warp is, there is a man begging=
=for some cash. Donate him 1000 rupees and you will get the piece.==============
=Heart Piece #14================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Ruins=======================================================
=Specific Location: In the room before the door that leads you out to the upper=
=floor of the manor's main hall, there is a floor section by a clawshot target==
=that looks different than the surrounding floor. Beat it with the Ball and=====
=Chain to drop down to the floor below to see the chest with it.================
=Heart Piece #15================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Ruins=======================================================
=Specific Location: On the upper floor of the first room of the manor is a set==
=of chandeliers leading right. Beat these and hop along them to reach a chest===
=with the piece inside.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #16================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: In south hyrule field (Exit from Faron) there is a bridge.==
=The tree on the right of the side of the bridge that is closest to the woods===
=has the heart piece in the branches. It's easy to see at night. Use the Gale===
=Boomerang to reach it.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #17================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: At the spirit spring is a bombable rock to the right. Bomb==
=it and follow the path to the water at the back. Sink to the bottom and open===
=the chest for the Piece.=======================================================
=Heart Piece #18================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: The cliff directly above the boulder in #17 has some more===
=boulders, blow them up with the Bomb Arrows and use the Gale Boomerang to get==
=them back.=====================================================================
=Heart Piece #19================================================================
=Location: Death Mountain=======================================================
=Specific Location: At the rope ledge you climb up at the very start of the=====
=Kakariko Entrance is a Goron. Talk to him and go up the left edge, not the=====
=rope ledge on his back. Follow the cliff ledge north and you will see a hole===
=in the wall that you can drop down and open the chest to get a piece of heart==
=Heart Piece #20================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: In the center of the Kakariko Gorge is a spire. There is a==
=Piece of Heart on it. From the western edge you can reach it with the Gale=====
=Heart Piece #21================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: South of the Heart in Kakariko Gorge is a boulder in the====
=wall. Blow it up and enter the cave. Fight your way (always right) to the back=
=to get the piece of heart.=====================================================
=Heart Piece #22================================================================
=Location: Gerudo Desert========================================================
=Specific Location: In the enemy camp, there is a boar roasting over the fire.==
=Knock it down to get the piece of heart.=======================================
=Heart Piece #23================================================================
=Location: North Hyrule Field===================================================
=Specific Location: The far north end has a big spinner track by the south======
=exit. Make some big leaps and you will eventually reach it.====================
=Heart Piece #24================================================================
=Location: Eldin Bridge=========================================================
=Specific Location: The clawshot ledge behind Eldin Bridge has a cave. Enter it=
=and use the Iron boots to go to the bottom. Down here is a chest with 100======
=rupees and a Piece of Heart.===================================================
=Heart Piece #25================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Top=========================================================
=Specific Location: Beat Yeti and his wife Yeta in a race down the mountain.====
=Heart Piece #26================================================================
=Location: Fishing Hole=========================================================
=On the rock in the middle. Easy to see, to get, rent a boat and use the rod on=
=it to reel it in.==============================================================
=Heart Piece #27================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=In the north end of the field is a rock that can be bombed that faces the======
=castle to the south. Inside are some slider puzzles that you can figure out or=
=read DBM's FAQ. (Just reverse left and right directions).======================
=Heart Piece #28================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Past Bridge of Eldin (going north) is another bridge that is made of wood. On==
=the other side is a spinner track. Use it and dig in the center of the weed====
=circle. Defeat the skeleton enemies inside and bomb their remains to get a=====
=chest with it.=================================================================
=Heart Piece #29================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=Talk to the parrot on the island with the wolf to start a game. Fly into the===
=Oranges ONLY until you reach the top with 10,000 points and you will get the===
=Piece from the Parrot.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #30================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=The cave that you see if you turn around from the Howling Stone. There is a====
=Piece of Heart if you light the torches at the end.============================
=Heart Piece #31================================================================
=Location: Sacred Grove=========================================================
=The area where you fought the Skull Kid the first time there is a rock. Blow===
=it up and go inside. Defeat all the enemies to make the chest with it appear.==
=Heart Piece #32================================================================
=Location: Temple of Time=======================================================
=The area with the Switch that you can hit and go between the areas (with the===
=electricity) you can use the statue to hit the switch and go inside. On the====
=right is the statue.===========================================================
=Heart Piece #33================================================================
=Location: Temple of Time=======================================================
=The non locked door on the top part of the lever elevator room has a statue====
=on a sort of enclosed track. Use the Dominion Rod to control them, bring one===
=on the right to the switch, then throw a statue back and control the one on====
=the left to get it on the switch to make a chest appear with the Heart Piece.==
=Heart Piece #34================================================================
=Location: Hidden Village=======================================================
=After the enemies are gone and the old lady is gone, you can play a minigame===
=with the cats. If you can find all 20 of them and talk to them as the wolf=====
=then you will be awarded this.=================================================
=Heart Piece #35================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=At the Bridge of Eldin you can move the owl statue from one end to the other===
=and place it in a gap that you can then cross and get a Piece of Heart on.=====
=Heart Piece #36================================================================
=Location: Faron Woods==========================================================
=The Owl statue at Faron Woods can be moved into a hole to make a jumping path==
=as the wolf to get to the top and open a chest for the piece.==================
=Heart Piece #37================================================================
=Location: Sacred Grove=========================================================
=In the Temple of Time area (back in time) is an owl statue on the right side===
=of the stairs. Move it to get the Piece.=======================================
=Heart Piece #38================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Talk to the Goron outside the Malo Mart and you start a quest. Deliver the hot=
=spring water to the Goron, he will leave the Piece of Heart.===================
=Heart Piece #39================================================================
=Location: City in the Sky======================================================
=In the circular room with the giant Baba, there is a part where you cross the==
=thin platform along the wall, you can see some bats hanging from the roof and==
=shoot them with your bow, crawl along the platform to where they were to get===
=the chest with the Piece of Heart.=============================================
=Heart Piece #40================================================================
=Location: City in the Sky======================================================
=In the area past the part where you have to clawshot to the moving plant=======
=creatures is a big row of them going to the other side, instead of going all===
=the way across take a right and head back to the door paralell to where you====
=came from. It's behind the door in a chest.====================================
=Heart Piece #41================================================================
=Location: Ordon Ranch==========================================================
=Return to the Ordon Ranch after obtaining Epona and herd the goats again in====
=under a certain amount of time to receive a Piece of Heart.====================
=Heart Piece #42================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=At the place where the Light Spirit is, you can go around to the back and use==
=the clawshot to get to the top. Light the torches here to get a chest with the=
=Heart Piece #43================================================================
=Location: Palace of Twilight===================================================
=While taking the first Sol Orb, there is a room with twilight on the walls. On=
=the right side wall with the black twilight flowing, the orb will clear this===
=area as you approach and you can jump through. Clawshot to the target and open=
=the chest here for a Piece of Heart!===========================================
=Heart Piece #44================================================================
=Location: Palace of Twilight===================================================
=While taking the second Sol Orb back, there is a room with a black orb on the==
=floor that you can light up to take two platforms that lead to chests with the=
=Piece of Heart and 50 rupees respectively.=====================================
=Heart Piece #45================================================================
=Head to Kakariko Gorge and go to the eastern ledge of the cliff by the bridge.=
=There in the middle is a rock spire where we got a Piece of Heart a little=====
=while ago, Clawshot to the target on it, then to the target on the cliff=======
=face. Then Clawshot lastly to the vines and climb over to the chest to claim===
=your last Piece of Heart!======================================================


=Heart Piece #1=================================================================
=Location: Faron Woods==========================================================
=Specific Location: In the purple fog area (when there is no fog) you have to===
=detour to an area with a key. In this cave, there is a couple of unlit torches=
=present. Light them up to make a chest with it appear==========================
=Heart Piece #2=================================================================
=Location: Forest Temple========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room where you first encounter Red Deku Babas, there=
=is a Flower Enemy on ground level blocking your path to a chest. Go up to the==
=very top (jump to the vines, then climb up). Kill the bomb spider and drop it==
=off the edge. It will swallow it, and blow up. Opening your path to it.========
=Heart Piece #3=================================================================
=Location: Forest Temple========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room with the floor tile creature traps, the north===
=area holds a bunch of torches you have to light. After you get the Gale========
=Boomerang, return to the area and use it on the torches. This puts them out,===
=causing the platforms to lower. They were blocking a chest in a small cranny.==
=In the chest is obviously the Piece.===========================================
=Heart Piece #4=================================================================
=Location: Goron Mines==========================================================
=Specific Location: The room with the many roof magnet paths. You walk around.==
=It is found in the northeast corner of the room.===============================
=Heart Piece #5=================================================================
=Location: Goron Mines==========================================================
=Specific Location: In the room with the side walls and where we first see the==
=Beamos statue, you can go up and right on the magnet walls. It is there in the=
=Heart Piece #6=================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: Climb up above the Bomb Shop and to the lookout point. Use==
=the Goron to get up, then climb to the last bit of the top. Talk to the child==
=to start the Bow minigame. Finish it for the Piece.============================
=Heart Piece #7=================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=Specific Location: Taking the flight mini game with the Cucco, you have to try=
=and land on the platforms. Aim for the second chest from the top spinning one==
=to earn the piece in the chest.================================================
=Heart Piece #8=================================================================
=Location: Lakebed Temple=======================================================
=Specific Location: In the middle of the main room is a giant chandelier. Use===
=the clawshot to reach the targets on it and drop down to find the chest with===
=the piece in it.===============================================================
=Heart Piece #9=================================================================
=Location: Lakebed Temple=======================================================
=Specific Location: The western room from the main room (low room) has a bridge=
=that is at the bottom. Bring the flow from the upper east near the end to that=
=side and it rises up. You can cross. Now stand on the switch and clawshot into=
=the gate because it closes the second you step off of it. Open the chest for===
=the piece. There is also an enemy here, and the only way out is to clawshot====
=the target above.==============================================================
=Heart Piece #10================================================================
=Location: Arbiter's Grounds====================================================
=Specific Location: In the northeast corner of the room with the Poe Torches.===
=You can get over the gap easily and open the chest.============================
=Heart Piece #11================================================================
=Location: Arbiter's Grounds====================================================
=Specific Location: In the giant room with several spinning paths, we can take==
=the one on the left hand side up to the top to see a chest with this. See the==
=guides for more information how.===============================================
=Heart Piece #12================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: At the north exit of Kakariko Village, there is a boulder===
=to the left. Blow it up, then climb to the top. Blow the other boulder with a==
=bomb arrow, then Clawshot to the vines and hop down. There is a chest with one=
=Heart Piece #13================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Market========================================================
=Specific Location: From the entrance where the warp is, there is a man begging=
=for some cash. Donate him 1000 rupees and you will get the piece.==============
=Heart Piece #14================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Ruins=======================================================
=Specific Location: In the room before the door that leads you out to the upper=
=floor of the manor's main hall, there is a floor section by a clawshot target==
=that looks different than the surrounding floor. Beat it with the Ball and=====
=Chain to drop down to the floor below to see the chest with it.================
=Heart Piece #15================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Ruins=======================================================
=Specific Location: On the upper floor of the first room of the manor is a set==
=of chandeliers leading left. Beat these and hop along them to reach a chest====
=with the piece inside.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #16================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: In south hyrule field (Exit from Faron) there is a bridge.==
=The tree on the left of the side of the bridge that is closest to the woods====
=has the heart piece in the branches. It's easy to see at night. Use the Gale===
=Boomerang to reach it.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #17================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: At the spirit spring is a bombable rock to the left. Bomb===
=it and follow the path to the water at the back. Sink to the bottom and open===
=the chest for the Piece.=======================================================
=Heart Piece #18================================================================
=Location: Kakariko Village=====================================================
=Specific Location: The cliff directly above the boulder in #17 has some more===
=boulders, blow them up with the Bomb Arrows and use the Gale Boomerang to get==
=them back.=====================================================================
=Heart Piece #19================================================================
=Location: Death Mountain=======================================================
=Specific Location: At the rope ledge you climb up at the very start of the=====
=Kakariko Entrance is a Goron. Talk to him and go up the right edge, not the====
=rope ledge on his back. Follow the cliff ledge north and you will see a hole===
=in the wall that you can drop down and open the chest to get a piece of heart==
=Heart Piece #20================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: In the center of the Kakariko Gorge is a spire. There is a==
=Piece of Heart on it. From the eastern edge you can reach it with the Gale=====
=Heart Piece #21================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Specific Location: South of the Heart in Kakariko Gorge is a boulder in the====
=wall. Blow it up and enter the cave. Fight your way (always left) to the back==
=to get the piece of heart.=====================================================
=Heart Piece #22================================================================
=Location: Gerudo Desert========================================================
=Specific Location: In the enemy camp, there is a boar roasting over the fire.==
=Knock it down to get the piece of heart.=======================================
=Heart Piece #23================================================================
=Location: North Hyrule Field===================================================
=Specific Location: The far north end has a big spinner track by the south======
=exit. Make some big leaps and you will eventually reach it.====================
=Heart Piece #24================================================================
=Location: Eldin Bridge=========================================================
=Specific Location: The clawshot ledge behind Eldin Bridge has a cave. Enter it=
=and use the Iron boots to go to the bottom. Down here is a chest with 100======
=rupees and a Piece of Heart.===================================================
=Heart Piece #25================================================================
=Location: Snowpeak Top=========================================================
=Specific Location: Beat Yeti and his wife Yeta in a race down the mountain.====
=Heart Piece #26================================================================
=Location: Fishing Hole=========================================================
=On the rock in the middle. Easy to see, to get, rent a boat and use the rod on=
=it to reel it in.==============================================================
=Heart Piece #27================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=In the north end of the field is a rock that can be bombed that faces the======
=castle to the south. Inside are some slider puzzles that you can figure out or=
=read DBM's FAQ.================================================================
=Heart Piece #28================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Past Bridge of Eldin (going north) is another bridge that is made of wood. On==
=the other side is a spinner track. Use it and dig in the center of the weed====
=circle. Defeat the skeleton enemies inside and bomb their remains to get a=====
=chest with it.=================================================================
=Heart Piece #29================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=Talk to the parrot on the island with the wolf to start a game. Fly into the===
=Oranges ONLY until you reach the top with 10,000 points and you will get the===
=Piece from the Parrot.=========================================================
=Heart Piece #30================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=The cave that you see if you turn around from the Howling Stone. There is a====
=Piece of Heart if you light the torches at the end.============================
=Heart Piece #31================================================================
=Location: Sacred Grove=========================================================
=The area where you fought the Skull Kid the first time there is a rock. Blow===
=it up and go inside. Defeat all the enemies to make the chest with it appear.==
=Heart Piece #32================================================================
=Location: Temple of Time=======================================================
=The area with the Switch that you can hit and go between the areas (with the===
=electricity) you can use the statue to hit the switch and go inside. On the====
=left is the chest.=============================================================
=Heart Piece #33================================================================
=Location: Temple of Time=======================================================
=The non locked door on the top part of the lever elevator room has a statue====
=on a sort of enclosed track. Use the Dominion Rod to control them, bring one===
=on the left to the switch, then throw a statue back and control the one on=====
=the right to get it on the switch to make a chest appear with the Heart Piece.=
=Heart Piece #34================================================================
=Location: Hidden Village=======================================================
=After the enemies are gone and the old lady is gone, you can play a minigame===
=with the cats. If you can find all 20 of them and talk to them as the wolf=====
=then you will be awarded this.=================================================
=Heart Piece #35================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=At the Bridge of Eldin you can move the owl statue from one end to the other===
=and place it in a gap that you can then cross and get a Piece of Heart on.=====
=Heart Piece #36================================================================
=Location: Faron Woods==========================================================
=The Owl statue at Faron Woods can be moved into a hole to make a jumping path==
=as the wolf to get to the top and open a chest for the piece.==================
=Heart Piece #37================================================================
=Location: Sacred Grove=========================================================
=In the Temple of Time area (back in time) is an owl statue on the left side====
=of the stairs. Move it to get the Piece.=======================================
=Heart Piece #38================================================================
=Location: Hyrule Field=========================================================
=Talk to the Goron outside the Malo Mart and you start a quest. Deliver the hot=
=spring water to the Goron, he will leave the Piece of Heart.===================
=Heart Piece #39================================================================
=Location: City in the Sky======================================================
=In the circular room with the giant Baba, there is a part where you cross the==
=thin platform along the wall, you can see some bats hanging from the roof and==
=shoot them with your bow, crawl along the platform to where they were to get===
=the chest with the Piece of Heart.=============================================
=Heart Piece #40================================================================
=Location: City in the Sky======================================================
=In the area past the part where you have to clawshot to the moving plant=======
=creatures is a big row of them going to the other side, instead of going all===
=the way across take a left and head back to the door paralell to where you=====
=came from. It's behind the door in a chest.====================================
=Heart Piece #41================================================================
=Location: Ordon Ranch==========================================================
=Return to the Ordon Ranch after obtaining Epona and herd the goats again in====
=under a certain amount of time to receive a Piece of Heart.====================
=Heart Piece #42================================================================
=Location: Lake Hylia===========================================================
=At the place where the Light Spirit is, you can go around to the back and use==
=the clawshot to get to the top. Light the torches here to get a chest with the=
=Heart Piece #43================================================================
=Location: Palace of Twilight===================================================
=While taking the first Sol Orb, there is a room with twilight on the walls. On=
=the left side wall with the black twilight flowing, the orb will clear this====
=area as you approach and you can jump through. Clawshot to the target and open=
=the chest here for a Piece=====================================================
=of Heart!======================================================================
=Heart Piece #44================================================================
=Location: Palace of Twilight===================================================
=While taking the second Sol Orb back, there is a room with a black orb on the==
=floor that you can light up to take two platforms that lead to chests with the=
=Piece of Heart and 50 rupees respectively.=====================================
=Heart Piece #45================================================================
=Head to Kakariko Gorge and go to the eastern ledge of the cliff by the bridge.=
=There in the middle is a rock spire where we got a Piece of Heart a little=====
=while ago, Clawshot to the target on it, then to the target on the cliff=======
=face. Then Clawshot lastly to the vines and climb over to the chest to claim===
=your last Piece of Heart!======================================================

-------------------------------VIII. Golden Bug---------------------------------


|Bug: Male Beetle--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: An area south of Karariko. Not quite at the back, but close. There--|
|is a lone tree. It is hovering around it.-------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Beetle------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: The eastern edge of the field outside of Faron is a bug sitting on--|
|a tree (it's on the ledge, so it's hard to spot.)-----------------------------|

|Bug: Male Pill Bug------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: By the bridge leading into the area of the Male Beetle. It is easier|
|to spot going backwards, as it is coming back from the first one.-------------|

|Bug: Female Pill Bug----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: South of the entrance to Kakariko is a patch of flowers.The bug is--|

|Bug: Male Grasshopper---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: By the north exit to Kakariko, it's flying around and you have to---|
|stop it with your Gale Boomerang----------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Grasshopper-------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Hopping around northeast of the north entrance to Kakariko Village.-|

|Bug: Male Dragonfly-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: The Waterfall by Zora's Domain has a path going up near the bottom.-|
|Follow it to see it flying around some boxes.---------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Dragonfly---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In front of the boat rental. Stand to one of the sides on the shore-|
|then use the Boomerang to pull it to you.-------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Ladybug-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In the south hyrule castle exit, there is a bug down below the------|
|castle part and to the left in some bushes. You can see the glow best at night|

|Bug: Male Ladybug-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In south hyrule castle exit. Go to the right immediately and it's by|
|one of the trees.-------------------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Phasmid-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In south Eldin Bridge. It's on one of the pillars.------------------|

|Bug: Female Phasmid-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: On the north end of Eldin Bridge. Use the clawshot target to the----|
|ledge and get it off the wall-------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Stag Beetle-------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: It's above the Ice Cave in north Hyrule Field.----------------------|

|Bug: Male Stag Beetle---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In a lone tree near the Female Stag Beetle--------------------------|

|Bug: Male Butterfly-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: South of the warp to Castle Town is this bug in Flowers.------------|

|Bug: Female Butterfly---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Near the western exit of the warp area is a ledge to the right that-|
|you can grapple up to the top with. He's floating around there.---------------|

|Bug: Male Dayfly--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In the Desert is a gate to the south that you can break down. Behind|
|it is a gold bug in the distance.---------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Dayfly------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: From the warp, head right and go down to see a series of trenches.--|
|The Middle one holds the bug.-------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Snail---------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: After dropping the block there is a bug near the opening to the big-|
|area. It's on the roof/wall on the right.-------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Snail-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Inside the old temple of time, go to the right and around the stairs|
|to see the bug on the wall.---------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Mantis--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: On the East edge of the bridge of Hylia. It's on the pillars.-------|

|Bug: Female Mantis------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: It's found in the area on the far west part of the Bridge of Hylia.-|
|There is a turn south, and you can find it on the wall.-----------------------|


|Bug: Male Beetle--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: An area south of Karariko. Not quite at the back, but close. There--|
|is a lone tree. It is hovering around it.)------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Beetle------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: The western edge of the field outside of Faron is a bug sitting on--|
|a tree (it's on the ledge, so it's hard to spot.------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Pill Bug------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: By the bridge leading into the area of the Male Beetle. It is easier|
|to spot going backwards, as it is coming back from the first one.-------------|

|Bug: Female Pill Bug----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: South of the entrance to Kakariko is a patch of flowers.The bug is--|

|Bug: Male Grasshopper---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: By the north exit to Kakariko, it's flying around and you have to---|
|stop it with your Gale Boomerang----------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Grasshopper-------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Hopping around northwest of the north entrance to Kakariko Village.-|

|Bug: Male Dragonfly-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: The Waterfall by Zora's Domain has a path going up near the bottom.-|
|Follow it to see it flying around some boxes.---------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Dragonfly---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In front of the boat rental. Stand to one of the sides on the shore-|
|then use the Boomerang to pull it to you.-------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Ladybug-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In the south hyrule castle exit, there is a bug down below the------|
|castle part and to the right in some bushes. You can see the glow best at-----|

|Bug: Male Ladybug-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In south hyrule castle exit. Go to the left immediately and it's by-|
|one of the trees.-------------------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Phasmid-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In south Eldin Bridge. It's on one of the pillars.------------------|

|Bug: Female Phasmid-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: On the north end of Eldin Bridge. Use the clawshot target to the----|
|ledge and get it off the wall-------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Stag Beetle-------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: It's above the Ice Cave in north Hyrule Field.----------------------|

|Bug: Male Stag Beetle---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In a nearby tree by the Female Stag Beetle.-------------------------|

|Bug: Male Butterfly-----------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: South of the warp to Castle Town is this bug in Flowers.------------|

|Bug: Female Butterfly---------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Near the eastern exit of the warp area is a ledge to the left that--|
|you can grapple up to the top with. He's floating around there.---------------|

|Bug: Male Dayfly--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: In the Desert is a gate to the south that you can break down. Behind|
|it is a gold bug in the distance.---------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Dayfly------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: From the warp, head left and go down to see a series of trenches.---|
|The Middle one holds the bug.-------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Snail---------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: After dropping the block there is a bug near the opening to the big-|
|area. It's on the roof/wall on the left.--------------------------------------|

|Bug: Female Snail-------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: Inside the old temple of time, go to the left and around the stairs-|
|to see the bug on the wall.---------------------------------------------------|

|Bug: Male Mantis--------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: On the West edge of the bridge of Hylia. It's on the pillars.-------|

|Bug: Female Mantis------------------------------------------------------------|
|Location: It's found in the area on the far east part of the Bridge of Hylia.-|
|There is a turn south, and you can find it on the wall.-----------------------|

----------------------------------IX. Poe Souls---------------------------------

Note: If you can't find some of these, try looking at night time. They appear
mostly then.

|Poe Soul #1                                                                   |
|Location: As you carry the wounded Midna on your back through Telma's hidden  |
|passage, you come across this, the first poe in the game.                     |
|Poe Soul #2                                                                   |
|Location: This soul is located in the Gerudo Desert. When you discover the    |
|Piece of the Bridge of Eldin, it is to the right of it. Plenty of room to kill|
|the foe.                                                                      |
|Poe Soul #3                                                                   |
|Location: After you get the first boar and smash through the first set of wood|
|gates at the external enemy camp, it's to the left fork after you climb the   |
|small ledges.                                                                 |
|Poe Soul #4                                                                   |
|Location: To the left of the entrance to Arbiter's Grounds (or the second time|
|you smash through the gates after the fire in the boar pen) is the poe soul,  |
|ready for you to take it apart.                                               |
|Poe Soul #5                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #6                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #7                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #8                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #9                                                                   |
|Location: In the southern exit of Hyrule Market, it's standing right there.   |
|Poe Soul #10                                                                  |
|Location: At the south exit of Hyrule Market is a chasm to the right of the   |
|stairs. Jump straight down to end up in Lake Hylia, then go behind you to see |
|the light in the distance. Go there to battle it.                             |
|Poe Soul #11                                                                  |
|Location: After Warping to Lake Hylia, you can see it in the distance behind  |
|you. Go there by taking the slope to the right of the bridge.                 |
|Poe Soul #12                                                                  |
|Location: By the tower the old man is standing on in Lake Hylia. Just below it|
|is the poe soul. Note that this is the old man studying the desert, not the   |
|cannon guy.                                                                   |
|Poe Soul #13                                                                  |
|Location: In the suit of Armor to the right at the beginning of the Snowpeak  |
|Ruins. It's the one in the center.                                            |
|Poe Soul #14                                                                  |
|Location: In a block of Ice in the Snowpeak Ruins. See the Walkthrough for the|
|specific location.                                                            |
|Poe Soul #15                                                                  |
|Location: Right at the start of snowpeak manor when you walk up it will be    |
|there waiting for you.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #16                                                                  |
|Location: Northern Faron. In the purple fog area you can find it it in center |
|of the target jumping log area. Follow the jumps.                             |
|Poe Soul #17                                                                  |
|Location: South Hyrule Field, it's at nighttime over the bridge. You can see  |
|it glowing in the distance.                                                   |
|Poe Soul #18                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Village, climb up the back of the Bomb Shop and go to where|
|the explosion in the storehouse was. At night, there is a Poe there.          |
|Poe Soul #19                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Village, climb up the back of the Bomb Shop and go to the  |
|lookout point building to see a poe soul at night at the door.                |
|Poe Soul #20                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Graveyard, there is one sitting there at nighttime.        |
|Poe Soul #21                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Graveyard. One is sitting in a grave that you must move to |
|call him out.                                                                 |
|Poe Soul #22                                                                  |
|Location: Death Mountain, launch yourself up the first goron from the Kakariko|
|entrance to see the poe soul on the left.                                     |
|Poe Soul #23                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Gorge, there is a tree that you can see up on a cliff above|
|the bridge that has the poe at night.                                         |
|Poe Soul #24                                                                  |
|Location: In the southern cave, there is a poe soul after the three way fork, |
|take the left fork to find him.                                               |
|Poe Soul #25                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #26                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #27                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #28                                                                  |
|Location: At the bridge in the North Area of Hyrule. Only at nighttime will it|
|appear for you to defeat.                                                     |
|Poe Soul #29                                                                  |
|Location: In the enemy camp in the desert. Remember the battle with the fat   |
|green guy? Where you escaped from on the boar? Yeah, that's where it is, at   |
|night only I believe.                                                         |
|Poe Soul #30                                                                  |
|Location: On the search of the enemy skull kid, there is place you can swim to|
|where the skull kid was the first time. There is a poe there the second time. |
|Poe Soul #31                                                                  |
|Location: In the area where the skull kid was the first time is a boulder.    |
|Blow it up and the poe soul is there.                                         |
|Poe Soul #32                                                                  |
|Location: In the area where the Master Sword was, before you go back in time. |
|Poe Soul #33                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time, behind the gate in the room with the big lever that |
|makes the elevator go up and down. Use the rod to get a statue on the switch  |
|to get it.                                                                    |
|Poe Soul #34                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time, in the room with the huge scales is a spinner track.|
|At the top it's there.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #35                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. East of the entrance to the base is a raised area.   |
|Clawshot to the tree and defeat the Poe on top.                               |
|Poe Soul #36                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. Right below Poe Soul #35 is a digable spot that has  |
|two Poe Souls in it.                                                          |
|Poe Soul #37                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. Right below Poe Soul #35 is a digable spot that has  |
|two Poe Souls in it.                                                          |
|Poe Soul #38                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time. In the area back in time, go left and move the      |
|owl statue to gain access to a Poe Soul.                                      |
|Poe Soul #39                                                                  |
|Location: Hyrule Field. Near the Owl Statue by the colliseum like thing. At   |
|night only.                                                                   |
|Poe Soul #40                                                                  |
|Location: Lake Hylia. On the second bottom part of the cucco flying mini-game |
|at nighttime only.                                                            |
|Poe Soul #41                                                                  |
|Location: City in the Sky. In the area with the moving flying plants, after   |
|clawshotting to the second you can turn right and clawshot to a new one. It is|
|by the tree down here.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #42                                                                  |
|Location: City in the Sky. In the area with the giant fan you can drop through|
|(near Poe Soul 41, a few rooms along) you can climb up the vines in the wall  |
|and come to a fork in the road, go right and follow this path until you reach |
|it, it is found near the chest with 50 rupees.                                |
|Poe Soul #43                                                                  |
|Location: At the Cuccoo flight mini game Grab a Cuccoo at the mini game and   |
|immediately after jumping, hold down and you will land on a ledge with a Poe  |
|Soul here.                                                                    |
|Poe Soul #44                                                                  |
|Location: South of where the Cannon deposits you in the desert is a brown     |
|square, and at night he will come out to play.                                |
|Poe Soul #45                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #46                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #47                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #48                                                                  |
|Location: At the Hidden village on the northwest balcony (use the net by the  |
|water pool).                                                                  |
|Poe Soul #49                                                                  |
|Location: Go over to the mountain that leads up Snowpeak (from Zora's Domain).|
|Follow the trail until you reach a point up on the mountains where you are    |
|sort of funneled into a path |x| like that, after you get out of it turn left |
|and you will see a Poe nearby.                                                |
|Poe Soul #50                                                                  |
|Location: When you reach a point where you can see two trees, jump off and run|
|over to the second tree. Turn around and face out, then run and jump off of   |
|the side of the mountain, heading west until you are all the way to a single  |
|tree with a Poe Soul. This is on Snowpeak, by the way, continuing off of #49. |
|Poe Soul #51                                                                  |
|Location: In Snowpeak on the way up is a cave. Inside the cave you'll see some|
|ice blocks you couldn't destroy the first time through. Break them with the   |
|Ball and Chain and get the Poe the comes out.                                 |
|Poe Soul #52                                                                  |
|Location: Go to Snowpeak Ruins (outside of the Manor). Turn Wolf, then head   |
|left as soon as you get onto the snow. Follow this until you reach the last   |
|poe in this area.                                                             |
|Poe Soul #53                                                                  |
|Location: Zora's Domain, on the on the bottom of the waterfall you can take   |
|the east side and go up the ledge to the top to get a Poe Soul here.          |
|Poe Soul #54                                                                  |
|Location: Zora's Domain, continuing from #53 you can also take the west side  |
|and target jump to Midna up a couple ledges to behind the waterfall for a Poe |
|Soul.                                                                         |
|Poe Soul #55                                                                  |
|Location: Snowpeak, I misplaced this one while typing. Continuing from #50,   |
| When you reach a point where the scent goes straight up, take a left and     |
|you'll find a poe by a tree.                                                  |
|Poe Soul #56                                                                  |
|Location: Upper Zora's River, go to the south area where the river splits,    |
|there is a poe on the top of the hill.                                        |
|Poe Soul #57                                                                  |
|Location: Head to Castle Town Hyrule Field and find your way to the North end |
|of it. Here there is a bridge, go west of this bridge and use your senses     |
|until you can find a digable spot by some nice looking grass. Inside are TWO  |
|Poes and some annoying enemies..                                              |
|Poe Soul #58                                                                  |
|Location: Head to Castle Town Hyrule Field and find your way to the North end |
|of it. Here there is a bridge, go west of this bridge and use your senses     |
|until you can find a digable spot by some nice looking grass. Inside are TWO  |
|Poes and some annoying enemies..                                              |
|Poe Soul #59                                                                  |
|Location: Now head to the east end of the Castle (remember the fixed bridge?  |
|Go there) and there should be a Poe on it at night time.                      |
|Poe Soul #60                                                                  |
|Location: Go to the Bridge of Hylia (the one above Lake Hylia). Go south from |
|here until you reach ledges with boulders on them. Bomb Arrow them and then   |
|clawshot up to the top. Congratulations, you have all the Poe Souls!          |


|Poe Soul #1                                                                   |
|Location: As you carry the wounded Midna on your back through Telma's hidden  |
|passage, you come across this, the first poe in the game.                     |
|Poe Soul #2                                                                   |
|Location: This soul is located in the Gerudo Desert. When you discover the    |
|Piece of the Bridge of Eldin, it is to the left of it. Plenty of room to kill |
|the foe.                                                                      |
|Poe Soul #3                                                                   |
|Location: After you get the first boar and smash through the first set of wood|
|gates at the external enemy camp, it's to the right fork after you climb the  |
|small ledges.                                                                 |
|Poe Soul #4                                                                   |
|Location: To the right of the entrance to Arbiter's Grounds (or the second    |
|time you smash through the gates after the fire in the boar pen) is the poe   |
|soul, ready for you to take it apart.                                         |
|Poe Soul #5                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #6                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #7                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #8                                                                   |
|Location: This is the soul of one of the four poes that steal the torches at  |
|the start of the level "Arbiter's Grounds".                                   |
|Poe Soul #9                                                                   |
|Location: In the southern exit of Hyrule Market, it's standing left there.    |
|Poe Soul #10                                                                  |
|Location: At the south exit of Hyrule Market is a chasm to the left of the    |
|stairs. Jump straight down to end up in Lake Hylia, then go behind you to see |
|the light in the distance. Go there to battle it.                             |
|Poe Soul #11                                                                  |
|Location: After Warping to Lake Hylia, you can see it in the distance behind  |
|you. Go there by taking the slope to the left of the bridge.                  |
|Poe Soul #12                                                                  |
|Location: By the tower the old man is standing on in Lake Hylia. Just below it|
|is the poe soul. Note that this is the old man studying the desert, not the   |
|cannon guy.                                                                   |
|Poe Soul #13                                                                  |
|Location: In the suit of Armor to the left at the beginning of the Snowpeak   |
|Ruins. It's the one in the center.                                            |
|Poe Soul #14                                                                  |
|Location: In a block of Ice in the Snowpeak Ruins. See the Walkthrough for the|
|specific location.                                                            |
|Poe Soul #15                                                                  |
|Location: Left at the start of snowpeak manor when you walk up it will be     |
|there waiting for you.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #16                                                                  |
|Location: Northern Faron. In the purple fog area you can find it it in center |
|of the target jumping log area. Follow the jumps.                             |
|Poe Soul #17                                                                  |
|Location: South Hyrule Field, it's at nighttime over the bridge. You can see  |
|it glowing in the distance.                                                   |
|Poe Soul #18                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Village, climb up the back of the Bomb Shop and go to where|
|the explosion in the storehouse was. At night, there is a Poe there.          |
|Poe Soul #19                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Village, climb up the back of the Bomb Shop and go to the  |
|lookout point building to see a poe soul at night at the door.                |
|Poe Soul #20                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Graveyard, there is one sitting there at nighttime.        |
|Poe Soul #21                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Graveyard. One is sitting in a grave that you must move to |
|call him out.                                                                 |
|Poe Soul #22                                                                  |
|Location: Death Mountain, launch yourself up the first goron from the Kakariko|
|entrance to see the poe soul on the right.                                    |
|Poe Soul #23                                                                  |
|Location: Kakariko Gorge, there is a tree that you can see up on a cliff above|
|the bridge that has the poe at night.                                         |
|Poe Soul #24                                                                  |
|Location: In the southern cave, there is a poe soul after the three way fork, |
|take the right fork to find him.                                              |
|Poe Soul #25                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #26                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #27                                                                  |
|Location: At Lake Hylia, there is a howling stone. Face it, then turn around  |
|to see a bombable rock. There is a dark cave behind it which has a poe Soul.  |
|There are three to be precise.                                                |
|Poe Soul #28                                                                  |
|Location: At the bridge in the North Area of Hyrule. Only at nighttime will it|
|appear for you to defeat.                                                     |
|Poe Soul #29                                                                  |
|Location: In the enemy camp in the desert. Remember the battle with the fat   |
|green guy? Where you escaped from on the boar? Yeah, that's where it is, at   |
|night only I believe.                                                         |
|Poe Soul #30                                                                  |
|Location: On the search of the enemy skull kid, there is place you can swim to|
|where the skull kid was the first time. There is a poe there the second time. |
|Poe Soul #31                                                                  |
|Location: In the area where the skull kid was the first time is a boulder.    |
|Blow it up and the poe soul is there.                                         |
|Poe Soul #32                                                                  |
|Location: In the area where the Master Sword was, before you go back in time. |
|Poe Soul #33                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time, behind the gate in the room with the big lever that |
|makes the elevator go up and down. Use the rod to get a statue on the switch  |
|to get it.                                                                    |
|Poe Soul #34                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time, in the room with the huge scales is a spinner track.|
|At the top it's there.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #34                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time, in the room with the huge scales is a spinner track.|
|At the top it's there.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #35                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. West of the entrance to the base is a raised area.   |
|Clawshot to the tree and defeat the Poe on top.                               |
|Poe Soul #36                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. Right below Poe Soul #35 is a digable spot that has  |
|two Poe Souls in it.                                                          |
|Poe Soul #37                                                                  |
|Location: Gerudo Desert. Right below Poe Soul #35 is a digable spot that has  |
|two Poe Souls in it.                                                          |
|Poe Soul #38                                                                  |
|Location: Temple of Time. In the area back in time, go right and move the     |
|owl statue to gain access to a Poe Soul.                                      |
|Poe Soul #39                                                                  |
|Location: Hyrule Field. Near the Owl Statue by the colliseum like thing. At   |
|night only.                                                                   |
|Poe Soul #40                                                                  |
|Location: Lake Hylia. On the second bottom part of the cucco flying mini-game |
|at nighttime only.                                                            |
|Poe Soul #41                                                                  |
|Location: City in the Sky. In the area with the moving flying plants, after   |
|clawshotting to the second you can turn right and clawshot to a new one. It is|
|by the tree down here.                                                        |
|Poe Soul #42                                                                  |
|Location: City in the Sky. In the area with the giant fan you can drop through|
|(near Poe Soul 41, a few rooms along) you can climb up the vines in the wall  |
|and come to a fork in the road, go right and follow this path until you reach |
|it, it is found near the chest with 50 rupees.                                |
|Poe Soul #43                                                                  |
|Location: At the Cuccoo flight mini game Grab a Cuccoo at the mini game and   |
|immediately after jumping, hold down and you will land on a ledge with a Poe  |
|Soul here.                                                                    |
|Poe Soul #44                                                                  |
|Location: South of where the Cannon deposits you in the desert is a brown     |
|square, and at night he will come out to play.                                |
|Poe Soul #45                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #46                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #47                                                                  |
|Location: This one is located in the Cave of Ordeals.                         |
|Poe Soul #48                                                                  |
|Location: At the Hidden village on the northeast balcony (use the net by the  |
|water pool).                                                                  |
|Poe Soul #49                                                                  |
|Location: Go over to the mountain that leads up Snowpeak (from Zora's Domain).|
|Follow the trail until you reach a point up on the mountains where you are    |
|sort of funneled into a path |x| like that, after you get out of it turn right|
|and you will see a Poe nearby.                                                |
|Poe Soul #50                                                                  |
|Location: When you reach a point where you can see two trees, jump off and run|
|over to the second tree. Turn around and face out, then run and jump off of   |
|the side of the mountain, heading east until you are all the way to a single  |
|tree with a Poe Soul. This is on Snowpeak, by the way, continuing off of #49. |
|Poe Soul #51                                                                  |
|Location: In Snowpeak on the way up is a cave. Inside the cave you'll see some|
|ice blocks you couldn't destroy the first time through. Break them with the   |
|Ball and Chain and get the Poe the comes out.                                 |
|Poe Soul #52                                                                  |
|Location: Go to Snowpeak Ruins (outside of the Manor). Turn Wolf, then head   |
|right as soon as you get onto the snow. Follow this until you reach the last  |
|poe in this area.                                                             |
|Poe Soul #53                                                                  |
|Location: Zora's Domain, on the on the bottom of the waterfall you can take   |
|the west side and go up the ledge to the top to get a Poe Soul here.          |
|Poe Soul #54                                                                  |
|Location: Zora's Domain, continuing from #53 you can also take the east side  |
|and target jump to Midna up a couple ledges to behind the waterfall for a Poe |
|Soul.                                                                         |
|Poe Soul #55                                                                  |
|Location: Snowpeak, I misplaced this one while typing. Continuing from #50,   |
| When you reach a point where the scent goes straight up, take a right and    |
|you'll find a poe by a tree.                                                  |
|Poe Soul #56                                                                  |
|Location: Upper Zora's River, go to the south area where the river splits,    |
|there is a poe on the top of the hill.                                        |
|Poe Soul #57                                                                  |
|Location: Head to Castle Town Hyrule Field and find your way to the North end |
|of it. Here there is a bridge, go east of this bridge and use your senses     |
|until you can find a digable spot by some nice looking grass. Inside are TWO  |
|Poes and some annoying enemies..                                              |
|Poe Soul #58                                                                  |
|Location: Head to Castle Town Hyrule Field and find your way to the North end |
|of it. Here there is a bridge, go east of this bridge and use your senses     |
|until you can find a digable spot by some nice looking grass. Inside are TWO  |
|Poes and some annoying enemies..                                              |
|Poe Soul #59                                                                  |
|Location: Now head to the west end of the Castle (remember the fixed bridge?  |
|Go there) and there should be a Poe on it at night time.                      |
|Poe Soul #60                                                                  |
|Location: Go to the Bridge of Hylia (the one above Lake Hylia). Go south from |
|here until you reach ledges with boulders on them. Bomb Arrow them and then   |
|clawshot up to the top. Congratulations, you have all the Poe Souls!          |

---------------------------------X. Boss Guide----------------------------------

Boss: Twilit Parasite Diababa
Location: Forest Temple

First of all, look out at the three bomb spiders. Use the boomerang and lock on
to one with R, then lock onto one of Diababa's two Babas. Let fly. The boomerang
scoops up a spider, and then promptly deposits it in the Baba's mouth. This
will kill off one of the heads. Repeat the process of moving the spider into
the mouth with the Gale Boomerang to defeat the other one. Is it dead?

No, it isn't dead. It retreated beneath the water, but now is back out with a
third head! It has an eye of some sort in the inside, and is looking dangerous.
The Bomb Spider has been removed now! We have a short period to dodge enemy
attacks, when suddenly, the giant monkey (who I affectionately named Gepetto in
the Walkthrough) comes back and has a bomb spider in it's hand! We can focus our
aim at it, then aim at the plants. Kill the two enemies around it, then aim at
the center one and repeat. The monkey will get a new spider bomb after each one
it uses.

After the center head it hit with the bomb, it falls down with a crash, and the
eye is laying there in front of you. Lock onto it with L and slash him several
times to hurt it. It will come back up after the fourth hit and will be raring
to go again. The monkey will begin swinging again and the process repeats. Land
another four hits onto the eye of the Diababa to finish it off.


Boss: Twilit Igniter Fyrus
Location: Goron Mines

Well, stay away from him at first, then aim at his glowing head and peg it with
a mighty arrow. He is stunned. Quickly run around him and grab the chains by
his legs and use the boots. Pull away from him and he trips. Now dash around to
the front and beat the crud out of his glowing head.


Boss: Twilit Aquatic Morpheel
Location: Lakebed Temple

Morpheel is actually a strange looking thing with tentacles and one eye. Pull
the eye out of the tentacles with the clawshot and slash away at it to get some
damage on this thing. It's attack is mainly reaching out for you, then grabbing
with the claw and beating you around. After you have hit it a couple times, it
comes out of the whole. And HOLY CRAP! it's a freakin huge sea monster. Good
thing it is weak. Swim next to it as fast as possible, then when you are near,
tagert and clawshot. Then mash the B button to deliver some smoking blows to it
and watch a neat cutscene. If you miss, get closer before using the shot. It
will let some blood out, and as we know "If it bleeds, we can kill it!" like
Arnold Schwartzenegger says. He won't hurt you in this stage (usually).


Boss: Twilit Fossil Stallord
Location: Arbiter's Grounds

Start by going to the edge of the area and using the spinner to build some speed
to combat the foe. When a spike is near you, release with the jump button and
aim for the enemy. As you approach, more enemies will pop up and try to block
you. If you need to, defeat these foes in the way. Anyway, you have to smash
agains the bottom bone sticking out of the dirt twice to make him fall down a
height level. Repeat this several times (it gets harder each time) to "Defeat"

Spoke too soon! The sand drains and you can use the spinner in the center of the
platform to raise it, and the head comes alive! He knocks you to the bottom of
the platform. Dammit. Anyway, get on the path on the center platform and ride
it up. Eventually, you see him and he starts shooting fireballs. Jump from side
to side to avoid these, until you are left by his head. Then QUICKLY jump
again and smash into him. He falls to the ground, you are there too. Now
IMMEDIATELY start slashing the sword Zant placed in his head many times over
and over until he gets back up. Repeat this process several times until he falls
dead. Each time you ride this gets harder because eventually more and more spike
traps are added.


Boss: Twilit Ice Mass Blizetta
Location: Snowpeak Ruins

The first stage of this fight is that we must hit Blizetta three times with the
Ball and Chain. It's not over though, as she starts flying now and summons ice
spikes to come and fall on your head. You have to run around now as fast as you
can away from them, using the reflection as a guide. After they all hit, turn
around and break them with the ball and chain, then RUN! If you made a gap in
the ice because of the Icicles smashed, run out there because the boss will fall
in the middle of the ice circle. Hit her as she is sitting there with the ball
and chain. If you blow all of the icicles out, she summons new ones for you to
deal with.

Striking her three times with the Ball and Chain will cause her to return to


Boss: Twilit Arachnid Armoghoma
Location: Temple of Time

Pull out your arrows and follow Armogohma's movements around the area, when the
eye opens, shoot it with an arrow and then wait for it to fall. Run to the big
statue it fell near (it falls near one EVERY time) and have it attack to slam
the mighty fist on it. She will drop a load of eggs. Defeat them all then hit
her eye again and repeat the fist slamming. Her eye will shoot lasers if you
don't move quick enough, so watch out.

After the hits, she falls down, but not out! There is the eye as a spider
running around with a load of babies! Luckily, it flee's you, so just aim at
the eye and hit it thrice with arrows (if you need more then kill the larva).
This ends this pathetic boss and you get a Mirror Shard and Heart Container!


Boss: Twilit Dragon Argorok
Location: City in the Sky

To defeat this bad boy, you have to move to one of the giant pillars and claw
shot to a point on it, then turn and clawshot to a higher point on another one.
Keep this up until you can clawshot to the Dragon's tail, then use the Iron
Boots to pull him to the ground. This will destroy some of his armor. Repeat
this process until you see his weak point (one more time). He breaks the rest of
his armor off and you now have to clawshot to the top of the platforms on the
sides the same way as before.

Once you reach the top, target one of the flying plant things and then keep
clawshotting sideways until you get around to the back of the dragon (watch out
for his fire) and then clawshot to the Jewel on his back. Slash it a few times
and he will knock you off, continue this until he is defeated.


Boss: Usurper King Zant
Location: Palace of Twilight

Zant will take you to several different places, which are basically old dungeons
that you have visited in your Twilight Princess past. The Rule of thumb to
beating him in each one is to use the technology you had available at that point
(ie, Forest place means Boomerang).

STAGE 1: Here we are in the Forest Boss room, he will teleport to a location and
start firing some mini balls of energy at you. You can shield from them, but
you want to target him and strafe sideways, quickly throwing the Boomerang at
him to bring him closer to you. Run over to him and slash him four times, then
repeat this process. Remember, you want to get the edge over him right from the

STAGE 2: You go to the Miniboss room of the Goron Mines, equip the Iron Boots at
first because he will rock around the platform you are on and you don't want to
slide off. He will teleport around a few times causing some trouble with the
platform, and whenever he does this you want to immediately locate him and use
the targeting system. He will sometimes fire those little energy balls at you
and this is what you desire. Shield against them and after they stop coming he
is tired and stands there, take off your boots, dash over to him and attack.
Repeat until he dies.

STAGE 3: You go to the Lakebed Temple Boss. Turn on your Zora Armor and equip
the Iron Boots. Have your Clawshot ready too, because he will do more of that
energy ball attack. A giant Zant Mask thing will pop up and he will be in the
mouth, shield the balls and after they finish coming Clawshot him to reel him
in closer. Slash him several times and then he retreats into the thing four
more Zant mask things pop out, and you have to constantly view around you until
you see which one he's in. Then unequip the Iron Boots, swim over and reanchor
yourself. Then Clawshot him over and slash him as before.

STAGE 4: You will return to the Forest Temple Miniboss where you fought that
stupid monkey who I affectionately named something before that I cannot nor do
I want to remember. Anyway, he will sit on top of the things and shoot those
stupid balls of energy at you, dodge them and run over to the columns he stands
on and roll into them twice. Slash ihm while he is on the ground. He'll now run
around and shift locations a lot because he is a shifty bastard. It's okay
though because that's his thing. Just repeat what you were doing before.

STAGE 5: Zant will be in the Snowpeak Ruin boss place, and he decides that size
matters as he grows huge. Unequip the Zora Armor and equip the Ball and Chain.
Run like heck from him until he stomps, then target his foot and hit it with the
Ball and Chain. He will run around and start shrinking, follow him because when
he finishes shrinking you have to slash him. Repeat until he is done.

STAGE 6: Zant will finally face you like a man outside of Castle Town. He gets
some pretty big swords and will run around like the mentally ill patient that he
is. When he flaps his arms around like a chicken, stab him quickly. He will
reappear somewhere else and do the same thing. Occasionally he does a spinning
tornado attack, and when he does this TARGET HIM and shield. Eventually he will
tire and let you kick his butt. Sometimes he'll only hit you a couple times then
teleport somewhere else and start spinning again, so constantly be looking
around you and use the targeting to get the edge on him and strike before he
strikes you. After you finish him here, he's done for.


Boss: Ganondorf
Location: Hyrule Castle

Boss Battle: Ganon's Puppet Zelda

Yes, that is correct, the first battle against Ganon is a possessed Zelda. Cool,
huh? Anyway, stand still and reflect the ball of energy she sends at you back at
her. If it hits her, just wait for her next move. Her other two attacks are to
raise her sword and make a triforce appear under you. If this happens, sidestep
and roll off of it because it does some decent damage. She can also fly towards
you but a simple backflip or sidestep and avoid this. The only attack you want
her to use is the energy ball because after. Oh, and I don't think I mentioned
it but you should know this: you reflect the balls back at her by slashing them
with your sword.

After you defeat her, Ganon will change into a new form with some pretty
freaking awesome music going on as he does it.

Boss Battle: Dark Bwest Ganon

Ganon changes into a big huge bwest creature. This battle may look daunting but
it really is not that bad, change into Wolf Link to go bwest to bwest with this
guy. Anyway, do you remember that goat thing where you had to stop the goats
with your bare hands? It's the same idea here except that you do it as wolf,
when he gets close just hold A and you'll stop him with Midna's help, then
hold sideways and he gets sent to the side. Jump attack his giant cut on his
stomach and bite away at it. After he takes damage, he'll circle you and vanish
into a portal. You can look in a circle to see some portals flashing and moving.
If they turn Blue, it means Ganon will come out so get ready to hold A because
he will charge at you. If you see no portal, look on the ground by you because
he's probably falling out of the sky and trying to land on you so be sure to

After this form is defeated Midna will put on her Mask things and warp you and
Zelda out. She plans to fight him alone. Anyway, watch the scene that comes up
(it's quite epic) and then get ready for the next phase of Ganon.

Boss Battle: Horseback Ganon

All you have to do is dash with Epona in a fairly straight line with Ganondorf,
so that if he turns that you turn too. Zelda will charge up an arrow and release
it at him, which is good. If it hits him, then you have to dash up to him and
slash him with the Master Sword once (while still on Epona). This does some
damage to him, if you hurry your butt off you can hit him again before he can
summon his ghostly horsemen after you (which are hard to dodge and will make you
fall off of Epona if you are hit by them. After several slashes, Ganon will fall
down off his horse and you get to have the freaking coolest match against him

Boss Battle: Dark Lord Ganon

The cool music is back, hoorah! Anyway, this is a 1 on 1 swordfight with Ganon,
what you want to do it roll behind him and try to slash his back, which he will
block. Then you want to sidestep him because he will try to kick you, at this
moment you can start slashing him for a few hits. If you want a cheap way to win
then you can target him and cast the Fishing Rod at him, he looks at it and you
can run up, pull out your sword and hit him, but its a lot less epic. If Ganon
jumps into the air, stop targeting and roll away. If he puts his Sword back
behind him with two hands and runs at you, press A and you will combat your
sword against his. Keep mashing A and you can knock him back, then slash him
more. The final blow is landed after one of these, as you then use the finish
move. After he is dead, congratulations and thank you for using my guide,
because you have just finished the game!

--------------------------------XI. Hidden Skills-------------------------------


     SKILL #1: Ending Blow
     HOW TO PERFORM: Target an enemy that has been knocked down and press A. It
will automatically kill them, but they must be down.
     WOLF LOCATION: The path to the forest temple.




     SKILL #2: Shield Attack
     HOW TO PERFORM: Target an enemy and press R to bash them. It doesn't hurt
them, but opens their defenses for you to exploit.
     STONE LOCATION: The path to Death Mountain.
     WOLF LOCATION: Near Ordon Spring.





     SKILL #3: Back Slice
     HOW TO PERFORM: Target the enemy and hop sideways two times, you will roll
around them and can press attack to slash quickly.
     STONE LOCATION: Upper Zora River
     WOLF LOCATION: Hidden around a corner of the east entrance to the Market.





     SKILL #4: Helm Splitter
     HOW TO PERFORM: Beat the enemy with a shield attack and follow up by
pressing the action button to leap over their head and slice their helm.
     STONE LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     WOLF LOCATION: In the Desert, on the way to the temple.





     SKILL #5: Mortal Draw
     HOW TO PERFORM: Put your weapon away, face the enemy and don't target. Use
the action button when it reads "Draw" and you will do a turn and slice the foe.
Only a few can block it.
     STONE LOCATION: Sacred Grove (Outside)
     WOLF LOCATION: Outside The Castle Southern Exit





     SKILL #6: Jump Strike
     HOW TO PERFORM: Target and hold down action button, in a few seconds you
can release a huge slash that will devastate opponents.
     STONE LOCATION: Snowpeak, on the way up.
     WOLF LOCATION: Graveyard in Kakariko





    SKILL #7: Great Spin
    HOW TO PERFORM: When you have full hearts, do a Spin Attack.
    STONE LOCATION: Hidden Village, out back.
    WOLF LOCATION: Hyrule Castle, the actual castle.




-------------------------------XII. Cave of Ordeals-----------------------------

The Cave of Ordeals is located in the desert and is no easy task to complete.
There are a certain set of things I'd like you to have before attempting it, and
they are:

- As many hearts as possible (preferably all)
- All equipable items (dungeon items)
- All Bottles full with blue potion
- All hidden skills
- All Bomb Bags full of regular old bombs (if you have one with water bombs then
thats okay too)

There are three poe souls hidden in this dungeon, and you get fairies sent to
a Spirit Spring in Hyrule for each 10 floors you descend, as well as a jar of
fairy tears at the bottom one. Cool! To descend a floor, you must simply kill
all the enemies on each floor. This can vary from a couple moblins to 40-50
skeleton warriors. This guide gives you the best way to move down through each
floor. Read on!


This Floor has a a moblin, just defeat him and move on.


This first floor has several rats and Keese. I reccomend just going down to the
bottom and going all B button crazy on your enemies. If you can't figure out
why the door isn't opening, it's most likely because one of the rats is hiding
in the shadows somewhere. Make a few rounds and look for something that moves.


The next room has some Baba's hanging from the ceiling, Clawshot the stem of
them to drop them to the floor, then jump down after them and slash them all.
There are also a few that are growing out of the floor that you should be aware
of too.


The next room has a few spider enemies, jump down and battle them one on one if
you can, or if they all gang up on you use the jump attack hidden skill to kill
them all quickly.


This next floor has several archers, you can fire at them from the top with
arrows by quickly peeking out, shooting and retreating. Or if you are very good
at running and dodging, jump to the bottom and sprint towards them all and slash
them. Always swing the sword as you run as this can deflect arrows.


The next room has many lava bug enemies on the ceiling, use the clawshot on them
all to conserve your arrows and then jump to the ground to deal with the lava
bug enemies that started off on the ground with your sword.


There are lots of flying Keese here, as well as Dodongo enemies that breathe
fire. I focused on slashing the Dodongo tails first, then I killed all the Keese
with my sword.


The next floor is littered with Tektites, try to hide in the corner and then
use the Hidden Jump attack skill or just quickly slash them all before they can
fight back.


The next floor is a set of archers and Dinosaur enemies with swords. If you
assault them head on, then be careful of those archers because they can be quite
annoying with their arrows as you battle the dino enemies. If you Bomb arrow the
enemies first, then it can be somewhat easier.


This Floor has the first fairy Mist stuff. Talk to it to release fairies to the
first Spring and open the door.


In here are some clawshot points, and the floor contains those enemies with the
heavy metal shields on their backs and many rats that will automatically flock
to you when they see you above them. What I did was clawshot to the target on
the roof, then go back to the one above the platforms. The rats should be right
below the platform, then drop a bomb off the edge and stand there as it kills
all of them. You can then hit the floor and deal with the enemies with the
shields. To reach the door now you use the spinner and hop off when above it.


This room has a giant purple chu blob, you can slash them to split them into
smaller pieces and quickly keep slashing to eliminate the small pieces. If you
take too long they get back together, so quickly kill them!


This room has those enemies in a bubble and is a sinch, clawshot them out of
the bubbles one by one and slash them all to defeat them.


This room seems complicated at first as there are too many enemies to waste all
your arrows on, but just jump into the middle of the skulls as Wolf Link and
do the spin attack move to eliminate a lot of them quickly.


In here are some enemies walking around the ground (sword wielding baddies).
If you shoot a crowd of two or so with the Bomb arrows, the others come to
investigate giving you an easy target to hit several more of them with another
Bomb arrow, after there are few left just jump down and attack them yourself.


This floor has quite a few Keese flying around, as well as rats. Just like the
first one, you can use the Wolf Spin move to eliminate a lot of the Keese and
then dor some exploring to make sure you have all the rats dead to open the door
to the next floor.


This floor has the Skeletal Dogs (and a Poe Soul too). Stand in the middle and
use the Spin move as wolf to kill them all).


This next room has the pot plants that come out of the ground. I used the wolf
spin move attack to kill them all very quickly and at once.


Turn human and aim the bomb arrows at the shining thing on the ceiling to kill
a lot of chus. Then jump down and you'll find a TON more will drop. Be the wolf
then and just keep holding target and mashing the jump attack button to get them
down to nothing rather quickly.


This is the second fairy room, talk to the fairy to release the next set of
fairies to the next spring, and then continue through the open door.


This room contains some Ice Keese and more Moblin enemies, I found rolling
behind the moblins and using the back slice will kill Keese and Moblins at the
same time as you go up into the air.


There are a lot of Keese and Rats in this room, again just use the wolf spin
attack. There are also a lof ot the invisible rats that slow you down. Spin
attack them, and make sure all enemies are gone (including the rats, be careful
that there isn't just a single one stuck on you, I made that mistake once and
was looking for quite a while for the last enemy).


This room has a lot of the little skeleton soldier enemies. Use the Wolf Spin
attack to literally massacre them around 15-20 at one time.


The next room has the skeleton enemies that can scream to stun you. I stayed
away from them at one side with Human Link and dide the Hidden Skill Jump attack
and this is really effective because it one hit kills them. If they trap you
with their scream, mash A and you'll usually get out seconds before they hit
you and can roll away.


Halfway there! Before going through the door to this floor, shoot the archer on
the tower first, then look down to see more archers. Quickly shoot them both
before they see you and then bomb arrow the last one, the enemies on the floor
come to look at him and you can bomb arrow all of them at once! To the next
room... away!


This has the enemies that you have to bomb the remains so they don't come back.
I did again the hidden skill jump attack and then bombed all three of them with
one bomb.


In this room, clawshot the spiders to get them off their webs and then jump
down. I recommend you kill the skulls first before starting on the spiders as
they will be less aggressive and annoying to you.


In here, there are a lot of enemies on the ground. Pull out your bomb arrows and
shoot one, they all flock to the spot you shot it at, so keep using this to
kill more of them. At the end, jump down and kill whatever is still moving.


This is another skeleton soldier floor but it also has some flying skulls and
the bombing skeletons. Do the wolf spin on all the small enemies first and bomb
the skeletal remains of your enemies to open the next door. Also note that most
flying skeletons won't activate until you touch them so search aruond for them.


The next fairy floor, talk to the mist again to get her to release fairies to
the next spring and then you can continue on.


Start on the top here and shoot out every single eye on the Beamos statues.
After you have killed them, hop down and kill all the Keese to open the door,
however it is still blocked. Use the Dominion Rod and move the statues off the
switches they're standing on. This will open the gate.


In here are a bunch more enemies on the ceilings who are easy to kill with your
Clawshot, then you will deal with the flying skulls that are stil on the floor.
Just keep swinging fast to kill them all. There is also a Dodongo or two here.


This room here has more redeads on the ground. Use the jump attack hidden skill
to dispatch all of them before you get killed. This room also has a Poe Soul
for you to get.


A lot of chus will fall again and you want to elimiinate them all incredibly
quickly before they merge together to get bigger ones. There are also a lot of
enemies that are invisible that will slow you down, so get them too.


Here is an Ice Monster, jump down with the ball and chain and expect to get
frozen several times as you quickly hit him twice to break him, then attack all
the Ice Keese around you.


Here are the Ice Warriors, you can either try and Ball and Chain them really
fast or do some melee combatting to eliminate them all, expect to take some hits
from them though as they'll throw stuff at you when fighting others. This is
also the first floor I used a Blue Potion on.


This is another skeleton head floor, jump down as the wolf and eliminate them
with the spin moves. There are also those plants that come out of the ground
and you can kill them with the spin move as well.


This room has TWO ice monsters, Ice Warriors and plenty of keese. Kill the one
Ice Monsters first, then the warriors and then the keese and flying skulls. Get
the second monster last as you can keep your distance for the whole time you
kill everone else. Expect to lose a decent 4-6 hearts.


Down here are TWO Iron Knuckles, to defeat them keep your distance and clawshot
one so it jumps away. Keep doing this until it is a ways away from the enemies
and quickly slash it on the back. Repeat this until you take them down one on
one because diong them at the same time basically means you run out of hearts.


This floor has the fairy again and you can talk to her to get the last spring
filled with fairies.


This room has a load of Armos statues, you can kill them by slashing their asses
or by bomb arrowing all of them (a bit easier because there's so many of them).
Anyway, just find some way to kill them all and use the clawshot targets to get
to the door.


In here are a number of Moblin-like enemies and Deku Babas. Kill them all with
the spin move and then finish off the Baba enemies to open the door.


There are a lot of Archers and such below that you can bomb arrow to eliminate
them all quickly. Finish off whoever is leftover (because there probably will be
a few more) and avoid the arrows especially.


Bomb arrow one of the enemies, then get them all when they run into a single
group. Jump down and finish off whoever is left and get the final Poe Soul that
is in the Caves.


Before moving into this room get the two archers with arrows, then go inside.
At the bottom you will find redeads and plenty of chu enemies. The chu enemies
can actually be helpful in freeing you from the readead screams before they can
hit you, but overall they're just a big nuisance.


This room has a couple of the ice monsters and assorted other ice enemies, try
to kill the warriors in the same throw as you hit the ice monster, then defeat
the others. There are also the rat enemies that slow you down here, so be aware
of that.


This room has a large pile of skeleton warriors and rats. The rats will swarm
you once they see you, so you may have to mash the jump attack or normal attack
button. If you're able to perform a spin before you get hit by everyone then
good for you.


There is an iron knuckle who you want to dispatch first, then deal with the
flying enemies that you can clawshot their shields to you. After they are all
killed then move to the next room.


Prepare yourself for the hardest battle in the game. If you still have a good
number of hearts then don't use up your bottles yet, first you have to jump down
and do what you did with the two Iron Knuckles, separate one from the others.
This is vital because there are THREE of them here. If you attack them like
normal (as I made the mistake of doing, you'll end up losing a total 30
something hearts (including when you healed yourself) and winning because of
dumb luck. (I was on my last heart and barely dodged an attack). Anyway, kill
them all one by one with the clawshot separating them to win.


Talk to the fairy here to get some Fairy Tears and the ability to get some at
any spring in the game providing you don't have some already. Cool!

----------------------------------XIII. Shops-----------------------------------


Item           COST
----           ----

BEE LARVA      10
MILK           10


Item           COST
----           ----



Item           COST
----           ----



Item           COST
----           ----

ARROWS         10
HAWKEYE        100


Item           COST
----           ----

BOMBLING       6
BOMBS          30


Item           COST
----           ----

ARROWS         10
MILK           20


Item           COST
----           ----



Item            COST
----            ----

ARROWS          40


Item           COST
----           ----

ARROWS         5
BOMBLING       30
BOMB           30


Item           COST
----           ----
ARROWS         30
BOMBS          90

------------------------------------XIV. FAQ------------------------------------

Q. Why can't I warp at any time?
A. Only Wolf Link can warp.

Q. Why isn't this FAQ complete?
A. Because it isn't. Okay? Write one yourself if you want. Geez.

Q. Who is Midna?
A. You'll have to play a while and figure it out for yourself ;)

Q. What is Target Jumping?
A. Target Jumping is my way of saying "Lock onto midna and jump to the platform
she is at".

Q. Whats with the Goat grabbing game?
A. It trains you for the Gorons, and the final boss.

Q. Some parts of the Wii Walkthrough make no sense!
A. That's because I found and replaced all the lefts and rights, so it might be
messed up.

Q. What is JOC? You used it with the stuff for rescuing the Zora.
A. Joint Operations Center. It's for when armies combine and command together.
In this case, Playable and Non Playable are the armies.

Q. Where the hay are the poe souls?
A. Search at night. They are more prominent then.

Q. Why are the enemies at Snowpeak so strong?
A. You are probably wearing your Zora Armor, which will amplify ice and fire
damage. So remove this at once.

Q. I've been getting different skills than you from a Howling Stone, what's up?
A. The Hidden skills are learned in order, not depending on which stone you
choose. The locations are the same, but the skills aren't.

--------------------------------XV. Mini-Games----------------------------------


Goat herding is a simple game designed to teach you the basics of riding Epona.
You ride with the control stick, and angle the goats into the barn. Pressing A
will cause link to "Whoop". This speeds up the goat's run. If you abuse the
Whoop button, the goat will become very angry, and begin lashing out at you. You
can get knocked off. You do this several times. The third time can net you a
Piece of Heart if you do it in a time limit.


Down in Kakariko Village, you have to tame Epona. Who is quite wild and agitated
by the enemies. Hold down the Control stick in the direction the screen shows.
It will change several times, so get ready to change it at any moment. Epona
will eventually rear back on her hind legs. Quickly press A to seize control. If
you mess up, you get knocked off. Quickly dash back to her and leap on the back
to get back on the horse and try again.


Sumo Wrestling is not a complicated mini-game. Link goes shirtless. Anyway, you
can punch the enemy, grab them, or dodge. Dodging punches is different from
dodging grabs. Left and right will make you dodge grab. Pressing A and forward
will make you dodge a punch. You seize them and must mash A to move them. When
they grab you, mash A as well and throw the combatant off the platform. He says
he wants a rematch, and won't go as easy on you as last time. Do this again,
only change is that he will punch you back. After you beat him, he will teach
you the real secret to beating the Gorons. Open the chest to get the Iron Boots.
Controls are A for grab, left and right for dodge, and B to slug them. Slugging
them and grabbing is a way to ensure they can't dodge your grab, they can still
dodge the punch though.

Sumo Wrestling the second time is a little more difficult. You have to face a
Goron Elder. Without the Iron Boots, you will get destroyed. Fight the same way
as you did against Mayor Bo to defeat him. He is stronger and harder to move,
but you are also very strong and hard to move ;).


Yet another mini-game you do twice. Start by charging towards the enemy. As you
approach, hold left or right and accelerate, then slash the enemy. Sometimes you
miss, sometimes you hit. Just repeat the process until he falls off the cliff.
You do a really cool pose for the camera, mister high and mighty.

The second time is harder. The enemy has reinforced armor, with only one weak
point. Pull out a bomb arrow and aim at the crack inbetween. Fire to damage him.
Repeat this to kill him for good. You will still need to dodge though.


All right maggots! Listen up. Our mission is to save Private Zora. Your job will
be to provide some covering fire for the convoy as they move through the hot
zone. At precisely 19:00 hours you will be positioned at the east bridge and
engage the enemy boar rider in a jousting match.

To dispatch this foe, you will need Bomb Arrows. Take some practice runs at him
until Midna contacts you on the Humvee Radio, telling you to blow him up. Ride
towards him and aim between the armor, at about the time when you have to dodge
and strike, release to hit him. Do this several times to dispatch the foe and
receive the Gate Key.

At 19:10 the convoy will move out of the safe zone and into the Hot Zone. This
is where you should stay just behind it and charge spin attacks. Technicals on
Boars should ride after the convoy. Be sure to release spins to destroy them as
they catch up.

JOC has received word that the enemies will be using fire on their arrows. If
the convoy catches fire, be sure to put the flames out with the Boomerang. Then
return to the fight.

The convoy won't advance unless you defeat all foes. Which means you will need
to use the Arrows or Boomerang at the bombers above (birds).


At Lake Hylia, there is a flying game from above where you can aim for the Isle
of Riches. You go down towards the bottom. There are rupees in the air. There
are also chests there. Several (5 or 6) with Prizes from 10-100 rupees and even
a Piece of Heart for your fancy flying. It's possible to win all of them in one
by going down from the top. The second has the piece of heart.


Enter the tent in West Hyrule Market to play a minigame where you are in a cage
that can be clawshotted anywhere. There are a number of glowing circles you have
to collect. To do this, clawshot from side to side. You have a time limit. Doing
this in the time gets you a bigger quiver. There is also a second challenge that
if you return after getting the Double Clawshots you can go for a 100 Arrow


On the leaf you can brake, speed up, jump and attack. Use this as you will as
you go down the mountain. It's a barrel of fun! Found in Snowpeak as you look
at the Yeti for the first time. You can also play it again by coming back and
talking to them at the top of the hill later.


You get to go down the river in a canoe and break the rocks with bomb arrows.
Follow the Zora to make your way down and at the bottom you receive the bomb


It costs 20 rupees to get in a boat and go downstream, firing bomb arrows at big
jars. If you break 25 or more total (in points) you receive bigger bomb bags,
if you hit into stuff you lose points.


Talk to the Parrot at Lake Hylia as the Wolf and play the game. Fly into one
type of fruit only to get the best score. Oranges are reccomended, because they
are big and worth some amount of points. The amount doubles everyime you pick
one of the same fruit up. Getting 10,000 points lets you get the Piece of Heart
from this game.


At the Hidden Village, talk to the Cuccoo out back to play a game with the cats.
You must talk to all of them, there are twenty in total. To beat this easily,
talk to one then pick it up and drop it by the Cuccoo, this area is unescapable
for the cats. Then you can do them all 1 by 1. After they are all talked to, you
talk to the Cuccoo for a Piece of Heart.


To play Rollgoal, enter the Fishing Pond and into the building. You have to
look at it (it's to the left of entry) and it costs rupees. You have to slowly
make your way across by using the C-Stick, it's tilt sensitive so be careful
you don't go too fast. There are a total of 8 different stages (1-1 to 1-8) but
you replay them until you get to 8-8. Each time you fish one whole group of 8
you unlock a new Lure for the fishing pond.


- or | is a straight path
S is start
G is goal
/ or \ designates a 90 degree turn
D is a slope going down
U is a slope going up
\_/ is a full 180 degree turn




 \-\ /-\
   | | |
   \-/ |


 |   \-/
 |   | |
 \---/ |
 /--\  |
 |  |  |
 S  \--/


  /-\  |
  | |  |
/-/ \--/
/--\  |
|  |  |
S  \--/


  _  |
 / \ |
 | | |
 U | |
 U | |
 D \_/


 /--\   |
 |  |   \-\
 U  \--\  |
 U     |  |
 D     \--/




 |     /--\
 |     |  |
 D     D  U
 D     D  U
 U     U  D
 U     U  D
 |     |  |
 \-----/  S

-----------------------------------XVI. Credits---------------------------------

I'd like to firstly thank GameFAQs, the greatest FAQ site in the world. Possibly
the galaxy and maybe even the universe.

I'd secondly like to thank my Parents, they gave me my Pre-order for this game
in the Christmas of 2005.

I'd thirdly like to thank the inventor of the VCR. I recorded myself playing,
took notes and transferred everything. Be grateful for my effort. >=O

I'm also grateful to Mountrussmore (Anthony), for emailing me the correct Wii
controls for the guide. He asked to credit the manual for those.

I'd lastly like to thank nintendogirl1, her great guide gave me Ideas of what to
include in the mini-game section. Thanks!

A special thanks to all my FAQing models, who have inspired me over the years.
This includes Lethallink99, A L E X, Super_Slash, PeTeRL90, Crazyreyn and Devin

---------------------------------XVII. Closing----------------------------------

Well, thanks for being here for another FAQ. This one will be update more often
than most of my other ones, because it is a fun game, that I love more than sex
appeal! You know, kind of like that old song. No? Stupid kids these days.. If
you have a question, contact me at triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com.

This document is Copyright (c) 2007-2008 TripleJump. It cannot be reproduced,
sold or otherwise distributed without advance written permission. Sites that
have my permission to use the FAQ are GameFAQs, Neoseeker, Super Cheats,
GamerHelp and any other sites must ask me to use it. If you see it on another
site, please contact me.

To see all of my written works, please visit my contributor profile. You can see
it at http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/38449.html. Don't complain
about it. I know some of my files lack completetion, but that's my problem. Not
yours. Okay? Good.

I hope this one helped you more than ever before. What I have written so far was
a blast! It will be completed eventually. Just keep checking for updates, they
will come as long as they are wanted. Until next time!
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