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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and walkthroughs of Zelda games

Cave of Ordeals Walkthrough

I: Foreword: 

Hello Everyone. 

This is my first FAQ so be nice if its not up to snuff. 
I will be telling you of the enemies encountered on 
All 50 floors and a strategy (possibly other strategies as well) 
To defeat them all. Rewards requirements and so on and so forth.

I've had my Wii for a week now and I can't seem to put 
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess down. As such I've nearly beaten the game. 
All that's left is the final dungeon. 
I have already gathered all 24 insects, and all 60 Poes 
And all 45-heart pieces and the 9 heart containers found 
In this game and successfully completed the Cave of Ordeals.
This is all my own words and work and for use only on exclusive sites.
If you find problems in this guide, inaccurate details, hard to use, so on 
And so forth please email me at gamefreakchad88@yahoo.com. 
To move to a particular section press Ctrl F and type in where you want to go.
The Cave of ordeals floor will look like this (CoO"X") where "X" is the floor 

A: Fixes


Credit for contributions to this guide are found at the bottom of the faq.
Recovery heart locations added
200 Rupee location added
Alternate stratagies for a few monsters
Great Fairy Tear's alternative
Infinite Arrow tip
Cave of Ordeals 2nd run changes (3 known)

II: Table of Contents
	I: Foreword
	  A: Fixes
	II: Table of Contents
	III: Description
	IV: Requirements
	V: Rewards
	VI: Cave of Ordeals Walkthrough
	VII: Special Thanks
	VIII: Sites with permission to use this guide
        IX: Nathan's Tip
	X: Max's Tip
        XI: Adam K's Tip

III: Description
The Cave of Ordeals is not called the Cave of Ordeals for nothing. This cave
Will test your skills, endurance, brains, determination, and more in a thrilling
50-floor dungeon. The enemies become progressively harder the deeper you go
Into this cave. The Cave of Ordeals can be found at the Gerudo Desert Mesa warp.
After you have warped the Bridge of Eldin piece, the entrance to the 
Cave of Ordeals will be revealed it is the Gerudo Mesa warp point. 
This cave is a must for those Poe-hunters out there.

IV: Requirements
You need access to the Gerudo desert.
To complete the Cave of Ordeals certain tools are required.
The Spinner, The Ball and Chain, The Dominion Rod, Double Clawshot.

For the easiest experience I suggest you have
All 20 Hearts
All Hidden Skills
The Giant Quiver (100) Arrow
The Hawkeye
All 4 bottles
Magic Armor
Ball and Chain
Dominion Rod
Double Clawshot
Know how to combine items
Master Sword
Hylian Shield
All 3 Bomb Bags and the upgrade for double capacity in these bags.
Giant Wallet fully loaded with 1000 rupees

V: Rewards

Reaching the 10th Floor releases fairies into Ordon Spirit Spring
Reaching the 20th Floor releases fairies into Faron Spirit Spring
Reaching the 30th Floor releases fairies into Eldin Spirit Spring
Reaching the 40th Floor releases fairies into Lanyaru Spirit Spring
Reaching the 50th Floor releases Great fairies into All Spirit Springs

The 50th floor also allows you to retrieve Great Fairy Tears at any
Spirit spring. Unfortunately you can only carry One Great Fairy's Tears
At any given time. The Great Fairy's Tears Fully replenish your Hearts
And increase your attack strength for a period of time. It's the pick me
Up you'll need facing later bosses. This floor also gives you the reward of
Bragging rights and knowing you successfully completed one of the most 
Difficult things that the LOZ series has thrown at you.
If the three Poes found here are the last ones you need, Jovani will reward
You with 200 rupees which rumor has it you can retrieve over and over again.
I don't know if this rumor is true. But I will find out. 
VI: Cave of Ordeals Walkthrough

I will be stating this as the way I did it so if you do it earlier than me, 
Or without my suggestions there may be some difficulty or confusion. 
I don't have exact numbers on most enemies except the more noticeable ones.

I did my Cave of Ordeals in Two parts.
I did the first 10 floors in order to be able to grab Fairies from Ordon spring 
For any dungeon boss Battle.
Second, I went and finished the whole Cave of Ordeals

Before you begin [assuming you've donated 1000 rupees and then 2000 
(Or 200 if you've completed spring water delivery side quest and talked to 
Elder goron outside Kakariko Village's Malo Mart) 
To rebuild a bridge and open a second Malo mart in castle town]

Go to the Castle Town Malo Mart and purchase 60 bombs (45 Rupees for 30) 
30 water bombs 
And 20 bomblings (1 rupee each optional). 100 Arrows (5 rupees for 10 arrows), 
3 Blue potions (50 rupees each) Magic armor (598 rupees).

After you've been properly equipped, have full hearts, at least 600 Rupees.
Warp to Gerudo Mesa and prepare yourself for a difficult and lengthy trek 
Into the depths of The Cave.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 1 (CoO1)

Enemies: Purple Moblinx1

Strategy: Jump down and Hack n' Slash.

Warning(s): N/A


Cave of Ordeals Floor 2 (CoO2)

Enemies: Keese 

Strategy: Jump down into center and perform a "Great Spin" or Spin Attack.
	   Or jump down Hack n' Slash enemies.

Warning(s): N/A


Cave of Ordeals Floor 3 (CoO3)

Enemies: Deku Babasx6

Strategy: For the three on the Ceiling use either Gale Boomerang, or Clawshots
	  To knock them onto the ground. Then Hack n' Slash enemies.

Warning(s): N/A

Notes: There is a recovery heart dig location here as well.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 4 (CoO4)

Enemies: Giant Spidersx3 (Skulltulas?) 

Strategy: Jump down and Hack n' Slash.

Warning(s): N/A


Cave of Ordeals Floor 5 (CoO5)

Enemies: Moblin Archers

Strategy: Equip your Bow combined with Hawkeye and pick off those pesky Archers.
	   Or jump down with your shield exposed get close and slash the archers.
	   The shield will deflect the arrows.

Warning(s): Do not wear the Zora Armor! You will take more damage.
	  : Do not use Ordon shield it will burn away.

Note: The fire arrows tend to reveal the archers locations.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 6 (CoO6)

Enemies: Lava Slugs

Strategy: After they have dropped to the ground slash them.

Warning(s): Do not use Ordon shield.
	    Be careful for the small puffs of fire they generate.
	    Do not wear Zora Armor.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 7 (CoO7)

Enemies: Fire Keese
       : Dodongosx2	

Strategy: For the Dodongos hack at their tails, or shoot them with an arrow
	   When they charge up for their Fire Breath attack and watch them implode.
	   For the Keese guard with your shield and swipe when they are near.

Warning(s): Do not use Ordon Shield or wear Zora Armor


Cave of Ordeals Floor 8 (CoO8)

Enemies: Red Tektitesx3
	 Blue Tektitesx3

Strategy: Jump down and perform "Great Spin" or spin attack.

Warning(s): N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 9 (CoO9)

Enemies: Moblin Archers

Strategy: For Moblin Archers pick them off with Bow and Hawkeye combo.
	   Or get close while using shield to deflect arrows and slash.
	   For Lizardmen slash away at them with your sword.

Warning(s): Do not use Ordon Shield or Zora Armor.

Note: The archers fire arrows tend to reveal their locations.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 10 (CoO10)

Great Fairy encounter
You can exit here or continue on.
You will need the spinner to get past the next floor.
The Great Fairy compliments you and releases Fairies to The Ordon Spirit Spring.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 11 (CoO11)

Enemies: Mini Metal Headx2

Strategy: If you have the Clawshot tear off the metal head's mask, & slash away.
	   If you don't have the Clawshot, get behind it and slash at its exposed end.
	   You can use "Back Slice" on The Metal Heads.
	   For the rats just slash with your sword.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: You will need the spinner to proceed to the next floor.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 12 (CoO12)

Enemies: Very large Purple Chu 

Strategy: Just slash it to death.

Warning(s): If you drink purple Chu jelly you may take damage.

Note: There are other Chus as well a red, and blue and possible a yellow.
          If possible quickly defeat the blue Chu or red Chu and bottle it.
          The purple Chu assimilates all other colored Chus so act quickly 
          If you intend to bottle it.
          The Chu splits into halves after its attacked don't be tricked. 


Cave of Ordeals Floor 13 (CoO13)

Enemies: Toads enclosed in water bubblex5

Strategy: Shoot with a bomb arrow to expose the toad and then slash it to death.

Warning(s): Don't get close and shoot the toads, you will take damage.

Note: The water shield negates all attacks.
      You may also use the Clawshot to tear the toad out and hack away.


Cave of Ordeals Floor 14 (CoO14)

Enemies: Bubbles

Strategy: Jump down into the center and perform "Great Spin" or spin attack.
	   Or jump down and Hack n' Slash

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 15 (CoO15)

Enemies: Moblin Infantry

Strategy: Jump down and smack them up.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 16 (CoO16)

Enemies: Rats 

Strategy: Jump down and smack them up.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/a

Cave of Ordeals Floor 17 (CoO17)

Enemies: Zombie Wolfos

Strategy: For the Poe change into the wolf and attack it and rip its soul out.
For the Wolfos use "Great Spin" or spin attack, or use Midna's Dark 
Energy Attack

Warning(s): N/a

Note: Don't Forget the Poe Soul!
      You can dig for 3 recovery hearts here.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 18 (CoO18)

Enemies: Cactus Things

Strategy: "Great Spin" or spin attack or simply Hack N' Slash

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 19 (CoO19)

Enemies: Another Large Purple Chu

Strategy: Just slash it to death.

Warning(s): If you drink purple Chu jelly you may take damage.

Note: There are other Chus as well a red, and blue and possible a yellow.
      If possible quickly defeat the blue Chu or red Chu and bottle it.
      The purple Chu assimilates all other colored Chus so act quickly 
      If you intend to bottle it.
      The Chu splits into halves after its attacked don't be tricked.
      If you shoot down the shiny blobs with the clawshot on the ceiling 
      and bottle what drops you have a rare chu jelly that works
      like great fairy tears.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 20 (CoO20)

Great Fairy encounter
You can exit here or continue on.
You will need the Ball and Chain to get past from here.
The Great Fairy compliments you and releases Fairies to The Faron Spirit Spring.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 21 (CoO21)

Enemies: Ice Keese
	    Purple Moblins

Strategy: Dispatch of the Ice Keese the same way as the fire ones.
	   Purple Moblins Hack N' Slash.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor against Ice Keese

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 22 (CoO22)

Enemies: Keese, Rats, Twilight Rats

Strategy: Dispatch of the Keese like the rest, guard with shield and slash 
          The Keese when near.
	  Slash away at the rats.
	  Turn into a wolf and use spin attack to dispatch of the Twilight Rats.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: Twilight rats will make you move as if you are wearing Iron Boots
      But do no damage.
      You may dig for a recovery heart here.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 23 (CoO23)

Enemies: Skeleton Midgets (Stalchildren?)

Strategy: Hack N' Slash Jump to the center and do a "Great Spin" or spin attack.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 24 (CoO24)

Enemies: Skeleton Knightsx5 (Redead Knights?)

Strategy: Avoid getting close use the Ball and Chain to dispatch of these foes.

Warning(s): Don't let the shrieks freeze you.

Note: Take foes out from afar.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 25 (CoO25)

Enemies: Moblin Archers
	    Moblin Infantry

Strategy: Use the bow and Hawkeye to pick off the archers.
	  Jump down and Hack N' Slash the infantry.

Warning(s): Do not wear the Zora Armor or use Ordon Shield the archers will do
	        More damage to you. The Ordon Shield will burn away.

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 26 (CoO26)

Enemies: Regenerating Skeleton Soldiers (Stalfos?)

Strategy: After reducing them to a pile of bones blow them up with a bomb.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: The enemies will regenerate unless you blow them up.
      Apparently using the ball and chain dispatches the stalfos as well.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 27 (CoO27)

Enemies: Giant Spidersx3 (Skulltulas?)

Strategy: Knock the spiders from the ceiling and then Hack N' Slash

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 28 (CoO28)

Enemies: Lizardmen
	 Purple Moblins

Strategy: Jump down and Hack N' Slash

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 29 (CoO29)

Enemies: Skeleton Midgets
	 Regenerating Skeleton Soldiers (Stalfos?)

Strategy: Hack N' Slash the Midgets. 
          Dispatch of the Regenerating skeletons as before.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: Don't forget to blow the skeletons up with bombs once they
      Become a pile of bones.
      Apparently using the ball and chain dispatches the stalfos as well.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 30 (CoO30)

Great Fairy encounter
You can exit here or continue on.
You will need the Dominion Rod to get past from here.
The Great Fairy compliments you and releases Fairies to The Eldin Spirit Spring.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 31 (CoO31)

Enemies: Beamosx5

Strategy: From the ledge equip the bow and Hawkeye and shoot the red eye of 
               The Beamos.
	   Guard with your shield and slash at Keese when they are close. 

Warning(s): N/A

Note: You should snipe the Beamos before jumping down.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 32 (CoO32)

Enemies: Lava Slugs
	    Fire Keese
	    Fire Bubbles

Strategy: Lava Slugs - slash when they drop from the ceiling.
	    Fire Keese - guard and slash when they are near
	    Dodongos - Attack the tail, or shoot an arrow when it's charging
	    For it's "Fire Breath" attack
	    Bubbles- Dispatch like the Keese

Warning(s): Avoid using your Ordon shield or Zora Armor.

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 33 (CoO33)

Enemies: Poex1
	 Skeleton Knightsx4 (Redead Knights?)

Strategy: Use the ball and chain to defeat skeleton knights from a distance.
	   Change into a wolf and attack Poe with your senses engaged.

Warning(s): Do not let the shriek freeze you.

Note: Do not get close to Skeleton Knights.
         Do not forget your Poe soul.
         To solve the puzzle use the dominion rod to move the statues off 
         Of the switch they are resting on.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 34 (CoO34)

Enemies: Yet Another Large Purple Chu
	    Twilight Rats

Strategy: Chu - Just slash it to death.
	  Twilight Rats - turn into a wolf and use spin attack when they swarm on you.

Warning(s): If you drink purple Chu jelly you may take damage.

Note: There are other Chus as well a red, and blue and possible a yellow.
      If possible quickly defeat the blue Chu or red Chu and bottle it.
      The purple Chu assimilates all other colored Chus so act quickly 
      If you intend to bottle a colored Chu.
      The Chu splits into halves after its attacked don't be tricked.
      The Twilight Rats will not damage you they just slow you down.
      A recovery heart can be found by digging as a wolf.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 35 (CoO35)

Enemies: Ice Keese
	   Mini - Freezards

Strategy: Guard with your shield and slash at Ice Keese when they are near.
	   After the Freezard uses its "Frost breath" It will pause for a moment
	   Use that moment to defeat it with your Ball and Chain.
	   Slash at the Mini - Freezards, or stand still and swing Ball and Chain

Warning(s): Avoid wearing The Zora Armor.

Note: Get close enough to the Freezard to attack with ball and chain twice.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 36 (CoO36)

Enemies: Ice knightsx3

Strategy: Guard with your shield and use Ball and Chain to attack when 
	   They are grabbing another ice javelin.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 37 (CoO37)

Enemies: Ice Keese
	   Cactus things

Strategy: Guard with your shield and slash when the Keese is near
	   Do a "Great Spin" or spin attack or Hack and Slash at the cactus things.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 38 (CoO38)

Enemies: Freezardx2
	   Mini Freezards
	   Ice Keese
	   Ice knights x3

Strategy: Freezard - Save for last, After the Frost Breath attack get close
	   And quickly attack with ball and chain twice.
	   Mini - Freezards - Stand still and swing ball and chain around.
	   Ice Keese - Guard with the shield and slash when close.
	   Ice knights - hit with the ball and chain when they grab 
	  Another javelin.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 39 (CoO39)

Enemies: Iron knightsx2

Strategy: Take the iron knights on one at a time. You can use bomb arrows to 
                Blow off the armor.
	    Hidden skills are extremely useful especially "Back Slice" & 
    "Helm Splitter".
	    After you have gotten rid of all the armor and you see the red chain mail, 
    The Easiest way to defeat it is to use the hidden skill "Jump Strike" and 
    Hack away.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: The knights are indeed skilled and will block most normal attacks.
      Attack it after he has made an attack. 
      You may want to use your Magic Armor.
      You can find a 200 rupee digspot here!
Cave of Ordeals Floor 40 (CoO40)

Great Fairy encounter
You can exit here or continue on.
You will need the Double Clawshot to proceed from here.
The Great Fairy compliments you and releases Fairies to The Lanyaru Spirit 

Cave of Ordeals Floor 41 (CoO41)

Enemies: Armosx9

Strategy: The easiest way to take on these baddies is one at a time.
	   Get behind it and while it is powering up to move hack at the jewel
	  Or get behind it and use arrows. 3 attacks will destroy it.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: Don't get all these baddies after you at once.
         Use the Clawshots to proceed to the next room. 
         Aim at the targets on the wall.
         You may want to use Magic Armor.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 42 (CoO42)

Enemies: Deku babas
	    Purple Moblins

Strategy: Jump down and slash away.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 43 (CoO43)

Enemies: Lizardmanx3
	   Moblin Archers

Strategy: Jump down and slash away at the Lizardmen.
	  Pick off the Archers from the ledge or jump down and while
	  Guarding with the shield get close to the archers and slash away.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 44 (CoO44)

Enemies: Armored Lizardmen x4

Strategy: Attack the Armored Lizardmen with hidden skills like "Great Spin" 
	  Or "helm splitter". 
	  Or use a spin attack and Hack N' Slash the Armored Lizardmen.
	  Engage your wolf sense and attack the Poe and rip its soul out.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: Do not forget your Poe soul.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 45 (CoO45)

Enemies: Moblin archers in a towerx2
	   Skeleton knightsx5 (Redead knights?)
	   The final large purple Chu

Strategy: Before heading down the hall engage the bow and Hawkeye. 
   At the opposite end of the hallway on the left and right are two 
   Archers in a tower. 
	   If you zoom in all the way and look to the left and right you should be 
	   Able to pick off those pesky archers.
	   Skeleton Knights - use ball and chain to kill from afar.
	   Large Chu - Hack N' Slash

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor; the purple Chu jelly may damage you.

Note: There are other Chus as well a red, and blue and possible a yellow.
      If possible quickly defeat the blue Chu or red Chu and bottle it.
      The purple Chu assimilates all other colored Chus so act quickly 
      If you intend to bottle a colored Chu.
      The Chu splits into halves after its attacked don't be tricked.
      If you shoot down the shiny blobs with the clawshot on the ceiling 
      and bottle what drops you have a rare chu jelly that works
      like great fairy tears.
Cave of Ordeals Floor 46 (CoO46)

Enemies: Freezardsx2
	 Ice knightsx3
	 Twilight rats

Strategy: Ice knight - Guard with your shield and use Ball and Chain to attack 
               When they are grabbing another ice javelin.
	   Freezards - After the "frost breath" attack get close and quickly hit
	   The Freezard twice with the Ball and Chain.
	   Twilight Rats - engage wolf senses and use a spin attack.

Warning(s): Do not wear Zora Armor

Note: You may want to use Magic Armor

Cave of Ordeals Floor 47 (CoO47)

Enemies: Purple Moblin
	    Skeleton midgets (Stalchildren?)

Strategy: Jump down and Hack N' Slash.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: N/A

Cave of Ordeals Floor 48 (CoO48)

Enemies: Flying Lizardmanx2
	 Iron knightx1

Strategy: When the flying Lizardmen are getting ready to charge, that is they 
	   Are not moving and the shield is in front of them, use the Clawshot 
	   To bring them to you and hack away at them.
	   Iron knight - you can use bomb arrows to blast the armor off once you
	   Have completed that you can try hacking and slashing after it attacks.
	   Hidden skills such as "Back Slice" & "Jump Strike" work well.
	   After you exposed the red chain mail Jump Strike will make 
	   Fighting the Iron knight extremely easy.

Warning(s): N/A

Note: You may want to use Magic Armor. The Iron Knight once in red chain mail 
          Will block many of your attacks. Use "Jump Strike" or attack it after 
           It has attacked.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 49 (CoO49)

Enemies: Iron knightx3

Strategy: If one wasn't difficult enough try three. It is near impossible 
	   To take these on one at a time. You can use Bomb Arrows to take the armor 
	   Off the knights. You may need to manually aim at their feet. " Jump Strike"
  	   Is an absolute necessity here as well as Magic Armor. I hope you have at 
	   Least one Blue potion and a fairy left. After using a successful jump strike
	  (Attacking after you hear the chime or see the energy reach the blade's tip) 
	  Hack away repeatedly to land in as many hits as you can on the iron knight. 
	  A spin attack is useful after a jump strike when they are surrounding you.

Warning(s): One knight is directly under the ledge.

Note: You will want to use your Magic Armor.

Cave of Ordeals Floor 50 (CoO50)

The Final Great Fairy Encounter

Let me congratulate you if you made it this far. Congratulations!
Words cannot explain the satisfaction that comes from reaching this level.

For reaching this level the Great Fairy will release Fairies 
To all Spirit Springs and a Great Fairy will be at Spirit Springs to fill a 
A bottle of yours with Great Fairy's Tears. This little concoction restores 
All your health and increases your attack strength for a brief period of time
A perfect pick me up for the final bosses. Also if the 3 Poes were the last 
Ones you needed Jovani will reward you with 200 Rupees and rumor has 
It you can keep getting the rupees from him over and over again. 
You will be returned to the entrance.


I hope my guide has helped you in this difficult side quest. You truly are 
Worthy of the Hero Title and Master Sword and the next time 
Someone says you suck at Zelda make him or her successfully complete 
The Cave of Ordeals to put them in their place.

VII: Special Thanks
t3h_1337_pl4y4 - for his contribution on defeating stalfos.
chudgoo - for contributing recovery heart locations on floors 34 and 9.
Adam for "toad" defeating technique.
Mr.Chief & Nathan for recovery hearts on floors 34 and 22.
Mr.Chief & Nathan for great fairy tears substitute.
Nathan for a 200 rupee dig spot.
Nathan for informing of changes to Cave of ordeals after 1st completion.
David for pinpointing the location of the 200 rupee dig.
Adam K (a.k.a.) MetroidPrimeMan - For a tactic against the iron knights.

For those of you who submitted information to me but don't see your name 
here I'd like to thank you again for your help. The reasons you are not
listed is simply because someone else had contributed the same tip already.
I tried to include you all but if I missed you I'm sorry. 

VIII: Sites with permission to use this guide

IX: Nathan's tip
After the first completion of Cave of Ordeals some floors change the enemies.

Floor 39 gets 3 Iron Knights
Floor 45 Does not have the large chu instead another Archer tower.
Floor 49 has 4 Iron knights

complete these the same way you completed previous versions.

X: Max's Tip
Infinite arrows- Block an arrow attack with your shield and 
a arrow should bounce off your shield and you may then pick it up.
You may need to walk into different positions to block the arrow.

XI: Adam K's Tip
For the Iron knights use mortal draw it melts away their armor.
Knights with less armor tend to hide behind the armored ones.
Your most likely to receive damage when a fully unarmored knight
jumps out from behind the others. After the unarmored phase use 
the magic armor and terminate  the knights.
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