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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and walkthroughs of Zelda games

          THE LEGEND OF:
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                                         The Wind Waker
                                  Nintendo Gallery Script FAQ
                                          Version 1.0
|                           1. Table of Contents                             |

1. Table of Contents
2. Version History
3. Figure Guide
4. Legal Info
5. Site List
6. Special Thanks
7. Contact Info

|                           2. Version History                               |

August 30, 2003: Submission of Guide

|                           3. Figure Guide                                  |

__ 1.David Jr.
Birthplace: Windfall Island
Occupation: Treasure Hunter
-Seventeen-year-old David Jr. set out to sea with dreams of finding the
treasure of the Ghost Ship that his
now-deceased father once saw.  He gets seasick quite easily and was in
just such a state when he awoke
in a daze on Tingle Island.  Ankle told him that "Self comes before
wealth," and he's been working in the
tower ever since.  He really hates the uniform.

-Where to get it:Go to Tingle Island that is one Square South and one
square West of Windfall Island.  He
is the one who is turning the wheel.  He is wearing White.

Favorite Proverb: "One may as well hang for a stolen sheep as for a
stolen lamb,"
-Since being taught how to decipher maps by his older brother Tingle,
Ankle has been supporting his
good-for-nothing twin brother Knuckle.  The only time he feels he can
truly be himself is when he's
tending to the Tingle Island flower garden.

-Where to get it:He is also turning the wheel.  He is wearing Purple.

Favorite things: Fairies, deciphering maps
-It's been several years since Tingle first became enchanted with
deciphering maps in the hopes it
would help him find fairies and he's lost many things during that time.
He's raising funds to begin
his search for fairies, hoping to embark sometime inhis thirties, while
the lust of life is still upon
him.  At the age of 35, the pressure's on!

-Where to get it: He is also found on tingle island but isn't turning
the wheel.  He is wearing Green.

Favorite things: Faiies, deciphering maps
-A businessman by nature, Beedle's sales pitch is unmatched.  He hopes
to open a chain of trading
posts where people can buy, sell, or trade anything.

-Where to get it: The easiest place to get him is on Forest Haven since
he is just there next to the
figurine gallery.  Jump on your boat and play the ballad of the gales.
Warp to Forest Haven and he
should be right next to your boat.

_5.Loot the Sailor
Birthplace:Windfall Island
His only Fear: The mermen
-Loot spends his days working far form home at the boating course.  He
takes his earnings straight to
the cafe bar on WIndfall Island to enfoy a relaxing beverage.

-Where to get it: Head one square south of Forest Haven to get to the
island.  He is standing on the

Birhtplace: WIndfall Island
Talent: Drawing pictures
-Long ago, Salvatore hoped to be a famous painter, but that dream
didn't last long.  He eventually
returned to his hometown and came up with his current business plan.
It's been a huge sucess, allowing
him to puchase his own island, where he has opened up a second store in
what he hopes will become a huge
chain.  He's now busy trying to think up that one idea that will spark
his next big endeavor.

-Where to get it: Go to Windfall Island or one Square West of Windfall
Island.  On Windfall Island, he
is found inside of the Windmill.  On Spectacle island he is on one of
the hills.

_7.Salvage Corp.
Birthplace: Angular Isles
Talent:Searching for sunken treasure
-These young men found friendship through their common interest in
searching for sunken treasure.
Soon afterward, they formed the Salvage Corp.  With their first haul of
treasure, all they could afford
to but was their diving suits.  Now they dream of finding that one huge
haul that will make them all rich.
They are currently searching for the legendary treasure sunken beneath
the sea.

-Where to get it: Look for a group of divers on a old rusted boat.  One
place to find them is one square
East of Windfall Island.

_8.Princess Zelda
-Princess Zelda is the legitimate heir to the the (yes, that is how it
is writen in the description)
Hyrulian Royal Family.  She is actually the pirate Tetra.

-Where to get it: You get this figurine when you give Carlov the
legendary picograph you got from Lenzo.

_9.King of Hyrule
-The king of Hyrule was unable to protect his kngdom from evil and left
its fate up to the gods.  The king
of Red Lions is merely his disguise.  His full name is one that is
truly fit for royalty: Daphnes Nohansen

-Where to get it: You get this from the legendary pictograph that you
but from Lenzo.

Birthplace: The Great Sea
Personality: Honorable, Dutiful, and Surly
-Apparently, these fish were aided long ago by the KORL, which is why
they are there now willing to offer
(your name) valuable information.  Unfortunately, much of their
information is off the mark.  For many long
years they have suffered from stiff necks, but none of them know how to
cure it.

-Where to get it: This was a hard picture for me to get.  All I did was
find out where he was jumping and
shot a close up picture.  My strategy was to take several pictures and
then delete the ones I didn't like
and then take more.  This is best done on Forest Haven.  Be ready for

Personality: Elusive
Tetra seems bossy and strong willed, but she is actually quite kind
-Orphaned at a young age, Tetra followed in her mothers footsteps,
becoming a pirate and watching after
her mother's gang of lovable swabbies.  Tetra and her crew are in
search of a legendary treasure hidden
beneath the waves of the great sea.

-Where to get it: I got this picture on the second quest with the delux
pictograph camera on Outset Island.
Another place to get it is when Tetra is with you in Hyrule.  You only
have a short time to do it so save
first incase Carlov doesn't like it.

Personality:Short Tempered
Favorite Thing: Miss Tetra
-Leader of Tetra's family of pirates, Gonzo seems to be quite
strong...but he cries at the drop of a hat.

-Where to get it: One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

Talent:ummmmm...talking, mabye?
-Senza is in charge of keeping the pirate ship in order.  He is a mild
mannered speaker, but his persuasive
skills are said to be unmatched.

-Where to get it:One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

Personality:Who knows?
-Nudge seems to understand Tetra best of all the pirates and often
counsels her in decision making.  He is
actually stronger than Gonzo.

-Where to get it:One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

-Zuko is in charge of keeping watch.  His sharp eyes can read signs a
mile of, but no one really understands
what he says, so they rarely know what he is seeing

-Where to get it:One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

Least Favorite Thing:Gonzo's Underwear
-Niko is the bottom rung on the pirate ladder, so he is responsible for
all of the odd jobs on the ship.
He is quite childish and rarely thinks of consequences of his actions.
Even so he shows signs of having
what it takes to move up the pirate ladder.

-Where to get it:One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

Personality:At first glance, quiet
Least Favorite Thing:Having his glasses touched by strangers.
-Mako is called the brains of the ship and the king of invention.  He
may look like a weakling, but his
glasses give him keen eyesight, and he's unstopable when mad.  Not many
know this, but he keeps a knife
hidden in that thick book of his.

-Where to get it:One of the extra figurines you get with Tetra.

First Impression:Good
-Fairies are the most reliable of creatures.  When their master's life
energy has been depleted, they
immediately come to his or her aid.  They can be carried in bottles.

-Where to get it:This one is just like Fishman.  Take many pictures and
choose the best.  Hurry though
because they eventually go away.  Make sure that you have the entire
body and that they are facing you.

_19.Great Fairy
Birthplace:Angular Isles
Talent:Powering Up
-The seven great fairines who are destined to aid the Great Hero by
increasing his powers are hiding in
seven different reaches of the Great Sea.

-Where to get it:Purchase the legendary pictograph from Lenzo.

_20.Queen of Fairies
Birthplace:Fairy Island
Favorite Food:Empowering arrows with fire and ice.
-She appears to be but a child, but she is much greater and more
powerful than the Great Fairies.  She will
grant (your name) the power to add fire and ice to his arrows.

-Where to get it:Purchase the legendary pictograph form Lenzo.

_21.Traveling Merchants
Favorite Food:Rocks
-These businessmen are traveling the world in search of curios and
oddities, each with the hope of someday
opening his own shop.  Nobody knows where these wandering merchants
have come from or where they're headed.

-Where to get it:Look for one of these one one of the following
Islands:Bomb Island, Greatfish Island, and
Mother and Child Isles.  Dont' warp to Mother and Child Isles.

_22.Old Man Ho HO
Favorite Thing:Telescopes
-Old Man Ho Ho found his first telescope after retiring from his job
and has been traveling in search of
new sights eversince.  A new discovery always awaits at the far end of
his telescope.

-Where to get it:Look for him on islands that have submarines arond the
islands.  One place to find him is
Bomb Island.  He is the man in white holding the telescope.  He can
also be found on Private Oasis and
Outset Island

_23.Link and King of Red Lions


I don't have either of these so if you want credit for them e-mail me
soon.  I want all of the information
like I have provided.

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Windfall Island Room

This is the biggest room in the gallery.  Just walking in and
seeing all of those empty stands
can be a little intimidating.  This is actually one of the easier rooms
to get.  All it takes is time
and dedication.  Don't give up.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Activity:Kickboxing
-The reason his second-favorite hobby is taking walks is because it
keeps his legs in shape.  He's had
his eye on a certain young lady lately.

-Where to get it: He is the one walking around town that is wearing a
big hat.  He is the one you took
a picture of for the last Lenzo Challenge.

Birthplace:WIndfall Island
Least Favorite Proverb:"Only smoke and fools love high places"
-This young guy's trademark is his yellow hat.  He seems to have a
unusual interest in the town's ferris
wheel and light house.

-Where to get it: He is found on the second floor of the Ferris Wheel.
To get there walk into Salvatore's
store and climb up the stairs.  To get a good picture of him, climb
onto the wooden fence and then take a
picture of him.

_3.Pompie and Vera
Birthplace:WIndfall Island
-Pompie and Vera are the town's most talkative pair of ladies, and they
are always spreading idle gossip.
Lately they have been obsessed with Lenzo.

-Where to get it:They are the women talking to each other across from
Zunari's open air shop.  You only
need a picture of one of them.

_4.The shop Guru, Zunari
Birthplace:A C-C-Cold Island
Pet Phrase:"Dear me!"
-Even on the hottest day of summer, Zunari can be found in his shop,
weraing the beloved hood that his
mother made for him.  He keeps a great treasure in his safe there.  On
a side note, he turns forty this
year, and is now recruiting for a wife.

-Where to get it:Get a picture of him when he is at the action house or
when he is facing him when you
try to get into his shop.

_5.The Pictographer, Lenzo
Personality:Hard to grasp
-Lenzo is a famed pictographer known to all. His mysterious personality
is quite popular with the ladies
in town.

-Where to get it:You can find him in his shop on Windfall Island.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
-This young fellow dreams of becoming a professional dancer.  He dances
before a strange stone monument
day and night.  THe smooth dancer may still be practicing but he's also
recruiting for a partner.

-Where to get it:Look for him dancing infront of a stone on the North
Side of Windfall Island on a cliff.

_7.Potava and Joanna
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Nickname:THe little Tipsters
-These two girls are talented at hitting on island rumors, seemingly
without ony tips or advaice from
others.  Children can be really frightening sometimes.

-Where to get it:They are either in the school or in the courtyard of
Windfall Island.  You only need to
take a picture of one of them.  For some reason, I had difficulty
getting this one.

_8.The joyful teacher, Mrs. Marie
Birthplace:Windfall Island
This Year's Lucky Number:20
-This year marks the twentieth year this splendid individual has worked
as Windfall's school teacher.
Her hobby is collecting joy pendants.  Her goal in life is to raise
unique and creative students.  The
most unique thing she's ever created is her own hairstyle.

-Where to get it:Look for her in the school.  It is near the end of
Windfall Island.

_9.Windfall's Gang of Boys,The Killer Bees
Birthplace:WIndfall Island
Main Objective:Raising Trouble
-This small gang of four calls itself the Killers Bees.  Starting from
the Left, the members are:
The Leader, Ivan: A very talented and reliable leader.  Leave all tree
climbing to him.
Jin, The Fox: Ivan's quick witted advisor.  His wry isnsults can be
hard to take.
Jan, the blue-hair: Uses his innocent looks to advert trouble.  He's
the Killer Bees' thug.
The Pig Nose:Jun-Roberto: Secretly aims to be the nest gang leader.  He
was raised in a bourgeois
family and has developed into a terrible little tyrant.  When these
four are together they fear absolutely

-Where to get it:Look for them right outside of Mrs. Marie's school.  I
think that you only have to take
a picture of one of them to get the firgurine.  I got the picture Ivan
and I got the figurine.

_10.Mila's Father
Birhtplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Thing:Money
-His hobby was once collecting expensive vases, but unfortunately, they
were the kind of vase one wants to
break as soon as one catches sight of them.  Those who did and were
forced to compensate him for his loss
were said to regret is afterward.

-Where to get it:Before you save the girls from the Forsaken Fortress
he is in the big house where the
auctions are held.  He is found on the second floor.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
-This poor girl was filthy rich untill she got rescued from he prison
in the Forsaken Fortress.  Now that
her family has fallen on hard times, she works for the shop on Windfall
Island to help ease their hardship.

-Where to get it:She can be found infront of Zunari's shop after you
save your sister from the Forsaken
Fortress.  At night she can be found creeping around.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Things:Love and Romance
-Maggie was dirt-poor before being kidinapped and help captive in the
Forsaken Fortress.  She's quite with
all boys... but she prefers "wild" boys over all others.  Latley she
has taken to writing poems and will soon
be publishing one entitled "A Woman's Heart is Blue"

-Where to get it:She can be found in the masion after you save your
sister from the Forsaken Fortress.  She is
on the second floor.

_13.Maggie's Father
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Personality:Not Perticularily Good
-Surprisingly, Maggie's Father is quite confident that he is the
epitome of fashion.  It would probably be
more accurate to say that the clothes he wears are "distinct".  He
seems to especially like vintage clothes and

-Where to get it:He can be found infront of the main tree on Windfall
before you rescue the girls from the
Forsaken Fortress.  After that he is found on the second floor of the

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Best Friend:Sue-Belle
-Lately, her childhood friend, the delicate Kamo has become smitten
with her, but she's apparently completely
oblivious to hes feelings.

-Where to get it:She is the girl wearing the orange dress.  She is the
one you used to complete the third
pictograph challenge.

_15.Candy The Sailor
Birthplace:Windfall Islnad
Good at Cooking: Grapes
-At first glance, Candy looks a little intimidating, but he's actually
extrememly kind and quite knowledgable.
He's always happy to share his knowledge.  he's energetic and sort of a
scamp for a 17 year old.

-Where to get it:He's on the pier of Windfall Island.  The easiest way
to do it is to get on your boat and
cruise around until you are in front of him.  Take a picture there.

_16.Dampa the Sailor
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Faviorite Animal:Pigs
-Dampa recently got some pet pigs, and now they're all he can think
about.  He really confirms the old adage
about pets and their owners.

-Where to get it:This is the sailor that loves skull necklaces.  He is
the one that lets you play his pig
finding game.  Find him infront of the Windmill/bomb shop.

_17.Kane, the Sailor
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Occupation:Artist
-Long ago, Kane longed to be an artist or sculptor, but circumstances
in his home life were soon to become a
sailor.  He's critical of all artistic espression, though.

-Where to get it:He is standing infront of the bridge next to the mail

_18.Gummy, the Sailor
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Spice:Pepper
-No one knows where he gets his spending money from, but this nifty
sailor spends night after night unwinding
at the auction.

-Where to get it:He can be found on the bridge next to the entrance of
Mrs. Marie's School.  Climb up the ladder
to get a picture of him.  This one can be tricky.  Try to get a picture
with the best face angle.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Years Without a Girlfriend:18
-Ever the romantic, Kamo loves to gaze at the night sky.  HE and his
dear friend Linda were once clasmates at
Mrs. Marie's School.

-Where to get it:He can be found on the stair at daytime and on the
bridge where you found Gummy at night.

_20.The Potion Master, Doc Bandam
Birthplace:Widfall Island
Favorite Food:Chu Jelly
-Doc Bandam spends his days researching Chuchus in his potion shop.  He
visits Pawprint island now and then
to collect the Chu Jelly he uses to make his potions.  He considers
himself a potion artist, and like an artist,
he's quite whimsical.

-Where to get it:He is found in the potion shop next to the lady that
says she is the prettiest.

_21.Bomb-Master Cannon
Birthplace:Windfall Island
Mood:Shifts violently
-Cannon is the world's only maker of bombs.  He considers himself a
magician with gunpowder and other explosives.
His hairstyle is a unique as his talent.

-Where to get it:He is found in the Windmill/Bomb shop.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Perosnality:Not Brave
-There isn't much to say about Gossack.

-Where to get it:He is found in the Cafe.  He is the one that you took
a picture of for the second Lenzo task.

Birthplace:WIndfall Island
Workplace: The Cafe Bar
-Gillian manages the cafe in place of her now-ill father.  It seems she
once had a boyfriend, but that info is

-Where to get it:She is the bartender in the Cafe.

Birthplace: Windfall Island
Favorite Spot: The Sea View Bench
-He thinks that a little composure is of the utmost importance in life.
Sam's a card-arrying member of the
Joyous Volunteer Association.

-Where to get it:He can be found next to the Cafe entrance sitting on a
bench looking out to sea.  Just move
around so that you can see his face.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Tings:Pictographys
-This former beauty became famous after being dubbed Miss Windfall
Island about...forty years ago.  There
isn't a younger woman who could take that title away.

-Where to get it:She is the lady you first see when walking into
Windfall Island

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Her Son:Dampa the Sailor
-She's just an ordinary elderly woman.

-Where to get it:She is found on the port right behind the Zunari's
shop.  I would take my boat out back and
get her picture from the boat.

Birthplace:WIndfall Island
-Je os constantly thinking of someone on a faraway Island.  e's
apparently a very passionate man, and he has
a very hip sense of fashion.

-Where to get it:He is the one that is wearing the mario suit.  Find
him walking very slowly around town.  You
took a picture of him for your first pictograph mission.

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Outset Island Room

This room has the least amount of figurines and shouldn't take
you that long.  It took me about a day.
It is also helpfull if you get the pictures at night.  Most characters
don't move and are in the same location
at that time.  The Wind should be heading South.

Birthplace:Outset Island
-Zill is a hyper-inquisitive young boy who speaks his thoughts as soon
as they come to mind.  He can ofter
strike a nerve without realizing it.  he lives to intimedate his older
brother, Joel.  And strangely enough,
it seems that he actually lets his nose run on purpose.

-Where to get it:This little kid can be found running into Link at high
speeds.  At night he is in his house.

Birthplace:Outset Island
Main Interest:Sticks
-Joil's dream is to grow up as soon as he can so he can jump across
boulders just like (your name).  Both he
and his younger brother, Zill, distinctly resemble their father.

-Where to get it:This kid can be found by the rock on Windfall Island.
At night he is found at his home.

Birthplace:Outset Island
Greatest treasure:His Family
-Abe is a family man who takes good care of his wife and two kids.  In
his younger days, his dashing looks
and britone voince made him quite the ladies' man.  Then one day, he
was taken instantly smitten by a woman
named Rose.  Even though he was consistently rebuffed, he persisted and
finally convinced Rose to marry him.

-Where to get it:Abe can be found outside of his house at night.

Birthplace:Outset Island
Favorite Thing:Animals
-The mother of Joel and Zill, Rose is a woman of refreshingly simple
tastes...but she's a demanding mother.
She has the bad habit of trying to laugh her way out of lies.

-Where to get it:Rose is found inside of her house both day and night.

_5.Wild Pig
Talent:Digging Holes
-Wild Pigs are found primarily in the fields of Outset Island.  They
love All-Purpose Bait above all other foods,
and when they eat it they can't help but tear into the earth.

-Where to get it:Take a picture of a pig.  I'm not sure if you can get
any pig but I took a picture of the
big pig that Abe takes care of.

_6.(Your Name)'s Grandma
Birthplace:Outset Island

-This kind old woman works hard to raise her two grandchildren.  She's
a very talented cook-her special Elixir
Soup is sure to raise anyone's spirits.  She also can be somewhat
mischevious and enjoys playing the occasional
prack on (your name).

-Where to get it:Look for her in your house.

Birthplace:Outset Island
Personality:Kind and true to her family
-(your name)'s energetic younger sister is adored by all who meet her.
Her current goal is to learn how to fetch
water so she can help out her grandmother.  Her most treasured
belonging is a telescope bearing the drawing of a

-Where to get it:When you get the grandma's figurine, you get the Aryll

-Seagulls soar freely over the great sea.  They love Hyoi Pears above
all oher tools and eating them simply steals
their hearts.

-Where to get it:Look for some around the Nintendo Gallery.  They can
be found flying around the Forest Haven.

Place of Birth:Windfall Island
-Sue-Belle was born and raised on WIndfall but she became concerned for
the health of her grandfather, Stugeon,
so she decided to move to live with him on Outset Island.  Morning,
noon, and night, she fills vases with water
and carries them on her head from the well to their house.  Strangely
enough, she actually enjoys the task.

-Where to get it:She is the woman carrying the pot on her head.  If she
is not carrying it then she is in
Sturgeon's house.

Birthplace:Outset Island
Personality:Extremely Serious
-Known as Outset's lining encyclopedia Sturgeon is quite wise, boasting
an abnormaly high IQ.  He as extremely
sensitive nerves-quite the opposite of his younger brother, Orca, who
lives downstaris.  Surprisingly, Sturgeon
was an accomplished swordsman in his youth.

-Where to get it:He is found on the second story of Orca's dojo.  He's
the one with the stick.

Birthplace:Greatfish Isle
Water Spirit
-Jabun can only speak Hylian, so hardly anyone understands a word he

-Where to get it:Purchase the Legendary pictograph from Lenzo.

Birthplace:Outset Island
-In his younger days, Orca had hoped to be a swordsman but he suffered
a serious injury that ended his dream.
He soom returned to Outset and became a fisherman.  On a ledge on one
wall of his houe is a memento from his
days of training with a blade.  Orca is a lifelong bachelor.

-Where to get it:He is found on the first floor of the first house you
see on Outset Island.

Birthplace:Outset Island
-Mesa preforms his chores at very much his own pace.  His vegetable
patch is always full of weeds and he spends
most of the year trying to clear it out.  He's suprisingly timid and
ofter can't fall asleep at night.  He's
currently looking for a wife.

-Where to get it:He can only be found at night.  In the beginning you
can see him cutting grass.  He is then found
only at night in his house.

-These creatures are crabs, plain and simple.

-Where to get it:Take a picture of those little things that go away
when you get close to them.  Almost every
beach has at least one.

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Forsaken Fortress Room

This room is just a bunch of bosses and mini-bosses.  This
rooms holds the infamous Ganondorf.  This is
mabye one of the last rooms you'll complete seing as to it has second
to last boss in it.  For this room it is
IMPERATIVE that you get the pictures that you can only get once on that
time.  I missed the sub-boss in the Wind
Temple and had to go all the way through the second quest to get it.
Don't do the same.

_1.Gohdan, The Great Arbiter
Habitat:TOwer of the Gods
Effective Weapon:Arrows
-This monsterous machine was created by the gods as a trial for the
great hero.  You can drop it to the ground
only be piercing its hands and face with arrows.  Once it has fallen,
you can defeat it by immediately tossing
a bomb inside it.  Oddly enough, arrows occasionally drop from its

-Where to get it:After you beat the boss of the Tower of the Gods, take
a picture of his head on the wall.

Habitat: Tower of the Gods
-These mighty mages are adept at weilding flame and summoning other
creatures to their aid.  The only way to
defeat them is to try to predict their movements and attack them during
the breif moments that they assume physical

-Where to get it:This is just a plain Wizzrobe found in the Wind
Temple.  These can be found in the Savage

Habitat:Forbidden Woods
Effective Weapons:Deku leaf, Projectiles
-This gigantic moth scatters its scales through the air.  Even using
projectiles to clip its wings won't assure
safety-it can still run around swiftly and release larvae.

-Where to get it:These look like giant moths.  It doesn't matter if the
one that you take a picture of has wings
or none.  These can be found in the Savage Labyrinth.

_4.Big Octo
Habitat:Great Sea
Effective Weaon:Projectiles
-There are said to be six of these legendary giant squid in different
reaches of the Great Sea.  When ships pass
by, they create tremendous currents to try and sink them.  The only way
to escape is to shoot all of their weak
spots-their eyes- with projectiles before being sucked in.

-Where to get it:There are several places to get this.  There is a well
written FAQ on where to find Big

Habitat:Draon Roost Island
Effective Weapon:Grappling hook
-This gigantic shelled insect inhabits areas of lava and magma.  The
only way to penetrate its hard bio-armor
would be to drop an entire sheet of bedrock on it.

-Where to get it:You can take a picture of Gohma at Ganon's castle or
at Dragon Roost Cavern on the second quest.
To get a good picture, you need to use the dragon's tail to swing your
way to a ledge.  Take a picture when
Gohma is looking directly at you.

_6.Kalle Demos
Habitat:Forbidden Woods
Favorite Thing:Makar
-This planet-monster is a gigantic parasite that lives in the depths of
the Forbidden Woods.  Only by cutting
loose all of its disgusting tentacles with the boomerange will its
tender core be revealed.

-Where to get it:You can get this in Ganon's Castle or the Forbidden
Forest on the second quest.  To get a quality
picture you need to take a picture of the soft core.  Wait for it to
open up completely and take a shot of it.

_7.Mogera, Protector of the Seal
Habitat, Wind Temple
Effective Weapon:Hookshot
-This evil guardian burrows deep into sand.  Use the hookshot to draw
out its tender tongue, then slash at it with
your blade.

-Where to get it:This can be found in the Earth Temple or Ganon's
Castle.  Just take a picture of him when he is
flying around.

_8.Puppet Ganon
Habitat:Ganon's Castle
Effective Weapon:Light Arrows
-This is a gigantiv marionette created by Ganon himself.  It transforms
into three different shapes, but all are
vulnerable to rays of light.  Rather than shooting randomly at it, try
to deduce when it can be easily targeted and
then take advantage of your chance.

-Where to get it:This picture is found in Ganon's Casle.  Take a
picture of the first form and save.  Then restart
and you'll have the pictograph.  All you need is his face.

Hapitat:Earth Temple
Weakness:Its head
-These skeleton warriors attack by violently swinging their gigantive
maces around.  Even if they're shattered to
pieces, they'll reform unless their heads are destroyed.

-Where to get it:Look for these in the Earth Temple.  There should be
plenty.  There are also many in the savage

_10.Mighty Darknut
Habitat:Hyrule Castle
Spoil:Knight's Crest
-These are Darknut captains.  Some wear capes that must be burned or
cut off before their armor straps can be cut.

-Where to get it:These are first found in the Temple of Time, the third
time you go there.  These can also be found
in the room right before you fight Ganon's Puppet .

_11.Darknut(with shield)
Habitat:Earth Temple
Spoil:Knight's Crest
-THse knight's are well protected by their round bucklers and might
armor.  If you use a parry attack to jump up
and knock off their helmets, it'll spell their doom.

-Where to get it:These can be found all over the place.  Many of them
are in the Temple of Time when you first go
there.  You can also find these in the savage labyrinth.

_12.Darknut(without shield)
Habitat:TOwer of the Gods
Spoils:Knight's Crest
-These mighty knights are protected by heavy-duty armor.  Rather than
attacking from the gront, it might be best to
slip around behind them and cut their armor off.

-Where to get it:These are the easiest to find.  The first Darknut you
encounter is one of these.  The Darknut on the
way to Ganon's castle is one of these and these can be found in the
savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
Spoils:Skull Necklaces
-These mighty enemies swing their long spears with the greatest of
ease.  They've knocked (your name) around with
that attack countless times.

-Where to get it:These can be found all over the Forsaken Fortress and
all over the map.  There are many of these
in the Savage Labyrinth.

_14.Jalhalla, Protector of the Seal
Habitat:Earth Temple
-This gigantic ghost rules over all poes.  After reflecting light onto
it with the Mirror Shield, you can lift it
and throw it around.

-Where to get it:This is the big ghost.  Not a very hard picture
because it is so slow.  Just get it's whole body
in a frame.  If you miss it in the Earth Temple, you can find it in
Ganon's Castle.

Base of Operations:Ganon's Castle
Effective Weapons:Linght Arrows, Master Sword
-The possessor of the triforce of power, Ganondorf controls many fell
beasts.  It is useless for (your name) to try
to face him alone.  He must look for an ally who can aid him in battle.

-Where to get it:You need to purchase the Legendary Pictograph from
Lenzo.  There are other ways but they won't let
you fight Puppet Ganon again.

_16.The Monsterous Helmaroc King
Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
-The Helmaroc king is a mighty bird that has been fitted with a mighty
steel mask.  Once the mask has been split
with a hammer, its tender beak will be revealed.

-Where to get it:Before you do this SAVE.  Go fight the bird.  Take as
many pictures as possible and only keep the
best ones.  When you finish don't save.  Go to the Figurine Gallery and
give him your pictures.  If he doesn't like
them then restart and try again.

_17.Wizzrobe(the mini-boss)
Habitat:Wind Temple
-These high-levelmages use the magic of summoning to aid them in
battle.  They are the only wizzrobes that can summon
other wizzrobes, which makes them formidable.

-Where to get it:You get this one in the Wind Temple.  You can see the
difference because he has a crown on his head
and he is yellow.  You only get to take this picture once so save first
and then go to Carlov.  If he accepts then go
ahead and save.  If he doesn't reset the game and take more pictures.

_18.Phantom Ganon

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Dugeon Room

This is the common enemy room.  These are some of the hardest
pictures to take because the enemies move to
much.  You have to be quick and careful not to get hit by their

Habitat:Dragon Roost Island
-These creatures are covered in a hard exoskeletonthat that not even
the searing heat of lava can penetrate.  Their
eyes are their only weakness.  Magtails can be picked up and carried
around when they're rolled into a defensive

-Where to get it:You can easily find these in Dragon Roost Island or
the savage Labyrinth.

_2.Red Bubble and Blue Bubble
Habitat:Tower of the Gods
Stronger Form:Blue Bubble
-The cursed blue flames of the Blue Bubble steal away the power from
all of your attacks.  Bubbles can be easily blown
away by the Deku Leaf.

-Where to get it:You can find these in the Earth Temple and the Savage
Labyrinth.  You only need one, so you might want
the red bubble.

_3.Floor Master
Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
Personality:Surprisingly Lonely
-These creatures use their long hands to grab their victims which they
then yank into another room.  They occasionally
grab nearby vases and throw them.

-Where to get it:These are the black holes in the ground.  Take a
picture of the hand not the hole.  Be quick though or
you will get sucked in.  These are not found in the savage labyrinth so
look for them in the Earth Temple.

_4.Keese and Fire Keese
Habitat:Dragon Roost Island
Least Favorite Thing:Projectiles
-These bats fly around dark places and attack anything that moves.
Great care should be taken around Fire Keeses that
appear during volcanic activity.

-Where to get it:Just take a picture of one in Dragon Roost Island.
They can be found almost everywhere where there
is darkness.  These can be found in the first room of the savage

Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
Spoils:Joy Pendants
-These little imps wield sharp machetes and Boko sticks when attacking.
If they have no weapon, they'll atempt to
fight hand-to-hand.

-Where to get it:These are the traditional enemy.  These are readily
available at almost all platforms on the sea.
The savage Labyrinth house many of these.

_6.Boko Baba
Habitat:Forbidden Woods
Spoils:Baba Seeds
-These creatures that mimic Baba buds attempt to swallow anything that
comes near.  Defeat them by stunning them with
a jump attack and then cutting their stems.

-Where to get it:Found right next to the figurine gallery on Forest
Haven. You can't miss them. Can also be found in
the Savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
Favorite Food;All-Purpose Bait
-These creatures attack spontaniously and attempt to steal rupees.
THhe ones that carry bombs around are apparently
known as bombchus

-Where to get it:These can be found all over the Forsaken Fortress. You
only need a picture of it not a head shot.
These can be hard to find so I would keep my camera in one place and
use quick reactions.

Habitat:Forbidden Woods
-These strange creatures use their propeller-like wings to float in
midair.  They can be easily knocked out of the
sky with either projectiles or a Deku Leaf.

-Where to get it:These are found all over the Wind Temple and the
Forbidden Forest.  I don't think it matters wich
side you take a picture of.  These can be found in the Savage

Spoils:Chu Jelly
-There are ChuChus of many different colors, all with distinct
characteristicss.  In general, they are most
susceptible to projectle weapons.

-Where to get it:This is mabye the most common enemy.  It doesn't
matter what color you take a picture of, as long
as it is facing you.  A good place to get these is Pawprint Isle, but
they can be found on the shores of Outset as
well.  These are found in the Savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:Forsaken Fortress
Talent:Herd Movements
-These little beasts are quick and agile.  They scurry along walls and
gather in great numbers.  You should deal
with them individually so they don't surround you.

-Where to get it:These are the little turds that follow you around and
make those weird noises.  These are found in
Oustset Island at night in the Mountain Pass.  These can also be found
in the Savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:Dragon Roost
Spoils:Golden Feathers
-These fierce and dangerous opponents often carry bokoblins and moblins
into battle.  You can use your grappling hook
to steal their golden feathers.

-Where to get it:This was a very hard picture for me to take.  Since
they move and attack quickly, don't take a picture
ofone when you are fighting it.  I found that the best place to take
one is on Dragon Roost.  Go to the place that you
fly from rock to rock.  Before you jump off the wooden pier, look onto
one of the stone pillars.  There you will see a
Karagoc.  Take a picture that is very zoomed in.

Habitat:The Great Sea
-These tremendous flying fish can be found only in the Great Sea.  They
tend to ram ships to knock their prey into the
sea, so it is best to attack them from a distance.

-Where to get it:These can be found on various islands.  One place that
I like to go to get these is Horseshoe Island
wich is one square West of Outset.

Habitat:The Forest Haven, Great Sea
Winner of the Perfect Attendance Award
-When approached, these creatures tend to hide in the water.  They can
easily be defeated by reflecting the rocks they
shoot with a sword or sheild.

-Where to get it:These are the bomb shooting squids you see in the sea.
Alternatively you can take an easy picture of
one on Forest Haven.  These are the ones that shoot purple spiked balls
at you.  They aren't that hard to miss.

Habitat:The Great Sea
-These so-called ocean killing machines are plentiful in the Grat Sea.
You should attack them with arrows ofr bombs
before they'te able to knock you into the sea.

-Where to get it:These are the sharks that you see chasing you.  A
great place to find these is Tingle Island.  All you
have to do is head towards Mother and Daughter Isles and you should
encounter some sharks.  To get a pictue of these, aim
your camera at the sea and take a picture of their fins.

Habitat:Earth Temple
Least favorite Thing:Mirror Sheild
-These undead creatures live only in the darkest depths of the Earth.
Their icy fold gazes paralyze their victims with
fear.  Try to attack them from behind.

-Where to get it:These are very easy to get because they don't move
quickly.  You can find these in the Earth Temple or
in the Savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:Earth Temple
Best Attack:Possession
-These ghostly creatures have no physical form, so physical attacks
pass right through them.  Shining light on them with
the Mirror Shield makes them solid

-Where to get it:These can be found in the Earth Temple and the Savage
Labyrinth.  I'm not sure if the Poes need to
be in a physical form of not.  I would take the safe way and shine
light on them.

Habitat:Forbidden Woods
Least Favorite Thing:Deku Leaves
-Thses creatures attack in groups and cling to the bodies of their
prey.  A spin attack is the best way to shake them off.
They're light and vulnerable to Deku Leaf Blasts.

-Where to get it:These can be found almost everywhere in the Forbidden
Woods.  A very easy picture to take because they look
directly at you and they don't attack.  Use the zoom feature to take a
quality picture.  They can also be found in the
Savage Labyrinth.

_18.Armos Knight
Habitat:Tower of the Gods
-These auto-homing statues were created to deter intruders.  TO destroy
them, ou must toss bombs into their gaping mouths.

-Where to get it:These ar the huge moving stone statues.  These can be
found in the Tower of the Gods and the Wind Temple.
Another good place to get them is the Savage Labyrinth.

Habitat:TOwer of the Gods
-These small statues shift into auto-pilot and attack prey.  Shoot them
in the eyes with an arrow to silence them,then
destroy them by hacking their crystal backs.

-Where to get it:These are small stone statues.  These are found a
plenty in the Tower of the Gods and the Wind Temple.
They can also be found in the Savage labyrinth.  Note:Don't take a
picture of the ones that don't attack you.  Those
aren't Aroms.

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Dragon Roost Island Room

This one of the most confusing rooms to complete.  To me all
of the Rito look the same you have to be carefull, of
which ones you have and which ones you don't have.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Hobby:Dressing Up
-Willi used to be a very average carpenter on Windfall.  He so longed
to soar the skies that he began dressing as a Rito.
He's the younger of a laudable pair of Siblings.

-Where to get it:This is the guy on Flight Control Platform.  You pay
him to get into the game.

Birthplace:Winbfall Island
Hobby:Dressing Up
-Obli has such an unhealthy obession with the Ritos that he's begun
dressing as a Rito and running the famed Bird-Man Contest.
He's the older of the laudable brothers who host the contest.

-Where to get it:He's the guy that's actually on the platform from
where you take off.

_3.Basht & Bisht
Birhtpalce:Dragon Roost Island
Occupation:Island Police
-Being extremely honest and sicere Ritos, they were choose to be the
Island's Police Force.  When you talk to them the speak
fankely about events on the Island.

-Where to get it:These two are the ones guarding the exits to the
outside of the mountain.  You only need a picture of one, so
take one of the guy who is guarding the exit to the flight platforms.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
-Namali doesn't really have any distinct characteristics per se...

-Where to get it:He can be found walking around Dragon Roost Island.

Birthpalce:Dragon Roost Island
Occupation:Windfall Island Postman
-Ilari is quite kind as long as he's composed, but when things don't go
well, he quickly grows impatient and can get rough with
his speech.  He's apparently has a hard time remembering people's

-Where to get it:You can find him in the Windfall Island Cafe.  To get
him there, save your sister from the Forsaken Fortress and
then go to the rich man's house where you will see him getting angry at
the rich guy.  After that, head over to the cafe and take
his picture.  He can also be found outside looking towards Flight
Control Platform.  To get a picture fly to the first platform,
and take a picture from there.

_6.Zephos & Cyclos
Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Sibling Deities who control the wind
-Zephos and Cyclos are two light-hearten deities who teach (your name)
the Winds Requiem and the Ballad of Gales.

-Where to get it:This one is kind of hard.  To get it, you need to take
a picture of Cyclos when he sucks you into a Hurricane.
Just start taking pictures of him when you get sucked in.  Hopefully
you will land on an island close to the Forest Haven.  I
think that the Hurricane can be found on Tingle Island and Eastern
Triangle Island.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Sky Spirit
-Valoo has lived in Dragon Roost Island since long ago.  He has a habit
of speaking Hylian, which only his attendant, Medli,

-Where to get it:This one can be weird.  To get it, take you boat out
to sea so that you can see the entire Island.  Then aim
your pictograph camera to the peak.  Zoom in and you might be able to
pick out Valoo's outline.  Take as many pictures as you
want and head back to the Nintendo Gallery to get your pictograph

_8.Quill the Postman
Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Personality:Dutiful, passionate
-Quill has courage if nothing else he is admired by his fellow Rito and
the cheiftain places great trust in him.

-Where to get it:Not exactly sure, where to get this one.  I took the
picture on the second quest when he was on Outset
Island.  He could be around Dragon Roost Island at times but I can't
remember when.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
-His biggest worry is getting a present for his girlfriend.  He looks
quite easy-going, but he's always thinking of his
girlfriend.  He values his friends tremendously.

-Where to get it:He's the guy that you need to give the golden feathers
to.  He is found outside of the Cheiftain's room.

-Baito is bery earnest when if comes to mastering a job.  He often
misses his mother and gets homesick, which can be quite
hard on him.  He wants to be like (your name).

-Where to get it:He's the guy that is sorting mail part-time.  For some
reason I had to give Carlov like 5 pictures of him
for him to make a figurine out of it.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Occupation:Mail Sorter
-Koboli is the third generation in a family of postmen, but rummor that
an ancestor of his in a ago gone by was also a

-Where to get it:He's the guy that look like the mailman in Majora's
Mask.  He is also sorting mail when you find him.
This was also a hard picture for me to get.

_12.Skett & Akoot
Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Occuaption:Cheiftains guards
-Skett and Akoot are said to be the number-one and number-two Ritos
when it comes to talent and strenght, which is why they
are the cheiftains gurards.The reason that they get along so well is
that they are childhood friends.  Their style of speech
can be considered somewhat inadiquate and antiquated.

-Where to get it:They stand behind the cheiftain in the room where you
first found Medli.  You only need a picture of one.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
-For reasons unknown, Pashlis always busy.

-Where to get it:He is also walking around Dragon Roost Island.

-He always seems to be worrying about the state of the Island but no
one has seen him working to improve it...

-Where to get it:For some reason unknown to us, Kogoli can only be
found before you play the song to Medli.  To get his
picture, go to where there are wooden platforms on the side of the
Mountain.  Get onto the platform one left of him, and
take a zoomed in picture.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Personality:Momma's Boy
-Komali has had very little confidence in himself and thus closed
himself off form the world outside his tribe's airie.
With a little help form (your name), though, he has regained his
confidence and has a last begun to show signs of being
a confident and mature Rito adult.

-Where to get it:This is one I'm not sure about.  I would just come
back to Dragon Roost at different parts of the game.
He can be found on the platform close to the mailbox when you finish
the Earth Temple.

Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Personality:Serious and sincere
-Medli is Valoo's attendant, and as such puts incredible effort into
everything she does.  Even so, there are times when she
seems to be spinning her wheels.  Her greatest treasure is the harp
that she carries on her back.

-Where to get it:Look for her before you get her to become a sage.  She
can be found on the cliff where you play her the song
of the Earth Temple.

_17.The Rito Chieftain
Birthplace:Dragon Roost Island
Head of the Rito Tribe
-The cheiftain is a very gifted leader who is adored by his people.
Due to his position, he must be strict with his realations,
but as with any father, he worries about his son.

-Where to get it:He is found in the room where you first found Medli.

Birthpalce:Zora's Domain
-Long, Long ago, the Zora sage, Laruto, offered up her prayers in the
Earth Temple so that the master sword would continue to house
the power to repel evil.

-Where to get it:Buy the Legendary pictograph from Lenzo.

<<<<>>>>Getting the figurines for the Forest Haven Island Room

         Another crazy room.  This one requires you to travel all over
the Great Sea in search of the little Koroks.  It is
very important that you talk to the Deku Tree first to get their
locations.  It also helps to do the tree missions after you
get the figurines because the trees can get in the way of your

Birthplace:Forest Haven
-Makar is in charge of the musical performance at the ceremony held
every year by the Koroks in the Forest Haven.  The
instrument he plays appears to be a cello, but it is actually a violin.

-Where to get it:He can be found in the Forest Haven playing the
violin.  When you are searching for him as a sage, he is
under the waterfall.  You can't take a picture of him after he has
become a sage.

_2.Deku Tree
Birthplace:The Forest Haven
-The Deku Tree an Earth Spirit and a guardian of the Forest.  He has
lived for many long years so his wisdom is vast.  However,
since his roots run deep into the Earth he cannot move.  As a result,
he is often afflicted by parasitic enemies...

-Where to get it:This is the giant tree in the Forest Haven.  You can't
miss it.  To get a good picture.  See if you can get on
the ledge right infront of him.  To get there go to the place where you
entered the Forbidden Woods and then jump off and use your
Deku Leaf to glide to an opening on the side of the tree.

Birthplace:Kokiri Forest
Personality:Somewhat Saucy
-Long, long ago the Kokiri Sage, Fado, offered up his prayers in the
Wind Temple so that the Master Sword would continue to
house the power to repel evil.

-Where to get it:Purchase the Legendary Pictograph from Lenzo.

Birthplace:THe Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Olivio flies off to a
distant part of the world to sow tree seeds and raise
new patches of forest.  He's responsible for the forest on a island one
square West and three squares north of the Forest

-Where to get it:He can be found on Easten Fairy Island.  Check the map
for help.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest spirits
-Even after the Korok ceremony, Hollo remains in the Forest Haven
reasearching poition-making.  He'll make a potion that replenishes
both life energy and magic power for you if you bring him Boko Baba
seeds.  Onjalla! Nanjalla! CHO-WAY!

-Where to get it:He is found inside of the potion shop in the Forest
Haven.  He's not that hard to miss.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Elma flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.  He is responsible for the Forest on an Island Five
Squares west and one square North of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get in:She is found on Needle Rock Island.  Check the map for

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Irch flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.  He is responsible for the forest on an Island three
squares West of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Shark Island.  Check the map for help.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Rown flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.   He is responsible for the forest on an Island four
squares West and four squares North of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Mother and Child Isles.  Check the map
for help.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Drona flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.   He is responsible for the forest on an Island one
square West and one square North of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Private Oasis or (your name)'s Oasis.
Check the map for help.

Birthplace:Windfall Island
Favorite Thing:Figurines
-He used to always sit at home and rarely go outside, but his passion
for the Nintendo Gallery kept him moving and he finally
earned membership in.

-Where to get it:  He's the one that you saw before you entered the
Nintendo Gallery.  He will just be in different rooms of the
Nintendo Gallery after you open it.

_11.Carlov, the Sculptor
Occupation:Nintendo Galley Master
-With unmatched talent, he is world's greatest sculptor.  It's said
that the reason he won't let anyone watch him sculpt is because
he does so in his underwear.  Lately, his club has been lossing
membership because he hasn't done anything "cool" with it, but as
long as (your name) hangs around, everything will be alright.

-Where to get it:He's the one making the figurines.  This is a VERY
EASY figurine.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Oaken flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.   He is responsible for the forest on an Island four
squares West and five squares North of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Star Island.  Check the map for help.

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Aldo flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.   He is responsible for the forest on an Island one
square East of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Cliff Plateau Isles.  Check the map for
help.  This one may be a little harder but you need to get
from one entrance of the hole to the exit.  To do this, kill all of the
Boko Baba and hope that one turns into a plant pod thing.
Then hop in and use the logs to get to the exit.  This is where Aldo

Birthplace:The Forest Haven
One of the Korok Forest Spirits
-After the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Linder flies off to a
distant part of the World to sow tree seeds and raise new
patches of Forest.   He is responsible for the forest on an Island four
squares West and two squares North of the Forest Haven.

-Where to get it:He is found on Greatfish Isle.  Check the map for
help.  He's on an island that looks like a spiral.

|                           5. Legal Info                                    |
This guide is copyright of  Jason Howell. Only gamefaqs.com and
Zeldanine.com have automatic permission to use this guide. If you wish to
use it, please email me and I will gladly give you permission.
If you steal this guide and edit it, you are violating the copyright
laws and may have charges pressed against you. Please email me at
jasonkhowell@msn.com if you find anyone that has stolen this guide,
or wish to use it, or ask a question. This guide cannot be used to make money,
copy and past as your own, or anything else.

*Note-This guide can be printed out and used without my permission. Its
just websites that wish to use it that need to email me.

|                           6. Site List                                     |

Sites that can use this guide:

Sites that are banned from using this guide:

|                           7. Special Thanks                                |

I would like to thank:


|                           8. Contact Info                                  |

Due to the amount of questions I get, either email or IM, I have decided to
put this up. Due to some of the people out in the world always bugging me for
help, I decided to post what I accept and not.

Email: (jasonkhowell@msn.com)

-You are welcome to ask any questions or send any positive comments to me,
but I warn you, it may be a few days before I email you if you asked a
question that is already in the guide (Which I have been getting a lot of.)

-Mailbox flooding, threats, flames, and negative comment senders will
be blocked and deleted, and may be reported based on the seriousness of the
threat. Mailbox flooding is basically sending the same email in several minutes
which some people have done. Just send one email and if I don't reply in 2 days
email me again. You don't have to flood my email box with junk. Oh yea, if you
try to send me a virus to erase my hardrive, you will fail. I already have a
copy of my computer backed up and I'm not stupid enough to check a attachment
with a virus program before I read it

IM (AOL Instant messageing or Yahoo IM jasonchhowell96, YIM is same as

-This is something that has bothered me. I have IM open to questions, BUT,
many people who have IMed me questions have either repeatedly ask questions
I have already answered in the guide. Usually when I say read the guide
or help somewhat and don't answer back, people get pissed at me and either
call me profound names or repeatedly IMed me. I will warn you now, Harass
me on IM and you will be blocked, and since I rarely add people who ask
me questions on my buddy list, it will be permanent.

Thats all I ask...and people, please don't be stupid.
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