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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and alkthroughs of Zelda games

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Trading Guide, by tnman.

Copyright 2003 tnman, theman_man@hotmail.com . Final Version.


1) Introduction.
2) Copyright Information.
3) Contact Information.
4) Version History.
5) Trading Guide.
   i)   Trading Table.
   ii)  Quickest Way Of Finishing Trade Quest.
   iii) Zunari's Stall.
   iv)  FAQs.
6) Special Thanks.

1) Introduction.

Greetings, fellow Zelda gamers. How are you helping Zunari
(the Eskimo bloke you buy the sail off of) with this quest 
to open his own shop? Not too good? Oh well, I suppose I should
help you then! I have kindly provided you with a table of what
trades for what, and the quickest way of finishing your quest.
We have now formed a Merchant's Oath ; )

2) Copyright Information.

No part of this guide may be duplicated, stored in a retrieval
system or used as part of another book, database, program or
other commercial application without my express permission.
While we're on the subject, I am in no way related to Nintendo,
or any of the people involved with them.
Basically, don't steal my stuff or I'll sue you. ^_^
The only websites at the time of Final Version with permission
to use my guide are:
Any other websites should not have this document on them.

3) Copyright Information.

Want to contact me? Have you got complaints, compliments,
corrections, suggestions etc to send me? Well drop me a line!
Simply tick-tack theman_man@hotmail.com into your "To" box and
include a relevant subject title, like "WW Trading Guide" or I
may accidentally over-look and/or delete it.
I'll be happy to hear from you!
Also, if you've seen my guide where it shouldn't be, I'd be
especially happy to hear from you!

4) Version History.

Final Version - Honestly, now. A couple of minor-major
things fixed, and FAQs added.
Sent in - 30th July 2003.

Final Version - I missed out some credit. >_<
Sent in - 7th June 2003.

Final Version - Final and only probable version, has every
section complete. Future updates are unlikely, but still a 
Sent in - 5th June 2003.

5) Trading Guide.

Help Zunari out!
But first! You must (obviously) buy a Sail from Zunari which
will only set you back 80 rupees. Now, you must continue your
adventure until you receive the Delivery Bag from the Rito
Postman. Whenever you like, return to Zunari's Stall and grab
yourself a Town Flower from him.
Wandering Merchants, as they are known, are located on Bomb
Island, Mother & Child Isles (outside) and Great Fish Isle.
Don't know where they are? Take a look at this map...

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |M&C|   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ I highly recommend you use The
|   |GFI|   |   |   |   |   | Ballad Of The Gales when going
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ to Great Fish Isle for this quest.
|   |   |   |   |   |B I|   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

i) Trading Table.

Here, I have compiled a table of what will be traded for what
in your quest.

BI stands for Bomb Island, M&C stands for Mother & Child Isles,
and GFI stands for Great Fish Isle.

|Town Flower  |Sea Flower   |Sea Flower   |Sea Flower   |
|Sea Flower   |Town Flower  |Town Flower  |Exotic Flower|
|Exotic Flower|Sickle Moon  |Pin Wheel    |Sea Flower   |
|             |Flag         |             |             |
|Pin Wheel    |Sickle Moon  |Exotic Flower|Exotic Flower|
|             |Flag         |             |             |
|Big Catch    |Fountain Idol|Sickle Moon  |Fountain Idol|
|Flag         |             |Flag         |             |
|Big Sale Flag|Hero's Flag  |Big Catch    |Hero's Flag  |
|             |             |Flag         |             |
|Hero's Flag  |Big Catch    |Big Sale Flag|Postman Idol |
|             |Flag         |             |             |
|Sickle Moon  |Fountain Idol|Big Catch    |Fountain Idol|
|Flag         |             |Flag         |             |
|Skull Tower  |Fountain Idol|Big Sale Flag|Fountain Idol|
|Idol         |             |             |             |
|Fountain Idol|Sickle Moon  |Big Sale Flag|Skull Tower  |
|             |Flag         |             |Idol         |
|Postman Idol |Fountain Idol|Shop Guru    |Fountain Idol|
|             |             |Idol         |             |
|Shop Guru    |Postman Idol |Postman Idol |1) Piece of  |
|Idol         |             |             |Heart        |
|             |             |             |2) Postman   |
|             |             |             |Idol         |

Once you have acquired all three flowers once, visit Zunari
and he will reward you by giving you the Magic Armor.

ii) Quickest Way Of Finishing Trade Quest.

The most direct route to get every single item for Zunari's
Stall, and come out tops with the Magic Armor and a Piece of
Also note, things will be made easier if you have The Ballad
Of The Gales, for warping near to the islands.

STEP 1: Grab the Town Flower from Zunari.

STEP 2: Give the Town Flower to Bomb Island's or Mother & Child
        Isles' Wandering Merchant for a Sea Flower.

STEP 3: Present your Sea Flower to Great Fish Isles' Wandering
        Merchant for an Exotic Flower.

STEP 4: Sail to Mother & Child Isles to consult the Wandering
        Merchant there about getting a Pin Wheel.

STEP 5: Getting explosive now at Bomb Island where you hand your
        Pin Wheel over for a Sickle Moon Flag.

STEP 6: Back to Mother & Child Isles giving away your flag
        for a new one - a Big Catch Flag.

STEP 7: BACK to Bomb Island for a trade-in resulting in a 
        Fountain Idol.

STEP 8: To Great Fish Isle for a Skull Tower Idol!

STEP 9: Give you Skull Tower Idol in for a new flag, a Big
        Sale Flag at Mother & Child Isles.

STEP 10: More flag action at Bomb Island for a Hero's Flag.

STEP 11: Getting back to idols now by a trade at Great Fish
         Isle for a Postman Idol.

STEP 12: Mother & Child Isles is the place to be for a new
         Shop Guru Idol.

STEP 13: Back to Great Fish Isle, and give the man what he 
         wants! You will now earn yourself a Piece of Heart!

STEP 14: Return to Zunari's Stall to get the Magic Armor if
         you haven't already. (Only possible from STEP 3+).

iii) Zunari's Stall.

Once you have formed a Merchant's Oath to get items for Zunari's
Stall, he will start to sell them. These objects can all be 
used to decorate the town for The Joyous Volunteer Association.
Placing something in each and every pot within the town will
earn you a Piece of Heart from the bloke sitting on the bench.
Here is all the information you will need about the items in
the Trading Quest/Zunari's Stall:
But first, a layout guide.

Name: Name of item.
Cost: Number of rupees it takes to buy item.
Zunari's Description: The small blurb of the item when you 
select it on his stall.
Item Description: The small blurb of the item in the Item
Screen/Pause Screen.

All items are listed in the order they are on the stall.

PLEASE NOTE: All item descriptions have on the end: "If you
find a place to put it, set it to and place it with Y, Z, or

Name: Town Flower.
Cost: 10 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A flower from the town of bright smiles.
Use it to decorate the town with joy.
Item Description: This little flower is reminiscent of the

Name: Sea Flower.
Cost: 20 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: The aroma of the sea wafts out of this
flower that hails from a faraway land. Use it to adorn the 
town with a sea breeze.
Item Description: The scent of the sea wafts from the delicate
petals of this flower from a distant, exotic land.

Name: Exotic Flower.
Cost: 25 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: An exotic flower from a tropical island.
Trim the town with a summer breeze.
Item Description: This refreshing flower blossoms in the
tropical regions to the south.

Name: Hero's Flag.
Cost: 75 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A flag with a bold feel to it. Use it
to cover the town in courage.
Item Description: This flag has a rather courageous feel to it.

Name: Big Catch Flag.
Cost: 85 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A flag from a festival in which fishermen
hope for a good catch. Use it to decorate the town with fish!
Item Description:

Name: Big Sale Flag.
Cost: 35 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: You won't find a flag cheaper than thos.
Decorate the town in a theme of a big bargain sale.
Item Description: This flag looks like it would definitely be
good for business.

Name: Pinwheel.
Cost: 55 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A tiny windmill that catches the wind
then spins and spins. Use it to send gentle breezes through
the town.
Item Description: The wheel on this spins when it catches puffs
of air - kind of fun, huh?

Name: Sickle Moon Flag.
Cost: 40 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A showy flag in the shape of a crescent
moon. Use it to decorate the town with a salute to the night
Item Description: This flag of a bright-red crescent moon is
quite fancy.

Name: Skull Tower Idol.
Cost: 60 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: The fossilized skulls of weird creatures.
Use it to give the town a mysterious feel.
Item Description: This thing is made from...the fossilized
skulls of some strange creatures. It's pretty weird.

Name: Fountain Idol.
Cost: 60 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A sculpture of mysteriously bubbling
water. Use it to cover the town in ocean blue. 
Item Description: This is a strange, bubbling statue in the
shape of a girl carrying a jar.

Name: Postman Statue.
Cost: 100 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: A wooden carving of the postman from
Dragon Roost Isle. Use it to populate the town with Ritos.
Item Description: This is a carving of the Rito postman, hero
of all Ritos and a symbol of laborers the world over.

Name: Shop Guru Statue.
Cost: 200 Rupees.
Zunari's Description: The pride and joy of all merchants.
Decorate the town with ME!
Item Description: This little statue is the apple of every
businessman's eye.

iv) FAQs.

That's Frequently Asked Questions!

Q) What is this Trading Quest I've heard about?

A) When you reach a point in the game, Zunari will "hire" you
to "work" for his stall. This involves going to certain islands
trading certain items and forming Merchant's Oaths here and

Q) Zunari won't give me a Town Flower! Why?

A) You probably haven't acquired a Delivery Bag. Go to Dragon
Roost Isle, and get the Delivery Bag from the Postman there.
Then go back anytime to Windfall Island and Zunari will give
you a Town Flower.

Q) How do I get the ? What do I have
to trade to get it? And whom do I trade it to?

A) See Section 5), i).

Q) I'm looking for a fast way to get the Piece of Heart. How
should I go about it?

A) See Section 5), ii).

Q) How much does  cost?

A) See Section 5), iii).

Q) How much does the Sail cost?

A) 80 Rupees.

Q) The Postman Statue said it would make more Ritos come to
Windfall Island, but none have! Why?

A) The statue description means it will just have more Ritos'
figures. Real Ritos won't come. This is also the case with
many other statues, they won't affect the town. The Fountain
Idol is a good example.

Q) How do I get a good pictograph of Zunari for the Nintendo

A) I ran up the steps in front of Zunari's Stall, turned around
and zoomed in with the Deluxe Picto Box to take the picture.
He made me the figure. Make sure to get a good amount of body
in the pictograph.

Q) How do I ?

A) This is a Trading FAQ, not a Walkthrough. Questions like
these will most likely not be answered.

Q) Are the Wandering Merchants Gorons?!

A) Yes, they are! And you can see their faces too! Get out 
your Deku Leaf if you have it, and use it in front of the
Merchant. Its hat will blow off momentarily and you can see
the Goron face we've come to love. :D

Q) I accidentally threw away one of the flowers, and now I
can't complete the Trading Quest. Is there ANY way I can get
a flower back?

A) Of course there is, fret not! Just walk up to the smaller
bit of the stall - a blue rug will be in-front - and talk to
Zunari there to buy a new flower. Taa-daa! You can continue
on with your quest.

Q) I've heard that there are two Pieces of Heart related to
Zunari. Is this true?

A) In a way, yes. You have to decorate the whole of Windfall
Island with items you get from the Trading Quest and then speak
to a guy from The Joyous Volunteer Association - he will give
you a Piece of Heart.

6) Special Thanks.

YOU - For taking some time to peruse this little guide.

CJayC - For (hopefully!) hosting this guide, and being the
brain of the brilliant GameFAQs.

DMorgan/DBM11085 - Inspiration 'R' Him! O.o

My friends - A lot of you guys gave me the inspiration to
write this too, and for that I thank you. A special mention
has to go to SuperSonic67, too. :D

Nintendo - May Zelda forever live on. Cel-shading was very
well done too.

giantdonkeykongteam - For providing a basis for the Sea Chart.

End file.
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