Game Shark Codes

The first batch of Zelda 64 Gameshark codes are in! Remember you will still need to update your current Gameshark so that it can use these codes. Click Here for more info about this or goto the official Gameshark site by Clicking Here

You Need a 2.2 or Higher Shark to Use These Codes

Codes Made & Tested on 2.2 Version Game Shark

Updated 16th August '99


Huge Code List - Thanks goto Ben DeCamp

3 Have 999 Rupees 8111A7C4 03E7

8133F1DE 03E7

4 Infinite Energy 8111A600 0140

5 Max Heart 8111A5FE 0140

6 Max Skulltulas Killed 8011A6A1 00FF

7 All Equipment 8111A66C 7777

8 All Quest/Status Items 8111A674 30FF

8111A676 FFFF

9 Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons D01C84B5 0030

811DB2B2 000D

10 Improved Small Key Modifier 8011A691 ????

11 Infinite Small Keys 8011A699 0009

12 Have Big Key, Compass, & Map 8011A678 0007

13 Have Ocarina of Time 8011A64B 0008

14 Have Din's Fire (MP6) 8011A649 0005

15 Have Farore's Wind (MP6) 8011A64F 000D

16 Have Nayru's Love (MP12) 8011A655 0013

17 Infinite Magic D011A609 0008

8011A60A 0001

8011A60C 0001

8011A603 0060

18 L Button For Moon Jump D01C84B5 0020

811DAA90 40CB

19 Have Deku Stick/Infinite Deku Sticks 8011a644 0000

8011a65c 0009

20 Have Deku Nuts/Infinite Deku Nuts 8011a645 0001

8011a65d 0009

21 Have Bombs/Infinite Bombs 8011a646 0002

8011a65e 0009

22 Have Arrows/Infinite Arrows 8011a647 0003

8011a65f 0009

23 Have Slingshot/Infinite Slingshots 8011a64a 0006

8011a662 0009

24 Have Bombchus/Infinite Bombchu's 8011a64c 0009

8011a664 0009

25 Have Fire Arrow (MP2) 8011A648 0004

26 Have Ice Arrow (MP2) 8011A64E 000C

27 Have Light Arrow (MP4) 8011A654 0012

28 Always Have Fairy Ocarina 8011A64B 0007

29 Always Have Hookshot 8011A64D 000A

30 Always Have Longshot 8011A64D 000B

31 Always Have Boomerang 8011A650 000E

32 Always Have Lens of Truth 8011A651 000F

33 Always Have Magic Beans 8011A652 0010

34 Infinite Magic Beans 8011A66A 0009

35 Always Have Megaton Hammer 8011A653 0011

36 Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier 3 8011A656 00??

37 Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier 8011A657 00??

38 Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier 8011A658 00??

39 Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier 8011A659 00??

40 Item Modifier 1 4 8011A65A 00??

41 Item Modifier 2 5 8011A65B 00??

42 Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword 8011A60E 0001

43 Unlimited Rupees 8111A605 03E7

44 Infinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch 6 8011B9A1 003B

45 Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier 7 8011A639 00??

46 Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier Digits (Part 2) 8 N/A

47 Items Equipped On C-Right Modifier 8011A63B 00??

48 Golden Gauntlet + 2nd Bomb Bag (Holds 50) + 2nd Quiver (Holds 30) + Golden Scale 8011A671 0001

8011A672 0004

8011A673 00D8

49 Clothing Equipped Modifier 9 8111A66C 7777

8011A640 00??

50 Have Quiver (Holds 30) 8011A671 0001

51 Equipment Modifier 1 10 8011A672 00??

52 Equipment Modifier 2 11 8011A673 00??

53 Equipped Stuff Modifier 8011A640 00??

54 Time of Day Modifier 12 8111A5DC ????

55 C Left to Use Hammer 13 8011A639 0011

56 Starting Point Modifier 14 8011A637 00??

57 Shield/Sword Equipped Modifier 15 8111A66C 7777

8011A641 00??

58 Right C Icon Becomes Hylian Shield 16 8011A7FB 003F

59 Right C Icon Becomes Kokori Shield 8011A7FB 003E

  Miscellaneous Codes

60 Cutscene Maker 17 D01C84B5 0020

8111B9E4 0F0F

D01C84B5 0010

8111B9E8 0F0F

61 No Map 8111B9D2 FFFF

62 Text Is Big And Weird 8011B9D9 0002

63 Near Invisible Power Display 8111B9B6 FFFF

8111B9B8 FFFF

64 Can't Use Weapons 8111B9B2 FFFF

8111B9B4 FFFF

65 No Sound Effects 8111B9AE 0000

8111B9B0 0000

66 No Pause Menu 8011B9C3 00FF

8111B9C4 FFFF

67 Magic Disappears Quickly 8111B9C8 FFFF

68 Music Off 8011B9DE 0001

69 No Magic Meter 8111B9C0 FFFF

8111B9C2 FFFF

70 Magic Won't Go Down 8111B9C0 0000

8111B9C2 0000

71 Music On 8011B9DE 0000

72 Funky Sky Intro 8011B9F2 0001

73 L Button for Fast Time Flow 18 D01C84B5 0020

8111B9F2 0101

74 L Button for Health Refill D01C84B5 0020

8111B9F4 0101

75 Funky Sky 8111B9EA 0101

76 Nayru's Love Always On 8111B998 FFFF

77 Decreasing Rupees 8111B99C FFFF

78 Text Above Hearts 1 8111B99E FFFF

79 Text Above Hearts 2 8111B9A2 FFFF

80 Run In/Out Of Houses 19 8111B98D FFFF

81 Weird Item (Mystery Bag) Equipped 20 8011A672 0055

82 Dark Sky 8111B9EA FFFF

83 Receive A Heart Container When You Press C or A Buttons 8011A674 0047

84 Kid Wallet 8011A672 0047

85 Adult Wallet 8011A672 0057

86 Giant Wallet 8011A672 0067

87 Have Black Gauntlets 21 8011A672 0035

  Equip Weird Items

88 To B Button 22 8011A638 00??

89 To Left-C Button 8011A639 00??

90 To Down-C Button 8011A63A 00??

91 To Right-C Button 8011A63B 00??

92 Play Intro World 1 8011B9E3 0002

93 Play Intro World 2 8011B9E3 0072

94 Play Intro World 3 8011B9E3 0055

95 Play Intro World 4 8011B9E3 0084

96 Play Intro World 5 8011B9E3 0033

97 Play Intro World 6 8011B9E3 0001

98 Play Intro World 7 8011B9E3 0000

99 Play Intro World 8 8011B9E3 0067

100 Dark Blue Tunic 8011A640 0039

101 Dark Green Tunic 8011A640 0038

102 Dark Red Tunic 8011A640 003A

103 Light Green Tunic 8011A640 003B

104 Light Blue Tunic 8011A640 003C

105 Light Game Select Screen 8111B9EA 2222

106 Equip An Item To More Than One C-Button 8111A63C FFFF

8111A63E FFFF

107 Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts) 8011A69F 0014

108 Fishing Rod Equipped to B-Button 8011A638 0059

109 Young Link Looks Like He Is Riding The Master Sword 8011A7FB 003D

110 Use The Boomerang As Adult Link 23 8011A63B 000E

111 Access Japanese Version of Zelda 8111B819 0000

112 Music Modifier 8111B81E 00??

113 Play Intro 8111B822 0019

114 Enter A Town To Make Time of Day- Night 8111B826 0002

115 Use Any Item Inside Houses (Not Under/In Water) 8111B7F2 0000

8111B7F4 0000

116 Starting Point Modifier 24 8111A476 000?

8111A477 00??

117 Infinite Carrots On Epona 25 801EE688 0006

118 Walk Through Specific Things 26 8104FFFE 0050

119 Specific Things Lean 27 80025614 0001

120 Use Any Item In Most Houses 8106ECA2 0630

8106ECAA 0630

121 Safety On (Nobody Or Thing Gets Hurt) 8004F75D 0001

122 Enemies Don't Come Out At Night On Hyrule Field 800E9A1A 0001

123 Specific Things Backwards 28 80025619 0001

124 Some Specific Things Slanted 80025626 0001

125 Link Slanted 80025622 0001

126 Link Doesn't Exist 29 80025629 0001

127 Darkness Total 8005E704 0001

128 Darkness Land 8005E0B9 0001

129 Kinda Dark Land 8005E1DB 0001

130 Walk Through Under Wall At Temple of Time 30 8002C999 0001

131 Infinite Time To Race The Running Man 8111B9A5 0000

132 Kill Switch For Floor 31 D01C84B5 0020

81021D10 0401

D01C84B5 0020

811DAA90 40CB

D01C84B5 0030

81021D10 8282

133 Press L for Empty Zelda 32 D01C84B5 0020

80081572 0001

134 Go Through Most Anything 8104FFFE 0050

8002B53A 0001

135 Go Through Blockade Walls (Ice/gates) 8002B53A 0001

136 Go Through Most Blockade Walls and Ice Sheet In Zora's Domain 8002B53C 0001

137 Karate Link 800794BE 0001

138 Link Always Holds His Shield With One Arm 800794C2 0001

139 Link Doesn't Like To Hold His Shield 800794D8 0001

140 Turn Longshot Into A Deku Nut Launcher/Nuts Don't Seem To Work 800794A5 0001

141 Positive Gravity 80021D10 0001

142 Link Rides Horse Sideways 8008EAAC 0001

143 Link Rides Messed Up Horse Sideways 8008EAAE 0001

144 Link Rides High Backed Horse 8008EAA8 0001

145 Hearts Fill Life More/To Maximum 80072140 0001

146 Hearts Reduce Life To 1 Heart 8007213E 0001

147 Hearts Kill You 80072142 0001

148 Neon Vision 800E44A8 0001

149 Strange Camera Views 80036D96 0001

150 Camera Overhead View 8010A4F0 003E

151 Upside Down Camera View 8010A504 0041

152 Use Invisible Mirror Shield 8011A641 0031

153 Use Sword Case As Shield 8011A641 0041

154 Upside Down Kokiri Shield 8011A641 0051

155 Upside Down Hylian Shield 8011A641 0061

156 Link Takes Small Steps 8011A640 0043

157 Semi Anti-Gravity Boots 8011A640 0053

158 Link Takes Off To The Sky Like A Rocket (Freezes) 8011A640 0073

159 Link Takes Quick Running Steps 33 8011A640 00FF


Number Comments

1 IMPORTANT: A version 2.2 or higher Gameshark is required in order to use these codes! Also some of the following codes have been known to erase your savegame files, so please ensure that you have saved your previous savegame file to a Memory Pak before using them! Usually it is the first or second savegame file that gets erased. -GSC Staff

2 With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.

3 14 - Empty Bottle

15 - Red Potion

16 - Green Potion

17 - Blue Potion

18 - Bottled Fairy

19 - Fish

1A - Lon Lon Milk

1B - Letter

1C - Blue Fire

1D - Bug

1E - Big Poe

1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half)

20 - Poe

4 2D - Pocket Egg

2E - Pocket Cucco

2F - Cojiro

30 - Odd Mushroom

31 - Odd Potion

32 - Poacher's Saw

33 - Goron's Sword (Broken)

34 - Prescription

35 - Eyeball Frog

36 - Eye Drops

37 - Claim Check

5 21 - Weird Egg

22 - Chicken

23 - Zelda's Letter

24 - Keaton Mask

25 - Skull Mask

26 - Spooky Mask

27 - Bunny Hood

28 - Goron Mask

29 - Zora Mask

2A - Gerudo Mask

2B - Mask of Truth


6 This code gives you infinite time to ride the horse [Epona] after paying Ingo the 10 rupees. Normally you can only ride Epona for a minute before having to get off.

7 (* Means Item Can Be Equipped By Adult Link Only)


00 Deku Sticks

01 Deku Nuts

02 Bombs

03 Fairy Bow*

04 Fire Arrow*

05 Din's Magic

06 Slingshot

07 Fairy Ocarina

08 Ocarina of Time

09 Bombchus

0A Hookshot*

0B Longshot*

0C Ice Arrow*

0D Farores' Magic

0E Boomerang

0F Lens of Truth

10 Beans

11 Megaton Hammer (this item can also be used as a child!)

12 Light Arrow

13 Nayrus' Magic

14 Empty Bottle

15 Red Potion In Bottle

16 Green Potion In Bottle

17 Blue Potion In Bottle

18 Fairy In Bottle

19 Fish In Bottle

1A Lon Lon Milk In Bottle

1B Letter In Bottle

1C Blue Flame In Bottle

1D Bug In Bottle

1E Big Poe In Bottle

1F Half Lon Lon Milk In Bottle

20 Poe In Bottle

21 Egg

22 Cucco

23 Zelda's Letter

24 Keaton Mask

25 Skull Mask

26 Spooky Mask

27 Bunnyhood

28 Goron Mask

29 Zora Mask

2A Gerudo Mask

2B Mask Of Truth


8 2D Pocket Egg*

2E Pocket Cucco*

2F Cojiro*

30 Mushroom*

31 Potion*

32 Saw*

33 Broken Goron Sword*

34 Prescription*

35 Eyeball Frog*

36 Eyedrops

37 Claim Check

9 Some quantity digits (14, 15, 16, 10) are by Gray Vader. All others are by Kong K. Rool! To get Hover or Iron Boots, replace the next to last digit (from 1 to 2 for Iron Boots and 1 to 3 for Hover Boots).


11 Normal Clothing

21 Normal Tunic + Iron Boots

31 Normal Tunic + Hover Boots

12 Goron Tunic + Normal Boots

22 Goron Tunic + Iron Boots

32 Goron Tunic + Hover Boots

13 Zora Tunic + Normal Boots

23 Zora Tunic + Iron Boots

33 Zora Tunic + Hover Boots

14: Black Tunic & Kokiri Boots

15: White Tunic & Kokiri Boots

16: Yellow Tunic & Kokiri Boots

10: Slightly Darker Green Tunic & Kokiri Boots


10 02 - Silver Scale

04 - Golden Scale

06 - Giant's Knife (Broken)

40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30)

80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40)

C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

11 08 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20)

10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30)

18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40)

20 - Goron's Bracelet

28 - Silver Gauntlets

30 - Silver Scale

12 4000 - At Sunrise

5800 - Daylight Out

7000 - Very Bright Out

C000 - At Sunset

D0000 - Fairly Dark

13 You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it.

14 The asterisk (*) indicates that only adult link will start here and the (+) indicates that only young link will start here.


01 - Dodongo's Cavern(*)

02 - Inside Jabu-Jabu

06 - Spirit Temple(+)

07 - Shadow Temple(*)

09 - Ice Cavern(*)

0A - Gannon's Castle

0C - Thieves Hideout(+)

0E - Gannon's Castle

0F - Gannon's Castle


15 All of the shields and swords can be used by young or adult link, but there might be some strange effects if you use a sword or shield that you're not supposed to!


11 - Deku Shield + Kokiri Sword

12 - Deku Shield + Master Sword

13 - Deku Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons sword (which ever you have in your inventory)

21 - Hylian Shield + Kokiri Sword

22 - Hylian Shield + Master Sword

23 - Hylian Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons sword(which ever you have in your inventory)

31 - Mirror Shield + Kokiri Sword

32 - Mirror Shield + Master Sword

33 - Mirror Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons Sword (whichever you have in your inventory)


16 These codes by SmokeEagle will and do delete saved files sometimes.

17 Press L to make a cutscene. You must first warp (ex. play warp song) for it to work properly. Try it.

18 Press L and the time will flow very quickly. Days will become 5 seconds long.

19 Enter a shop and you can sometimes go through the counter. Try it.

20 Look on the screen with golden scale, gold gauntlets, etc. Don't save.

21 These gauntlets are as strong as the Golden Gauntlets. This code also gives you the Silver Scale and the Golden Scale and unlimited rupees.

22 38 - Fire Arrow

39 - Ice Arrow

3A - Light Arrow

3B - Kokiri Sword

3C - Master Sword

3D - Giant's Knife/Biggoron's Sword

3E - Kokiri Shield

3F - Hylian Shield

40 - Mirror Shield

41 - Kokiri Tunic

42 - Goron Tunic

43 - Zora Tunic

44 - Kokiri Boots

45 - Goron Boots

46 - Zora Boots

47 - Kid's Wallet

48 - Adult's Wallet

49 - Giant's Wallet

4A - Quiver

4B - Big Quiver

4C - Biggest Quiver

4D - Bomb Bag

4E - Big Bomb Bag

4F - Biggest Bomb Bag

50 - Goron's Bracelet

51 - Silver Gauntlets

52 - Golden Gauntlets

53 - Silver Scale

54 - Golden Scale

55 - Broken Giant's Knife

56 - Deku Seed Bag

57 - Mystery Bag

58 - Deku Seed

59 - Fishing Rod

FF - Nothing

23 The boomerang will be equipped to the right-C button, and will be partly invisible when you are an adult.

24 [+] means this can only be used if your game is saved as Young Link, [*] means it only works as Adult. The first number is the "?" in the first part of the code, the dash separates the numbers, and the last two numbers are the "??" in the second part of the code.


0-01: (*)Dodongo's Cavern

0-02: Inside Jabu-Jabu

0-06: (+)Spirit Temple

0-07: (*)Shadow Temple

0-09: (*)Ice Cavern

0-0A: Ganon's Castle

0-0C: (+)Thieve's Hideout

0-0E: Ganon's Castle

0-0F: Ganon's Castle

1-00: Inside The Deku Tree

1-03: Forest Temple

1-04: Fire Temple

1-05: Water Temple

1-08: Bottom of The Well

1-0B: Gerudo Training Ground

2-0D: Inside Ganon's Castle

2-10: Temple of Time

3-11: Inside The Deku Tree


25 This code temporarily only works in Hyrule Field. You must have Epona already before using this code, otherwise the game will freeze if you enter Lon Lon Ranch!

26 You're able to go through trees, rocks, people, etc.

27 This makes stuff lean including doors, and it also opens up some stuff.

28 You need the `moon jump' code in places, so you don't get stuck or fall.

29 There's no real purpose to this code, but it's neat though to see the intro part when the horse goes by itself!

30 Walls change around. Warp there and have the GSCCC `moon jump' code on.

31 Use the L button. It kills floors and almost anything moving goes bye-bye (enemies, etc). Use L and R button together to restore floor, you can go basically everywhere in the game with this code. For some places with pits, go down slowly, or go back up then down to make sure rooms load correctly. This code has problems on Hyrule field when Link is a kid.

32 In gameplay press L and go to next room/area, most everything will be gone. Don't use gameplay menu, it will freeze the game. Please note : This code does use GSCCC's Codemaster's moon jump code.

33 Link floats in air if you run off a hill.



US Version 1.0


By: Perfectdarkness and Kola
Black Tunic- 8011A640 0014
White Tunic- 8011A640 0015
Yellow Tunic- 8011A640 0016

If not working on your version, try:

black- 8011A800 0014
white- 8011A800 0015
yellow- 8011A800 0016

or these:
black- 8011ACF0 0014
white- 8011ACF0 0015
yellow- 8011ACF0 0016

8011B9A1 003BInfinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch

8011A64B 0007Have Fairy Ocarina

8011A64D 000AHave Hookshot

8011A64D 000BHave Longshot

8011A650 000EHave Boomerang

8011A651 000FHave Lens of Truth

8011A652 0010Have Magic Beans

8011A66A 0009Infinite Magic Beans

8011A653 0011Have Megaton Hammer

8011A60E 0001Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword

8011A671 0001Have Quiver (Holds 30)

8011A639 0011C Left to Use Hammer
NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it.

8011A656 00XXHave Bottle 1 Modifier

8011A657 00XXHave Bottle 2 Modifier

8011A658 00XXHave Bottle 3 Modifier

8011A659 00XXHave Bottle 4 Modifier
Replace XX with:
14 - Empty Bottle
15 - Red Potion
16 - Green Potion
17 - Blue Potion
18 - Bottled Fairy
19 - Fish
1A - Lon Lon Milk
1B - Letter
1C - Blue Fire
1D - Bug
1E - Big Poe
1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half)
20 - Poe

8011A65A 00xxItem Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
2D - Pocket Egg
2E - Pocket Cucco
2F - Cojiro
30 - Odd Mushroom
31 - Odd Potion
32 - Poacher's Saw
33 - Goron's Sword (Broken)
34 - Prescription
35 - Eyeball Frog
36 - Eye Drops
37 - Claim Check

8011A65B 00ZZItem Modifier 2
Replace ZZ with:
21 - Weird Egg
22 - Chicken
23 - Zelda's Letter
24 - Keaton Mask
25 - Skull Mask
26 - Spooky Mask
27 - Bunny Hood
28 - Goron Mask
29 - Zora Mask
2A - Gerudo Mask
2B - Mask of Truth

8011A672 00zzEquipment Modifier 1
Replace zz with:
02 - Silver Scale
04 - Golden Scale
06 - Giant's Knife (Broken)
40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

8011A673 00XXEquipment Modifier 2
Replace XX with:
08 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
20 - Goron's Bracelet
28 - Silver Gauntlets
30 - Silver Scale

8011A640 00xxEquipped Stuff Modifier
Replace xx with:
11 - Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
12 - Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
13 - Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
21 - Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
22 - Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
23 - Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
31 - Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
32 - Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
33 - Zora Tunic & Hover Boots

8111A5DC XXXXTime of Day Modifier
Replace XXXX with:
4000 - At Sunrise
5800 - Daylight Out
7000 - Very Bright Out
C000 - At Sunset
D0000 - Fairly Dark

8011A644 0000Have Deku Stick

8011A65C 0009Infinite Deku Sticks

8011A645 0001Have Deku Nut

8011A65D 0009Infinite Deku Nuts

8011A646 0002Have Bombs

8011A65E 0009Infinite Bombs

8011A647 0003Have Fairy Bow

8011A65F 0009Infinite Arrows

8011A64A 0006Have Fairy Slingshot

8011A662 0009Infinite Slingshot Ammo

8011A64C 0009Have Bombchu

8011A664 0009Infinite Bombchu's

8011A648 0004Have Fire Arrow (MP2)

8011A64E 000CHave Ice Arrow (MP2)

8011A654 0012Have Light Arrow (MP4)

D01C84B5 0020L Button For Moon Jump
811DAA90 40CB

D01C84B5 0030Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons
811DB2B2 000D

8011A699 0009Infinite Small Keys

8011A678 0007Have Big Key, Compass, & Map

8011A64B 0008Have Ocarina of Time

8011A649 0005Have Din's Fire (MP6)

8011A64F 000DHave Fairie's Wind (MP6)

8011A655 0013Have Nayru's Love (MP12)

D011A609 0008Infinite Magic
8011A60A 0001
8011A60C 0001
8011A603 0060

8111A600 0140Infinite Energy

8111A5FE 0140Max Heart

8011A6A1 00FFSkulltulas Killed

8111A66C 7777All Equipment

8111A674 30FFAll Quest/Status Items
8111A676 FFFF

US Version 1.1


8011A80B 0007Always Have Fairy Ocarina

8011A80D 000AAlways Have Hookshot

8011A80D 000BAlways Have Longshot

8011A810 000EAlways Have Boomerang

8011A811 000FAlways Have Lens of Truth

8011A812 0010Always Have Magic Beans

8011A82A 0009Infinite Magic Beans

8011A813 0011Always Have Megaton Hammer

8011A7CE 0001Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword

8011A831 0001Have Quiver (Holds 30)

8011A7F9 0011C Left to Use Hammer
NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it.

8011A816 00XXAlways Have Bottle 1 Modifier

8011A817 00XXAlways Have Bottle 2 Modifier

8011A818 00XXAlways Have Bottle 3 Modifier

8011A819 00XXAlways Have Bottle 4 Modifier
Replace XX with:
14 - Empty Bottle
15 - Red Potion
16 - Green Potion
17 - Blue Potion
18 - Bottled Fairy
19 - Fish
1A - Lon Lon Milk
1B - Letter
1C - Blue Fire
1D - Bug
1E - Big Poe
1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half)
20 - Poe

8011A81A 00xxItem Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
2D - Pocket Egg
2E - Pocket Cucco
2F - Cojiro
30 - Odd Mushroom
31 - Odd Potion
32 - Poacher's Saw
33 - Goron's Sword (Broken)
34 - Prescription
35 - Eyeball Frog
36 - Eye Drops
37 - Claim Check

8011A81B 00ZZItem Modifier 2
Replace ZZ with:
21 - Weird Egg
22 - Chicken
23 - Zelda's Letter
24 - Keaton Mask
25 - Skull Mask
26 - Spooky Mask
27 - Bunny Hood
28 - Goron Mask
29 - Zora Mask
2A - Gerudo Mask
2B - Mask of Truth

8011A832 00zzEquipment Modifier 1
Replace zz with:
02 - Silver Scale
04 - Golden Scale
06 - Giant's Knife (Broken)
40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

8011A833 00XXEquipment Modifier 2
Replace XX with:
08 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
20 - Goron's Bracelet
28 - Silver Gauntlets
30 - Silver Scale

8011A800 00ZZEquipped Stuff Modifier
Replace ZZ with:
11 - Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
12 - Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
13 - Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
21 - Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
22 - Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
23 - Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
31 - Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
32 - Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
33 - Zora Tunic & Hover Boots

8111A79C XXXXTime of Day Modifier
Replace XXX with:
4000 - At Sunrise
5800 - Daylight Out
7000 - Very Bright Out
C000 - At Sunset
D0000 - Fairly Dark

8011A804 0000Have Deku Stick

8011A81C 0009Infinite Deku Sticks

8011A805 0001Have Deku Nut

8011A81D 0009Infinite Deku Nuts

8011A806 0002Have Bombs

8011A81E 0009Infinite Bombs

8011A807 0003Have Fairy Bow

8011A81F 0009Infinite Arrows

8011A80A 0006Have Fairy Slingshot

8011A822 0009Infinite Slingshot Ammo

8011A80C 0009Have Bombchu

8011A824 0009Infinite Bombchu's

8011A808 0004Have Fire Arrow (MP2)

8011A80E 000CHave Ice Arrow (MP2)

8011A814 0012Have Light Arrow (MP4)

D01C8675 0020L Button For Moon Jump
811DAC50 40CB

D01C8675 0030Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons
811DB472 000D

8011A859 0009Infinite Small Keys

8011A838 0007Have Big Key, Compass, & Map

8011A80B 0008Have Ocarina of Time

8011A809 0005Have Din's Fire (MP6)

8011A80F 000DHave Fairie's Wind (MP6)

8011A815 0013Have Nayru's Love (MP12)

D011A7C9 0008Infinite Magic
8011A7CA 0001
8011A7CC 0001
8011A7C3 0060

8111A7C0 0140Infinite Energy

8111A7BE 0140Max Heart

8011A861 00FFSkulltulas Killed

8111A82C 7777All Equipment

8111A834 30FFAll Quest/Status Items
8111A836 FFFF
try these for 1.0
Black/hover- 8011A640 0034
White/hover 8011A640 0035
Yellow/hover- 8011A640 0036
try these for 1.1
black/hover- 8011A800 0034
white/hover- 8011A800 0035
yellow/hover- 8011A800 0036
or these for 1.2
black/hover- 8011ACF0 0034
white/hover- 8011ACF0 0035
yellow/hover- 8011ACF0 0036
try these for 1.0
Black/iron- 8011A640 0024
White/iron 8011A640 0025
Yellow/iron- 8011A640 0026
try these for 1.1
black/iron- 8011A800 0024
white/iron- 8011A800 0025
yellow/iron- 8011A800 0026
or these for 1.2
black/iron- 8011ACF0 0024
white/iron- 8011ACF0 0025
yellow/iron- 8011ACF0 0026
put this in:8002C999 0001 and moon jump, then start a new game and use the crooked cartridge or beat Deku Tree and go to the temple of time... u will fall at one point near the door of time and the nu jump to the other side of the wall, u can now pick up the sword without any Stones...


GS Button? - The GS Button is a small button located near the bottom right of the GameShark. The GS button is used for certain codes when RAM is injected to the cheat at one time. For a picture of the GS Button, click here.

Two Versions of a Game? - Apparently, Nintendo released TWO versions of some games, probably to fix minor glitches. Because of this, there are seperate codes for the seperate versions of the game. In other words.. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter V1.0 is the original game, but Turok: Dinosuar Hunter V1.1 is the fixed version. If you are not sure what version your game is, just try both codes given until it works!

Requires Zelda Keycode


Master Bryan's Activator 1 P1

D01C84B4 00??


Master Bryan's Activator 2 P1

D01C84B5 00??


Infinite Energy

8111A600 0140


Max Heart

8111A5FE 0140


Max Skulltulas Killed

8111A6A0 03E7


All Equipment

8111A66C 7777


All Quest/Status Items

8111A674 30FF
8111A676 FFFF


L Button For Moon Jump [Note 1]

D01C84B5 0020
811DAA90 40CB


Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons

D01C84B5 0030
811DB2B2 000D


Infinite Small Keys

8011A699 0009


Have Big Key, Compass, & Map

8011A678 0007


Have Ocarina of Time

8011A64B 0008


Have Din's Fire (MP6)

8011A649 0005


Have Fairie's Wind (MP6)

8011A64F 000D


Have Nayru's Love (MP12)

8011A655 0013


Infinite Magic

D011A609 0008
8011A60A 0001
8011A60C 0001
8011A603 0060

(14 codes total)

You Need a 2.2 or Higher Shark to Use These Codes

Codes Made & Tested on 2.2 Version Game Shark

Note 1: With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.

Requires Zelda Keycode


Master Bryan's Activator 1 P1

D01C8674 00??


Master Bryan's Activator 2 P1

D01C8675 00??


Infinite Energy

8111A7C0 0140


Max Heart

8111A7BE 0140


Skulltulas Killed

8111A860 03E7


All Equipment

8111A82C 7777


All Quest/Status Items

8111A834 30FF
8111A836 FFFF


L Button For Moon Jump [Note 1]

D01C8675 0020
811DAC50 40CB


Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons

D01C8675 0030
811DB472 000D


Infinite Small Keys

8011A859 0009


Have Big Key, Compass, & Map

8011A838 0007


Have Ocarina of Time

8011A80B 0008


Have Din's Fire (MP6)

8011A809 0005


Have Fairie's Wind (MP6)

8011A80F 000D


Have Nayru's Love (MP12)

8011A815 0013


Infinite Magic

D011A7C9 0008
8011A7CA 0001
8011A7CC 0001
8011A7C3 0060

(14 codes total)

Note 1: With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.
