Zelda Unseen

Yes, you probably have seen some Zelda 64 images before and wondered - Why didn't I see that in the game? Well it's probably becuase it was removed. A couple of the main offenders was the Great Blue fairy, shown in loads of magazines and even on the actual Zelda 64 advert. But where was she in the game? No where! And lets not forgot the Unicorn fountain. Many magazine published storys on this - saying it was a puzzle. But again, Nintendo removed it from the game.

Here are over 50 pictures of unseen Zelda gameplay. If your angry that Nintendo took some of these things out of the game, let us know. Why don't you send e-mails to Nintendo demanding they tell the world why some of the things were removed as well?

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This picture shows Link entering a huge room. Where is this room though? It must have been removed from the game.

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A very early version of the village. Can you see the temple of time right at the end? I wonder why Nintendo changed this 3D village into a pre-rendered "Stuck on rails" village in the finished game. The village looks pretty basic, but I'm sure they could have made it better.

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Link meets a young woman in this early version of Hyrule Village. Theres an arch behind him, this either leading to the castle of hyrule field.

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This is a scene from a Temple which was either from the Forest temple or a Temple that was actually removed from the game. "Temple Removed"? Why!

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Yet another scene from this removed dungeon or early version of the Forest temple.

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This picture is clearly of the Desert. It looks pretty basic, but looks like a large area and fun to look around.

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What's wrong with this? Take a closer look. Link is standing infront of a guard without being spotted! My guess is that doing the "Sneak around the guards" was added quite near to finishing developing the game.

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This is a scene from the desert, but it looks different to the one we have a few spaces above.

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This room was in all the magazines and I was quite looking forward to having a look in there myself! This room told people that some scenes were "Fixed" like in the Resident Evil games. It looks like Link is using his Sword here.

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Not sure if this is still in the game or not. But anyway, look where the Navi button is - the Master Sword is there! And can you see underneath it? Theres another sword!

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Actually this looks pretty cool. This is the Graveyeard and we see a great (but not very detailed) scene. There's a ghost hovering about and loads of gravestones are there.

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Another very early scene of Hyrule Village.

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This is a very early picture of Link fighting against a boss. Can you see that only the A & B buttons could be used to fight with? Thankfully they used C buttons as well.

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Another early scene. I'm guessing this is somewhere on Death Mountain.

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This picture is of Link in the Lost woods. This Lost woods is fully 3D. Something I probably would have liked better than whats currently in the game. Anyway, Link is fighting another Ghost here, which was one monster removed from the game.

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Link in Hyrule Village. Very early version.

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Another very early dungeon. It could be Dodongos Cavern, although it's always possible it's one of the removed temples from the game. Shame, cos it looks excellent.

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Why did they removed this!?! This looks wicked! As Link walks through a corridor, a huge transparent hand reaches out of the wall to grab him! Maybe this had to be removed from the game for technical reasons, but I can tell you know this enermy would have been great.

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Wow. Link is down at Lake Hylia. In the far background, you can see a Jetee. Link is talking to a young girl outside a house (which could have been changed into Lakeside Lab). I wonder who this girl could have been?

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Another weird scene removed from the game. It was in a very early version of the game, so it's probably from one of the removed dungeons.

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A cave type of thing, which must have also been removed from the game.

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Another scene removed from the game.

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Link being followed by a Ghost in The Lost woods. Looks cool, but removed from the game....

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This picture got a lot of peoples hopes up. Why? Look RED blood! Whether or not Nintendo had planned to have blood in the game is anyones guess, but this shows there once was blood!

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This scene looks pretty fun! I haven't a clue where it could have been in the game, but these little monsters are from previous Zelda games. Sorry Guys, Miyamoto didn't need ya anymore for Z64!

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A top down scene of a removed room from the game. I wonder where it came from.

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This picture is actually within the last 8 months of Zelda's development. But it still shows a jette going into the Lake! Why was this removed?

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A big path on Hyrule field. No idea why it was removed.

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Big creature! This was taken from a very early version of the game. I would say this monster was King dodongo, maybe before he got updated. But this would still have been a little way into development, so maybe it's from a removed dungeon perhaps.

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A little picture of Link on a far stretched piece of land. There is no where like this.

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The much talked about Unicorn Fountain. This looks excellent, so why was it removed?? Nintendo are evil for doing this to us!

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The Tri-Force! No it was removed from the game:( This is from a very, very early version of the game.

Maybe Link got the Tri-Force very early on in the game, only to have a stolen by Ganon pretty soon afterwards.

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A pretty near finished version of the game this is. However, can you see there is another horse on Hyrule field? It's a white horse, and it doesn't seem to have a rider. But why oh why did Nintendo have to removed this from the game?

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An early version of the game again, it shows the Forest Medallion equiped on one of the C buttons! What power could this of been used as?

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Another screenshot of the early version of the Lost Woods. In complete 3D.

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Some weird place that must have been removed from the game.

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Who is this young lady? We never see her in the game. My guess is that she is one of the Kokiri who is sitting on top of the house.

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Notice anything? This is Hyrule market. But whats that house doing there instead of the Mask Shop? It seems that Nintendo changed it within the last year of developement. And also, there is hardly anyone walking about in this market.

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These are a few screenshots of what Looks like Zora's Domain. You can see torches in there like Zora's domain as well. However, the rest of the place looks different.

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This must be Zora's domain, but it does look different. What's that spiral thing in the middle?

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Again, Link runs about in water at an early version of Zora's domain. Or is it? Maybe it was a new place which has been removed.

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Here is Link holding a Deku Stick (Not a fishing rod as I recently said - I looked in a magazine which said it was a fishing rod, so I must have gotten the idea from there)

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This must have been taken out of the game within 3 months or less of completion. Why? Becuase it already has got some English translations done (look at the Jump button).

Anyway, this screenshot is of the removed Beam attack. Like previous Zelda games, Link can shot a beam of energy from his sword. Apparently, it was removed becuase it wouldn't work very well in some parts of the game.


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I'm sure Nintendo could have gotten this Beam attack to work properly. Hmmm

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The Beam attack again. Also, doesn't the Ocarina seem to look Gold?

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Another much talked about scene of the game. The Great fairy. Notice she is completly blue? And notice that English translation of the game had already began (the word Navi). Why did Nintendo take this away from us!! Maybe she gives Link the Beam attack, which also was removed, so maybe there was no use for her now.

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Nothing to spectacular. This is a very early version of the game. There are some weird creatures here, which have been updated a bit. They are in the desert.